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Name:Saclao,Louis Gabriel G.




A.)Positive Impacts:

A.Medical Advancements

-GNR technologies have the potential to cure genetic diseases through gene editing and therapy.

B.Environmental Solutions

-Nanotechnology can be employed for environmental cleanup and pollution reduction.

C.Technological Innovation

-Nanotechnology can lead to industries to improv efficiency and productivity.

B.)Negative Impacts:

A.Ethical Concerns

-Genetic engineering raises ethical questions about "designer babies" and the potential for creating genetic

B.Safety Risks

C.Privacy Issues

-The widespread use of AI in surveillance systems raises privacy concerns and the potential for abuse.

C.)Moral or ethical issues and safety concerns

A.Human Genetic Enhancement

B.Autonomous Weapons

c.AI Decision-Making

2.Joy's concerns are motivated by the unique and potentially uncontrollable aspects of GNR technology, especially
as they converge.He called for caution, ethical considerations and thoughtful approaches to ensure that the
development and deployment of these powerful technologies is consistent with human values ​and security.His
essay has sparked important discussions about the ethical implications of emerging technologies and the need for
responsible innovation.

3.Loss of Personal Connection,Diminished Decision-Making Skills,Ethical Concerns and Bias,Ethical

4.For me its highly unlikely that the future dont need us because having AI completely take control seems highly
fictional and just happens in movies.

5.Establish global ethical regulations to guide responsible practices in the development and deployment of GNR
technology. At the same time, promote community awareness and engagement to ensure informed decision
making and inclusion in ethical discussions.Encourage international cooperation to establish common ethical
standards, promoting a united front against potential abuses.Prioritize transparency in research and development,
coupled with accountability mechanisms to prevent unethical practices.Support interdisciplinary research that
engages ethicists and diverse stakeholders to comprehensively address societal impacts.Implement strong security
measures, continuous monitoring, and comprehensive decision-making processes.Invest in education and training
to equip individuals with the skills needed to engage in technology ethically.Nurture a culture of responsible
innovation by integrating ethical considerations into the design process.Finally, ensure continuous assessment and
adjustment of regulations to address emerging ethical challenges in the dynamic landscape of GNR technology.

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