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Session 2024-25
Worksheet : 1 Subject: Critical Thinking
Name: Class/Sec.: III Date:
Q1. Select the correct option?

a) 50+34=40+34 b) 990+10=10 tens

c) 300+30=200+30 d) 500+45=554

Q2. Choose the adjectives in the following sentences from the given options.

i) The colourful balloon was tied to the railing.

a) Balloon b) colourful c) railing d) tied

ii) The suitcase had a majestic lock.

a) suitcase b) majestic c) lock d) none of these

Q 3: What number should be added to 985 to get the smallest four-digit number?

a)1 b) 10 c) 9 d) 15

Q4. Find the value of P, Q and R?

80 + P = 97 + 8 = Q + 10 = R

a) 11,110,120 b) 10,106,116 c) 17,105,115 d) 10,107,117

Q5. Choose the correct plural form of the given word.


a) Echoss b) Echoe c) Echoess d) Echoes

a) Roof b) Roves c) Roofes d) Roofs
Q6. I am more than 100+100 but less than 200+5.Who am I?

a) 104 b) 204 c) 205 d) 200

Q7. Find the number of fruits to the right of the fruit called the ‘King of Fruits’.

a) 9 b) 5 c) 1 d) 4

Q9. Choose the correct number.

Six thousand and four hundred is the same as ______________ .

a) 6000 b) 6040 c) 6400 d) 60400

Q10. Find the next number in the given series.

2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, ______

a) 60 b) 64 c) 72 d) 70

Q11. Choose the correct option.

Mohit was absent _______ the office last Friday.

a) in b) on c) at d) from

Q12. Which of the following words cannot be formed using the letters of the given



Q13. Choose the word which means the same as the underlined word.

She feels nervous when she gives presentations.

a) worried b) excited c) bold d) confident

Q14. There are 150 people watching a movie in a theatre. The Theatre has 280
seats in all. How many seats are vacant?

a) 100 b) 130 c) 430 d) 150

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