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Cross tabulation (Bi variate) & Complex cross tabulation (more than two variable)
2. Pictorial representation of cross tabulation (Clustered bar chart)
3. Checking assumptions (expected frequency of the cross tabulation cell should be
greater than 5)
4. Applying chi square and interpretation
5. Substitute: Fisher’s test

Objective of the study: To check whether there is any

associations between professions of a traveler and the airline
used by them.

Null Hyposthesis: Ho; there is no association b/w the

professions of a traveler and the airlines used by them.

Alternate Hypothesis: H1: there is association b/w the

professions of a traveler and the airlines used by them.

Test: Cross tab and Chi Square

Step 1 : Generate cross tab, analyse descriptive statistics

and analyse

Profession of traveler * Airlines used Crosstabulation

Airlines used
Air India Spice Jet Indigo Total
Profession of Goverment 35 45 38 118
traveler Coprorate 26 21 13 60
Student 27 20 33 80
Total 88 86 84 258

Expected frequency is greater than 5

Profession of traveler * Airlines used Crosstabulation

Airlines used
Air India Jet Indigo Total
Profession of Goverme Count 35 45 38 118
traveler nt Expected 40.2 39.3 38.4 118.0
Coprorate Count 26 21 13 60
Expected 20.5 20.0 19.5 60.0
Student Count 27 20 33 80
Expected 27.3 26.7 26.0 80.0
Total Count 88 86 84 258
Expected 88.0 86.0 84.0 258.0

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.764a 4 .067
Likelihood Ratio 8.948 4 .062
Linear-by-Linear .045 1 .832
N of Valid Cases 258
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 19.53.

Significance value is greater than 0.05 hence we assume that

null hypothesis is true

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