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SL: Secret way to attract your dream client with content.

Preview text: 10x scale your biz

The other day, one of my clients asked me a question which I've been getting throughout the

I've categorised it in the FAQ section of my notebook.

She asked, 'Hey Serana, which types of content should I be creating for my business?’

*(Name)*,trust me, it's not about posting motivational content, inspirational content, or trying
to go viral. It's nowhere near that.

I'll tell you. But first, you should know this,

Most online businesses aren't creating compelling content that tailors their ideal clients'
market research, so they end up attracting randoms who aren't their target audience.

This is nowhere landing getting dream clients or a way to stand out in the marketing world.

So since you want your content and messaging to attract your ideal clients, generate
high-quality leads, drive organic traffic to your sales funnel and attract dream clients as
well as getting leads reaching out to your phone NON-STOP so you don't have to worry
about inconsistent client flow,

Click here to guarantee you- your dream client.

This is a game-changer and a roadmap to help you scale to your next revenue target and
help you stand out in a competitive marketing world.
SL: How Sara scaled to 23k a month in less than 8 weeks

Preview text: it keeps getting better

Good morning, IT'S A HAPPY DAY !

Hey hey *(Name)*,

I just woke up to a notification inside our Facebook community from a client of mine who hit
10k/m from nowhere in less than a month and is now scaling to 23k/m to show us her new

Before Sara met me, in her own words- “I want to give up on my business because it's
affecting my personal life, since it keeps me overwhelmed day to day”.

All those cold DMs were coming up with no desired results and as time went on, she felt
hopeless and stagnant in her business growth journey.

She had a low client base with inconsistent income and not to talk about scaling to the
next income target, lol.

To be honest, Sara was having a hard time attracting high-quality leads who were ready to
come to her DMs to buy since her offers weren't irresistible to close sales, as well as she felt
overwhelmed in creating compelling messages through content for her ideal clients to take

Fast forward, after a few actionable steps on effective content marketing strategies, in less
than a month she hit 10k/m and she's now at 23k/m…..

She now has a stream of attracted dream clients and irresistible offers her clients can't
say NO to.

And through her content, her leads see her as someone who can provide value so cold
DMs aren't a thing for her anymore.

Your next income target awaits you!-click here to scale and transform your business like
Sara did!

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