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Universidad Del Atlántico.

Facultad de ciencias económicas.

Administración de empresas.
Bianca Hernandez Buchard.
My Daily Routine.
The first thing I do is wake up at 5 in the morning or
4:30, to prepare food for my food delivery business,
after that I wake up my son, give him breakfast and get
him ready to go to school, Then I eat breakfast,
sometimes I review the classes of university subjects, I
usually watch series before going to university, usually
on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays in the
morning I do my exercise routine. After doing all this, I
take a bath, change my clothes to go to university. He
frequently took the transmetro to go to university.
When it arrived I watch the classes, I do research on
what I didn't understand, I talk with friends and have
lunch, after a few hours, I get home to take care of my
son and sometimes I go out for a run in the nearest park.
Then I do some homework that Keep in mind, I have
dinner, I put my son to bed and I go to sleep.

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