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11 12 13 14 15

1: Talk to Jessica.

2: Take Jessica to the Reverend Mother and go through her test, make sure to tell her to stop when
you’re inside the box.

3. After learning the voice from Jessica use it on the Reverend Mother.

4. After unlocking 3, use the voice again on Reverend mother.

5. Click the red button on Sabibah’s suit a few times.

6. Unlocks immediately after unlocking 5.

7. Use the voice on Sabibah.

8. Appears in a vision.

9-13 are shower scenes, they are unlocked by spying on the showers by clicking on the icon above
the door on the left side of the communications room when it’s red. The shower scenes change
every time you enter the communications room, but only include the people that are in the palace.

9, 10: Can be unlocked immediately.

11: Can only be unlocked after you find out Dr. Yueh is the traitor.

12: requires you to have met Chani and Harah and moved them to the palace.

13. Can only be unlocked after you end the game.

14: After you get your first vision talk to Dr. Yueh and get her to examine you.

15: Find out that Dr. Yueh is the traitor, show everyone the dart and the medical files in the throne
room, and ask them about the crime. Jessica wakes up after you’ve talked to some people, also
show her the items and ask what happened. After you’ve talked to everyone, show Dr. Yueh the
medical files.
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1: After you find Jessica on the floor choose to masturbate to her.

2-5: When talking to the smuggler choose the “Services” option, new services will appear after you
use them.

6: When talking to Irulan in the communications room, she will ask you to send her spice, choose not
to send her spice immediately.

7. Bring Harah to Dr. Yeuh.

8. Follows after 7.

9, 10: Choose Harah to be your concubine.

11, 12: Tell the Harkonnen captain you don’t want to die a virgin.

13: After you abandon Duncan go back to the communications room.

14: Unlocks after you talk to Chani in a place with a lot of spice (place on the map with lots of rock-
like things).

15: Show Khaira the sandworm.

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1-3: Use the voice on Khaira.

4: After the Harakonnen attack tell Jessica to swim.

5. Make Chani your concubine.

6. Drink the water of life.

7, 9: Use the voice on Anbarin.

8: Give Anbarin the knife you found in Tuek.

10, 11: Use the voice on Zakiya.

12: Give Zakiya the flower you found in the dessert.

13, 14: Only one can be unlocked at a time. Leave the girl you chose as concubine in the palace when
the Harakonnen attack takes place. After you escape (without the girl), get a ghola of the
Harakonnen captain and infiltrate the palace. Ask the guards about the captured girl.

15: Use the voice on Jessica. After the ending you can choose her hair style, this also changes her
hairstyle in scene 15.
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1: Bring a ghola of either Duncan or Leto to Jessica.

2, 3: Use the voice on Jessica.

4: Keep using the voice on Jessica until scene cutscene.

5. One of the possible endings.

6. Talk to Irulan after you retake the palace.

7. Use the Voice on Irulan.

8. Give your sister the lollipops you found in the prison room.

9. Fail the test of the Reverend Mother at the beginning of the game.

10, 11: talk to the Guild Navigator.

12: Say you want to marry Jessica when choosing the ending.

13: Look at Duncan’s camera in the communications room.

14: Marry Irulan.

15: Use a ghola of Leto to retake the palace.

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1: Leave Vladimir Harkonnen alive at the end.

2: Don’t become emperor.

3. Shower scene after you choose an ending.

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