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Think about your ideal customer

Avatar Name? Joy Age?

20 - 60 Married? Children?

Ikeja,Lagos University of Lagos

Lives where? School Attended?

Job Title? Bank Manager Profession? Banker

Income? 120,000 Political? PDP,LP

Religious? Hobbies? Learning new things,Hair shopping

Gender? Female Level of Education? Graduate

For Business to Business customers

Industry? Number of Employees?

Annual Revenue? Years in Business?

Located at? Sells to?

Go deeper. Think about a typical day in the life of your ideal customer prospect.

Favorite brands? Lydia Hairbar, Hairporium ,Lenora hair

Favorite Websites (website they visit frequently)?, Naija hair factory

Source for breaking news? Independent, Jumia

Source for industry or business news?

Business Mender, Nigeria business people

Uses Twitter? Yes Facebook? Yes LinkedIn? Yes Instagram? Yes (Yes/ No)
Who are the authority figures, thought leaders, or big brands they like or follow?
Bo_hairs, Arome Osayi, Peter Obi

What books/magazines does your ideal customer read? Hair magazine

What events do they attend? Marriage ceremonies,Birthday glam
Where does he/she visit a lot? Hair salons,shopping mall
What music does your ideal customer listen to? Nigeria jams
What movie does your ideal customer watch? Missing,Operation fortunes
( Type in the boxes and save )

Dig even deeper to define your ideal customer’s problems,

hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

List problems your ideal customer is having that makes them an ideal customer for your business.
Getting a good and quality hair with the value of their money.

What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to your ideal customer if their problem isn’t
eventually solved? Getting scammed of the right hair and giving them a lower of value of what
they actually paid for.

How would this make your customer feel?

Disappointed,angry and pained.

How might their boss react (for business to business)?

What would their friends think?

The hair brand is a scammer and does what I ordered vs what I got.

What could happen to their career or personal lifestyle?

They would have a double mind about online hair vendors

What could be the financial consequences?

They will loose their money

What could be the professional consequences?

Not looking comfortable as expected for her job duties

What could be the personal consequences?

Not ever buying from an online vendor ever again

What is your customer afraid of?

Getting the wrong hair and what I ordered vs what I got

What is the best thing that could possibly happen to your ideal customer if their problem is solved?
Getting the right hair with quality and value of her money
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What would their “perfect solution” look like?

Giving her the value of her money

What is it that they really want, more than anything else?

Getting the right hair that she ordered for along side a gift and fast delivery

What would they be willing to pay almost anything for?

Quality hair

What is his greatest hesitation in buying your products or services?

Getting the wrong hair

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