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College: Arts and Sciences

Campus : Bambang

NAME: Balawa, Lito Jr. D. SCORE:


Learning Activities II:

Activity 2. Debit Card Challenge (Savings Bank Account)

Direction: If you were given a debit card with one million pesos in it. What are you going to do
with it? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you can.

1. Invest in stocks or mutual funds.

2. Purchase real estate.

3. Start or invest in a business.

4. Donate to charity.

5. Save for emergencies.

6. Travel.

7. Upgrade vehicle.

8. Enroll in education.

9. Renovate home.

10. Enjoy experiences.

11. Invest in cryptocurrency.

12. Buy appliances/electronics.

13. Save for education/weddings.

14. Pay off debts.

15. Cover healthcare/insurance.

16. Support local artists/entrepreneurs.

17. Invest in renewable energy.

18. Create passive income.

19. Start a hobby/collection.

20. Emergency fund.

1. Which among in your list do you like the most? Why?

Among the list, I think I would most enjoy traveling and exploring new destinations. It offers the
opportunity for personal growth, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences. Exploring
different parts of the world allows for learning about diverse cultures, cuisines, and landscapes,
which I find incredibly enriching and fulfilling.

2. What do you think these things (list) tell you about yourself?

This diverse list reflects my interests, priorities, and values. It underscores my commitment to financial
stability and growth through investments and savings, alongside a passion for adventure, personal
development, and supporting social causes and local businesses. Overall, it reflects a balanced approach
to life, blending financial responsibility with a pursuit of meaningful experiences and societal

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