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6/16/22, 12:43 PM Ancient bacterial DNA hints Europe’s Black Death started in Asia | Science News



Ancient bacterial DNA hints Europe’s Black Death started in Central

Archaeological and genetic data from a 1330s graveyard point to the bubonic plague’s origin

Citizens of Tournai, Belgium, are illustrated here burying victims of the Black Death. A bacterial precursor of strains that
caused the medieval plague emerged in Central Asia during the early 1300s, a new study finds.

By Bruce Bower

Although best known as a plague that killed millions of Europeans from 1346 to
1353, the Black Death originated about a decade earlier in Central Asia, a new study

A strain of the plague-causing Yersinia pestis bacterium that killed people in what’s
now Kyrgyzstan in 1338 and 1339 was a common ancestor of four Y. pestis strains
previously linked to the deadly European outbreak, say archaeogeneticist Maria
Spyrou of Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen in Germany and colleagues. 1/4
6/16/22, 12:43 PM Ancient bacterial DNA hints Europe’s Black Death started in Asia | Science News

Spyrou’s group identified Y. pestis DNA in teeth of three individuals from an ancient
Central Asian cemetery where tombstone inscriptions say that they, as well as
many others buried there, died in 1338 and 1339 from an unspecified “pestilence.”
Comparisons of that genetic material to modern and historic samples of Y. pestis
DNA indicate that the Central Asian folks perished from an initial version of the
plague bacterium that would wreak havoc on Europe, the Middle East and northern
Africa until the early 1800s, the scientists report June 15 in Nature.

“The source location and time when this plague emerged was most likely in Central
Asia in the first half of the 14th century,” Spyrou said in a June 14 news briefing.

Origins of the Black Death, or bubonic plague, have long been debated. What’s
certain is that Y. pestis gets transmitted to humans by fleas that live on rodents.
One current proposal holds that the plague bacterium originated in East Asia and
was carried across the continent starting in the 1200s as the Mongol Empire
expanded. That scenario leaned on genetic evidence from European Black Death
victims and written accounts of an unidentified plague outbreak encountered by
Mongol invaders of Baghdad in the 1200s.

But the first archaeological and genetic clues to the Black Death’s place and time
of birth come from Central Asia, Spyrou says. Excavations at two cemeteries in
northern Kyrgyzstan almost 140 years ago revealed tombstones indicating that
many people buried there in 1338 and 1339 had died of an unknown epidemic. The
cemeteries were used from the mid-1200s to the mid-1300s, but tombstone
inscriptions indicated that deaths spiked in 1338 and 1339. Of 467 dated
tombstones, 118 mark deaths in those two years. 2/4
6/16/22, 12:43 PM Ancient bacterial DNA hints Europe’s Black Death started in Asia | Science News

Excavators of a cemetery in Kyrgyzstan, shown here during work that ran from 1885 to 1892, unearthed human skeletons
that have now provided genetic clues to the origins of Europe’s Black Death.

Spyrou’s group was able to reconstruct the entire Y. pestis genome for two of three
Central Asian individuals who died in 1338 or 1339 and whose teeth contained
remnants of bacterial DNA. Comparisons with the genetic instructions of 203
modern Y. pestis samples and 47 Y. pestis samples dating from the 14th to 19th
centuries pegged the Central Asian genomes as a single strain that was a direct
ancestor of Black Death strains.

The researchers also found that marmots and other rodents now living in the same
region of Central Asia carry forms of Y. pestis closely related to the ancient variant.
The Y. pestis variant that killed Central Asians in 1338 and 1339 may thus have
emerged locally, the investigators suggest.

Reasons for the rise of a particularly deadly form of Y. pestis in Central Asia during
the early 1300s remain unclear. The earliest known Y. pestis strain, which dates to
around 7,100 years ago in Eastern Europe, lacked a plague-inducing gene that
enables rapid transmission from fleas to humans (SN: 6/29/21). 3/4
6/16/22, 12:43 PM Ancient bacterial DNA hints Europe’s Black Death started in Asia | Science News

Spyrou’s group convincingly traces the origin of Y. pestis strains involved in

Europe’s Black Death to Central Asia, says evolutionary biologist Nils Stenseth of
the University of Oslo, who did not participate in the study. He regards the new
findings as consistent with a scenario in which periods of warm weather in Central
Asia triggered repeated plague outbreaks in Europe starting in the 1300s (SN:
2/23/15). Troops, travelers and merchants moving along trade routes from Asia
kept bringing the plague into Europe, Stenseth suspects.

While the newly identified Y. pestis strain appears to be an ancestor of later

European strains, clear-cut origins of the Black Death — and other pandemics,
including COVID-19 — are notoriously hard to pin down, says evolutionary
geneticist Hendrik Poinar of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.

For instance, it will be challenging to determine whether the ancient Y. pestis strain
from Central Asia existed even earlier across a broad swath of the continent, he
says. If so, then a precursor strain of the Black Death may have arisen prior to 1338
in an as-yet-undetermined part of Asia. Temptations to translate ancient DNA
findings into a story of the Black Death’s precise place and time of origin “need to
be tempered,” he says.

M. Spyrou et al. The source of the Black Death in fourteenth-century central Eurasia. Nature. Published June 15, 2022.

B. Bramanti et al. Assessing the origins of the European plagues following the Black Death: A synthesis of genomic, historical
and ecological information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Published August 31, 2021. doi:

M.H. Green. The four Black Deaths. The American Historical Review. Vol. 125, December 2020, p. 1601. doi:
10.1093/ahr/rhaa511. 4/4

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