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RAHAYU The Effect of Small Group Discussion Method

2023 on Student’s Reading Comprehension in SMA
Negeri 1 Bangkinang

This experimental research was conducted on students at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang.

This study aims to determine the effect of small group discussion techniques on
students' reading comprehension. The research methodology uses a quantitative
method with a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. The population in this
study amounted to 84 students from a total of three classes. The sample was obtained
using purposive sampling which resulted in two classes with a total of 27 and 28
students in each class. The two classes were then randomly assigned to the
experimental and control classes. This research was conducted by carrying out the
pretest and post-test procedures. The pre-test is given to see the students' basic ability
in reading before the application of the Small Group Discussion method is carried
out. Posttest will measure the effectiveness of applying the Small Group Discussion
method to students' reading achievement. Data was collected from 30 test items that
were tested on students before and after the application of the Small Group
Discussion method. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Based on the
results of the study, the average student scores in the Pretest were 48.73 and 75.43 in
the Posttest. Data analysis showed a significance (2-tailed) 0.665 <0.05, which means
that Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there is an influence on the use of small
group discussions on students' reading comprehension.

Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Small Group Discussion, Reading


Reading is an activity or cognitive process that seeks to find various

information that is in writing. According to (Devana & Agustina, 2019) reading is a

complex process and complicated. When we are reading, our eyes and minds will be

connected to each other. Our eyes will recognize the eyes, while the mind will
understand and connect the meaning of the word. These words' meanings are

connected to the meanings of phrases, clauses, and sentences, and ultimately to the

meaning of the whole passage. Since the eyes and mind must cooperate in order to

interpret information simultaneously while reading, reading is a complex activity and

process. Reading in English lessons is a receptive skill. Receptive skills are abilities

or expertise in absorbing language. Based on the Education Unit Level Curriculum

(KTSP), one of the objectives of learning English in junior high school is to develop

the ability to communicate in English in written and oral form. Communication skills

include writing, reading and listening. By using several types of text (genres) such as

narrative, interpersonal, descriptive, recount, transactional, discussion, etc.

In addition, reading is one of the skills that must be learned in English at

junior high school level. Based on the competency standards set by the government,

there are several types of texts that must be studied at junior high school level,

namely narrative texts, recount texts, procedural texts, descriptive texts, and others.

There are a lot of texts, recount text is a lesson taught in the second grade of junior

high school, this material is usually taught in the second semester. Giving his opinion

about recount text is a text that tells a number of events in the past in a certain time

series sequentially. Recount text is written with the aim of providing information and

entertaining the reader or providing information and entertaining the reader.

Reading comprehension is a sort of reading that seeks to comprehend reading.

Reading comprehension is the capacity to comprehend, interpret, and assess the

significance of the information read in order to gain knowledge and create new
knowledge. This reading comprehension includes various aspects such as the ability

to read, understand, interpret and reconstruct the meaning of what is read. Tarigan

also emphasized that reading comprehension must be improved through continuous

practice, intensive and comprehensive reading and reading comprehension. This

exercise can be done by reading various types of reading materials, ranging from

simple reading materials to complex reading materials, as well as using various

appropriate reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and intensive reading.

Sukma, D. (2015)

Reading comprehension skills are an important aspect of learning, because

they enable students to understand and interpret written texts effectively. Recount text

is a type of text commonly used in educational settings, which retells past events or

experiences. The ability to understand recount text is an important skill for students,

because it helps them to learn from other people's experiences and gain knowledge

and insight about various situations.

Kurniawan & Wahyuningsih (2018), explain the causal factors learning

difficulties can be classified into two groups, namely internal factors and external

factors In line with that According to Gunawan Tambunsaribu & Yusniaty

Galingging (2021) said that learning difficulties can be shared into two major groups,

namely learning difficulties related to development (developmental learning

disabilities) and academic learning disabilities.

One of the texts taught in eighth-grade junior high school is the recount text.

Recount text is writing that recounts a story through previous occurrences or present-

day actions, such as those that took place over the holidays or in our daily lives.

According to (Rosalinah et al., 2020), a recount text is a piece of writing that includes

narratives about individuals, events, or personal experiences that are delivered

chronologically or sequentially with the intention of entertaining or informing.

Typically, recount texts are used to describe prior experiences or incidents, be it

personal experiences or historical experiences of the author or other people. This text

is usually arranged chronologically, following the sequence of time or events from

beginning to end. In this sense, recount text can be used to entertain or provide

information to readers. In addition, narrative text can also provide new insights about

events or experiences that occurred, and can help readers better understand how these

events occurred.


In this research, quantitative research was conducted in the style of quasi-

experimental research. The impact of employing smallgroup discussions on students'

reading comprehension of recount texts was investigated by the researcher using an

experimental approach.

This research will be conducted at SMAN 1 Bangkinang. The population of

this research was the tenth grade at SMAN 1 Bangkinang for the 2022/2023 the

academic year. In this research total sampling technique was utilized to choose the
sample for this investigation. The control class (X3) , has 28 students, while the

experiment group (X1), has 27 students. There are 55 students in this research's


This research was conducted to know the differences in learning outcomes

due to the different treatment given to two classes, namely the experimental class (X)

and the control class (Y). The control group is a class that is not taught reading

comprehension skills using small group discussion. Classes taught using small group

discussion are indicated as experimental groups, both the experimental group and the

control group in this study were taken from different students or classes.

Instrument of the research refers to the tools or methods used by researchers

to collect data for their research study. A reading assessment is the research tool. The

Recount text is where the test is found. There are 30 multiple-choice questions on the

exam, with 45 minutes to answer it.


There were two classes used as the research sample in this study. Students

take tests from researchers. The pre-test, which is the test taken before receiving

treatment, and the post-test, which is the test taken after treatment, were the two types

of tests that the researcher given both before and after the treatment was given in the

class. After receiving of the class's pre- and post-test results, the researcher applied

the formula for student reading scores.

After collecting data, the researcher continued to analyze the data. The results
of this research were presented by showing the result of t-test table in comparing the

difference result of students’ reading ability in the pre-test and the post-test.

Table 1.
Comparison of the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the Experimental

Pretest Posttest
Class Interval Frekuens
s Frekuensi Mean Mean
Excellent 86-100 0 6
Very Good 76-85 0 8
Experiment Good 65-75 0 48.52 10 75.43

Fair 55-64 3 1
Poor <55 24 2
27 27

Based on table 1 and it can be seen that from the results of the experimental

class pretest scores obtained an average value of 48.52 in the “poor category”. The

highest score is in “fair category” with 3 students. The mean score of the students in

the post-test is 75.43 and is in the “good category”. The highest score is in “Excellent
category” with 6 students.

Table 2.
Comparison of the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the Control Class

Interval Pretest Posttest

Class Categories
Frekuensi Mean Frekuensi Mean
Excellent 86-100 0 0
Very Good 76-85 0 3
Control Good 65-75 0 43.93 5 63.10
Fair 55-64 1 16
Poor <55 27 4
28 28

Based on table 2. and it can be seen that from the results of the control class

pretest scores obtained an average value 43.93 in the “poor category”. The highest

score is in “fair category” with 1 students. The mean score of the students in the post-

test is 63.10 43 and is in the “fair category”. The highest score is in “Very Good

category” with 3 students.

Table 3.
The Results of the Post-test T Test for the Experimental Class and the Control

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Std. Confidence
Mean Error Interval of the
Sig. (2- Differe Differe Difference
F Sig. t Df tailed) nce nce Lower Upper
Post- Equal
Test variances .189 .665 53 .000 12.336 2.124 8.076 16.596
5.80 52.9
variances not .000 12.336 2.124 8.076 16.596
8 31

Based on table 3. it can be seen that the sig value (2-tailed) < 0.05, which is
0.665. Based on the research hypothesis, if the sig value (2-tailed) <0.05 then Ho is

rejected and Ha is accepted.

The result of students’ pre-test in experimental class showed that the highest

score was 60 , the lowest score was 33 , the mean score was 48.52. Therefore, after

conducting the pre-test, the researcher started to teach the students twice by using

small group discussion method as a treatment. The condition in the classroom when

the researcher gave the treatment, students were being enthusiastic in teaching and

learning process especially in respond to another students or teacher questions. After

conducting the treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test in Experimental

class, the highest score was 93, the lowest score was 63, the mean score was 75.43.

In conclusion, the result of students’ achievement from pre-test to post-test

showed that there was a significant difference between students’ reading skill from

the experimental class that received treatment and the control class that did not

receive treatment. Students in the experimental class got a better score in reading than

students’ from the control class. In addition, based on the result of the statistic

calculation indicated that the value of t-test = 0.665 > 0.05 and the value of df 53

with significance 5% is 2.00. The result showed that t-test > t-table (5.80 > 2.00). It

means that t-test was higher than t-table. Since t-test score in the table is higher than

t-test score obtain from the result of calculating, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. To be concluded there is any effect

of using small group discussion method in reading comprehension of recount text at

tenth grade of SMAN 1 Bangkinang.


Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that small group

discussion method has an impact on the learning outcomes of class X students at

SMAN 1 Bangkinang, according to the findings of the data analysis and discussion.

Comparatively to the control class, which did not get instruction in the small group

discussion method, there was an improvement in the experimental class's pupils'

reading comprehension abilities after utilizing the strategy. The results of the data

analysis show that pupils in the experimental class do better than those in the control



I want to thank God for his gracious and guidance so that the researcher can
finish this thesis. In addition, I would like thanks to my parents and my siblings who
has given me affection and support. Thankyou for my first advisor, Miss Putri
Asilestari, M.Pd and my second advisor Miss Dr. Citra Ayu, M.Pd, and thanks for
Miss Lusi Marleni, M.Pd and Miss Vitri Angraini guidance, correction, and
directions given.


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