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(An Experimental Resarch at Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1



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of English Language Education Study Program

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NIM. 1988203001



Thesis entitled:
(An Experimental Research at the tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Bangkinang)
Arranged by:
Name : Afrodhite Hanna Sudiro
NIM : 1988203001
Study Program : English Language and Education Study Program

Bangkinang July ,2023

Approved by:

Advisor I Advisor II

Putri Asilestari, M.Pd Lusi Marleni, M. Pd

NIP TT. 096 542 140 NIP TT. 096 542 115


Faculty of Teacher Training and English Language and Education

Education Study Program
Dean, Head,

Dr. Nurmalina, M.Pd Dr. Masrul, SS, M.Pd

NIP TT. 096 542 104 NIP TT. 096 542 081


Declared passed after being defended in front of the examiner team English
English Language and Education Study Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

A Thesis Title : The Effect of Using Instagram Towards Students’

Vocabulary Mastery

Name : Afrodhite Hanna Sudiro

NIM : 1988203001
Study Program : English Language and Education Study Program
Addmission Date :

Board of examiners

No Name Signature

1. Head : Putri Asilestari, M.Pd (..............................)

2. Secretary : Lusi Marleni, M.Pd (..............................)

3. Member I : Vitri Angraini H, M.Pd (..............................)

4. Member II : Dr. Citra Ayu, M.Pd (..............................)


I hereby declare that this thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Instagram Towards

Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in the SMAN 1 Bangkinang in the Academic Year

2022-2023” and all of its contents are truly my own work, and I do plagiarize or

quote in ways that are not in accordance with the scientific ethics prevailing in the

scientific community. Base on this statement, I am ready to bear the risk that is

imposed on me if in the future if it found that there is a violation of scientific

ethics in this work, or there are claims from other parties against my work.

Bangkinang, July 2023

The one who made the statement,

Afrodhite Hanna Sudiro


AFRODHIT Pengaruh Penggunaan Instagram terhadap Kemampuan

E HANNA Kosakata pada siswa SMAN 1 Bangkinang

Penelitian eksperimen ini dilaksanakan pada siswa di SMAN 1 Bangkinang.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Instagram
terhadap penguasan kosakata siswa. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan
metode kuantitatif dengan desain pre test dan post test kuasi-ekseprimental.
Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 84 siswa dari total tiga kelas. Sampel
diperoleh dengan metode purposive sampling yang menghasilkan dua kelas
dengan jumlah 26 siswa di tiap kelas. Kedua kelas tersebut kemudian ditempatkan
secara acak dalam kelas eksperimental dan kontrol. Penelitian ini dilakukan
dengan melaksanakan prosedur pemberian pretest dan postest. Pre-test diberikan
untuk melihat penguasaan kosakata dasar siswa sebelum menggunakan Instagram.
Posttest akan mengukur effektivitas penggunaan Instagram terhadap penguasaan
kosakata siswa. Data dikumpulkan dari 40 item tes yang di uji kepada siswa
sebelum dan sesudah penerapan pengunaan Instagram . Data analisis
menggunakan program SPSS 22.0 Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai siswa pada pre-test adalah 43.84 dan 82.59
pada post-test. Analisis data menunjukkan signifikansi (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05 itu
berarti Ha diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pada
penggunaan Instagram terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa.
Kata Kunci: Instagram, Penguasaan Kosakata.


AFRODHIT The Effect of Using Instagram Towards’ Students

E HANNA Vocabulary Mastery at SMAN 1 Bangkinang

This experimental research was conducted on students at SMAN 1 Bangkinang.

This study aims to determine the effect of using Instagram towards students’
vocabulary mastery. The research methodology uses a quantitative method with a
quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. The population in this study
amounted to 84 students from a total of three classes. The sample was obtained by
purposive sampling method which resulted in two classes with a total of 26
students in each class. The two classes were then placed randomly into the
experimental and control classes. This research was conducted by carrying out
pretest and posttest procedures. A pre-test is given to see students' basic
vocabulary mastery before using Instagram. The posttest will measure the
effectiveness of using Instagram on students' vocabulary mastery. Data was
collected from 40 test items that were tested on students before and after
implementing the use of Instagram. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0
program. Based on data analysis, the study showed that the average scores of
students in the pre-test were 43.84 and 82.59 in the post-test. Data analysis
showed a significance (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, which means that Ha is accepted. It
can be concluded that there is an influence on the use of Instagram on students'
vocabulary mastery.
Keyword: Instagram, Vocabulary Mastery


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praises to the Almighty Allah Subhana

Wa Ta’ala which have given me blessing and of grace to me, the researcher can

accomplish the research thesis. Sholawat and salam are always given to the

prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam. I realized the research thesis will

never get the success without any interference from other people. Therefore, I

would like to give my sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Amir Luthfi as The Rector of University of Pahlawan Tuanku

Tambusai on the opportunity for facilitating a good university.

2. Dr. Nurmalina, M.Pd as The Dean of Education Faculty University of

Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai.

3. Dr. Masrul, SS, M.Pd as a Head of English language and Education Study


4. Putri Asilesteri, M.Pd as the first advisor thanks for your advises, suggestion,

guided critics and correction in complementing this thesis.

5. Lusi Marleni, M.Pd as a second advisor for suggestion, advices, and guidance

as well as motivation and your patience during the writing of final thesis.

6. Vitri Angraini Hardi, M.Pd as the first examiner and lecturer lecturer thanks

for your advises, suggestion guided critics, and correction in accomplishing

this thesis

7. Dr. Citra Ayu, M.Pd as the second examiner and lecturer thanks for your

advises, suggestions, guided critics, and corrections in accomplishing this


8. The Lectures of English Language and Education Study Program of

University of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai.

9. The great thanks are also given to SMAN 1 Bangkinang who have agreed to

be my correspondents in this research.

10. A big thank you and appreciation is dedicated to my beloved parents, namely

Hud Sudiro and Nurhayati. My Brother’s and Sister (Ramadhite Sudiro,

Sahrul Siba Sudiro, and Syalhani Annur Sudiro) thank you for being a very

valuable home and always a place to go home every day thanks for all the

prayers, support, motivation given to the writer while the writer is living his

life, going through the educational process to have a bachelor's degree.

11. To my friends (Leni Sasmita, Rahayu, Rahmi S, Silvi Safira, Aridha, Aisah H,

Firmadini, Alfandy, and Fadli), thank you for your help and support.

Finally, I hope that this thesis will be useful for the readers. However, I

realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, any criticisms,

ideas, and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis are greatly


Bangkinang, July , 2023

The Researcher,

Afrodhite Hanna Sudiro



APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................i
APPROVAL EXAMINATION SHEET..............................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................x
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................xi
LIST OF APPENDICS........................................................................................xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background of the Research.........................................................................1
B. Formulation of the Research.........................................................................5
C. Purpose of the Research................................................................................5
D. Significance of the Research.........................................................................6
E. Definition of Key of Term............................................................................7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................8

A. Review of Related Theories..........................................................................8
1. Definition of Vocabulary......................................................................8
2. Vocabulary Mastery..............................................................................9
3. Learning Vocabulary..........................................................................11
4. Teaching Vocabulary..........................................................................14
5. The Kinds of Vocabulary....................................................................16
6. The Aspects of Vocabulary Mastery...................................................18
7. Learning Media in English as a Foreign Language............................21
8. Android Application Based Learning Media......................................26
9. Definition of Social Media..................................................................28
10. Instagram.............................................................................................30
11. Step in Using Instagram as Media......................................................33
B. Review of the Related Finding....................................................................35
C. Conceptual Framework..............................................................................36
D. Hypothesis...................................................................................................38

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH............................................39

A. Type of the Research...................................................................................39
B. The Time and Location of the Research.....................................................40
C. Population and Sample................................................................................41

D. Instrument of the Research.........................................................................42
E. The Technique of Collecting Data..............................................................44
F. Validity and Realibity of the Test...............................................................45
G. Technique of Analyzing Data.....................................................................46


A. Data Description.........................................................................................50
B. The Data Analysis and Result of Research.................................................58

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.......................................83

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................83
B. Suggestion...................................................................................................83


Tabel 3. 1 Time of the Research........................................................................41
Tabel 3. 2 The Total Population........................................................................42
Tabel 3. 3 Instrument of the Research...............................................................43
Tabel 3. 4 Students’ score category...................................................................44
Tabel 4. 1 Experimental Class Pretest Score Data and Control Class...............58
Tabel 4. 2 Experimental Class Posttest Score Data and Control Class.............59
Tabel 4. 3 The Categorization Pre-test Score Experimental Class....................61
Tabel 4. 4 The Categorization Post-test Score Experimental Class..................63
Tabel 4. 5 The Categorization Post-test Score Control Class............................65
Tabel 4. 6 The Categorization Post-test Score Control Class............................67
Tabel 4. 7 Normality Test Pre-test Experimental Class and Control Class.......69
Tabel 4. 8 Normality Test Post-test Experimental Class and Control Class.....70
Tabel 4. 9 The Result of Homogeneity Test......................................................71
Tabel 4. 10 The Results of the Pre-test T Test for the Experimental Class
and the Control Class........................................................................72
Tabel 4. 11 The Results of the Post-test T Test for the Experimental Class and
the Control Class...............................................................................74
Tabel 4. 12 The Result of Validity Pre-Test in Experimental Class....................75
Tabel 4. 13 The Result of Validity Post-Test in Experimental Class..................76
Tabel 4. 14 The Result of Validity Pre-test in Control Class..............................77
Tabel 4. 15 The Result of Validity Post-test in Control Class.............................77
Tabel 4. 16 The Result of Reliability of Pre-test in Experimental Class.............78
Tabel 4. 17 The Result of Reliability of Pre-test in Control Class......................79
Tabel 4. 18 The Result of Reliability of Post-test in Experimental Class...........79
Tabel 4. 18 The Result of Reliability of Post-test in Control Class.....................80

Figure 2. 1 Instagram Profile.................................................................................31
Figure 2. 2 Conceptual Framework........................................................................37
Figure 4. 1 The Students’ of Experimental Class Pre-test.....................................60
Figure 4. 2 The Categorization of Experimental Group’s Pre-test Score..............61
Figure 4. 3 The Students’ of Experimental Class Post-test....................................63
Figure 4. 4 The Categorization of Experimental Group’s Post-test Score.............64
Figure 4. 5 The Students’ of Control Class Post-test............................................65
Figure 4. 6 The Categorization of Control Group’s Pre-test Score.......................66
Figure 4. 7 The Students’ of Control Class Post-test.............................................67
Figure 4. 8 The Categorization of Control Group’s Pre-test Score.......................68

Appendix 1 : Test Vocabulary 1...........................................................................89
Appendix 2 : Vocabulary Test..............................................................................96
Appendix 3 :Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran..............................................103
Appendix 4 :Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran..............................................107
Appendix 5 : The Names of Students’ in Experimental Class............................110
Appendix 6 : The Names of Students’ in Experimental Class............................112
Appendix 7 : The validation of Test...................................................................113
Appendix 8 : Pre-Test Result..............................................................................114
Appendix 9 : Post-Test Result............................................................................115
Appendix 10 : Score Pretest and Posttest in Expermental Class........................116
Appendix 11 : Score Pretest and Posttest In Control Class................................117
Appendix 12 : Key Answer.................................................................................118
Appendix 13 : Question Grid..............................................................................120


A. Background of the Research

English is a global language that is very important to us, Ahmadi

(2018) said as a language, English, plays its essential role in global

communication. Society employed English to connect and build network

globally.When talking about language or language learning, students always

think of vocabulary development by learning the “words”. Vocabulary, in

addition to grammar and pronounciation, is one of language elements

considered necessary for language mastery. Bambang Y. Cahyono & Utami

Widiati (2018) states vocabulary is a basic skill that must be mastered in

learning and mastering English. Vocabulary relates to listening, speaking,

writing, reading, and other skills. The more vocabulary a student has, the

easier it wil be to master English skill in the future. On the other hand, if the

vocabulary is insufficient, it will hinder students’ mastery of English skills.

According to Assadi & Suryana (2020) states vocabulary is the basic

knowledge and very important for the leaners in their lives as well as that they

can communicate well. They learn the language without knowing the

vocabulary, communication will not provide an undesrtanding.

Vocabulary learning is an esential part in foreign language as the

meanings of new words are very often emphasized, whether in books or in

classroom. According to (Alqahtani, Mofareh 2015). As one of the language

components, learning the vocabulary is necessary because more words


students know, the better chance to understand. According to Judy Willis,

M.D (2020) The aim of masteing vocabulary is that students are able to

acquire language comprehension well. With enhanced vocabulary, students

grow in skills of verbal fluency, writing, and comprehension.

Scott Thornbury (2012) said acknowledging the importance of

vocabulary through language learning, Wilkins on Thrornbury stated that

without mastering grammar, there is only a small portion of language that can

be acquired, but without vocabulary, there is nothing we can convey. It means

that vocabulary is the basic of language and must be mastered first. The size of

vocabularies that the students need is about 2000 words. It means that after

several years of learning in English language, the students needed to master

about 2000 words to be able to communiate with people. Considering the

mportance of the role of vocabulary mastery.

In Indonesia, the Ministry of education and Culture has made many

efforts to make students familiar with English language, because Englishis

considered as the foreign language. English is officially taught in Junior high

school. Students must master four skils: listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Zulaikho (2022) states that speaking is the process of communication

or interaction with other people in order to communicate each other. Speaking

is one of the skills that must be learned by every student in order to be able to

communicate with other people around the world and support in all aspects of

life. The majority of indonesian are uncorcened about English. This is due to

fact the learning English is difficult. In the learning process most of the

students could not listen, speak, read and write well even with simple

sentences, the average class X SMAN 1 Bangkinang, totaling 84 students, did

not like English lessons. students have not been able to communicate because

of a lack of vocabulary that students have even in simple language or

sentences, students are reluctant to communicate because their vocabulary

mastery is very low.

Based on the scores obtained in class X of the four skills, it turned out

that the average score was low, namely 55, while the minimum learning

completeness at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang was 75. Most students were also

not actively involved in the learning process, only a few Only a small number

of students enjoy learning English, generally these are students who have a

good vocabulary and English skills so that they dominate learning activities.

Learning so far is still teacher-centered oriented, so that the

implementation of learning is still dominated by teachers and has not utilized

learning media to facilitate student understanding. students tend to be

disinterested and pay less attention to the teacher when the learning process

takes place. When the teacher asks questions, they answer carelessly and some

are silent. Things like this can happen because in the learning process the

teacher has not used learning media that makes students interested.

Vocabulary owned by students is very minimal, or they do not have enough

vocabulary so they find it difficult to answer what is asked by the teacher.

In this era of globalization, the growth of the technology is a fast as the

growth of social media. This is beneficial for people build social network and

to get in touch with others whenever and wherever they want to.Today’s

technology has developed rapidly, so the technology has become a necessary

invarious aspect. It means the technology can make it easier for our needs,

especially to offers the opportunity and to support the students in order to

improve the quality of language learning. Clark Megan (2017) said technology

can be used as an engaging, supplementary tool to foster vocabulary learning.

Nowadays, social media has become popular in all circles of society,

including students, they use social media to share information in the form of

text, audio, photo or video by using their smartphone that is easily carried

anywhere. Zhang (2013) said the popularity of social media can be used as a

tool to develop specific activities in the language learning process.

Furthermore, Kamer and Lightnerin (2007) that students must be equipped

with the modern facilities they normally use so they can be involved in the

learning process. Many social media applications allow students to contribute

their content to the class and to find additional learning resource. It means that

social media can be applied as a medium of learning.

It is understood as a set of internet-based applications that shape the

ideology of Web 2.0 technologies and permit users to generate, share, and

interchange information, ideas, images, and videos in virtual networking.

According to (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). WhatsApp, Telegram, Google

Form, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and Instagram are the examples of it.

Rokhamawati and Mastuti (2018) states Instagram can be used asa an

alternative medium especially to towards students’ vocabulary mastery.


Utilization of Instagram in the learning process can be an alternative,

especially in mastering English vocabulary. Mastery of vocabulary in learning

English is the main foundation that must be owned. Due to the large number

of vocabularies in English, an effective way is needed so that students can

master them effectively and precisely. Ferlazzo (2014) in (Santosa 2020)

stated if students learn English, Instagram can help them improve their

mastery of English. High school students who are still teenagers tend to like

things that are virtual, digital, and interesting. Simonson argues that online

learning through social media, in this case Instagram, is more suitable for

students because students can access 24 hours non-stop. Based on the

explanation above, the author teaching English vocabulary towards Instagram.

Learning throught Instagram are considered effective to increase students’

interest in learning English vocabulary because it is more interactive so that it

attracts students’ interest in learning.

B. Formulation of the Research

Based on the background, the problem formulation is as follow: “Is

there any effect on using Instagram towards students vocabulary mastery in

SMAN 1 Bangkinang?”.

C. Purpose of the Research

The study aims to determine the effect of using Instagram towards

students’ vocabulary mastery at SMAN 1 Bangkinang.


D. Significance of the Research

This research will useful:

1. For the teachers:

a. This research to give an alternative way to enrich their vocabulary

knowledge in the learning process.

b. This research is expected to be a reference for teachers for the

development of students at SMAN 1 Bangkinang regarding students'

vocabulary mastery so that teachers can make further decisions or

specific decisions to help students develop vocabulary mastery.

2. For the students:

a. To increase the motivation of the students and provide more attractive

learning environments, and it can also be used to develop theie skill in

English because it will give positive effect to students a lot of new

experiences to be a good English.

b. It is hoped that with this research students can see the development of

their English vocabulary mastery so that students know what to do in

the future.

3. For the researchers:

a. For the researchers, the result of this study are expected toexpand new

insight in conducting research about Instagram application in teaching

and learning vocabulary.

b. The result of this study are will acquire a new knowledge that can be

used to understand, solve, and anticipate problems.


E. Definition of Key of Term

1. Vocabulary

According to Kamil and Hiebert (Andriani & Sriwahyuningsih,

2019) vocabulary is knowledge of words or word meaning. According to

Webber In (Aziz and Sulicha 2016) vocabulary is a lexeme set that

includes single words, compound words, and idioms. Vocabulary is a

collection of words that are connected with a person or other people or

part of a particular language. A person's vocabulary is defined as the

collection of all words that a person can understand and use to form new


2. Instagram

In 2012 Instagram was introduced to the public as a social media.

According to (Agustin & Ayu, 2021:2) a Instagram (also called IG or

Insta) is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take

photos, take videos, apply digital filters and share them various social

media networking services, including Instagram’s own. Instagram has a

lot features to entice users. In addition to sharing videos and photos, users

can now stream live on their own account or join other Instagram account.

A. Review of Related Theories

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Teng (2021:1) states vocabulary is the foundation for learning a

language. English is one of the languages that should learn by each

student. The number of vocabularies owned by students affects students'

language skills. There are several language skills that students should

master, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of these

skills are highly dependent on students' vocabulary mastery. Where one

English word is written, read, and spoken differently in each formation

when learning English. Therefore, it is important to master English

vocabulary. This shows the skill of students to form sentences in learning.

Linse In (Indrayani 2022) stated that vocabulary is the collection of words

that an individual knows. The quantity of students that know a lot of

vocabulary proves how well they know the four language skills.

One of the most obvious parts of language is vocabulary, which is

why applied linguists first paid attention to it. To understand the meanings

of English words, one must also understand how the words in a sentence

fit together. Teachers must focus on helping students learn vocabulary

because words often have multiple meanings and represent complex

concepts. Teachers should teach students a lot of words before they


master the English vocabulary. This should continue until students know

all of the words they need on their own.

If students have mastered their vocabulary, they will be able to

communicate with everyone and comprehend all information from other

countries. They will also be able to speak and listen to English clearly

with native speakers, which will enable them to comprehend the English

words they read in magazines, books, and other publications. One of the

tools needed to communicate and receive information verbally and in

writing in English is vocabulary.

Based on definition described above the vocabulary development is

a crucial component of learning a language, especially a second or foreign

language. Not having a large vocabulary. The student won't be able to

communicate their thoughts. Also, vocabulary instruction should be given

to young pupils who are learning English first. The students' ability to

speak English fluently, listen, write, and read English are just a few

examples of how vocabulary is essential to helping them understand all of

the English-related material.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is one of the factors to master English as

foreign language. It means that the students have the ability in

understanding and using the word and meaning. The larger vocabulary the

students master, the better they perform their language. By having a


limited vocabulary, the students will find difficulties in mastering English


By mastering vocabulary, they can shape their English and think

that English as one of their subjects at school. According to John langan

(2013) that a good vocabulary, more than any other factors. Beside that, it

is hoped that they will have more vocabulary (because they are easier to

find new vocabularies) and will help them in studying English in the next

level of school (Senior High School) or in the University. So that they can

use their English in order to communicate to other people from other


Mastering English vocabulary to Indonesian students would not be

the same with mastering English to the students from another country.

Indonesian language does not belong to the family with English.

Indonesian language is different from English. This factor will influence

the difficulty of learning English to the most of Indonesian students.

The mastery of English vocabulary it self is closely related to the

ability of the learner in acquiring the vocabulary. According to (Henry

and Pongrantz 2006), points out that “mastering a language means being

able to comprehend the vocabulary and its phonological system both in

speech and in writing”. It means that learner who learns English as the

second language must comprehend the meaning of the words and is able

to apply them in sentences.


In learning English, vocabulary plays an importance role in the four

English language skills, vocabulary has an important role in language

skills. In listening ability, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to

comprehend what the other person speaks. In speaking and writing,

vocabulary gives ease for the learners to expand their ideas. In reading,

vocabulary gives easiness for the learners comprehend the text.

Vocabulary must not be neglected by anyone who learns a language.

From explanation above vocabulary mastery is one of the factors

for mastering English as a foreign language. Vocabulary has the ability to

understand and use words and meanings, form their English and consider

English as one of their subjects at school. Vocabulary makes it easy for

students to understand what the other person is saying, develop their

ideas, and understand the text. Vocabulary should not be neglected by

anyone learning a language.

3. Learning Vocabulary

Mastery of a language is very important, especially English

because this language is an international language, meaning someone who

has Good English skills can communicate more easily with the

international community. There are several factors in mastering a

language. Alqahtani (2015:21) said that one very important factor that

must be mastered by someone in learning a language is vocabulary.

According to (Alizadeh, 2016) Vocabulary is knowledge of words and


their meanings. Therefore, Linse (2005) emphasizes that good vocabulary

mastery influences a person master a language.

Learning is something of which all students have an understanding

and in which they have all participated. Often the students spend their

time to improve understanding and skills that takes place in the formal

settings of the educational systems, such as schools. Learning should

make an effect on their own potential for each individual. Students who

are active in the learning process will be more to attain success.

According to Brown and Payne, there are five essential steps in

vocabulary learning:

a. Ecountering news words

The first step, essential step, for vocabulary learning is

encountering new words, that is, having a source for words. The

student strategies here included “learning new words by reading the

book,” “listening to TV and radio,” and “reading newspapers and


b. Getting the word form

The second step essential to vocabulary learning appears to be

getting of a clear image – visual or auditory or both – of the form of

the vocabulary item.


c. Getting the word meaning

The third essential step in the learner‟s reported strategies is the

one which is most often associated with the idea of vocabulary

learning: having the word meaning.

d. Consolidating word form and meaning in memory

The fourth necessary step revealed by Brown and Payne‟s

analysis requires the consolidation of form and meaning in memory.

e. Using the word

The final step in learning words is using the words. Some

would argue that this step is not necessary if all that is desired is a

receptive knowledge of the word.

In this section, after each student had completed one of the five

necessary steps in learning vocabulary. They knew the vocabulary being

tested confidently. Even though there are some strategies and activities

that students use at each step, the steps should always be necessary. In

order for the students to have complete vocabulary knowledge, they must

complete all five essential steps. In this manner,learning is something that

happens normally. Although the teachers may be able to identify each

student's unique learning style, the students most likely won't have a

single learning style. Many people are aware that different learning styles

are preferred by each student. To help them succeed, it's critical that they

learn to use as many different learning styles as possible.


From explanation above mastery of a language is important,

especially English. Vocabulary is knowledge of words and their

meanings, and good vocabulary mastery influences a person master a

language. There are five essential steps in vocabulary learning:

encountering news words, gaining the word form, recognizing the

meaning of words, and understanding the meaning of words. Vocabulary

learning involves five essential steps: getting a clear image of the form of

the vocabulary item, getting the word meaning, consolidating word form

and meaning in memory, and using the word. To have complete

vocabulary knowledge, students must complete all five steps. Different

learning styles are preferred by each student, so it is important to learn to

use as many different learning styles as possible.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

Harmer (in Hamer et al 2018: 171) states "Teaching vocabulary is a

major part of teacher art." The teacher must be able to teach vocabulary in

a fun way. Teaching vocabulary can be said as a process or way to make

students learn the word units presented by the teacher. Vocabulary is

broadly defined as knowledge of words and word meanings. Based on

vocabulary, you can find out the language and words that are well used or

understood by a person or group of people. Teaching vocabulary is

teaching the type and number of words to students. In addition,

vocabulary is important in the aspect of language. To master the language,

what students must master is the vocabulary of the language.


Teaching is the process of giving knowledge to someone or

students in learning so that they are able to know or do something in the

target language. In the past, teaching and learning vocabulary was often

given little priority in second language programs, but recently there has

been renewed interest in the nature of vocabulary and its role in learning

and teaching. Thus, although course curricula are often quite specific

about aspects of teaching such as grammar, reading, or speaking, little

specification is given to the role of vocabulary. Hunt and Beglar discuss

three approaches to teaching and learning vocabulary:

1. Incidental learning (learning vocabulary as a by-product of doing

something else like reading or listening) The main source of incidental

learning is extensive reading, which they recommend as a routine

activity outside the classroom.

2. Explicit instructions. Explicit instructions depend on the identification

of specific vocabulary acquisition targets for students.

3. Independent strategy development.

Based on the described above, the writer concludes that vocabulary

is the number of words used by people in the communication process. And

vocabulary is broadly defined as the knowledge of words and their

meanings. Anyone and anywhere people communicate and they need

vocabulary. Vocabulary teaching has many ways and can be delivered

with various interactive media. This vocabulary teaching must be able to

attract students' interest because students must be able to remember the


vocabulary they learn. Teachers are required to present interesting media

in teaching vocabulary. Interesting media helps students remember the

vocabulary they have learned.

5. The Kinds of Vocabulary

In learning English there are four stages of skills must be mastered

namely listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing skills.

All four skills are supported with a supporting component, namely

vocabulary. There are six types of vocabulary:

a. Word Classes, is a language or the use of words related to morphology.

however, usually this type is often referred to as a part of speech which

can take the form of nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and


b. Word Families, are words that describe an affix.

c. Word Formation, is a type of word formation that exists in English and

these words are compound words, blending, clipping, and conversion.

d. Multi word units, is a type of English vocabulary that has a form as a

working phrase or as an idiom.

e. Collactions, is a type of English vocabulary which is defined as two or

more words that always have the same meaning together or are


f. Homonyms, are words that have different letters but have the same


Words in a language are small elements, which could make up a

language and function to express ideas. Linguistics classifies vocabulary

in to two kinds:

a. Receptive vocabulary refers to the words or lexical items, which can

be recognized and comprehended in context of listening an reading

b. Productive vocabulary refers to words, which we use in speaking and


According to Harmer (2019:159) divides vocabulary into two

types, they are:

a. Active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that students have learned

b. Passive vocabulary refers to the words which students will recognize

when they meet them but they will probably not be able to produce.

From explanation above it very well may be reasoned that there are

numerous sorts of vocabulary that we would it be a good idea for us we

know. As a result, it is easier for students to comprehend portions of the

vocabulary the more vocabulary they know. Students must comprehend

the significance of the language for oral and written communication in

order to comprehend how students learn it. Communication in a foreign

language, particularly English, requires not only grammatically correct

form but also mastery of the vocabulary. Communication will fail to

effectively convey understanding if vocabulary is lacking.


6. The Aspects of Vocabulary Mastery

Mastery of English vocabulary is an ability that exists within

oneself someone to be able to explore and understand about a word

contained within English is the basis for communicating that everyone

knows people both orally and in writing, so that it can give meaning when

use that language. According to Thronbury (2014: 9) said that becomes a

indicators of achievement or assessment of vocabulary mastery are

pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and meaning.

a. Pronunciation

One perspective that has a significant impact on vocabulary skills

is pronunciation. A person's pronunciation is how they say something

in a language. Students must listen to a different word in a language

they don't know so they can hear the beginning and ending sounds,

which are examples of word stress. Vocabulary in Indonesian and

English differ in their articulation. Each language has uncommon

phonemes, English has an alternate sound from Indonesian/Malaysian


In this way students struggle with articulation. For some reason,

the students run into difficulties. The majority of this is due to the lack

of English-language instructions in Indonesia. In addition, one must

learn not only how to correctly form sounds but also how to use them

in the right places when learning pronunciation.


b. Spelling

Students need to know the letters and syllables that make up a

word called pelling. Spelling is all the rules about how to symbolize

speech sounds and how the relationship between the symbols

(separation and combination in a language). Technically what is meant

by spelling is writing letters, writing words, and using punctuation.

Sound spelling confusion may be the cause of the error; either from

pronunciation or spelling and can add to word problems. While much

of the English spelling is fairly honest, there are also some glaring


c. Grammar

Gramar a grammatical category that emphasizes changing the form of

a verb to show the time of an activity or situation. The syntax

associated with the word is also at risk, especially if it differs from the

same mother tongue. Remembering whether the action word of

respect, love, or trust is followed by an indefinite structure (swim) or

structure (swim) can add to the problem.

d. Meaning

Meaning is basically a form of cognitive knowledge contained in

language, contained and structured in and by the language system,

which is understood more or less equally by speakers in their general

and natural communication activities. Students may become confused


when two words significantly cross each other. Make and commit are

legitimate models. Aspect of meeaning:

1. Denotation, the meaning of word is primarily what it refers to in

the real word and this is often short of definition that is given in a

dictinoary. This is denotation or conceptual meaning.

2. Connotation, a less obvious component of the meaning of an item

is is it conotation. The associations, positive or negative feelings

it evokes, which may or may not be indicated in a dictinoary

definition. Connotation is the communication value as expressed

by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its’ purely conceptual


3. Appropriatness, a more suitable aspect of meaning that often needs

to be taught is whether a particular item is the appropiate one to

use in acertain context or not. Thus it is useful for a learner to

know that a certain word is very common, or relatively rare, or

tends to be used in writing but not in speech, or is more suitable

for formal than informal discourse.

4. Synonyms : means that two or more words have the same meaning

5. Antonyms : the terms antonyms is used for opposite meaning of


6. Hyponyms : item that serve as specific examples of a general


7. Co- hyponyms or co-ordinates : other item that are the same kind

think; red, blue, and yellow are the co-ordinates.

8. Super ordinates : general concepts that cover specific items;

animalis the ordinate of lion, cat, dog.

9. Translataion : word of expression in the learners’ mother tangue

that are (more or less) equivalent in meaning to the item being


7. Learning Media in English as a Foreign Language

a. The Definition of Learning Media

Media from the Latin word, the plural form of the word

medium, means something located in the middle (between two parties

or poles) or a tool. Webster's dictionary According to (Anitah, 2012:

5) suggests that media or medium is everything located in the middle

in the form of a ladder, which is used as an intermediary or liaison

between two parties or two things. According to Henich (Arsyad,

2019: 3-4) also used the medium as an intermediary that delivers

information between sources and recipients. So, unprojected images,

printed materials, and the like are communication media.

According to Hamalik (2010:5), the media's involvement in the

process of teaching learning can have a negative impact on the process

itself, as well as on motivation and stimulation for the study, and it

can also contribute to the development of psychological theories

pertaining to the students. Media coverage of the education process


based on the educational orientation tends to improve both the

effectiveness of the education process and the education of the

individual and the institution at the time. In addition to serving as a

motivator for the students, the media can also assist the stuents in

achieving their goals by providing them with data in a way that is both

useful and affordable, as well as by providing them with data and


Teaching media should help students achieve success in school,

media is the main tool used by teachers to communicate in teaching

activities. According to Clark (2019), the appropriate teaching media

will fascinate students' desire to gain knowledge and pursue their

natural curiosity as youths for several underlying reasons. Also, the

innovation and creativity of teachers are supported depending on the

teaching media they use.

Moreover, to be more familiar with teaching media

implemented in the classroom, According to Aghni (2018), the

selection of media is one of the most critical parts of the learning

process in the school. Choosing the wrong type of media causes

various effects in the learning process. One frequently encountering is

the optimization of the learning andteaching process in the classroom

is not maximal. Hence, the result showed that learning outcomes

acquire poor results of students' competencies and capabilities.

Therefore, by knowing the various types, criteria, and use. Of each


media, teachers are expected to optimize the learning process and to

teach quality. According to Weidenmann in Mouton (2011),

understanding media in education is divided into two aspects based on

its forms. The first is hardware media, a physical tool used in the

learning and teaching process, such as a projector, audio speaker,

book, flashcards, mobile phone, and many more. It means literally as

equipment to sustain the classroom activities. The second is software

media; it means the program is forwarded through the hardware, such

as applications and video films.

There has been explosive growth in the number and use of social

media sites among people for their brandings and entertainment. In

some cases, not a few teachers benefit from using social media for

teaching media. Those social media are:

a. Facebook's existence as a social media is popularly used by all

ages, from children, adolescents to adults, using Facebook as mere

entertainment, exchanging news, and educational purposes.

According to (Meinawati & Baron, 2019). As a social media,

Facebook does not specify the possibility of being used as a

medium of learning because Facebook's features can support

various activities, especially communication.

b. In learning English, Twitter is essential to have multiple

vocabularies that are understood as used in specific contexts. To

understand a few terms in learning English as a foreign language.


c. WhatsApp is one of the most influential social media for

communication activitiesmand is widely used by countries

worldwide, including Indonesians. At this time, maybe active

smartphone users have installed the WhatsApp application to send

messages, starting from colleagues, family, close friends, teachers,

and students.

d. Instagram, According to Sesriyani and Sukmawati (2019),

Instagram is a social media that focuses on pictures/photos, so it is

very suitable to be used as a means of student creativity such as

making concept maps, infographics, comics/short stories, and

other assignments. Instagram provides a new way for students to

learn language and culture critically, in addition to helping

students reflect on a meaningful learning process. Instagram is

fascinating with its features to support communication needs in the

learning process, such as photos and video sharing. When used in

language learning, the upload and pictures/videos are very relevant

to help students learn how to write English effectively.

From the explanation above, we can conclude Media or medium is

everything located in the middle in the form of a ladder, which is used

as an intermediary or liaison between two parties or two things, the

selection of media is one of the most critical parts of the learning

process in the school. Of each media, teachers are expected to

optimize the learning process and to teach quality.the function of


learning media in the learning process as an intermediary in the

delivery of information aims to increase the interest and motivation of

learners as recipients information that is expected to achieve optimal

learning targets.

b. The Types of Media

The teacher must be aware of the media's intended effect on

language learning, particularly vocabulary, in order to select the

appropriate media for students' vocabulary knowledge. Depending on

the situation and the goals of the learning, a variety of media can be

used. Each type of media has specific characteristics that educators

should be aware of in order to select the appropriate media based on

classroom conditions and requirements. Falahudin (2014) divide the

types of learning media into four part, these categories include the

following types of media:

1) Media Audio, is a type of media that is able to satisfy both

internal needs and external demands simultaneously. The

phonograph record (disc recording), the audio tipe (tape recorder),

and the compact disk are examples of audio media.

2) Media Visual, Media with a visual component is known as media

with a visual component. The three types of media discussed here

are spoken media, graphic media, and non-visual visual media.

3) Media Audio Visual, Media audio visual is media that adapts to

the audience's needs and preferences throughout a particular


process. Programs in the audio-visual field, such as documentaries

and dramas, that are distributed through film, video, and


4) Multimedia, Multimedia is any kind of media that can be used in

any kind of process. The term "media" refers to a variety of forms

of communication that can be accessed via computer and the

internet, as well as via written and spoken communication.

A more complete division can be seen in the type of media

learning. Basically learning media can be classified into eight parts:

people, objects, text, audio, visuals, video, computers multimedia, and

computer networks. According to Fakomogbon (2012) classifies

learning media into several types, namely: printed material, visual,

audio, video, computer, multimedia, and Internet.

8. Android Application Based Learning Media

The use of mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets is a

technology that can be said to be very close to students. Based on the

results of market share in 2013 shows that gadget presentation has been

mastered by Android-based mobile device for 81.3% Acccording to

(Marhadini 2020). The rapid use of Android in that era was due to

Android having a higher price affordable by the community and also the

features easy for users to understand. These technological advances have

forced the education sector to immediately adjust and improve the quality

of education on going technological developments.


Learning Media on the basis of an android app is a unique skill that

should be taught in every school. Media literacy should be taught in at

least one educational app, or in apps that teach material and language.

This product's application can be used on Android-based smartphones and

devices; it can be found on Google Play or the Play Store. The following

media player for Android-based applications is a specific media player for

Android-based applications that can be downloaded to a smartphone. The

Android application is a type of media that stands out from the electronic

media because it is developed for use on Android-based smartphones and

other devices. The smartphone and gadget in question are just one type of

communication technology. It is referred to as electronic media because it

is based on an Android application.

a. Android Application As Learning Media

Media is a tool that allows and can help students in teaching

and learning activities to more easily understand and understand

something to remember it for a long time compared to delivering

subject matter face-to-face with lectures without aids or learning


The use of android applications as learning media is something

interesting and new in the world of education, android applications

have given a new color in the development of learning media. use of

this application make learning media more interesting and diverse.

However, the use of android applications as learning media is not only


rated one side. Android application must have a purpose to provide

motivation to students and must be able to stimulate students to

always remembering what has been learned and being able to

stimulate learning for students.

From explanation above the use of mobile devices such as

smartphones or tablets has become increasingly popular due to their

affordability and easy to understand features. Learning Media on the

basis of an Android app is a unique skill that should be taught in every

school. Android applications are a type of media that stands out from

electronic media because they are developed for use on Android-based

smartphones and other devices. Students' motivation and learning

stimulation must be the primary goals of Android applications.

9. Definition of Social Media

According to Herlanti (2014: 32) that social media is an online

medium that allows users to participate, share and create content.

McNaught et al. (2011) categorize web 2.0 or software such as blogs,

social networks, wikis, forums and youtube as social media. According to

Marleni (2018) The development of technology today makes the learning

system for students develop rapidly, one of the media that can be used as

teaching material is social media.

Social media is a process of interaction between individuals and

creating, sharing, exchanging and modifying ideas or ideas in the form of

virtual or network communication. Social media is something that can


create various forms of communication and information for all who use it.

Meanwhile, According to Atmoko (2015:10), there are three main things

refers to the notion of social media, namely:

a. Digital technology that emphasizes user-generated conten or


b. Media characteristics

c. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others as

an example of an interaction model.

According to Mulyana (2015) division social media, namely:

a. Social Networking Media, Social networking media is a medium the

most popular. This medium is means that are commonly used by users

to have social relations, including the consequences or effects of

social relations in the virtual world.The main character of social

networking sites is that each user forms friendship network, good to

users and the possibility of meeting each other in the world real

(offline) or form a network new friendship. There are many examples

of social networks used are Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

b. Media sharing, Media sharing sites are a type facilitating social media

its users to share media, start from documents (files), video, audio,

images. Examples of this media are: Youtube, Flickr, Photo-bucket, or


From definitions above, the term "social media" refers to any

online or digital media that enables individuals in the media to interact


with one another and communicate with one another in a way that is not

possible without the use of the internet. There are a variety of social

media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and others,

that are currently popular with consumers. In this research, the author uses

Instagram as a social media platform.

10. Instagram

Suci Rokhmawati (2018) stated Instagram is a photo and video

sharing application that allows users to take videos, apply digital filters,

and share them on various social networking services. Users can shoot,

edit and upload photos or videos to the main Instagram page. Photos or

videos that are shared will appear on the feeds of other users who are

followers. In addition, each user can interact by commenting and giving

likes to the photos or videos that are shared.

According to Atmoko (2015: 39). Instagram is a photo sharing

application that allows users to take photos photos, apply digital filters,

and share them on various networking services social including

Instagram's own. Users learn more about people which they follow

through writing or any image in visual form. Users post everything from

pictures of important life events to cute pet photos. Users can also

comment on other posts.


Figure 2. 1
Instagram Profile

According to Ali (2014) statet some function on Instagram is post

content (picture or video), like content, add captions, add comments, add

location, add hastag, tag users, brows and follow other accounts, check a feed

by follow accounts, and apply filters. Instagram olso offer some interesting

icon for users. Bellow are 7 of the most common icon tht you will see while

using this site:

Home: Tap here to see your recent notifications and activitiy.

For example, whenever someoene like on your post, you’ll see

it here

Explore: Tap here to search what’s popular on Instagram. You can

also search for specific Instagram users or hastags.


Add Post: Tap here to take a photo or video with your phone’s

camera, which you can thent post to Instagram. You can also select

photo from your library.

Reels: Reel is an Instagram feature that can upload short videos

accompanied by various supporting audio like TikTok videos

Direct Massages: Tap here for communicationed each

other or to see your massages notifications. For

example, whenever someone shared about something (photo,

information, audio, and etc.) you’ll se it here

Notifications: Tap here to see your recent

notifications and activity. For example, whenever

someone likes on your posts, you’ll se it here.

Profile: Tap here to acces your profile. From here,

you can update your profile picture, see all your

posts, change your settings, and more.

Handayani (2016) stated Instagram has specific features which are

commonly used by user. The features can be described in thr following:

a. Instagram profile interface

This part display information aboaut users profiles. It includes

biography, circular profile photo, number of posts, and users

follower/following count.

b. Profile content

It provides viewers to scroll down the profile. Viewers may see all

the profile photos appear together. For a closer look, viewers have the

option to click on any photo. The photo being chosen is displayed clearly.

c. Useful Instagram terminology

These are the most basic words you will hear whenever you’re

talking to others about Instagram:

1. Hashtag: A hashtag is any word in a post’s caption that’s preceded by

a pound sign (#)

2. Filter: You can apply a filter to give your photos a unique or artistic


3. Post: Whatever you share on Instagram (e.g. photos/videos) are called


d. Feed: Whenever you are someone you follow posts a photo, it appears in

your feed

11. Step in Using Instagram as Media

Utilization of Instagram in the learning process can be an alternative

in particular in mastering English vocabulary. Mastery of vocabulary in

language learning England is the main bell that must be owned. So many

vocabulary words in the language English, it is necessary to have a surefire

way so that students can master it effectively and precise. According to

Linse (2006) believes that vocabulary mastery can have an impact on

ability reading and writing learners.


If students learn English, Instagram can help them improve mastery

of English vocabulary. According to (Ferlazzo, 2014 in Blair and Serafini,

2014). Teenage high school students tend to like virtual things, digital, and

attractive. Simonson's solution that online learning through social media,

in this case Instagram, is more suitable for students because students can

access it 24 hours non-stop (2000). It is on this basis that the researcher is

interested in doing this research on using Instagram to improve English

vocabulary. The step using Instagram as media can be seen as a follows:

a) The teachers are encoureged to crate an account for the classroom.

Teachers should choose simple and familiar username for the students,

such us @xhii.fficial

b) After having account, tecahers are suggested to private the account.

This private account used to anticipate and facilitate students learning


c) The teachers told the students that class will use Instagram and ask

them to have an account, next students should access the classroom


d) Teachers post everything about the lesson on Instagram

e) Teachers ask the students to report in written form and make


f) Students memorize the vocabulary.

Basically this Instagram application is used for communicate and

publish media by a large audience. So you can be sure using Instagram


will be easy to use, especially for teenagers and adults young. So that the

use of Instagram as a learning tool is quite effective, either as a place to

look for ideas or a place to publish works as proof of fulfillment task.

Students will not find it difficult to use Instagram as a medium learning,

because they are used to using Instagram as a tool entertainment. There are

no problems with using Instagram in general or as such learning tools.

B. Review of the Related Finding

The research was written by (Suci Rokhmawati, 2018) With research

entitled “ The using Instagram to Improve English Vocabulary Mastery”.

This study using class action research methods with two cycles. each cycle

consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and

reflection. The author uses quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Quantitative data was obtained from the results of the pre-test cycle one and

cycle two, while qualitative data was obtained from the observations of

teachers and students. Classroom action research is said to be successful

when it reaches a KKM score of 70, the average score in the pretest is 57. in

cycle one there was an increase to 78 and cycle two the average value to 90

The research was written by Enasaroh (2022) with entitled “ The Effect

of Using Instagram Short Video Towards Students vocabulary Mastery at The

Seventh Grade of Babunnnajah Junior highh School Menes-Pandegelang”.

This research used quantitative approach and quasi-experimental method with

achievement test in collecting data. The experimental class of this research

was seven grade B and the control class was seven grade A, each class has 20

students, for a total 40 sample in all. The experimental class mean score on

the pretest was 62,15, while the control clas’s score 59,45, The experimental

class had a mean score of 66,3. Hypotesis testing by comparing T-table with

T-count, the result obtained from hypotesis testing are -1.686 > -3.068.

This research was written by Aisyah Noor Auly (2019) with entitled

“The effectiveness of Instagram Filter to Improve Students Vocabulary”. This

research used quasi experiment. The sample used in Senior High School in

Jepara, the were 36 students available in each group, the pretest consited of

25 questions on multiple choice and jumbled word. Score of experimental

group ia 66,44 and score of control group is 63,22, it is considered as


Based on the description above, this research has some similarities and

differences with the previous research and this research. The similarities are

using instagram for vocabulary mastery. The differences are they use

instagram as media in different school, educational level, research design and

data analysis. The use using social media, especially Instagram, can help

develop language skills in all areas. It is accepted the use of Instagram as a

media has an effect on students' vocabulary mastery, which is a positive


C. Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework is a preliminary model of a problem in

research and the relationship between the variables studied. According to

(Swarjana, 2012). The purpose of the conceptual framework is to guide and


synthesize or direct research, as well as guidelines for analysis and an

intervention. The conceptual framework of this research can be seen as


Experimental Test of Students Control Group

group Vocabulary Matery

Instagram Google Clasroom

The teacher provide the The teacher provide

material disscuss the material
The teacher gives an
explanation about the The teacher gives
material in the post an explanation
about the material
The teacher ask students to
in Google
report and make sentences
Classroom and gave
The students submit their a assignment
report on instagram
The teacher gave
Students memorize the the time to sent
vocabulary assignment

The teacher evaluating and The teacher

gave grades to the student evaluataing and
vocabulary gave the grades to
the students

Students Vocabulary

Figure 2. 2 Conceptual Framework

Source (Handayani, 2016)


D. Hypothesis

Ho : There is no significant effect in using instagram to students

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 1 Bangkinang

Ha : There is significances effect in using instagram to students

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 1 Bangkinang


A. Type of the Research

In this research, the research used a quantitative research. According

to Creswell 2014 In (Alhaija 2019) Quantitative research is an approach to

test certain theories by examining the relationships between variables. These

variables are measured - usually by research instruments such as tests,

questionnaires, structured interviews so that data consisting of numbers can

be analyzed based on statistical calculations. Final report for this research in

general has a strict structure and consistently starting from the introduction, a

review of related research results previous studies (previous studies)

theoretical basis, research methods, results research, and discussion. Research

conducted by looking at the presence or absence treatment (treatment) is

called experimental research. This type of experimental research is quasi


Quasi experimental design used to know the effect of specific

treatment. According to Ary (2019) Experimental research is a research that

trying to find a causal relationship between the independent variable and the

dependent variable, where independent variables deliberately controlled and

manipulated or experiment (experimental research) is an experimental

activity (experiment), which aims to find out a symptom or effects that arise,

as a result of the existence of certain treatments. Experimental research

involved two group, experimental class and control class. In experimental


class, students used Instagram as a media in teaching vocabulary. While in

control class the students learn without using Instagram.

The procedure of quasi experimental design include pre-test treatment

and post-test. This research design is in order to investigate whether the use of

Instagram application could develop students vocabulary mastery. This study

used two classes with different treatment between experimental and

controlled class. In the experimental class, the researcher was applied with the

treatment of Instagram application. Another class was the controlled class

which was taught without using Instagram application. The formula of

quasiexperimental design is described as follows::

Group Treatment Post-test

A X Test
B - Test

A= Experimental class

B= Control class

X=Received the treatment

B. The Time and Location of the Research

1. Location of Research

The research " The Effect of Using Instagram Towards Students

Vocabulary Mastery". This researcah will be conducted at SMAN 1

Bangkinang in academic year 2022/2023. It location in Jl. Muara Uwai,

Bangkinang Seberang.

2. Time of The Research

The research will be conducted in the Tenth grade students of SMAN 1

Bangkinang. This reseacrh will be conducted based on the schedule


Tabel 3. 1 Time of the Research

March July 2023

April 2023 May 2023
No Activities 2023
1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Filling title of the √
2 Proposal writing √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Research permit
4 observation time
Giving tests to √ √
6 Data processing √ √

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Sugiono (2018: 117) said Population is a generalization area which

consists of objects that have qualities and characteristics determined by

the researcher to be studied and then with drawn in conclusion. Then the

population of all class X students of SMAN 1 Bangkinang Academic

Year 2022-2023 which consists of elevent classes with more less than 79


Tabel 3. 2 The Total Population

No Clasess Total
1 X1 32
2 X2 26
3 X3 26
Total 84
2. Sample

According to Susanti (2005), Sample is part of the number and

characteristics possessed by the population. According to Arikunto

(1998:117) Samples are part of the population (part or representative of

the population studied). Research sample is a portion of the population

that is taken as a data source and can be represented entire population. To

take a sample the research used random sampling. The research take two

classes as the sample, they are X 2 as a control class and X 3 as a

experimental class. Where X 2 consisted of 26 students, while X 3

consisted of 26 students. The sample consist of is 52 students at tenth

grade of SMAN 1 Bangkinang

D. Instrument of the Research

All research involves collecting data to test hypotheses late in the

study, Generally researchers use instruments to collect research data.

According to Darmadi (2011: 85) that the definition of an instrument is as a

tool for measuring information or making measurements. According to

Sappaile (2007) Instrument is a tool that meets academic requirements so that

it can used as a tool to measure an object measure or collect data regarding a

variable. Instruments can be in the form of tests and can also be in the form of

non-tes, but tests are used to obtain samples of behavior from the cognitive

domain. Therefore, in this research paper the instrument is a test (pre-test and

post-test). The research started a test consisiting of s pre-test and post-test. An

instrument to collect data in thid research is a test.

The instrument the research used in this study was a test, This test has

two parts, they are the initial test and the final test. Research used pre-test and

post-test. The instrument will be explained as folows:

1. Vocabulary Test

The vocabaulary test is a tool that reserachers use to collect data. The

instrument used in this researcher is a vocabulary test. This is used to

found how the students understand vocabulary mastery on Instagram. The

form of the test is a multiple choice test consisting of 40 questions

Tabel 3. 3 Instrument of the Research

No Indicator Number of Item

1 Denotation 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
2 Connotation 1,6, 8, 9, 10
3 Appropiatness 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
4 Synonyms 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
5 Antonyms 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
6 Hyponyms 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
7 Co-hyponyms 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
8 Translation 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Total Questions 40

2. Pre-test

Pre-test to find out the initial state, is there a difference between

experimental class and control class. control class treated by using the

lecture method and without using Instagram on students’ vocabulary

mastery, while the experimental class was given treatment by using the

lecture method and the use of Instagram on students’ vocabulary mastery

3. Post- test

Post-test was given at at the end of experiment. After finishing the

treatment, the two classes were given a posttest aims to measure the ability

of students' vocabulary for treatment that has been given.

Tabel 3. 4 Students’ score category

Students score Grade Category

96 - 100 A Excellent
86 - 95 B Verry Good
76 - 85 C Good
66 - 75 D Weak
56 – 65 E Poor

E. The Technique of Collecting Data

The research involved the participation of students of the tenth grade of

SMAN 1 Bangkinang in improving vocabulary mastery throught the using

instagram. Data is obtained by collecting test results:

1. Pre-test

The pre-test was given to both groups: the experimental class and

the control class. This test aims to determine students' vocabulary mastery

before being given treatment. This means that the pre-test is used to see

the current condition of students. The type of pre-test used in this study is

in the form of multiple choice questions. This multiple choice contains


questions regarding required vocabulary, this is what students must


2. Post-test

The post-test is used to take the value of students' vocabulary

mastery. The post test was given to the experimental class and control

class. The results of the post-test will show the score of students'

vocabulary mastery. the score will show that there is an effect of teaching

vocabulary mastery through instagram in the tenth grade of SMAN 1


F. Validity and Realibity of the Test

1. Validity

Validity described about how accurately an instrument measures

what is supposed to measure. According to (Ardianto, 2011) Validity is

based on the word validity which has the meaning of how far something is

the measuring instrument measures something. To measure the wheather

the test had a good validity,the research analyzed the test from content

validity and construct validity. In general, the content validity used is

research where students are asked to answer about topics related to the

material. This research makes a test based on the syllabus of class X

students. Therefore, this is a valid content validity. Construct validity is

validity that indicates the extent to which the test conforms to the theory

through measurement procedures. According to (Gay et al., 2012),


construct validity reflects the extent to which a test measures the intended

hypothetical construct. In other words that helps in the assessment.

2. Reliability

Reliability is directly related to validity. Reliability means as

consistency. According to (Gay et al., 2012), reliability is the extent to

which a test consistently measures whatever it measures. Reliability is

expressed numerically. Instruments must be adjusted to measure what is to

be measured. In this study, this study only used one kind of reliability,

namely test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability is used to measure

something that is expected to remain constant in the sample. This study

gave a pre-test to the control group and the experimental group

simultaneously. Furthermore, the researcher also gave a post-test at the

same time well.

G. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the research analyzes the result of the test.

The research used t-test because the data obtained is normal and

homogeneous. T-test uses to know there is any significant effect in vocabulary

mastery by used intagram as media tenth garde of state SMAN 1 Bangkinang.

The experimental class is X variable and the control class is Y variable. The

ressult of the formula will be obtain statistically through the hypotheses


Ho: to > t-table

Ha: to < t-table


Ho is accepted if to < t-table or: there is no signifanct effect of using

Instagram toward the students vocabulary mastery. Ha is accepted if to > t-

table or: there is any significant effect of using Instagram toward students

vocabulary mastery to know the score of the pots test of students from

experiment class is normaly or not automatically, the researcher used analysis

in SPSS 20.0 version.

1. Normality Test

The normality test is used to determine whether the data obtained by the

control class and experimental class are normality distributed or not. In

this study, researchers will use SPSS 20 for windows with Shapiro Wilk.

The significant level used is 0.05. If the significant level is >0.05, then the

data is normality distributed. Conversely, if the significant level is < 0.05,

then the data is not normally distributed.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is a test method in statistics to find out whether two or

more samples from different populations have the same distribution of

variance or characteristics. Homogeneity test is carried out as a

prerequisite in the analysis of the Independent Sample T Test and Analysis

of Variance (Anova). Homogeneity test was conducted to find out whether

the two populations of the X and Y variables have the same data

distribution. The homogeneity of two or more groups measured can be

known from the significance value: If the significance value is equal to or

greater ≥ than 0.05, then the variance of the two or more groups of data

being measured is homogeneous. If value the significance is smaller < than

0.05, then the variance of the two or more data groups being measured is

not homogeneous.

3. Independent Sample T-test

According to Prayitno (2014) Independent sample t-test or two-

mean difference test is used to test two means of two independent data

groups. Ghozali (2015) stated the purpose of the Independent sample T-

test is to be able to compare the averages of the two groups that are not

related to each other.

Basic criteria for testing the hypothesis of the Independent Sample

T-test using the t test. The t test is used to determine one by one or

partially the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable.

The t test here is used to test the hypothesis by comparing t count and t

table. T count will be known together with the independent sample t-test

test output.

x1− x √ b2−4 ac
t= 2

√ 1
n1 n2

2 2
( n1 −1 ) s 1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2
n1 +n2−2

Where :

T : the value of t-obtaimed

x : Mean score of experiment class

x2 : Mean of score of control class


n1 : Number of experiment class

n2 : Number of control class

s : Standard deviation of experimental class

s : Standard deviation of control class

A. Data Description

1. Description of Research Implementation

The implementation of the research was conducted on May 22,

2023. This study uses two tenth grades, namely class X 3 as a

experimental class using Instagram as learning media and X 2 as an

control class using Google Classroom as a learning media. The purpose e

of this research is to see if there is a difference between students who are

taught using instagram and students who are taught without using

instagram strategy on vocabulary mastery at the tenth grade of SMAN 1

Bangkinang. Out of a total of 52 students.

This research consisted of sixth meetings. In experimental class,

the researcher used Instagram as a media in teaching learning process for

four meetings and the two meeting as a pre-test and post test to the

students. In control class the reseracher taught by using google classroom

as a media for four meetings and the two meetingsas a pre-test and post-

test for students.

The data obtained was in the form of a multiple choice test before

treatment (pretest) and after treatment (posttest) in the experimental class

and control class. Data collection was obtained using the multiple choice

test which consisted of 40 questions.


The questions were used as pretest questions with the aim of knowing

each student's initial ability before being given treatment and posttest

questions with the aim of knowing students' vocabulary mastery after

being given treatment using the model to be applied. After the pretest

value and the posttest is obtained, then the value is processed by carrying

out an analytical test using the SPSS 20.0 program. The analytical tests

carried out are the normality test, homogeneity test and 1 hypothesis test.

The following will explain in detail the results of the research that the

researchers have done.

a. The First Meeting

At the first meeting on Monday May 22 th 2023 the teacher shared the

pre-test before giving the treatment to students. The pre-test aims to

know the students’ vocabulary before giving the treatment by using


b. The Second Meeting

The second meeting is on Thursday May 25 th 2023, it was the first

learning by using Instagram application. The teacher taught the

students by using Instagram. Process by using Instagram as can be

seen on the following pictures

Firstly, the teacher greets the students before starting to study. At the

first the teacher checked the students’ attendance


Secondly, the teacher gave question on Instagram story. The teacher

shared a picture and asked the student to look carefully. Next the

students gave their respons directly on the story. The aim the question

and answer to stimulate the motivation in learning process


Thridly, the teacher shared about the material by giving some

pictures. The pictures learning material about vocabular. Next student

read the material on pictures carefully

c. The Third Meeting

The third meeting is on Monday June 05th 2023, in the second

treatment, the teacher also taught the students by using Instagram.

The teacher started the class like usual

The teacher checked the students’ attendance. Next the teacher gave

question related the materil in the last meeting. At the end students

answered the questions directly on Instagram


The teacher gave picture for the students in Instagram


d. The Fourth Meeting

The fourth meeting is on Thursday June 08 th 2023. In the fourth or

thrid treatment. The teacher started the class lik usual and checked the

students attendence

e. The Fifth Meeting

The fifth Meeting is on Monday June 12 th 2023, at fifth meeting or the

last meeting of the reseracher


Based on picture above. The teacher gave time to the students to do

task in 2 hours, within 2 hours the students might completed the task

and after that the students showed the answer in direct massage

f. The Sixth Meeting

The sixth Meeting is on Monday June 12th 2023, at sixth meeting or

the last meeting of the reseracher. The teacher aministered the post-

test to the students. The post test aims to knew the students

vocabulary mastery after giving the treartment by using Instagram


B. The Data Analysis and Result of Research

1. Description of Experimental Class and Control Class Pretest Data

Based on the results of the research that has been done, the results of

the pretest scores show that there is no significant difference between the

experimental class and the control class. The results of calculating the

pretest score data for the experimental class and control class were using

SPSS.20.0 The results can be seen in table 4.1 below

Tabel 4. 1
Experimental Class Pretest Score Data and Control Class

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Deviation

26 33 58 1147 44.12 7.241
Experimental Class

PreTest Control
26 30 55 1065 40.96 6.931

Based on table 4.1, the average pretest value of the Experimental

class is higher when compared to the class average value of the control

class. Before being given treatment using instagram, the pretest value was

obtained in the experimental class, the total student score was 1147 with

the highest score being 58 and the lowest score being 33, the mean pretest

value for the experimental class was 44.12, and the standard deviation

was 7. 24 Whereas in the control class, the total pretest score in the control

class was 1065, the highest value was 55 and the lowest value was 30, the

mean pretest value for the control class was 40.96, and the standard

deviation was 6.93. Based on the table above, it can be concluded that in

the experimental class and the control class there is no significant

difference in the average value.

2. Posttest Data Description of Experimental and Control Classes

The experimental class as well as the control class were given

treatment in 3 meetings and resulted in improved vocabulary mastery in

both classes. The posttest value data between the experimental class and

the control class showed a significant difference. The calculation value of

the posttest scores of students in the experimental class and control class

using SPSS.20.0 can be seen in table 4.3 below:

Tabel 4. 2
Experimental Class Posttest Score Data and Control Class

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Deviation

26 75 95 2151 82.73 6.290

26 48 73 1558 59.92 8.109

Valid N (listwise) 26

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there is a significant

difference between the posttest average scores of the experimental class and

the control class. In the experimental class, after being given treatment using

Instagram, a posttest score was obtained with the highest score of 95 and the

lowest score of 75. The mean value of the experimental class was 82.73, and

the standard deviation was 6.29. Whereas in the control class, after being

given treatment using Google Classroom, the posttest score was obtained with

the highest control class score of 73, the lowest value of 48, and the standard

deviation was 8.10

a. The Categorization of Experimental Class Pret-Test Score

Based on 26 students, only 1 student scored 58 which is the highest score

in the class. Conversely, the lowest score is 33 and students who get this

score is 2 student. There were 1 students who scored 35, 4 student scored

38, and 1 students scored 43. There were 5 students who scored 45, then 1

other students got a score of 48. There were 3 students who scored 50,

then 4 student who got a acore 53.

Pre-test Experiment







1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ent ent ent ent ent n t1 n t1 n t1 n t1 n t1 n t2 n t2 n t2
d d d d d e e e e e e e e
stu stu stu stu stu stud stud stud stud stud stud stud stud

Figure 4. 1 The Students’ of Experimental Class Pre-test

Based on the picture above, it can be seen in the graph of the

experimental class students' pretest results. Only 1 student has the highest

pretest graph results. Another 25 students scored 30-50. Student score data

is grouped into several categories

Tabel 4. 3
The Categorization Pre-test Score Experimental Class

Categories Pre Test Experimental Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Poor 25 96.2 96.2 96.2

Weak 1 3.8 3.8 100.0

26 100.0 100.0

Pretest Experimental Class

Poor Weak


Figure 4. 2 The Categorization of Experimental Group’s Pre-test

There were 26 students in the experimental class, 4% or 1 students

in the “weak” category. Meanwhile, 96% or 25 students got the “poor”

category. In the pretest, not a single student got into the good category, the

very good,and excellent category. It means, in the good category, very

good and excellent category is 0 student or 0%. Based on the explanation


above, it can be concluded that almost all students have low vocabulary


b. The Categorization of Experimental Class Post-Test Score

In Order to find out the students’ vocabulary mastery score after

the treatment in the experimental class was post-test., Normally the scores

were better than the pre-test scores. Considering from the students post-

test scores, it can be seen that there was a improvement of the students

vocabulary mastery. The data of student vocabulary mastery from

experimental class gained after using the formula, the result showed that

the total students who get “verry good” category, resulting 7 then 13 for

"good "category and for a “fair” category was 6.

In the from percentage, the result showed that “verry good” category was

27.0% and for a “good” category was 50.0% and “fair” category was

23.0%. Considering the data above, it an be seen that for the students

vocabulary mastery in the post-test score from the experimental class, the

score mostly on the excellent level, show that there is an increse in

students score after treatment using instagram as a media.


Post-test Experiment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ent ent ent ent ent nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 2 nt 2 nt 2
d d d d d e e e e e e e e
stu stu stu stu stu stud stud stud stud stud stud stud stud

Figure 4. 3 The Students’ of Experimental Class Post-test

Based on the picture above, can be seen the graph of the post-test

results of students in the experimental class. Students have a graph of post-

test results that are higher than the pretest. There were 2 students who got

the highest score. . A total of 24 other students got a post-test result chart

at a score of 75-90.

Tabel 4. 4
The Categorization Post-test Score Experimental Class


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Fair 6 23.1 23.1 23.1

Good 13 50.0 50.0 73.1

Verry Good 7 26.9 26.9 100.0

Total 26 100.0 100.0


Post-test Experimental Class

Fair Good Verry Good

27% 23%


Figure 4. 4 The Categorization of Experimental Group’s Post-test Score

c. The Categorization of Control Class Pretest Scores

There are 26 students in the control class, 1 student scored 55 which is

the highest score in the class. Conversely, the lowest score is 30 and

students who get this score are 2 students. There were 4 students who

scored 50, 6 students scored 45, 6 students scored 40 and other 6 students

got score of 35.


Pre-test Control






t1 t3 t5 t7 t9 11 t 13 t 15 t 17 t 19 t 21 t 23 t 25
den den den den den ent en en en en en en en
stu stu stu stu stu stud stud stud stud stud stud stud stud

Figure 4. 5 The Students’ of Control Class Post-test

Based on the picture above, it can be seen in the graph of the

pretest results of students in the control class. Only 1 students have the

highest pretest graph results. A total of 25 other students scored 30-50.

The student score data is grouped into several categories

Tabel 4. 5
The Categorization Post-test Score Control Class


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Poor
26 100.0 100.0 100.0

Pre-test Control Class



Figure 4. 6 The Categorization of Control Group’s Pre-test Score

The results of the pretest of students in the control class showed

that of the 26 students, 100% or 26 students obtained the poor category. In

the pretest, not a single student got into the good category, very good and

excellent category. It means, in the good category, very good and category

excellent is 0 student or 0%. Based on the explanation above, it can be

concluded that the students' vocabulary mastery is in the poor.

d. The Categorization of Control Class Posttest Scores

In order to find out the student vocabulary mastery scores after

conducting control class teaching and learning process. The result of the

post-test score, it was used as comparison to the data of experimental class

post-test measure the effectiviness of the method that the researcher used

in the research. The data of the control class showed that the frequency of

the “fair” category was 5 and for a “weak’ category was 12 and for a

"poor" category was 9 for the percentage, “fair” caegory got 19%and

“weak” category was 46% and "poor" category 35%.


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that that most

students are not able to vocabulary mastery.

Post-test Control Class

1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ent ent ent ent ent nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 1 nt 2 nt 2 nt 2
d d d d d e e e e e e e e
stu stu stu stu stu stud stud stud stud stud stud stud stud

Figure 4. 7 The Students’ of Control Class Post-test

Tabel 4. 6
The Categorization Post-test Score Control Class

Categories_Post Test Control_Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid fair 5 19.2 19.2 19.2

Poor 9 34.6 34.6 53.8

Weak 12 46.2 46.2 100.0

Total 26 100.0 100.0


Post-test Control Class

fair Poor Weak




Figure 4. 8 The Categorization of Control Group’s Pre-test Score

3. Hypothesis Test

Data analysis was carried out using the help of the Statistical

Product and Service Solution Program (SPSS 20.0) to carry out normality

tests, homogeneity tests and hypothesis tests which will be explained as


1. Normality Test

a. Results of the Pretest Normality Test for Experimental Class and

Control Class

The normality test is carried out with the aim of knowing whether

the data from each class is normally distributed or not. It is one of few

things required have to fulfilled before conducted t-test. It purposed to

detemine whether the data is normally distributed or not. The

researcher used Kolmogrove-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk on spss. The

testing criterion is if the results of the normality test have reached or


above the significance level > 0.05, then it can be said that the data is

normally distributed and otherwise. The result can be seen as follow:

Tabel 4. 7
Normality Test Pre-test Experimental Class and Control Class

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

PreTest Experimental
.147 26 .154 .942 26 .152

PreTest Control Class .151 26 .130 .940 26 .132

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on table 4.10 above, it can be seen that the test results for the

normality of the pretest data in the experimental class were obtained Sig =

0.152 > 0.05. Whereas in the control class the value Sig = 0.132 > 0.05

means that the data is normally distributed. So, it can be concluded that the

data from the pretest results in both the experimental class and the control

class were both normally distributed.

b. Posttest Normality Test Results for Experimental Class and Control


The normality test is carried out with the aim of knowing whether

the data from each class is normally distributed or not. It is one of few

things required have to fulfilled before conducted t-test. It purposed to

detemine whether the data is normally distributed or not. The researcher

used Kolmogrove-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk on spss. The testing

criterion is if the results of the normality test have reached or above the

significance level > 0.05, then it can be said that the data is normally

distributed and otherwise. The result can be seen as follow:

Tabel 4. 8
Normality Test Post-test Experimental Class and Control Class

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

.129 26 .200* .920 26 .045

Post Test Control

.159 26 .091 .918 26 .041

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on table 4.11 above, it can be seen that the test results for the

normality of the post-test data in the experimental class were obtained Sig

= 0.045 > 0.05. Whereas in the control class the value Sig = 0.041 > 0.05

means that the data is normally distributed. So, it can be concluded that the

data from the pretest results in both the experimental class and the control

class were both normally distributed.

2. Test the Homogeneity of Variance Pretest and Post-Test in the

Experimental Class and Control Class

The homogeneity test was carried out to find out whether the data

from each class had the same variance (homogeneous) or not the same

(heterogenous). After doing the normality test, then be continued to test

homogenity of the sample in both classes. The researcher used SPSS 16.0

program, namely One Way Anova using the Levene statistic. If the results

of the homogeneity test show that the significant level is > 0.05, it can be

said that the variance of the samples concerned is not much different, then

the samples are homogeneous. The hypothesis that used:

1) Ho: Data is not homogeneous if Asimp Sig (2-tailed) < 0.05

2) Ha: The data is homogeneous if Asimp Sig (2-tailed) > 0.05

The following is the data from the pretest normality test results in class

experiment and control in the following table 4.12.

Tabel 4. 9
The Result of Homogeneity Test


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.764 1 50 .190

.130 1 50 .720

Based on table above, pre-test and post-test data obtained from

experimental and control classes with pre-test significance 0.720 and post-

test 0.190 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that the pre-test and post-test data

for the experimental class and the control class have the same variance


3. Hypothesis testing

a. Pre-test Hypothesis Testing Results

After finishing the normality and homogenity test, the data is

calculed by using t-test to know there is effect is an effect of instagram as

media. Hypothesis test in this research was done by using SPSS 20

version. Based on the normality and homogenity test, it shows, namely the

experimental class and the control class, have data variances that are

homogeneous. The hypothesis of testing students' vocabulary mastery tests


Ho : There is no significances effect in using instagram on

students' vocabulary mastery in th exprimental class.

Ha. There is significanes effect in using instagram on students'

vocabulary masrtery in the experimental class

The conclusion criteria for the test are:

1) If the value of Sig (2-tailed) <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha

is accepted.

2) If the value of Sig (2-tailed > 0.05 then Ha is rejected and Ho

is accepted.

The results of pretest data acquisition from the experimental class and

control class can be seen in the complete data can be seen in table 4.13


Tabel 4. 10
The Results of the Pre-test T Test for the Experimental Class and the
Control Class

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference

Pre_ .130 .720 1.604 50 .115 3.154 1.966

1.604 49.905 .115 3.154 1.966

Based on table 4.13 it can be seen that the sig (2-tailed) value is >

0.05, which is 0.115. Based on the research hypothesis, if the sig value (2-

tailed) > 0.05 then Ha, is rejected and Ho is accepted. This means that

there is no significant difference in the pretest scores of the control and

experimental classes on students' vocabulary mastery

b. Post-test Hypothesis Testing Results

Based on the posttest data analysis requirements test, it was found

that the experimental class and control class were normally distributed

and homogeneous. If the data is stated to be normally distributed and

homogeneous, then the next step is to test the hypothesis. The

hypothesis testing carried out in this study was using the t-test with a

significance level of 0.05. Hypothesis testing was carried out to find

out whether the two classes had the same initial ability or not before

being given treatment.

To test the level of significance of differences in scores of students'

conceptual understanding abilities, it was statistically carried out using

independent parametric statistical tests of text samples if the

distribution of data is normally distributed and homogeneous. The

hypothesis for testing students' vocabulary mastery tests is:

1) Ho : There was no effect of the using instagram on students'

vocabulary mastery in the experimental class.

2) Ha : There is significances effect of the using instagram on

vocabulary mastery in the experimental class

The conclusion criteria for the test are


1) If the value of Sig (2-tailed) <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is


2) If the value of Sig (2-tailed > 0.05 then Ha is rejected and Ho is


The posttest data acquisition results from the experimental class and

control class can be seen in table 4.14 below

Tabel 4. 11
The Results of the Post-test T Test for the Experimental Class and the
Control Class
Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference

Post_T 1.764 .190 11.332 50 .000 22.808 2.013

11.332 47.088 .000 22.808 2.013

Based on table 4.14 it can be seen that the sig value (2-tailed) <

0.05, which is 0.000. Based on the research hypothesis, if the sig value (2-

tailed) <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there

is an effect on students in the experimental class and students in the

control class. So, it can be concluded that the use of instagram has an

effect on tenth grade students' reading comprehension skills at SMAN 1


4. Validity and Reliability of the Test

a. Validity

Calculation of item analysis in the experimental class was carried

out using the SPSS . Based on the interpretation of the validity of the

items, the calculation of the validity of the pretest and post-test in the

experimental class is as follows:

Tabel 4. 12
The Result of Validity Pre-Test in Experimental Class

Tabel 4. 13
The Result of Validity Post-Test in Experimental Class

The total column the validity of each item. Based on the r-table, the

minimum Pearson correlation value is 0.388 because it uses 26

respondents (N). Based on the table above, the results of the validity of the

pretest and posttest of the experimental group are as follows: scores on the

denotation aspect are 0.465 and 0.481 which are included in the valid

category. In the Connotation, the score is 0.457 and 0.432 is also included

in the valid category. The score of the appropiatness aspect is 0.618 and

0.449 is a valid category. The score on the synonyms aspect is 0.463 and

0.435 is included in the valid category. The score on the antonyms aspect

is 0.390 is included in the valid category. Hyponyms aspect scores are

0.455 and 0.424, co-hyponyms aspect is 0,406 and 0,436, and translation

aspect is 0,414 and 0,397. So that 8 item in pre-test and post-test in this

experimental class which are valid category.

Tabel 4. 14
The Result of Validity Pre-test in Control Class

Tabel 4. 15
The Result of Validity Post-test in Control Class

The total column the validity of each item. Based on the r-table, the

minimum Pearson correlation value is 0.388 because it uses 26

respondents (N). Based on the table above, the results of the validity of the

pretest and posttest of the control group are as follows: scores on the

denotation aspect are 0.542 and 0.411 which are included in the valid

category. In the Connotation, the score is 0.456 and 0.464 is also included

in the valid category. The score of the appropiatness aspect is 0.492 and

0.431 is a valid category. The score on the synonyms aspect is 0.412 and

0.411 is included in the valid category. The score on the antonyms aspect

is 0.468 and 0.394 is included in the valid category. Hyponyms aspect

scores are 0.411 and 0.432, co-hyponyms aspect is 0,491 and 0,433, and

translation aspect is 0,4729 and 0,605. So that 8 item in pre-test and post-

test in this control class which are valid category.

b. Reliability

a. Reliability of Pre-test

Calculating the reliability of the pre-test experimental class and

control class used the Alpha Cronbach formula. The summary of

the level of calculation of the reliability of the instrument can be

seen based on the table below:

Tabel 4. 16
The Result of Reliability of Pre-test in Experimental Class

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.466 8

From the table above we can conclude that the pre-test experimntal

class value is reliable. The reason in the Cronbach alpha value of

0.466> 0.6

Tabel 4. 17
The Result of Reliability of Pre-test in Control Class

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.565 8

From the table above we can conclude that the pre-test control

class value is reliable. The reason in the Cronbach alpha value of

0.565> 0.6

b. Reliability of Post-Test

Calculating the reliability of the pre-test experimental class and

control class used the Alpha Cronbach formula. The summary of

the level of calculation of the reliability of the instrument can be

seen based on the table below:

Tabel 4. 18
The Result of Reliability of Post-test in Experimental Class

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.369 8

From the table above we can conclude that post-test reliability

value is reliable. The reason is the Cronbach Alpha value of


Tabel 4. 19
The Result of Reliability of Post-test in Control Class

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.428 8

From the table above we can conclude that post-test reliability

value is reliable. The reason is the Cronbach Alpha value of


4. Discussion

The Purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Instagram as a

media towards students’ vabulary mastery. It showed the result of used

Instagram to teach vocabulary mastery. The reseacher used Independent T-

test, the results of the Independent t-test sith sig 0.000 < 0.05. So, there is

an effect for students. Where between expriment and control class after

give treatment has a large compared before giving treatment. Morevor the

experimental class more improvments than the control class. It can be

concluded there was a positive effect of using Instagram in vocabulary

mastery at tenth grade of SMAN 1 Bangkinang.

The research collected the data to answer the research question

succesfully. The research question is there any significant effect in using


Instagram as media towards students’ vocabulary mastery? It can be

clarified according to data gained from the pre-test and post-test. The result

of students’ vocabulary mastery in experimental class showed the total of

pre-test is 1140 from 26 students. The highest score was 58 and the smallest

score was 33. The mean of pre-test is 44. Meanwhile the research total of

post test in experimental class is 2148, the highest score was 95 and the

smallest score was 75. The mean of post-test was 83, the highest category

score was good category were 7 students. It means the students vocabulary

mastery after impelemed Instagram as a media was categorized into good


The result of students’ vocabulary mastery in control class showed the

total of pre-test is 1065 from 26 students. The highest score was 55 and the

smallest score was 30. The mean of pre-test is 41. Meanwhile the total of

post-test in control class is 1553, the highest score was 73 and the smallest

48. The mean of post-test was 60.

The effect was proved by the students’ score percentage in post-test,

the result was obtained the average score of experimental class was 82

which were higher than the result of control class was 74. Teaching

vocabulary by using instagram in teaching students’ vocabulary make the

students’ intersting and had better in English. They interested to the lesson

because nowsday teacher can apply the technology in learning English.

Abin Syamsudin (2021) stated that the students' difficulties in

understanding vocabulary were (1) difficulties with the background, lack of


motivation and interest in learning, (2) negative attitude towards teachers,

lessons, and learning situations. (3) wrong study habits. Teaching using

Instagram as a med has an effect towards students' vocabulary mastery.

This is supported by the findings of research conducted by Aisyah Noor

Auly (2019). The results of her research shows that the use instagram as a

media improves students' vocabulary mastery. It be seen in the results of

her research that the experimental class 66,44 is higher than control class

value 63.22. This study proves that using instagram can improve students'

vocabulary mastery.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is an

effect of using Instagram on students' vocbulary mastery at tenth-grade of

SMAN 1 Bangkinang.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of data analysis and discussion, it can be

concluded that Instagram give the positive effect towards students’

vocabulary mastery. After implementing Instagram at the tenthgarde

SMAN 1 Bangkinang, the students’ vocabulary mastery in experimental

class is higher than conrol class. It can be seen in the data analysis there

are many students in experimental class who get good score by using

instagram as a media than the students control class. As the result, the

researcher conluded that Instagram in the effective media in teaching

vocabulary mastery.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research, the researcher gives several

suggestions for the students, English teacher and future researcher as


1. For The Students

a. The students as the subject in teaching and learning process should

be more active in teaching learning process. The students should be

gives the fast response for the study more effectively

b. Students are expected to help each other and learn from each other


2. For The Teacher

a. The teacher should be more creative to create the interesting and

enjoyable media to teaching so that the students can motivated in

learning English

b. The teacher should be awere of the students condition nowsdays by

having the knowladge about various media in teaching learning


At last part of all, the reseracher hopes that this thesis can give benefit to
anyone who read it. The researcher also hopes that the suggestion above
may help teacher, students, or other researcher that intend to conduct
further research.
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Appendix 1 : Test Vocabulary 1

( Pre-Test )

Name :
Class :

Choose the correct answer with circle of the answer !

1. Blood sampling is carried out on blood donors who have met the
requirements. This is done using sterile disposable tools with a closed
The meaning of the denotation of the word sterile in the paragraph above
a. Clean from dirt d. Free from pests.
b. Free from disease e. Free from insects
c. Free from germs

2. Cooperatives provide credit to members who need it, especially for

production activities.
The meaning of the word “production” in the sentence above is….
a. Issue goods d. Goods marketing
b. Distributing goods e. Sale of goods
c. Manufacture of goods

3. The prince abdicated the crown and returned to his castle. Abdicated
a. Gave up d. Auctioned.
b. Sold. e. destroyed
c. Reinvested into.

4. The old man was benevolent with his fortune. Benevolent means…
a. Secretive. d. Careful.
b. Stingy. e. Lazy
c. Kind.

5. Due to the rain and wind, the tree in front of my house….

The right word to complete the sentence above is….
a. collapsed d. collapse
b. fal e. get up

c. fell

6. A sentence that has a positive connotation is….

a. The criminal had been shot dead by the police.
b. Pak Udin's wife has given birth.
c. His young wife was pregnant.
d. Ibu Tinah is seven months pregnant.
e. The child had been kidnapped a few days ago

7. Sentences that contain the word meaningful connotation is ....

a. Jasmine flowers thrive in my yard.
b. Please, keep the flowers in a safe place.
c. Artificial flowers are sold in supermarkets.
d. The village flower is already a bank employee.
e. Mother cleaning the yard

8. Sentences that use negative connotations are….

a. As a wife, you have to be good at pleasing your husband.
b.The local government will bear the funeral expenses for the victims of
natural disasters.
c. The prostitutes work due to the demands of economic needs.
d. During his time in jail, Roy turned quiet.
e. Rama is the smartest kid in his class

9. “Protected forests function as water reservoirs in the rainy season and help
determine the air temperature in the surrounding area. However, there are
still a group of people who like to cut down for personal gain”. Among the
words in the paragraph above that have a negative connotation are….
a. Protected forest d. Likes to cut down
b. Determine too e. Air temperature
c. A bunch of people

10. The sentence below which uses the word with connotative meaning is….
a. The price of the scapegoat is very expensive.
b. In that incident, he was made a scapegoat.
c. His beloved scapegoat will be sold by his father.
d. In this traditional ceremony, a black goat is sacrificed.
e. Mother goes to the market every weekend

11. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”

Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. _________________________.”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?
A. I’m glad to hear that d. You’re welcome
B. That’s too bad e. I’m sorry to hear that
C. I’m sorry.

12. Andara : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you
like to go with me?
Bella : __________ it will very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this
What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?
A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
B. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. What a great idea!
E. That's so bad

13. Ali : What is your father’s job?

Boy : He is a … He flies the plane.

a. Doctor c. Postman e. Teacher

b. Farmer d. Pilot

14. Indra : The box you brought looks very heavy. ______
Ardi : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?
A. Would you like me to help you?
B. Would I like to help me?
C. Would you like to help me?
D. Would you like to bring it for me?
E. Would you help me, now

15. Where do people go to send the letter …

a. Beach c. Zoo e. Forest
b. Post office d. Station

16. “... you will see an unusual sight.” What is the synonym of the underlined
a. Strange c. Popular e.Regular
b. Common d. Traditioal

17. “...many of which strayed a long way away from ... “ The underlined word
can be replaced with. . .
a. Wandered d. Pointed
b. Changed e. Avoided
c. Directed

18. “Children are precious and dependent on the adults for guidance” The
underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
a. Valuable c. Clever e. Naive
b. Excellent. d. Innocen

19. “... producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface.” The synonym
of the underlined word is...
a. Fast d. Strong
b. Deep e. Weak
c. Quick

20. “.... to watch mature bears compete for salmon at Brook Falls. “ The
underlined word is the most closely associated to...
a. Fight c. hug d. Defend
b. Kill d. Defead

21. He offered her some of the most tender. The antonym of the bold type
a. Gentle d. Strong
b. Though e. Mild
c. Rough

22. Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp. The bold typed word
a. Get c. Make e. Cut

b. Produce d. Process

23. He is a diligent boy. The antonym of underlined word is....

a. Stupid c. Lazy e. Clever
b. Crazy d. Smart

24. Ahead of the long Idul Fitri holiday, the government is increasingly
tightening supervision of vehicles entering and leaving the Jabodetabek
area. The public is also advised not to carry out activities that could
potentially transmit Covid-19.
The antonym of the word tightening is …
a. Liberation d. Release
b. Monitoring e. Difficulty
c. Easing

25. There are still many community members who do not care about the
importance of adhering to health protocols.
The antonym of caring is ….
a. Ignore d. Noticed
b. Carry out e. Tell
c. heed

26. The hyponyms for the word bird are listed in the sentences below,
a. Peacocks have very beautiful feathers.
b. Wild ducks are protected animals.
c. Pigeons are used to deliver messages.
d. Grandfather's turtledove sounds very good.
e. The white cockatoo population is decreasing.

27. We are all waiting for good winds to launch an action against them.
The meaning of the word wind in the sentence above is ….
a. Opportunity d. News
b. Weather e. Atmosphere
c. Circumstances

28. His analysis of things is so sharp that he always manages to handle what's
about to happen. The correct term to name the action contained in the
sentence above is ….
a. Anticipate d. Assumptions

b. Appreciation e. Participation
c. Acceleration

29. The relationship of meaning contained in plants - fruit - grapes, is also

found in ....
a. Flowers – jasmine – rose d. Happy - happy - joy
b. Beverages – tea – coffee e. Animals – birds – peacocks
c. Yellow – red – green

30. Be careful with this item. Don't fall!

The word falling in the sentence above has the same meaning as the word
falling in...
a. His grades fell because he was careless.
b. The racer never fell during the race.
c. The name of this institution has fallen because of that case.
d. Grandfather has been sick since two days ago.
e. Brother fell in love with the beautiful girl.

31. the word "tiger" and "lion" are hyponyms of...

a. creature d. animal (answer)
b. wild e. natural
c. dengerous

32. “There are some women take part in the fashion show competition” In the
sentence above the word "women" is included in one of the grammatical
categories as follows…
a. Common nouns d. Logical words
b. Names e. Polysemy
c. Pronouns

33. My friend has some strange pet. His pets

are ______ like bee, ant, and butterfly.
a. fruits c. fish e. book
b. insects d. flowers

34. Spinach, tomato, carrot, are kinds of ______

a. vegetables c. wild animal e.drink
b. flowers d. fruits

35. Blue, Black, White, and Red. Are kinds of ______

a. noun c. animal e. food
b. colour d. flower

36. "Ibuku akan memasak sup ayam malam ini." Translate to English!
a. My mom will cook chicken soup tonight
b. My mom won't cook chicken soup tonight
c. My mom are going to cook chicken soup tonight
d. My mom is going to be chicken soup tonight
e. My mom will going cook chicken soup in the night

37. I am going to wait right there …., Robert comes.

a. after c. before e. and
b. until d. because

Translate the following sentences into English !

38. Saya selalu sarapan di pagi hari

a. I always have breakfast in the morning.
b. I always eat in the morning
c. I always breakfast in the morning
d. I always have lunch in the evening
e. I always have breakfast in the night

39. Di pagi hari, Lisa menyiram bunga.

a. In morning, Lisa waters the flowers.
b. In the morning, Lisa waters the flowers.
c. This morning, Lisa waters the flowers.
d. In this morning, Lisa waters the flowers.
e. In morning today, Lisa waters the flowers.

Translate the following sentences into Indonesian !

40. Rio plays basketball with his friends.

a. Rio bermain bola basket dengan teman.
b. Rio bermain bola basket bersama temannya
c. Rio bermain bola basket dengan temannya
d. Rio bermain basket dengan teman-temannya
e. Rio bermain bola basket dengan teman- temannya.

Appendix 2 : Vocabulary Test

( Post-test )

Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer with circle of the answer !

1. Below are sentences that use words with connotative meaning, namely .....
a. Sister just watered the flowers in the yard.
b. They go to school by train.
c. The suspension bridge collapsed because it was fragile.
d. Drugs are a bridge to hell.
e. When the sweetness is gone, the pulp is thrown out.

2. The true meaning that is in accordance with the meaning contained by the
a. Denotation c. Connotation e. gramaical
b. Contextual d. Lexical

3. The italicized words in the sentences below have denotation meanings,

a. The letter was put in an envelope.
b. The younger brother catches the chicken with both hands.
c. father is repairing the pump.
d. Brother is tapping the tap water (sap).
e. Mother carries a heavy burden of life.

4. Because of the rain and wind, the tree in front of my house.....

a. Collapsed d. Crumple
b. Crash e. Fall of
c. Fell (answer)

5. The following sentences which have denotative meanings are….

a. Forest fires causedbthe extincton of several rare plants
b. Andi burns with emotion when he learns about what happened to his

c. My father became an accomplice to the owner of the company where he

d. The area where the demonstration took place became a sea of people
e. Lisa is a village flowers where she lives

6. The word eat in the following sentence includes connotative meaning;

a. That old man had eaten a lot of salt in the martial world.
b. Little brother eats quite a lot of durian.
c. Eating together is great fun.
d. Eating when hungry is very delicious.
e. At the time of breaking the fast eaten compote first.

7. The agreement must be made in black and white to handle both sides.
The meaning of this expression is ...
a. written d. written in black
b. write e. the writing must be black
c. book

8. Words in italics in the following sentences have denotative meanings, except ;

a. He decided to live with mother.
b. Little brother catches the ball perfectly.
c. Sister was injured by a splinter of glass.
d. The younger brother attacks the caught robber.
e. The fallen tree hit a resident's house.

9. Even though he is a… factory and his wife is a…, he dreams of wanting to

send their children as high as possible. Negative connotation words for
complete the sentence above is….
a. Employees – helpers d. Workers- maid
b. Officer – maid e. Employess- maid
c. Workers – helpers

10. The sentence below which uses the word with connotative meaning is….
a. The price of the scapegoat is very expensive.
b. In that incident, he was made a scapegoat.
c. His beloved scapegoat will be sold by his father.
d. In this traditional ceremony, a black goat is sacrificed.
e. The scapegoat has disappeared

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.


At once Grandfather and Grandmother began to _______for Issumboshi’s trip.

Issumboshi was_______. Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a
________body. At last, Issumboshi reached the ______city and anchored
under the_______. Then he climbed up to the railing and viewed the town.

11. a. Prepare d. out

b. sleep e. Put
c. walking

12. a. wake up d. not ready

b. ready e. going
c. run

13. a. big d. small

b. far e. afraid
c. tall

14. a. big d. make

b. different e. crowded
c. capital

15. a. buildig d. town

b. river e. bridge
c. road

16. This chair in my living room is durable despite being 20 years old but still
going strong. The synonym of durable in the sentence above is ….
a. Long lasting d. Safe
b. Good e. Big
c. Strong

17. Education includes both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper
conduct, and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills,
trades, or professions, as well as mental, moral, and aesthetic development.
The word "conduct" in line 1 means…
a. Manner d. Principle
b. Mode e. Mannagement
c. Control

18. Jan Dibbets may someday have his work revered as much as his Dutch
predecessors: Vermeer, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt. At a time when the trends
in art are toward abstraction and minimalism, Dibbets' work integrates these
two disparate trends into one remarkable whole.
As used in line 2, what is the meaning of the word “time”?
a. Season
b. Century
c. Period
d. Interval
e. Mass

19. The following are synonyms for ambiguous words....

a. Obscurity d. Right
b. Confusion e. Sure
c. Abstract

20. What is the synonym of smart?

a. Clever d. Short
b. Stupid e. Lazy
c. Tall

21. The hawkers who were selling their goods complained that their income had
decreased sharply during the Covid 19 pandemic.
The antonym of the word peddle in the sentence above is ...
a. Selling d. Split
b. Offer e. Runing
c. Buying

22. All this time, Fatimah has been pursuing her hobby of collecting detective
series comics.
The antonym of collecting in the sentence above is ….
a. Collecting d. Reading
b. Deploy e. Working
c. Sending

23. Buying goods online must be careful because many use fake brands.
The antonym of fake in the sentence above is …
a. Original d. Fake
b. Ancient e. Negative
c. Imitation

24. The following is not a correct pair of antonyms:

a. Off >< on d. Long >< briefly
b. Died >< Past e. Small >< big
c. Hot >< cold

25. The food is made from natural colors

The antonyms of the word natural is?
a. Fake d. Paper
b. Big e. funny
c. Kind

26. Which one of the following items is incorrect?

a. car : inanimate, land vehicle, four wheels
b. bank: sloping sides, along side of the river
c. river : area to flow water, long, wide
d. kitty : animate, little cat, four legs, funny
e. table : inanimate, furniture, seating

27. Which of the following is necessary part of the whole thing?

a. anchor < ship d. body < nose
b. cat < animal e. hand < finger
c. wings < bird
d. body < nose

28. Cupboard is ______ of furniture

a. Hyphonym d. Synonym
b. Hypernym e. Entallment
c. Meronymy

29. Which word is not hyponym of a tree?

a. pine d. the presidents
b. oak e. maple
c. leaves

30. Ladybug, cockroach, flea, grasshopper, earwig are associated with_________.

a. antonym d. hypernym
b. synonym e. meronym
c. hyponym

31. My sister goes to zoo to see some fishes such as dolphin, whale, sea cow, and
shark. Are co-hyponym of……
a. fruits d. city
b. vegetables e. country
c. fish

32. I want to have cat, fish, or dog. Are co-hyponym of…..

a. pets d. wild animals
b. animals e. color
c. city

33. I felt sad, happy, disappointed, and angry at the same time. Are co-hyponym
a.color d. daily activity
b. weather e. felling
c. country

34. I’m bored like sleeping, eating, and taking a bath. Are co-hyponym of….
a. feeling d. drink
b. daily activity e. insect
c. food

35. sparrow, hawk, crow, fowl. Are kinds of…..

a. animals d. pets
b. birds e. carnivore animal
c. herbivore animal

Translate the following words from English to Indonesian !

36. Fahri get used to study every night
a. Fahri belajar setiap malam
b. Fahri mencoba belajar setiap malam
c. Fahri biasa belajar setiap malam
d. Fahri membiasakan diri untuk belajar setiap malam
e. Fahri kesulitan belajar setiap malam

37. My uncle's house turned into a lively dance hall.

a. Rumah paman saya berubah menjadi sebuah ruangan dansa yang meriah.
b. Rumah paman saya berubah menjadi sebuah ruangan dansa yang besar.
c. Rumah paman saya berubah menjadi sebuah ruangan dansa yang ramai.
d. Rumah paman saya berubah menjadi sebuah ruangan pesta dansa.

e. Rumah paman saya menjadi sebuah ruangan pesta dansa yang meriah.

38. She has an exercise book in her school bag.

a. Dia meminjam sebuah buku latihan di dalam tas
b. Dia memiliki sebuah buku latihan dalam tas sekolahnya
c. Dia meminjam sebuah buku latiham dalam tas sekolahnya
d. Dia memiliki beberapa buku latihan di dalam tas sekolahnya
e. Dia memiliki buku latihan di tas sekolahnya

Translate the following words from Indonesian to English !

39. Ada sebuah buku bahasa Inggris baru di meja.
a. There is a new English book on the chair
b. There is a English book on the desk
c. There is a new English book on the bedroom
d. There is a new English books on the chair
e. There is a new English book on the desk

40. Emily membutuhkan meja baru di kamarnya.

a. Emily needs a new desk in her room.
b. Emily needs a new desk in his room.
c. Emily needs a new desk in room.
d. Emily needs a new desk in the room.
e. Emily need a new desk in her room.

Appendix 3 :Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran


Experimental Group

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 1 Bangkinang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester :X/3

Materi Pokok : Expressing Preferences

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara dengan level Novice
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menggunakan kata-kata untuk menunjukan pilihan.
2. Menjelaskan ungkapan untuk menunjukkan pilihan.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Fungsi Sosial :
Menyatakan pilihan yang di inginkan dan yang tidak diinginkan.
2. Structure teks
· Preference used: Like…… better than
· Preference used: Prefer……. To
· Preference used: Would rather…. Than
To express preference, we can use these sentences:
· I like Blue color better than black
· I prefer red color to blue.
· I would rather study now than letter.

3. Unsur kebahasaan
“like + nouns/ (verb+ing) + better than+noun/(ver+ing)”
“Prefer + nouns + to + nouns”
“Would rather + Verb1 tanpa to + than + Verb1 tanpa to”
E. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Scientific approach
2. Model : CTL
3. Teknik : Group Disscusion and Presentation
F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media : Instagram
2. Alat : Laptop dan Smartphone.
3. Sumber pembelajaran : Internet dan Modul
G. Langkah- langkah Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)
a. Mengucapkan salam
b. Memberi motivasi belajar
c. Memberi brainstrorming berupa pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan
materi yang akan disampaikan seperti:
Can you favorite colors?can you tell me what is your favorite
colors? Choice just one color and you compare in other color!
d. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang
akan dicapai (based on my questions previously, now, please
guess! What topic are we going to discus today ?)
e. Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan
sesuai silabus (yaitu materi tentang ungkapan menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang menunjukan pilihan, bagaimana fungsi
sosial ,struktur teks , unsur kebahasaan dan tata bahasa, dsb).

2. Kegiatan Inti (35 menit)


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas tentang topik materi
yang akan dipelajari yaitu menggunakan kata-kata dan ungkapan untuk
menunjukan pilihan sederhana seperti menentukan pilihar kesukaan warna
yang ada pada gambar pada aplikasi Instagram (kreatif).
 Menggunakan buku pelajaran dan sumber belajar lainnya.
 Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antar peserta didik serta antara peserta
didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya melalui
Instagram (kerjasama).
 Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

 Menjelaskan kepada siswa secara structural tentang kata-kata atau

ungkapan untuk menunjukan pilihan.
 Memberikan kesempatan bertanya kepada siswa tentang materi di atas
 Memberikan permasalahan kepada siswa (rasa ingin tahu) tentang like
and dislike.
 Sebagai fasilitator mengarahkan dan membimbing siswa dalam memahami
bentuk kalimat yang digunakan secara kreatif

Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, siswa:

 Mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang kata-kata atau ungkapan untuk

menunjukkan pilihan.
 Bertanya kepada guru tentang materi yang belum dipahami (rasa ingin

 Membuat kalimat expressing preferences.
 Practice sebuah kalimat yang telah mereka tulis.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Mengoreksi soal dan memberikan pertanyaan secara individual

kepada siswa lain, kemudian guru mengumumkan hasil pekerjaan
siswa dan memberikan reward (menghargai prestasi).

Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

 Bersama-sama siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah

disampaikan (kerjasama).
 Menginformasikan materi untuk pertemuan selanjutnya tentang
bacaan yang berhubungan dengan materi berikutnya.

Appendix 4 :Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Control Group
Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 1 Bangkinang
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester :X/2
Materi Pokok : Expressing Preferences

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara dengan level Novice
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana berdasarkan
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menggunakan kata-kata untuk menunjukan pilihan.
2. Menjelaskan ungkapan untuk menunjukkan pilihan.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Fungsi Sosial :
Menyatakan pilihan yang di inginkan dan yang tidak diinginkan.
2. Structure teks

 Preference used: Like…… better than

 Preference used: Prefer……. To
 Preference used: Would rather…. Than
To express preference, we can use these sentences:

 I like Blue color better than black

 I prefer red color to blue.
 I would rather study now than letter.
3. Unsur kebahasaan
“like + nouns/ (verb+ing) + better than+noun/(ver+ing)”

“Prefer + nouns + to + nouns”

“Would rather + Verb1 tanpa to + than + Verb1 tanpa to”
E. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Scientific approach
2. Model : CTL
3. Teknik : Group Disscusion and Presentation
F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media : Google Classroom
2. Alat : Laptop dan Smartphone.
3. Sumber pembelajaran : Internet dan Modul
G. Langkah – langkah Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)
a. Mengucapkan salam
b. Memberi motivasi belajar
c.Memberi brainstrorming berupa pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan
materi yang akan disampaikan seperti: Can you favorite colors?can you
tell me what is your favorite colors? Choice just one color and you
compare in other color!
d. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan
dicapai (based on my questions previously, now, please guess! What
topic are we going to discus today ?)
e. Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan
sesuai silabus (yaitu materi tentang ungkapan menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang menunjukan pilihan, bagaimana fungsi
sosial,struktur teks , unsur kebahasaan dan tata bahasa, dsb).
2. Kegiatan Inti (35 menit)
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas tentang topik

materi yang akan dipelajari yaitu menggunakan kata-kata dan
ungkapan untuk menunjukan pilihan sederhana seperti menentukan
pilihar kesukaan warna yang ada pada gambar pada aplikasi

Google Classroom (kreatif).

 Menggunakan buku pelajaran dan sumber belajar lainnya.
 Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antar peserta didik serta antara
peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya
melalui Google Classroom (kerjasama).
 Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan
pembelajaran (kreatif)
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

 Menjelaskan kepada siswa secara structural tentang kata-kata atau

ungkapan untuk menunjukan pilihan.
 Memberikan kesempatan bertanya kepada siswa tentang materi di
atas (komunikatif).
 Memberikan permasalahan kepada siswa (rasa ingin tahu) tentang
like and dislike
 Sebagai fasilitator mengarahkan dan membimbing siswa dalam
memahami bentuk kalimat yang digunakan secara kreatif
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, siswa:

 Mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang kata-kata atau ungkapan

untuk menunjukkan pilihan.
 Bertanya kepada guru tentang materi yang belum dipahami (rasa
ingin tahu).
 Membuat kalimat expressing preferences.
 Practice sebuah kalimat yang telah mereka tulis.
Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Mengoreksi soal dan memberikan pertanyaan secara individual

kepada siswa lain, kemudian guru mengumumkan hasil pekerjaan
siswa dan memberikan reward (menghargai prestasi).
Penutup (5 menit)
Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

 Bersama-sama siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah

disampaikan (kerjasama).
 Menginformasikan materi untuk pertemuan selanjutnya tentang
bacaan yang berhubungan dengan materi berikutnya.

Appendix 5 : The Names of Students’ in Experimental Class



1 AF L

2 AN P

3 BA L

4 DH L

5 FK L

6 FD L

7 GA P

8 HY L

9 IM P

10 JA L

11 MAF P

12 MRM L

13 M L

14 MD L

15 MHA P

16 MRA L

17 MZR L

18 RA L

19 RF P

20 S P

21 SR P

22 SR P

23 S P

24 TI P

25 WZ P

26 ZKA P

Appendix 6 : The Names of Students’ in Experimental Class

The Name Of Students’ In Control Class

1 AP L
2 AM L
3 AR P
4 DA P
5 FH P
6 F P
8 HZ L
10 MR L
11 N L
12 RA L
13 RN P
14 RM L
15 SAA L
16 SM L
17 SH P
18 SFC P
19 TA P
20 ZA L
21 ZA L
22 IH L
23 Z P
24 DF L
25 RZ P
26 MA L

Appendix 7 : The validation of Test


Appendix 8 : Pre-Test Result


Appendix 9 : Post-Test Result


Appendix 10 : Score Pretest and Posttest in Expermental Class


NO Respondents Pretest Posttest

1 Student 1 50 90
2 Student 2 35 85
3 Student 3 40 78
4 Student 4 33 85
5 Student 5 38 75
6 Student 6 58 85
7 Student 7 53 80
8 Student 8 45 85
9 Student 9 33 85
10 Student 10 53 75
11 Student 11 53 80
12 Student 12 45 88
13 Student 13 45 95
14 Student 14 35 80
15 Student 15 35 90
16 Student 16 38 75
17 Student 17 43 75
18 Student 18 48 75
19 Student 19 38 90
20 Student 20 48 83
21 Student 21 50 78
22 Student 22 45 83
23 Student 23 38 75
24 Student 24 50 78
25 Student 25 45 88
26 Student 26 53 95
TOTAL 1140 2148

Appendix 11 : Score Pretest and Posttest In Control Class



NO Respondents Pretest Posttest

1 Student 1 45 73
2 Student 2 35 70
3 Student 3 45 70
4 Student 4 40 60
5 Student 5 40 60
6 Student 6 35 58
7 Student 7 30 50
8 Student 8 35 63
9 Student 9 45 65
10 Student 10 40 60
11 Student 11 40 50
12 Student 12 35 63
13 Student 13 50 73
14 Student 14 45 63
15 Student 15 50 53
16 Student 16 40 65
17 Student 17 50 73
18 Student 18 40 48
19 Student 19 35 63
20 Student 20 30 50
21 Student 21 55 65
22 Student 22 45 58
23 Student 23 35 50
24 Student 24 30 55
25 Student 25 45 50
26 Student 26 50 50
TOTAL 1065 1553

Appendix 12 : Key Answer


a. Key Answer test pretest b. Key Answer test posttest

NO Key Answer NO Key Answer

1 C 1 E
2 C 2 A
3 A 3 E
4 C 4 C
5 C 5 A
6 C 6 A
7 D 7 A
8 D 8 A
9 C 9 C
10 B 10 B
11 A 11 A
12 D 12 B
13 D 13 D
14 A 14 C
15 B 15 E
16 A 16 A
17 B 17 A
18 A 18 C
19 D 19 B
20 A 20 A
21 A 21 C
22 A 22 B
23 C 23 A
24 C 24 B
25 A 25 A
26 B 26 B
27 A 27 B
28 A 28 A
29 E 29 D
30 B 30 C
31 D 31 C
32 A 32 A
33 C 33 E
34 A 34 B
35 B 35 B
36 A 36 D

37 B 37 A
38 A 38 B
39 B 39 E
40 E 40 A

Appendix 13 : Question Grid


Question Grid

(Pre Test)

No Indicator Number Item

1 Denotation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2 Connotation 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
3 Appropiatness 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
4 Synonyms 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
5 Antonyms 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
6 Hyponyms 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
7 Co-hyponym 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
8 Translation 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

(Post Test)

No Indicator Number Item

1 Denotation 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
2 Conotation 1, 6, 8, 9, 10
3 Appropiatness 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
4 Synonyms 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
5 Antonyms 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
6 Hyponyms 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
7 Co-hyponyms 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
8 Translation 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

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