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Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tadulako University





Diajukan sebagai pemenuhan sebagian persyaratan untuk

Gelar Sarjana di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Tadulako





Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tadulako University







Has been checked and approved for Skripsi Examination

Approved by :

Supervisor Co Supervisor

Dr.Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed Afrillia Anggreni, S.Pd.I., M.Pd

NIP. 19670715 199303 2 002 NIP. 19860416 201803 2 001

Acknowledged by
Coordinator of English Education Study Program

Dr.Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed

NIP. 19670715 199303 2 002

Hasnidar, A12118288. Perception Towards Learning Speaking through YouTube

by the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 3 Palu. Skripsi. English Education
Study Program. Language and Art Education Department. Teacher Training and
Education Faculty. Tadulako University, under the supervision of Rofiqoh and
Afrillia Anggreni.

The objective of this research is to find out the students’ perception towards the
use of YouTube in learning speaking. This qualitative descriptive research design
involved 36 students of the tenth grade IPA 3 who have experienced in learning
speaking by using YouTube at SMA Negeri 3 Palu. Questionnaire and interview
were employed to collect the data. The interview was conducted to get more
information from students as a supporting result of the questionnaire. Based on
the data, the findings shows that the students had a positive perceptions towards
the use of YouTube as a media in learning speaking. The results of the
questionnaire are: (1) The use of YouTube makes learning speaking more
interesting. (2) The use of YouTube has increased the students’ participation in
learning speaking and (3) The use of YouTube in learning increased the students’
vocabulary and pronunciation. The result of the interview is using YouTube as a
learning media is helpful for students, they said that the use of YouTube in
classroom is very easy to be understand and remembered. In addition to, teacher
should pay more attention to deliver the best possible material during learning
through YouTube in teaching speaking.

Keywords: YouTube, Learning speaking, Perception

Hasnidar, A12118288, Persepsi Terhadap Pembelajaran Speaking Melalui
YouTube Siswa Kelas sepuluh di SMA Negeri 3 Palu. Skripsi. Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.Universitas Tadulako, di bawah bimbingan
Rofiqoh dan Afrillia Anggreni.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap
penggunaan YouTube dalam pembelajaran berbicara. Desain penelitian deskriptif
kualitatif ini melibatkan 36 siswa kelas sepuluh IPA 3 yang pernah belajar
berbicara dengan menggunakan YouTube di SMA Negeri 3 Palu. Kuesioner dan
wawancara digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Wawancara dilakukan untuk
mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dari siswa sebagai pendukung hasil angket.
Berdasarkan data, temuan menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki persepsi positif
terhadap penggunaan YouTube sebagai media dalam pembelajaran berbicara.
Hasil dari angket adalah: (1) Penggunaan YouTube membuat pembelajaran
berbicara menjadi lebih menarik. (2) Penggunaan YouTube telah meningkatkan
partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran berbicara dan (3) Penggunaan YouTube
dalam pembelajaran meningkatkan kosa kata dan pengucapan siswa. Hasil
wawancara yang dilakukan adalah penggunaan YouTube sebagai media
pembelajaran bermanfaat bagi siswa, mereka mengatakan bahwa penggunaan
YouTube di kelas sangat mudah untuk dipahami dan diingat. Sebagai tambahan,
guru hendaknya lebih memperhatikan penyampaian materi dengan sebaik-baiknya
selama pembelajaran melalui YouTube.
Kata Kunci: YouTube, Pembelajaran speaking, Persepsi.

Alhamdulillah Robbil’ Alamin, the researcher expresses her highest

gratitude to Allah Subhaanahuu Wa Ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health,

and mercy to complete this skripsi. Shalawat is always sent to Prophet

Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam who has delivered the truth to human

beings in general and Moeslems in particular.

In writing this skripsi, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice,

supports, and even remarks that have helped the researcher. In this valuable

chance, the researcher intends to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of

them. First, the researcher would like to express a deepest gratitude to her

reviewer Anjar Kusuma Dewi, S.Pd., M.Ed., who has given constructive

comments for the improvement of this writing. Then, the researcher would like to

give the best gratitude to her supervisiors Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed and Afrillia

Anggreni, S.Pd.I., M.Pd who have valuable time to guide and give excellent

comments, suggestion, and corrections since writing the proposal until the

completion of this skripsi. The researcher also wants to say big thanks to Dr.

Aminah, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., as the chairman of Skripsi Examination, and

Agussatriana, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Secretary of her Skripsi Examination for their

time to attending the skripsi examination.

Second, the researcher gratefully expresses her great appreciation and

gratitude to Rector of Tadulako University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Amar, ST., MT., IPU.,

ASEAN Eng; the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Dr. Ir.
Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd, M.Si.; The Head of Language and Art Education

Department, Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum; Coordinator of English Education

Study Program, Dr. Hj.Rofiqoh, M.Ed.,and the staff for their administrative

assistance. Moreover, a lot of thank and gratefulness also goes to all of the

lecturers in English Education Study Program viii who have taught and shared

knowledge so that the researcher become better at learning and speaking English,

indirectly they make researcher more open-minded about the world with so many

knowledge and experience they have.

Thereafter, the researcher would like to thanks the principal of SMA

Negeri 3 Palu, for the permission to the researcher conducting the research at the

school. Also the researcher would like to thanks the English teacher of grade ten

students, for giving the researcher an opportunity and guidance during data

collection. Furtheremore, the researcher thanks all of the all students of SMA

Negeri 3 Palu especially for class X IPA 8 for their participation during the


Then, the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents

Amiruddin and Hasnawati also to her grandmother Sitti for their prayer, financial,

motivation, sacrificed for her success, their love sincerely and purely without

time. A special thanks also goes to her beloved siblings, Ardiansyah, Firmansyah,

and Alifa Azkia who always give endless love, pray, never ending support, and

motivation. To Pratu Azis, thank you for being her support system and being part

of the journey from registering as a new student till now.

The researcher also would like to deliver her appreciations and thanks to

researcher classmates in Department of Language and Art Education class F

(Famous) 2018, who cannot be mentioned here one by one. Thank you very much

for amazing memories that they have passed. Researcher grateful to have some

close friends who always support her Sri Masriyani S.Pd., Rafika Sari Lasiara,

Nurazizah S.pd, Nadira Nur Afrilla S.Pd., Nurul Hayati and Sri Wahyuni Sari for

happiness, laugh, ups and downs that they have been together. Thank you for

accompanying me in any condition.

Finally, all of the people around the researcher’s life who could not

mention one by one researcher who has given a big inspiration, motivation, spirit,

and prayers for her. Thus, the researcher hopes that this research can be beneficial

to the readers as well as those who intend to bring about further research. The

criticism, idea, and correction for the improvement are needed. Thank you, may

Allah bless us.

Palu, 29 August 2023

The Researcher,


Cover i
Approval ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Research Question 3
1.3 Objective of the Research 3
1.4 Scope of the Research 3
1.5 Significance of Research 3
1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 4
2.1 Related Studies 5
2.2 Literature Review 8
2.2.1 Components of Speaking Skill 8
2.2.2 The Aims of Speaking 10
2.2.3 Teachers’ Media for Teaching Speaking 12
2.2.4 YouTube as a Media for Learning Speaking 13
2.2.5 The Advantage and Disadvantages of YouTube 16
2.2.6 Instructional Objective 20
2.3 Theoretical Framework 24
3.1 Research Design 25
3.2 Location and Time 25
3.3 Subject of Research 25
3.4 Instruments of Data Collection 26
3.4.1 Questionnaire 26
3.4.2 Interview 26
3.5 Technique of Data Collection 26
4.1 Findings 28
4.2 Findings from Questionnaire 28
4.2.1 YouTube as a Media in Learning English 28
4.2.2 YouTube in Improving Affective Aspect 29
4.2.3 YouTube in Improving Cognitive Aspect 30
4.3 Findings from the Interview 31
4.4 Discussion 36
5.1 Conclusion 38
5.2 Suggestion 38


1.1 Background of the study

Technology has become an innovation in the history of learning. It provides

opportunities for language learners to learn and practice independently. Various

information can be found on the internet and used for learning. Some of the

advantages of the internet currently it is a network platform where users can fully

utilize various application with an internet browser, the user is the owner of the

content and has control full, encouraging users to be creative, interactive and easy

to use and have social network function (Duffi). In short, today's internet

technology is user-centered. If we connect with learning, internet technology is

currently aligned with the approach learner centered learning where the learner

becomes the center and main actor of the activity learning. The Internet itself

opens up many possibilities of integrating technology in classroom learning. For

example, if we want to find English material such as speaking is on the internet

and those are more up-to-date. Thus, it can be interpreted that technology can

facilitate the learners to learn English by themselves.

YouTube is one of technology innovation that can be used by students in

learning English, especially in improving students’ speaking skill. Learning

something from YouTube has been recognised for a long term by means of

predominant international locations in this global. For example students can learn

how to speak well involve fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and

comprehension by watching videos from non and native speaker on YouTube.

YouTube video can be used by students in learning English and it is very easy to

be accessed, especially in learning speaking. One of the advantages of YouTube is

that videos on YouTube can be downloaded online but can be watched offline.

Furthermore, using YouTube as a learning tool may affect students’ involvement.

The use of YouTube as a learning medium allows the students to create

interesting, fun and interactive learning atmosphere. It equips with picture or

graphic and sound that can make the classroom learning atmosphere enjoyable.

YouTube will also become a library very extensive free videos for learners that

will encourage them to become independent learner. Therefore YouTube becomes

one of educational media expected to bridge the success of learning.

The current phenomenon requires teachers to be more creative in carrying

out the process learning to teach. Therefore nowadays, many teachers use

YouTube to make their students interested in English, particularly in learning

speaking. Based on preliminary research that have been conducted by researcher

at SMA Negeri 3 Palu, the teachers revealed that the use YouTube as a medium in

teaching speaking in order to make students more interested in learning English.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in carrying out her study at the school. The

purpose of the study is to learn the students’ perception on the use of YouTube as

learning medium in speaking class.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the previous explanation on the background, the researcher

presents a research question as follow:

What are the students’ perceptions towards the use of YouTube as a

medium in learning speaking?

1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement, the objective of the research is to find out

the students’ perception towards the use of YouTube in learning speaking.

1.4 Scope of The Research

In this study, the researcher limited to the affective and cognitive aspect

students’ perception of using YouTube as a media in learning speaking.

1.5 Significance of The Research

The research expects that the finding of the research can be useful for the

students, teachers, and other researchers. For students, the result of this study will

help the students to understand in learning English, especially in speaking. For

teachers, it is hoped that this research can provide inspiration to teacher in

teaching English through YouTube video. For other researchers, the result of this

research can be considered as one of references to conduct a research within

similar topics, such as the effective way to teach listening skill by watching video

on YouTube.
1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms

The researcher defines the key terms related to the topic of this research in

order to avoid misinterpretation of their meaning. The key terms are defined as


1. YouTube is a popular platform for sharing videos, including instructional

likes for learning speaking in English.

2. Learning speaking is an activity to learn how to speak in English which

will be used to communicate with other people by watching YouTube.

3. Perception is a person’s direct response to something, or the process of

someone learning something through his five sense.




2.1 Related Studies

In relation to this topic, some previous studies have been carried out. These

studies suggested that the YouTube videos are considered effective in teaching in

learning process.

A study by Kurniawan (2018) investigated about students perception on the

use of YouTube as learning media to improve their speaking skill. Based on

research he found that the research showed that the use of YouTube as a learning

media in speaking class can help students to improve their speaking skill. The

subject of this study are students of English department of Bengkulu University

who took speaking 2 class with 40 students in total. To collect the data, he used

questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was analyzed by using Likert scale

while a semi structured interview was used to elicit students’ opinions about the

implementation of the uploading English activity and how such the activity may

enhance their English and the interview data were analyzed. Based on research he

found that the research showed that the use of YouTube as a learning media in

speaking class can help students to improve their speaking skill.

Another study by Rusgandi, Ashari, and Ismiatun (2021) investigated

students’ perception on the use of YouTube as their means to learn English

speaking skill. The participants of this study were 30 English students of second
semester of the English Education Department at UNISMA. There were only 10

students to be interviewed as the representatives of 30 responses. The instrument

used in this study were questionnaire using likert scale and semi structured

interview. The result showed that the students had a positive perception on the use

of YouTube towards their speaking skill.

Next, a study by Gracella and Nur (2020) is about students’ perception of

English learning through YouTube Application. This article reported a qualitative

study that finds out students’ perception of English learning through YouTube are

beneficial and help them learn English. The participants of this study were 5

students who use the YouTube application as a media for learning English in

SMK Negeri 17 and data were collected through interview-based on case study

design. The findings of the study showed the students have many benefits to

improve their English skills, and very easy to access in almost every student’s

gadget and it can be used in every situation for help and motivated them to learn

English. All of the students are given positive responses about the use of YouTube

application in learning English.

The fourth previous study conducted by Iqbal, Ashari, and Ismiatun (2021)

was about students’ perception on the use of English video blog towards their

speaking performance. This study aims to give a detail description of how are

students perceive on the use of English video blog towards their speaking

performance. The researcher used qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative

design. The participants of this research were 10 students of fourth semester of

English Department of University Islam Malang. The participants were chosen

randomly. To explore the students’ perception on the use of English video blog

towards their speaking performance, an online-based questionnaire and an online-

based interview were used as the methods of collecting the data. The instruments

used this study were questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The

questionnaire used in this study was using likert scale. The findings showed that

all the students have a positive perception on the use of English vlog as their

learning media in improving their English speaking performance.

The last previous study conducted by Purwanti, Suwastini, Adnyani, and

Kultsum (2021) about YouTube videos for improving speaking skills: the benefit

and challenges according to recent research in EFL context. This study applied

library research adopted from George (2008) as adapted into qualitative design.

The method was adopted due to its suitability with the present study namely, to

identify sources providing factual information and expert opinion on the benefits

and challenges of using YouTube videos in EFL context. Since the study was not

concerned on measuring the general impacts of this implementation in previous

studies, George’s model was adapted into a qualitative to meet the purpose of the

study, which is to provide elaborations of benefits and challenges of implementing

YouTube videos in ELF classrooms. The results of this study may be beneficial

for teachers in identifying the benefits and challenges for improving the students'

speaking skills; thus, they are more ready to use YouTube videos. It may allow

teachers to be more open to incorporating this platform into their lessons. The
mapping can also be used as a starting point for numerous researches to be

conducted to overcome the various challenges identified in this current study.

Based on the previous findings there was positive response of YouTube as

one of the online media that can be used in learning English. This study have

similarity and differences with the five studies. Among the five studies, some of

them used a qualitative method with using questionnaire and interview as the

instruments of data collection. While this study used questionnaire and interview

as the instruments of data collection but with different subject and different


2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 Components of Speaking Skill

Every English skill such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing has

components. One of skill is speaking, speaking is one of a tool for communicating

with other people in daily life. To talking with each other must pay attention to the

components of speaking. According to Harris (1974), there are five components

of speaking skill related to comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,


a. Comprehension

Comprehension focuses on people understanding of conversation and it

measures how much explanations are required to understand people

responses. In other words, if a person can answer or express idea well, it

shows that she or he has a good comprehension.

b. Grammar

It is needed for students to use a correct sentences in conversation. It is in

line with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978:5) that students’ ability

to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in

appropriateness. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way

gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the appropriate diction which is used in

communication. Without having a sufficiency vocabulary, one cannot

communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written

form. Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners

from learning language. Without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.

d. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for students’ to produce clearer language when

they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the

component of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that

determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. According to

Wagner and Torgesen (1987), phonological processing is the use of the

sounds of one’s language (i.e., phonemes) to process spoken and written

language. There are four elements in pronunciation, namely stress, rhythm,

pitch, and intonation.

e. Fluency

Fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write easily, smoothly and

expressively. In other words, the speaker can read, understand and respond

in a language clearly and concisely while relating meaning and context.

Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of

fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small

number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker

does not have spent a lot of time searching for the language items needed

to express the message.

2.2.2 The Aims of Speaking

The main purpose of speaking is to communicate. Speaking is an

important tool to communicate or to deliver mind things about what the speaker

will be said with their society. That is why, speaking is very important. Basically,

there are three important aims of speaking according to Tarigan (2008:30-36)


a. To inform

To inform means that the speaker wants to inform and share ideas,

information, process feeling or opinion to the hearer and give knowledge

as well in particular purpose. In this case, the speaker just want to inform

about a fact.
b. To entertain

To entertain means that the speaker wants to make the hearer feels happier

with the materials which are selected primarily based on their

entertainment value.

c. To persuade

To persuade means that the speaker tries to confirm the hearer to do

something in certain activity. The teacher has to make a good teaching to

the students by giving example in delivering material.

d. To discuss

To discuss means that the speaker wants to discuss something because th

purpose of speaking is to make some decisions and planning. Discussion

activity is believed to get more attention from students because they have

to solve a problem from the task which is given by the teacher.

In addition, the goal of a speaking component in language class is to

encourage the acquisition of communication and to foster real communication in

and out of the classroom. Nation and Newton (2009) suggest that, to help students

develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use a balanced

activities approach that combine language input, structured output, and

communicative output. It follows then that the objectives for developing oral

fluency will address this goal by setting for specific content and activities which

foster communication.
From the statements above, it can be concluded that speaking allows

someone to express their feelings, learn about other's feelings by asking them in

their dialogue, and make decisions.

2.2.3 Teachers’ Media for Teaching Speaking

The grouping of the types of learning media is widely conveyed by

learning media experts, including Azhar (2019: 44-45) namely:

a. Visual media, namely the type of media used only rely on the senses

vision, for example print media such as books, journals, maps, pictures,

and others etc.

b. Audio media is a type of media that is used only relying on hearing only,

for example tape recorders, and radio.

c. Audio-visual media are films, videos, TV programs, and so on.

d. Multimedia is media that involves several types of media and equipment

integrated in a learning process or activity.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the learning media

has several types, namely (a) visual media, (b) audio media, (c) audio media

visual, (d) multimedia, and (e) realia media. Every type of learning media have

different forms and ways of presenting in audio learning visual.

In this era, many teachers use social media to teach English, especially in

speaking. For examples, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and

Tik tok. According to previous study by Safitri (2021), the results indicated that

the students in this study use social media for learning and improving their
English. They choose YouTube as the most used social media for learning

English. Further, they stated that social media provides them English content

sources to practice their English skills.

2.2.4 YouTube as a Media for Learning Speaking

In this era, the developments of technology become an important aspect

and can simplify daily life activity. This development certainly provides many

benefits and positive impacts for everyone. Technological developments help a lot

in the fields of economy, education, health, and others (Chitamba, 2014). In the

field of education, technology provides benefits for both learners and teachers.

The educational process can be easier to do because there is a lot of information

related to learning materials that can be accessed by students through technology.

Besides that, technology also provides a fun and easy learning process through a

variety of interesting media. According to Raja & Nagasubramani (2018)

information and technology (IT) development can improve learners’ interactive

learning through the interesting features that are provided in it. Information and

technology development provides many sources in learning a language, such as in

improving students’ speaking skill.

YouTube is one of many social media often used today by people.

According to Sianipar (2013) YouTube is a database containing video content that

is popular on social media and offers a variety of information that is very useful.

The inclusion of YouTube into education easy and user-friendly way to improve

collaboration skills and integrate teaching. YouTube provides many videos that
can be used by the students learning resources. Students can learn English through

short English videos, films, and English tutorials. Moreover, Riswandi (2016) in

his study found that YouTube can help students to improve their speaking skill,

especially in increasing their knowledge about vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation in English through the videos that are provided in it. Thus, it can be

assumed that YouTube can be also an effective learning media for developing

students' language skills that can be used by the teachers, especially in developing

students’ speaking skill.

Learning media is anything that can be used to convey a message.

According to Gagne, she divides learning media into seven categories: object to

demonstrate, oral communication, print media, still images, moving pictures,

sound films, and machine learning. According to Arsyad (2019), media is a

component of learning resources or physical vehicles containing instructional

materials to stimulate students to learn. It can be concluded that learning media is

a way of training that may be used an intermediary in mastering or learning.

Teachers should provide an interesting learning activity for students to

enjoy and be happy studying English in a speaking class. The activity should use

something different to get students’ attention, like technology. YouTube is a well-

known platform for internet users which contain many videos that users can

watch. It is time for teachers to apply learning innovations that are different from

conventional methods. The shift in the educational paradigm which includes

classroom learning should follow technological developments. One of them is to

use YouTube as a learning medium in class and outside the classroom. With this
media, a teacher can display videos or interesting assignments for interactive,

interesting, and fun learning. Not only that, but YouTube can also provide a

solution to replace class hours and have a good impact on students who introvert

in speaking in front of the class and provide additional knowledge beyond the

expected abilities. By utilizing YouTube as a learning medium, it can create

conditions and an interactive learning atmosphere. Thus the use of YouTube can

be used for interactive learning in the classroom, both for students and teachers

through online and offline presentations. Generally, students learn to read, listen,

write, and speak. Where students required to practice in class or outside the

classroom as an additional activity. For example, speaking material, students are

required to follow step by step from their manual. Sometimes in this method,

students feel bored or not interested in learning methods like this, even just

leaving until they come home and never get the knowledge that is being


To develop speaking competence, learners must acquire information of the

language structures and the genres of discourse, speech skills, and communication

strategies that allow learners or newcomers to manage communication. The

authentic materials videos provided on YouTube are useful for the students as

long as teachers can select the suitable material that is relevant.

Learning speaking from YouTube includes the knowledge of the language

system. Information of language structures is knowing the sounds and intonation

patterns that allow for intelligible exchanges among speaker and listener, the

vocabulary that consist of man or woman and more than one phrase gadgets and
lexical chunks that carry the message, and the grammatical structure that bind

utterances collectively. Therefore, it is the opportunity for the teacher to use this

platform in a speaking class to improve students’ speaking skills.

2.2.5 The Advantages and Disadvantages of YouTube

Being started in the year 2005, YouTube is a platform that allows videos

to be watch, create and share. It is a website that is open for the public. This

includes students as well. In fact, learning from YouTube has been popular ever

since the growth of education. From Pre-school to higher education, all the videos

related to studies are available in YouTube. Particularly, there are numerous how

to tutorials that makes it possible the technology enhanced learning. Irrespective

of genders and age groups, YouTube includes many benefits to the user. However

YouTube learning aren't flawless. Depending on how you are going to use this

platform, YouTube contains many positives as well. It is a must to evaluate these

key points before using this platform for studies. According to,

there are several advantages and disadvantages of YouTube for students;

1. YouTube Advantages

a. Improved Learning

YouTube can be used by the students as a platform for learning. For

students who are preferring to work with visual components can use these

videos. Professors in various parts of the world upload videos in YouTube

related to studies. Hence, multiple videos of the same course are available

in YouTube so that students will be able to choose that is best suited for
them. For certain problems, videos in YouTube are equipped with step-by-

step instructions which makes them easily understandable.

b. Remote Access

YouTube is a platform that is available 24x7 as long as the students are

having an internet connection. This is especially useful during the times of

a pandemic like Covid19 where social distancing must be maintained.

In the same way, teachers don't need to be confined in a specific location

for uploading a video. This makes YouTube an ideal tool for distant


c. Cost Savings

YouTube is entirely a free platform. It does not involve any kind of

subscription fee or payment in it (Unless it is a Premium version). In fact,

there is no need for a Google account as well. Therefore, students can use

this opportunity for studies without needing to worry about the expenses.

d. Stress Relief

Apart from studies, students can also watch videos related to entertainment

in YouTube. YouTube is a source of entertainment where videos from

games, music and other shows are available. Students can watch these

videos to relieve stress they often face from studies.

e. Talent Expression

YouTube is also a place where students will be able to showcase their

talents. Whatever it can be education or entertainment, YouTube provides

a chance for them to upload their own videos and become famous.
With a successful YouTube channel, students can monetize them with

advertising platforms such as Google AdSense. There are many

YouTubers out there who started their journey with 0 subscribers and

ended up earning millions of dollars.

2. Disadvantages of YouTube

a. Individualism

Unlike Google Duo and Zoom Apps where students will be able to

communicate with teachers face-to-face, YouTube lacks this kind of

communication. YouTube solely promotes individualism.

While this can be beneficial in terms of privacy, it can be one of its

drawbacks. Students are left with no option to build team work and solve

problems communal.

b. Vulgarity

YouTube is known to be a free site that does not restrict the users to post

videos. This makes some videos to be of both violent and explicit content.

Certain videos on YouTube are not suitable for all the children,

particularly teenagers. Even without warnings these contents could be

shown to the children. However by implementing a parental block, parents

will be able to safeguard their children from such contents.

c. Reliability

Not every video on YouTube comes from reliable sources. Some videos

are uploaded just for the sake of business. And all the videos those are

popular, doesn't necessarily contain the right information. Therefore,

students must spend some time researching in the videos that posses

correct information about the subject.

d. Internet Access

YouTube education completely relies upon an internet connection. There

is no means of accessing the YouTube study contents, if there is no access

to the web. Moreover, using videos for a prolonged time may cost

significant amount of cellular data. Not all the students will be able to

afford this much of data.

e. Advertisements

Since YouTube is a free platform, the only option for the users to make

money is by showing ads. While using YouTube, students may come

across numerous advertisements that won't be pleasant for many. Even

some advertisements are extremely lengthy that doesn't come with a skip

option. And not all the advertisements shown are relevant to the content


From the statement above, it can be concluded that YouTube can help

students learn, but there are a number of things that students need to pay attention

to when using YouTube as a medium for learning. In addition, according to

Wibowo (2020) the use of YouTube media as a teaching medium in the public

speaking class has benefits, advantages and disadvantages. For students, they feel

many benefits about using the media. Among them help students who are not

confident, prepare more carefully, enjoy, foster creativity, and make it easier to

get information and understand material about learning. For the advantages, it can
increase vocab and improve speaking. Then the drawback is that it requires a

stable network, a large quota, must have HP specifications that support it and

rarely have class meetings.

2.2.6 Instructional Objectives

The existence of instructional objectives in learning is considered

important. During the learning process students are taught various knowledge and

skills which relate to their life. In addition, they are also taught about attitude. In

this case, the existence of instructional objectives facilitates the teachers in

guiding the students in order to understand and master those knowledge, skills,

and attitude. Azis (2022) states instructional objectives as a set of detail

formulations which describes knowledge, ability, skill, and attitude which need to

be acquired by the students as the result of the learning process which has been

done. The use of instructional objectives can focus on the purpose of learning


Instructional objectives in education world relates to a taxonomy called

Bloom's Taxonomy which is introduced by Benjamin S. Bloom in 1956. This

taxonomy can identify humans' ability in thinking from low to high level which

can bridges the achievement of the instructional objectives. Thabroni (2022) states

that Bloom's taxonomy as a hierarchy structure which identifies human cognitive

ability from lowest to highest level. Dividing thinking ability from low to high

level can lead the teachers in designing learning indicators, evaluation, and

questions suit to the instructional objectives expected. Therefore this taxonomy

gives big impact on education world, especially on how the learning process


In Bloom's Taxonomy, the instructional objective is divided into three

different domains; those are cognitive, psychomotor, and cognitive domain.

Furthermore every domain has its own focus.

a. Cognitive domain

Cognitive domain relates to human intellectual or human's ability for

thinking. Busthan (2019) states cognitive domain tends to use human shrewdness

level of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as the measurement. The more high someone's

IQ level will imply that he has smarter thinking ability. The thinking ability is also

various, from simple such as the ability for memorizing names, to complex such

as the ability to solve various complicated problems.

b. Psychomotor domain

Psychomotor domain is humans’ behavior relates to humans' ability for

making any body movement. Busthan (2019) clarifies the psychomotor domain

relates to the ability of muscles for working which allows someone to make any

body movement. In learning, psychomotor domain relates to students’ ability for

making any performances related to the learning activity. The performance is

various. It can be a simple performance such as holding things, until complex

movement such as dancing, writing et cetera.

c. Affective domain

Affective domain relates to someone's emotion and feeling. Kirk (2022)

states the affective domain emphasize feeling, emotion or a degree of acceptance

or rejection. This domain formed in someone's character and morality which can

be seen from his behavior. Adisusilo (2013) explains ages cannot be the

measurement for the development of someone's affective domain. It is influenced

by various internal and external factors. In this case, education becomes one of

medium that can support the development of students' affective domain through

the help of the teachers as the guide.

The affective domain is considered has big influence to the other domains.

Basically, people take decision based on their feeling which relates to their

emotion towards something. Many students can sit in class and listening to the

teacher while learning, but unfortunately not all of them put their attention to the

material delivered. This case shows that the students are less motivated for

learning. As the result, their cognitive and psychomotor will be decrease too.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the affective domain take big influence in

students’ learning activity.

Furthermore, there are some factors in affective domain; motivation, attitude,

self-confidence, and anxiety.

1. Motivation

It is considered as an external encouragement. Bao and Liu (2021) explains

motivation in learning as the learners’ desire and impulse which giving power and
impetus to learn. In addition Elkhayma (2020) considers desire and willingness as

motivation factors which influence the students’ learning activity. The students’

desires to participate in learning affected on their communication performance

skill. Moreover their willingness to learn also gives an encouragement for them in

understanding the learning material given. Therefore, motivation has big role as

an affective domain factor.

2. Attitude

Attitude defines as reactions, thoughts, or behavior toward something that

owned by every human. Students’ attitude in learning means their reactions,

thoughts or behavior toward the learning activity or anything else related to the

learning process. Zayed and Al-Ghamdi (2019) find in their research that attitudes

have relation to the process of learning input for students. Students who have

positive attitude toward the language learning is considered will be easier in

understanding the learning material. It is because they will become more

welcome to the other language cultural. So, they can easily adapt and adjust

themselves to the new language.

3. Self-confidence

The other affective factors which influences the learning activity is self-

confidence. Bao and Liu (2021) states that self-confidence as someone’s belief in

his/herself that he/she can performs and does an activity successfully.

Furthermore there is a very popular proverb in China which states “self-

confidence is half of success”. A strong self-confidence indicates a high level of

self-esteem. Therefore, students who have high level of self-confidence will be

easier in doing performances and all the activities during the learning process.

4. Anxiety

Anxiety is the opposite of self-confidence. It is a feeling of self-doubt.

This feeling makes someone doubts his/her self to do an activity successfully. Bao

and Liu (2021) consider anxiety as the biggest affective challenge and obstacle in

learning. Furthermore, reducing students’ anxiety can help them in increasing

their self-confidence. Therefore the learning activity should be done in a

favorable, lively, and harmonious environment to encourage students in

overcoming their learning anxiety.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Speaking has several components, one of them is pronunciation.

Pronunciation is the way in which language or a particular word or sounds is

spoken. English pronunciation is one complex components in learning speaking.

There are many students have difficulties when pronounce English vocabulary. To

overcome the problem, the teachers provide one technique in teaching speaking,

namely by watching vlog video on YouTube, seems like teacher at SMA Negeri 3

Palu do. They uses a vlog videos from Naila Farhana’s channel because the

language is easy for students to understand. YouTube is one of many social media

is containing video that very easy to access and downloaded. Therefore the

researcher formulates research question into “what are students’ perception

towards the use of YouTube as a medium in learning speaking”.

3.1 Research Design

This research used qualitative descriptive research. The goal of qualitative

descriptive research is a comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of

specific events experienced by individuals or groups of individuals. This study

used questionnaire and interview as instruments of data collection. Therefore,

through qualitative descriptive research, the researcher was able to know students’

perception in learning speaking through YouTube, and the researcher believes that

qualitative research is an appropriate method for this research.

3.2 Location and Time

This research was conducted offline at SMA Negeri 3 Palu located in

Jl.Dewi Sartika Central Sulawesi. The data were collected in odd semester for the

2021/2022 school year. This research ran for three days.

3.3 Subjects of Research

The subjects of this research were 36 students of class X IPA 3 at SMA

Negeri 3 Palu. All of them filled out the questionnaire. From all of the subjects

three students were involved in an interview. The criteria of students involved in

the interview were that those whose answer of the questionnaire were mostly

3.4 Instruments of Data Collection

To obtain the data needed, this study used questionnaire sheet and face to

face interview.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

This study used open-ended questionnaire. There were 15 statement of the

questionnaire. The researcher used likert scale in term of 4 statements, namely

Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD) to

rating students’ opinion related to using YouTube for learning speaking. The

questionnaire used Indonesian language, this make easier for students to fill out

the questionnaire.

3.4.2 Interview

In this study, the researcher used structured interviews. The interviews

consist of 6 statements. This interview was used to support and get validity relate

the questionnaire. Then the interview statement used Indonesian language to

facilitate students in answering the question by their own sentences.

3.5 Techniques of Data Collection

The researcher directly distributed the questionnaire sheet to students at

SMA Negeri 3 Palu. The first day, the researcher came to school to submit a

research permit to the TU section. The second day, the researcher asked

permission from the English teacher and class leader from X IPA 3 to conduct

research in the class. The last day, the researcher conducted research in class X
IPA 3. Then the researcher selected three students at SMA Negeri 3 Palu to be

interviewed around 7-15 minutes using Indonesian Language. The criteria of

students involved in the interview were that those whose answer of the

questionnaire were mostly “agree”. The aim of the questionnaires and interview is

to find students’ perception after they use YouTube in offline class.



4.1 Findings

In this chapter, the researcher presents and analyzes the data derived from

questionnaire and interview. The findings provide positive and negative answers

that can be seen below:

4.2 Findings from Questionnaire

Based on the 15 statements of the questionnaire, the presentation is

categorized into three as follows:

4.2.1 YouTube as Media in Learning English

No Statement SA A D SD

YouTube is very effective as a 44.4 % 52.7% 2.7%

1. -
medium in learning English. (16) (19) (1)
Using YouTube in class has
18.4% 44.4% 36.1%
2. been more effective than using -
(7) (16) (13)
a handbook.
Using YouTube in class has
19.4% 52.7% 25% 2.7%
3. been more effective than using
(7) (19) (9) (1)
a power point.
YouTube videos played by the
13.8% 77.7% 8.3%
4. teacher is suitable with the -
(5) (28) (3)
material that should be taught.
Content of YouTube videos
22.2% 66.6% 11.1%
5. played by the teacher in class is -
(8) (24) (4)
Based on the table above, most of the students tended to agree and

strongly agree than disagree. The students states the use of YouTube really help

them because the material provided is easy to understand and easier to remember

than when the teacher only uses books when explaining the material. In addition,

according to them the use of YouTube in class is very good because if there is a

material that the teacher does not have time to explain in class, everything is on


4.2.2 YouTube in Improving Affective Aspect

No Statement SA A D SD

Using YouTube makes

33.3% 63.8% 2.7%
1. learning speaking more -
(12) (23) (1)

Watching YouTube videos

36.1% 52.7% 11.1%
2. motivates me practice speaking -
(13) (19) (4)
English well.
The YouTube videos played
during the learning increases 8.3% 66.6% 25%
3. -
my participation in learning (3) (24) (9)

Watching YouTube videos 11.1% 75% 11.1% 2.7%

4. increase my confidence to
speak English. (4) (27) (4) (1)

Based on the table above, most of the students stated agree than disagree.

According to them, the use of YouTube in class if very effective because apart

from being easy to understand, using YouTube in learning English also not

boring. They said generation of young people like them prefer to watch YouTube,
whatever is YouTube, that’s make learning English is more fun while using

YouTube in class.

4.2.3 YouTube in Improving Cognitive Aspect

No Statement SA A D SD

Using YouTube videos in class

1. 16.6% 75% 8.3%
improve my accuracy in -
(6) (27) (3)
English pronunciation.
My vocabulary are increased
2. 13.8% 69.4% 16.6%
after watching YouTube -
(5) (25) (6)
My speaking is better after
3. 13.8% 58.3% 27%
learning speaking from -
(5) (21) (10)
YouTube played by the teacher

4. YouTube helps me in knowing 25% 63.8% 11.1%

grammar in English. (9) (23) (4)

5. I get my fluency in speaking 25% 47.2% 27%

English through YouTube. (9) (17) (10)
I learned how to have a good
6. 25% 58.3% 16.6%
intonation through YouTube -
(9) (21) (6)
videos played by the teacher.

Based on the table above, it can be indicated that most of the students

agreed that YouTube can improve their cognitive abilities in terms of the speaking

skill components. Students states that their pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar

and fluency is improved after watching YouTube video in class. They understand

grammar better and know how to say one word correctly because the videos are

very helpful in understanding the material and the video is like everyday

interaction and the language is slang, also there is a translation too, that is why

they understand it easily.

4.3 Findings from the Interview

Interview is used to support the data of the questionnaire especially about

the use of YouTube in learning speaking. From 36 students X IPA 3, the

researcher chose 3 students who always confirm strongly agree/agree from the

questionnaire that has been distributed to be interviewed. The result of the

interview can be seen as follow:

1. What do you think about the use of YouTube videos in learning


Based on the question that has been asked to the students, three students

confirm that the use of YouTube in the classroom is very helpful and very

effective as a medium in learning speaking. It can be seen from the students’

answer below:

St 1: I think, the use of YouTube in the classroom really helps us because

the material provided is easy to be understand and if there is material that

the teacher does not have time to explain in class, everything is on

YouTube. Besides the material is easy to get, the videos can be played

repeatedly if we forget.

St 2: The use of YouTube in the classroom is very helpful and very

effective because apart from not being boring YouTube can also make it

easier for students, like there are some words that we don’t understand,

there are already translations, and for me using YouTube in class is easier
for me understand and easier to remember than when the teacher only uses

books when explaining the material.

St 3: The use of YouTube in class is good, by watching YouTube we can

understand and can immediately practice the words in the YouTube video,

we can find out how to pronounce these words.

It is clear that the YouTube video is effective as a media in learning

speaking. The students said that if the teacher does not have time to

explain in class, everything is on YouTube. Therefore YouTube is a media

that can not only be used in class, but they can use it as a media for

independent learning at home. Besides the material is easy to get, the

videos can be played repeatedly.

2. What contents of YouTube have been shown during the teaching and

learning process?

Based on the question that has been asked to the students, they confirm

that the contents of YouTube that have been shown by the teacher in class was

video from Naila Farhana. It can be seen from the students’ answer below:

St 1: The content of the video from Naila Farhana is like everyday

interactions and the language is slang, and there is a translation too, that is

why we understand it easily.”

St 2: The videos that the teacher often plays in the classroom are videos

from Naila. The videos are very helpful in understanding the material,

make us interesting.
St 3: Video from Naila. The video is more directed to speaking so it is

very helpful in pronouncing English words.

It is clear that the video that the teacher played in the class is dominated by

Naila Farhana videos.

3. What lessons that you learned by using YouTube?

Based on the question that has been asked to the students, they confirm

that lessons that they learn by using YouTube were speaking, reading and

vocabulary. It can be seen from the students’ answer below:

St 1: I learn speaking by watching YouTube video.

St 2: I learn reading, how to pronounce the words so I thinks more


St 3: I learn speaking and vocabulary by watching YouTube video.

It is clear that lesson that they learn by using YouTube is more speaking.

4. After watching the YouTube video, what is the next step the teacher

takes? Does the teacher ask to repeat the sentences in video?

Based on the question that has been asked to the students, they confirm

that the teacher asked students to repeat the sentences in video. It can be seen

from the students’ answer below:

St 1: Usually, after the teacher finishes explaining to us, he explain it

again, after that the teacher returns it to us to evaluate what we got from

the video.
St 2: The teacher explained again, evaluating what we got from the video

he had played, if there was an incorrect way of saying it he corrected it.

St 3: Yes, the teacher explained again, after that he evaluate us and

improve our pronunciation.

It is clear that the teacher ask the students to repeat the sentences after they

watching YouTube in class. The teacher explained again, evaluating what

they got from the video he had played, if there was an incorrect way of

saying it he corrected it.

5. If you make a mistake in pronunciation, what will the teacher do to

correct it?

Based on the question that has been asked to the students, they confirm

that if they make a mistake in pronunciation, the teacher corrected their

pronunciation. It can be seen from students’ answer:

St 1: The teacher corrected our pronunciation, explained again the correct

pronunciation and pointed one by one so that we did not make any more

mistakes in pronunciation.

St 2: The teacher corrected our pronunciation, once he corrected our

pronunciation by writing the wrong words on the board and following the

correct pronunciation he uttered.

St 3: The way he explained again and pointed at us one by one to correct

the wrong words, so we did not make mistakes again.

It is clear that the teacher re-corrected their pronunciation if they make a

mistake. They said the teacher corrected theirr pronunciation, once he

corrected their pronunciation by writing the wrong words on the board and

following the correct pronunciation he uttered.

6. What do you think about learning English by using YouTube? Does it

help you very much in learning English?

Based on the question that has been asked to the students, they confirm

that the use of YouTube in learning English especially in speaking was very

helpful. It can be seen from the students’ answer below:

St 1: The use of YouTube in learning is very helpful, because apart from

being easy to understand using YouTube in class it is also more interesting

and easy to understand. In my opinion if there is a learning video with

great animations it will be very easy for students to remember.

St 2: Very helpful, as I said earlier in the first question, the use of

YouTube in class is very effective, not only is it not boring, it is also very

easy to understand. Generations of young people like us prefer to watch

YouTube, whatever is YouTube, so it’s more fun.

St 3: Very helpful, because apart being easy to understand using YouTube

in class is also more fun than just learning used books, besides that the

videos can also be repeated many times.

It is clear that by using YouTube video in learning is very helpful. They

said apart from being easy to understand using YouTube in class it is also

more interesting and easy to understand and if there is a learning video

with great animations it will be very easy for students to remember.

4.4 Discussion

Based on the fifteenth statements of the questionnaire divided into three

aspects, first aspect is YouTube as a media in learning English, second aspect is

YouTube in improving affective aspect and the last aspect is YouTube in

improving cognitive aspect, these aspects show positive response. From the three

aspects, it can be interpreted that almost all students clarify positive perception

towards learning speaking through YouTube. It is proved by the high percentages

in Agree with statements “YouTube videos played by the teacher is suitable with

the material that should be taught”, from this data it can be interpreted that the use

of YouTube as media in learning speaking was good.

Based on the data interview about students’ perception of using YouTube

in learning speaking that have been conduct in three students X IPA 3 face to face

and recording by using phone, the data obtained in the interview showed students

dominant answered quite good. YouTube can help students in learning speaking

well and fun. The students said that the use of YouTube in the classroom is very

easy to be understand and remembered because YouTube is a learning video with

great animation.

From all aspects, in terms of YouTube as a media in learning English

which has increased the most is the video is suitable with the material that should

be taught, from affective aspect which has increased the most is the students'

confidence in speaking English and from cognitive aspect, the student's

pronunciation increased the most. In addition, YouTube also helps increase

students’ speaking performance because it is not only used in class, but video

material taught by teachers in class can be downloaded and they can learn at

home, this means that YouTube is more effective than just using books. It can be

interpreted that most students gave positive perception towards learning speaking

through YouTube. This is evidenced by the higher percentage agree than disagree.

However, the students said that they tend to get bored easily when learning

if they only use books. Therefore, according to Sulasteri, Rasyid, and Akhyar

(2018), the use of media in learning becomes one of the benchmarks for how

effective the teaching and learning activities are. One of the websites that students

like to use as a medium for learning English was YouTube. According to the

participants of this study, they became more enthusiastic when learning through

YouTube because it had given them a new learning experience and a freedom to

choose any English video according to their preference when they are at home. So

that, they could practice speaking on YouTube in relax and fun way. It is related

to the theory from Gunanda and Wayan (2017) who stated that both students and

teachers can simply choose any English videos on YouTube that in accordance

with their preference to be used as learning material.




Based on data presentation and data analysis, the researcher draws

conclusion that the students gave positive perception of using YouTube in

learning speaking. The students gave positive perception on the use of YouTube

as a learning media, improving students’ cognitive and affective domain. In

YouTube as a learning media, students states that YouTube videos played by the

teacher is suitable with the material that should be taught and the video is

interesting. YouTube in improving students’ cognitive, students states that using

YouTube in class improve their accuracy in English pronunciation and increased

their vocabulary. YouTube in improving affective domain, students states that

watching YouTube videos increased their confidence to speak English and

increased their participation in learning speaking. Some of them stated that

learning speaking online through YouTube while at home is quite good. They

argued that this method is arguably quite effective because it is the only way out

to keep learning offline as long as at the class. Learning speaking through

YouTube has many advantages, such as students getting easier in learning

speaking at home, time and place to learn can also be flexible anytime and

anywhere. But the obstacles just on the network, sometimes students and teachers

have bad connection when learning and teaching activity.


After concluding, the researcher would like to give some suggestions that can

be considered as follow:

First for the teacher, teacher should pay more attention to deliver the best

possible material during learning through YouTube. Teacher also must improve

internet connection, so when teaching and learning process is not interrupted.

Second for students, students can further enhance enthusiasm of learning speaking

by several ways such in YouTube or other media. Third for other researcher, for

further study, other researchers may investigated similar study by adding a test of

speaking skill as the indicator of the success of using YouTube for learning


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Table 3.4.1 List Table of the Questionnaire
Nama : Kelas :

Berdasarkan pengalaman anda,jawablah pernyataan dibawah dengan

memberikan tanda (√) pada kolom yang tersedia dengan baik dan jujur.
Keterangan :
 SS : Sangat Setuju
 S : Setuju
 TS : Tidak Setuju
 STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

Alternatif Jawaban
No Pernyataan
1. YouTube sangat efektif sebagai
media dalam belajar bahasa inggris.
2. Menggunakan YouTube di kelas
lebih efektif daripada menggunakan
buku pegangan.
3. Menggunakan YouTube di kelas
lebih efektif daripada penggunaan
power point.
4. Menggunakan YouTube membuat
pembelajaran berbicara menjadi
lebih menarik.
5. Penggunaan video YouTube yang
diputar oleh guru disesuaikan
dengan materi yang akan diajarkan
6. Konten video YouTube yang
diputar guru di kelas lebih menarik.
7. Menonton video YouTube
memotivasi saya untuk berlatih
berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan
8. Video YouTube yang diputar
selama pembelajaran meningkatkan
partisipasi saya dalam pembelajaran
9. Menonton video YouTube
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri
saya untuk berbicara bahasa
10. Menggunakan video YouTube di
kelas meningkatkan akurasi saya
dalam pengucapan bahasa Inggris.
11. Kosakata saya bertambah setelah
menonton video YouTube.
12. Berbicara saya lebih baik setelah
belajar berbicara dari YouTube.
13. YouTube membantu saya dalam
mengetahui tata bahasa dalam
bahasa Inggris.
14. Saya mendapatkan kefasihan saya
dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris
melalui YouTube.
15. Saya belajar bagaimana memiliki
intonasi yang baik melalui video
YouTube yang diputar oleh guru.
Table 3.4.2 The List of Interview Question
Nama :
1. Bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang penggunaan video YouTube dalam

pembelajaran speaking?

2. Video YouTube tentang apa yang sering/pernah ditayangkan dalam


3. Pembelajaran tentang apa yang biasa menggunakan YouTube?

4. Setelah menonton video YouTube, apa langkah selanjutnya yang

dilakukan guru? Apakah guru meminta untuk menirukan kembali kalimat

yang ada di video?

5. Jika anda melakukan kesalahan dalam pengucapan, apa yang dilakukan

guru untuk memperbaikinya?

6. Bagaimana menurut kalian, apakah penggunaan video YouTube sangat

membantu pembelajaran kalian?

Table 3.4.1 List Table of the Questionnaire

Name : Class :

Based on your experience, answer the statement below by ticking (√) in

the column provided properly and honestly.

 SA : Strongly Agree
 A : Agree
 D : Disagree
 SD : Strongly Disagree

Students’ Response
No Statement
1. YouTube is very effective as a
medium in learning English.
2. Using YouTube in class has been
more effective than using a
3. Using YouTube in class has been
more effective than using a power
4. Using YouTube makes learning
speaking more interesting.
5. The use of YouTube videos that
played by the teacher is suitable
with the material that should be
6. Content of YouTube videos that
played by the teacher in class is
more interesting
7. Watching YouTube videos
motivates me practice speaking
English well.
8. The YouTube videos played during
the learning increases my
participation in learning speaking.
9. Watching YouTube videos increase
my confidence to speak English.
10. Using YouTube videos in class
improve my accuracy in English
11. My vocabulary are increased after
watching YouTube videos.
12. My speaking is better after learning
speaking from YouTube.
13. YouTube helps me in knowing
grammar in English.
14. I get my fluency in speaking
English through YouTube.
15. I learn how to have a good
intonation through YouTube videos
played by the teacher.
Table 3.4.2 The List of Interview Question
Name :

1. What do you think about the use of YouTube videos in learning speaking?

2. What contents of YouTube have been shown during the teaching and

learning process?

3. What lessons that you learn by using YouTube?

4. After watching the YouTube video, what is the next step the teacher takes?

Does the teacher ask to repeat the sentences in the video?

5. If you make a mistake in pronunciation, what will the teacher do to correct


6. What do you think about learning English by using YouTube? Does it help

you very much in learning English?

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