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Three: 1he Five Elements ln Tantra 91

7 8

98 Heallng wlth Form. Energy and llght

from lhe vertical. wilh lhe fingers extended straight out in lhe sarne direc-
lion. (To help wilh this, imagine that 12 o'clock is directly overhead, six
o·clock dlrectly below you. For this exercise, fully extend the arm so that it
is polnting to one-thirty.) Holding your brealh. move lhe hand and arm for-
ward. curling the flngers over lhe thumb. index flnger first. to make a loose
tlst. The arm then draws a clrcle ln the alr above lhe head. (Pretend that you
are twlrling a lasso overhead and you will flnd lhe correct movement of lhe
arm.) As lhe hand moves over lhe crown of the head. lhe 11st beglns to open.
again índex flnger first. Continue to circle the hand back and then out to lhe
side wilh the fmg:e11-•••••••-...•-.oosition in which it

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