Ii Term Citizenship Workshop Jan 2024-1

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TEACHER: Mrs. Ana Luisa Cadena DATE: /10
A. Circle the correct option: (3 points)
1. What is one way in which online information can influence future opportunities?
a. Enhancing personal skills
b. Building strong social connections
c. Affecting professional and academic opportunities
d. Improving physical health
2. Which of the following is a potential consequence of posting inappropriate content online?
a. Increased job offers
b. Positive academic performance
c. Damage to reputation
d. Improved mental well-being
3. How might employers and universities use online information during the selection process?
a. Ignoring online presence
b. Making decisions solely based on resume
c. Evaluating candidates' online behavior
d. Conducting background checks only

4. What term is often used to describe excessive, compulsive use of media, leading to negative consequences?
a. Hyperactivity
b. Media Dependency
c. Technophobia
d. Media Addiction
5. Which of the following is a common characteristic of media addiction?
a. Increased social interactions
b. Decreased time spent on screens
c. Loss of interest in other activities
d. Improved sleep patterns
6. Which type of media is often associated with addiction due to its constant availability and updates?
a. Books
b. Newspapers
c. Social media
d. Educational videos

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary words. There is a word that is not needed. (4.5 points)
1. (True/False) Media addiction is a term recognized by all mental health professionals and organizations.
2. (True/False) One of the characteristics of media addiction is a balanced and diversified use of various media
3. (True/False) Experiencing negative consequences due to excessive media use is a key indicator of potential addiction.
4. (True/False) Online information has no impact on professional opportunities and career advancement.
5. (True/False) Posting offensive content online is unlikely to affect your chances of admission to a university.
6. (True/False) Employers are generally not interested in candidates' online presence when making hiring decisions.
7. (True/False) Online information has no impact on professional opportunities and career advancement.
8. (True/False) Posting offensive content online is unlikely to affect your chances of admission to a university.
9. (True/False) Employers are generally not interested in candidates' online presence when making hiring decisions.
C. Write a paragraph (90 – 120 words) about the following question: (2.5 points)

What is Online Disinhibition and Cyberbullying

How does online disinhibition sometimes lead to cyberbullying?

Online disinhibition refers to the phenomenon in which individuals experience a diminished sense of restraint and inhibition
during their interactions in virtual environments compared to face-to-face communication. This alteration in behavior can
foster an environment conducive to cyberbullying, as people may express themselves more aggressively or negatively, feeling
shielded by the anonymity provided by the online world. The lack of immediate consequences in virtual interactions allows
individuals to engage in harmful behaviors, such as spreading hate speech, threats, or derogatory comments, thus
contributing to the prevalence of cyberbullying. It is imperative to address online disinhibition to mitigate the escalation of
such detrimental behaviors in the virtual realm.

Content: ____ / 1 Grammar: ____ /0.5 Coherence: _____ /1
For every 4 grammar mistakes 1 point will be deducted. Word count: _____

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