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Framework Script #1 - Problem & Solution

Slide 1 This is Linda

Slide 2 Linda finds ( write the problem your customer face ) confusing
Slide 3 Don't worry Linda we've got a solution
With (Business Name) you can ( describe how your product or service solves
Slide 4 the problem)
Making it easy to ( describe a specific way your product or service works here
Slide 5 )
Slide 6 (Your business name ) does the hard part, so you can do what you do best.

Framework Script #2 - Frustrations

Slide 1 Meet Rob he is a (Profession)

Slide 2 Rob struggles with (type problem what your customer face )
Slide 3 And it frustrates him at work because:
Slide 4 Pain Point 1, Pain Point 2, Pain Point 3
Slide 5 (Business Name) solves all the problems for Rob
Slide 6 So Rob gets started right away
Slide 7 Try out now

Framework Script #3 - Question & Solution

Slide 1 Ask a question about the problem people are facing!

Slide 2 Tell how the problem is ruining their business
Slide 3 There is a solution though!
Slide 4 Introducing (Business Name )
Slide 5 Define what your product or service does.
Slide 6 Give them reason to buy your product or service - Reason 1, Reason 2, Reason 3
Slide 7 Try out now
Framework Script #4 - “Luckily Stumbled Upon Solution”

Slide 1 Meet Mike

Slide 2 Mike owns a small business
Slide 3 But he is experincing some problems
Slide 4 List your problem here Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3
Slide 5 Luckily someone recommended him a solution
Slide 6 Introducing Company Name
Slide 7 We're here to solve your problems
Slide 8 List your solution here Solution 1, SOlution 2, Solution 3
Slide 9 So you can meet your target goals
Slide 10 Do you want to grow your business too?
Slide 11 Contact Us today

Framework Script #5 - “Fed Up With Multiple Problems & We Have A Solution”

Slide 1 Are you fed up with ( describe problem you solve here )
Slide 2 And is ( other problem you solve here ) taking up too much time?
Slide 3 We have just the solution for you
Slide 4 Introducing ( Company Name )
Slide 5 It's ( type the value you provide) Value1 , Value 2, Value 3
Slide 6 Visit now:

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