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Festivals and Special Occasions

Vocabulary List: Festivals and Special Occasions

 La fête: The party
 Le festival: The festival
 L’anniversaire: The birthday
 Noël: Christmas
 Paques: Easter
 La Saint-Valentin: Valentine’s Day
 Le mariage: The wedding
 Le Réveillon: New Year’s Eve
 Le Nouvel An: New Year’s Day
 Le jour de l’an: New Year’s Day
Verbs Relating to Festivals and Special Occasions
 Célébrer: To celebrate
 Inviter: To invite
 Assister à: To attend
 Donner: To give
 Recevoir: To receive
 Danser: To dance
 Chanter: To sing
 Préparer: To prepare
Adjectives to Describe Festivals and Special Occasions
 Amusant/Amusante: Fun
 Ennuyeux/Ennuyeuse: Boring
 Excitant/Excitante: Exciting
 Joyeux/Joyeuse: Joyous
 Elégant/Elégante: Elegant
 Traditionnel/Traditionnelle: Traditional
 Moderne: Modern
 Cher/Chère: Expensive
Useful Phrases about Festivals and Special Occasions
 J'adore Noël parce que c'est très joyeux.: I love Christmas because it’s very joyful.
 Je déteste mon anniversaire parce que c'est ennuyeux.: I hate my birthday because it’s boring.
 Je vais célébrer le Nouvel An avec mes amis.: I am going to celebrate New Year’s with my friends.
 Je suis invité à un mariage la semaine prochaine.: I am invited to a wedding next week.
Discussing Preferences and Opinions
This section can help you express your preferences, and justify your point of view. Make sure to revise the present
and near future tenses for these sentences.
 J'aime Pâques parce que je reçois beaucoup de chocolats.: I like Easter because I receive a lot of chocolates.
 Je préfère la Saint-Valentin à Noël parce que c'est plus romantique.: I prefer Valentine’s Day to Christmas because it’s
more romantic.
 Je vais célébrer mon anniversaire en organisant une grande fête.: I am going to celebrate my birthday by throwing a big
The key to acing this part of the module is practicing different sentences and familiarising yourself with a wide range
of vocabulary related to festivals and special occasions. From birthdays to Christmas, there are endless possibilities
for questions - so try to think about different festival experiences you’ve had and how you can describe them in

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