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Psy 18 XA (F2F Lecture Notes: January 27)


Comparison on Counseling
Counseling Psychotherapy

Focus Developmental Remediative

Client Problem Problems of Living Problems are more complex

Goals Short Term Long Term

Treatment Approaches Preventive Approaches and Psychotherapeutic

Various Counseling approaches are more
Approaches complex

Setting Schools, Churches, Mental Private Practice, Mental

Health Clinics Health Center, Hospitals

Guidance —--------------------> Counseling —---------------------------> Psychotherapy

Short Term —------------> ---------------------> ---------------------> Long Term
Modifying Behavior —------> --------------------> -----------------------> Personality Reconstruction
Surface Issues —------> -------------------> -----------------------------> Deep-seated issues
Here and Now —---------> -------------------> --------------------------> There and Then
Preventive —-----------> ----------------------> ---------------------------> Restorative
Conscious —-------------> -----------------------> -------------------------> Unconscious
Helper-Centered —-------> --------------------> --------------------------> Helpee-Centered

Helping Relationship
- Structured by the counselor/ open to cooperative restructuring
- Initial meeting/ termination
- Trust, caring, concern, commitment and act accordingly
- Needs of lenient given priority over the counselor
- Personal growth of all persons involved
- Safety needed for self-exploration (e.g shadows)
- Promotes the potentials

Stages of the Helping Relationship

Stage 1: Relationship Development
Stage 2: Extended Exploration
Stage 3: Problem Resolution
Stage 4: Termination and Follow-Up

Core Conditions of Helping Relationship

● Empathetic Understanding
- Ability to FEEL WITH clients
- Understanding client’s frame of reference
- Communicate this understanding
➔ To enhance this:

● Respect and Positive Regard

- (Baruth and Robinson “by not offering to intervene for someone, one is
communicating a belief in individual’s ability to ‘do’ for her/himself”)
- Note: Ask questions in a form of suggestions (must be research based)
➔ To enhance this:
- Respect oneself
- View oneself as having worth and potential
- Ability to model and communicate

● Genuineness and Congruence

- To be authentic and to be congruent in terms of action and words
➔ To enhance this:
- Self awareness
- Understanding one own’s motivational pattern
- Capacity for self confidence
Note: Codependency (the need to be needed *I can fix him/ I can fix her VIBEZ)

● Concreteness
- Ability not only to see the incomplete picture but also the bigger picture
➔ To enhance this:
- Read between the lines

● Warmth
- Often nonverbal behaviors (e.g smile, tough, tone)
- Communicate and demonstrate genuine care and concern
- Convey acceptance/sincere interest
➔ To enhance this:
- Capacity to self care, self acceptance, desire to find solutions to own problems.
- 5 dimensions of self care: Physical (e.g eyelash extension), Emotional,
Intellectual, Social, Spiritual

● Immediacy
- Ability to deal with the here-and-now factors
➔ To enhance this:
- Perceptive accuracy in interpreting one's feelings
- Willingness to deal with issues
- Willingness to confront

Transference - client projecting to therapist (e.g client projects her mommy issues to her
motherly vibez therapist)
Countertransference - therapist projecting to client (e.g therapist sees client as their
problematic child thus, treating him like how he treats his child)

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