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Darshak Rana


Jan 9, 2021

4 min read


The Story of the Famous “Praying Hands” Painting
The masterpiece that changed the definition of art.
Photo by Deb Dowd on Unsplash

In the fifteenth century, there lived a family of eighteen members in a very

teensy tiny village near Nuremberg, Germany, The Duren family.

A perfectly aged father worked his ass off as a goldsmith to make ends meet.
Managing the family of eighteen was never an easy task. He worked almost
eighteen hours to ensure that his family gets a one time meal. He wouldn’t even
hesitate to take up any other chore or menial task to earn more.

Though their financial condition was low, the two of the elder children's
dreams were very high. Albrecht and Albert had a dream that no one had ever
dreamt of in their family. Both of them aspired to be artists.

In those days, learning the art skill was so expensive that it was considered a
rich man’s show.

This reality saddened them. Their financial condition disheartened the Duren
brothers even more. They knew that their father would never agree to send
them to Nuremberg to study at the art academy. So, they never asked.

However, the two brothers decide to help each other. They form a pact. They
decide to toss the coin. Whosoever fails would go down into the nearby gold
mines to earn money for the other one to study art. The winning brother would
complete the studies in four years and then help the other one do the same.

On one Sunday morning, after the prayer at the Church, they toss the coin.

Albrecht Durer wins the toss and goes to Nuremberg’s art Academy.
On the other hand, Albert went down into the harmful and dangerous mines to
earn money for his brother’s fees. For the next four years, Albert financed his
brother by taking up every kind of job possible.

Four years pass.

Albrecht becomes a very famous artist. His paintings, his artwork, and his
sketching were far better than any of his contemporaries. He was even better
than most of his professors. As a result, he started to earn a considerable
amount of monetary rewards for his commissioned paintings.

So, to celebrate Albrecht’s success, his family throws a festive dinner for him.
After the long and eventful dinner accentuated by dance, music, and laughter,
Albrecht stood from his seat to raise a toast for his beloved brother Albert’s
sacrifice. He then exclaimed,

“I have lived my dream. I have fulfilled my lifelong passion. I am grateful to

Albert for making this day a reality. So now, as promised, it’s your turn,
Albert. Go to Nurenberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of the

Everyone turned their curious head towards Albert, only to find him shaking
and sobbing. As the tears rolled down his pale cheeks, he kept murmuring,

Everyone was shocked by his reaction. A pin-drop silence engulfed the whole
dining area. No one knew what had happened and how to comprehend it.

Finally, Albert gained control over his senses. He looked at everyone sitting at
the table and wiping off his tears, he said in a deep low, painful voice,
“No, Albrecht, I can’t go to Nuremberg. The time’s over. It’s too late for me.

Look what life has done to me. Look what those mines have done to my
ductile hands. They are no more the hands of an artist; they are hard and
stiff. The bones in my hands can hardly hold anything as I have been
suffering from arthritis. These hands aren’t delicate and soft for a paintbrush
and a canvas.

However, I am thrilled and delighted that one of us got to see the light of the
day. You, my love, have fulfilled the dream for both of us.”

Albrecht didn’t know how to respond. He hugged his brother and said nothing.

Then, one day, to pay homage to his brother, Albrecht painstakingly drew
something that changed the definition of painting. He drew Albert’s bruised
hands with palms held together and fragile fingers stretched upwards. He
named this emotionally expressive painting “Hands.”

However, the world named this masterpiece “The Praying Hands.” The
admirers could never forget this painting because it got imprinted in their

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