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PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 01

Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation

Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.

If it .........................................................................................................................................
2. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
 Hardly ..................................................................................................................................
3. It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England.
 The English owe ...................................................................................................................
4. ‚If my members agree to that, I’ll be very surprised,‛ said the union delegate.
 The union delegate observed that ......................................................................................
5. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
Despite my ............................................................................................................................
6. I’m sorry I missed Professor Baker’s lecture.
 I’m sorry not .........................................................................................................................
7. We may not be able to give the condert.
 The concert ...........................................................................................................................
8. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
It came ...................................................................................................................................
9. John inflated the tyres of his bicycle. (blew)
 ................................................................................................................................................
10. We’d better leave them a note, because it’s possible they’ll arrive later (case)
 ................................................................................................................................................
11. Before he came here he worked for Mr/ Smith. (previous)
 ................................................................................................................................................
12. He speaks German extremely well (command)
 ................................................................................................................................................
13. His criticisms are quite unfair. (justification)
 ................................................................................................................................................
14. I can’t understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract (baffled)
 ................................................................................................................................................
15. I always find chess problems like that quite impossible. (defeat)
 ................................................................................................................................................
16. This must be kept secret. (know)
 ................................................................................................................................................
17. I can’t afford a new dress, that old blue one will have to do. (make)
 ................................................................................................................................................
18. I only recognized him when he came into the light.
 Not until ...............................................................................................................................
19. That rumor about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.
 There is ................................................................................................................................
20. One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race.
 One runner was so ...............................................................................................................
21. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known.
 I’ve ........................................................................................................................................
22. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
 We .........................................................................................................................................
23. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime
Had it not ..............................................................................................................................
24. It is quite pointless to complain.
There’s no ..............................................................................................................................
25. You can’t possibly expect me to have supper ready by 8 o’clock. (question).
 ................................................................................................................................................
26. It is my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion. (see)
 ................................................................................................................................................
27. Please excuse Jane’s poor typing. She’s only been learning for a month. (allowances)
 ................................................................................................................................................
28. There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. (bound)
 ................................................................................................................................................
29. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. (contrary)
 ................................................................................................................................................
30. If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played football for England. (represented).
 ................................................................................................................................................
31. This hotel is inaccessible in winter. (possible)
 ................................................................................................................................................
32. As far as I know he is still working in Bristol. (knowledge).
 ................................................................................................................................................
33. The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer.
 Only after .............................................................................................................................
34. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.
He received a ........................................................................................................................
35. You can eat as much as you like for 5$ at the new lunch-bar.
There is no ............................................................................................................................
36. She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well.
She wasn’t so ........................................................................................................................
37. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Jones is .........................................................................................................................
38. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.
 I was .....................................................................................................................................
39. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
 If ...........................................................................................................................................
40. I’m certainly not going to give you any more money.
 I have no ...............................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 02
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. I don’t think there will be any applicants for this post. (likelihood)
 ................................................................................................................................................
2. It was difficult for Susan to believe the good news (hardly)
 ................................................................................................................................................
3. You must make allowances for his inexperience. (account)
 ................................................................................................................................................
4. This contract is not binding until we both sign it. (bound)
 ................................................................................................................................................
5. He wasn’t to blame for the accident. (fault)
 ................................................................................................................................................
6. You shouldn’t take his help for granted. (assume)
 ................................................................................................................................................
7. Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed.
 We haven’t received .............................................................................................................
8. The sales man told me that my new car would be delivered next Wednesday.
 According ..............................................................................................................................
9. The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this altitude.
 There have ............................................................................................................................
10. It’s not certain that Jones will get the job.
 It is open ...............................................................................................................................
11. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made.
 No sooner ..............................................................................................................................
12. As I get older, I want to travel less.
 The older ...............................................................................................................................
13. A house in that district will cost you at least 100,000$.
 You won’t be able .................................................................................................................
14. Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.
 Alan’s illness ........................................................................................................................
15. Mr. Bill managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbor helped him.
 ................................................................................................................................................
16. Nobody is infallible. (mistakes)
 ................................................................................................................................................
17. The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul. (took)
 ................................................................................................................................................
18. He talked about nothing except the weather (sole)
 ................................................................................................................................................
19. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets)

 ................................................................................................................................................
20. It is stuped of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan. (idiot)
 ................................................................................................................................................
21. The company has decided to replace this model. (intention)
 ................................................................................................................................................
22. In the next few years we’ll probably hear a lot more about environmental pollution
 ................................................................................................................................................
23. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
 As long as ..............................................................................................................................
24. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
No sooner ..............................................................................................................................
25. The protest has been so vociferous that the committee has had to reconsider.
 There has been .....................................................................................................................
26. You think that fat people are always jolly but you are wrong.
 Contrary ...............................................................................................................................
27. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
 The less ................................................................................................................................
28. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
 The patient made ................................................................................................................
29. There isn’t a pair of thermal socks left in the shop, Madam.
 We are completely ...............................................................................................................
30. Their chances of success are small.
 It is not .................................................................................................................................
31. Their problems are all self-inflicted. (making)
 ................................................................................................................................................
32. The travel agent was able to offer a 50% reductionon holidays to the Costa Brava. (half)
 ................................................................................................................................................
33. If you take that job, you’ll have to get up at 6 a.m every morning. (mean)
 ................................................................................................................................................
34. The only thing they could do was to look for a new flat. (alternative)
 ................................................................................................................................................
35. His last letter to me was written three years ago. (heard)
 ................................................................................................................................................
36. If only one could rely on what she says. (pity)
 ................................................................................................................................................
37. An open fire can’t be compared to central heating. (comparison)
 ................................................................................................................................................
38. I remember very few things about my childhood. (scarcely)
 ................................................................................................................................................
39. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike.
 The rail workers have no ....................................................................................................
40. Mrs. Scott is proud of her cooking.
Mrs. Scott prides ..................................................................................................................
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 03
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………
1. It was the goalkeeper who saved the match for us.
 If it hadn’t ............................................................................................................................
2. It wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job.
It came ...................................................................................................................................
3. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
 There’s no point ...................................................................................................................
4. John didn’t celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing.
 Not until ...............................................................................................................................
5. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achevements.
Much ......................................................................................................................................
6. It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error.
 The accident .........................................................................................................................
7. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket. (credited)
 ................................................................................................................................................
8. I daren’t turn on the TV because the baby might wake up. (fear)
 ................................................................................................................................................
9. Some people will do anything to lose weight. (lengths)
 ................................................................................................................................................
10. The two theories appear to be completely different. (common)
 ................................................................................................................................................
11. Several members of the committee said they were worried abot the chairman’s proposals.
 ................................................................................................................................................
12. The river Volta overflowed last year. (burst)
 ................................................................................................................................................
13. He doesn’t appreciate his wife. (granted)
 ................................................................................................................................................
14. The number of people out of work has been going down little by little. (gradual)
 ................................................................................................................................................
15. House prices have risen dramatically this year.
 There has .............................................................................................................................
16. This affair does not concern you.
 This affair is no ....................................................................................................................
17. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th.
The final date ........................................................................................................................
18. Although Jimmy was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
Despite his ............................................................................................................................
19. What a surprise to see you here!
Fancy .....................................................................................................................................
20. I don’t intend to apologise to either of them.
 I have ....................................................................................................................................
21. It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.
Not until ................................................................................................................................
22. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
Had it not ..............................................................................................................................
23. Gerald never had enough to live on until he married that rich businesswoman. (short)
 ................................................................................................................................................
24. William decided that an actor’s life was not for him. (cut)
 ................................................................................................................................................
25. The President arranged for me to use his chauffeur-driven car whenever I liked.
 ................................................................................................................................................
26. My cat has lost its appetite. (off)
 ................................................................................................................................................
27. The children made every effort to please their father. (best)
 ................................................................................................................................................
28. His behavior was rather a shock to me (aback)
 ................................................................................................................................................
29. They decided not to go by boat because they thought they would be seasick. (fear)
 ................................................................................................................................................
30. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (getaway)
 ................................................................................................................................................
31. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their
second child.
Only when .............................................................................................................................
32. You’re under no obligation to accept their offer.
 Your can please ....................................................................................................................
33. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin’s poor .........................................................................................................................
34. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees.
Each .......................................................................................................................................
35. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
 But for his command ...........................................................................................................
36. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
The average ...........................................................................................................................
37. My father finds maps hard to follow.
 My father has .......................................................................................................................
38. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
 The last ................................................................................................................................
39. People don’t want to buy cars with large engines any more. (call)
 ................................................................................................................................................
40. Twenty years ago this region produced twice as much coal as it does now. (halved)
 ................................................................................................................................................
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 04
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. The prime Minister is unlikely to call an early general election (likelihood)

 ................................................................................................................................................
2. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us (beyond)
 ................................................................................................................................................
3. The project received the unanimous approval of the committee. (favour)
 ................................................................................................................................................
4. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. (blame).
 ................................................................................................................................................
5. His reactions are quite unpredictable (knows)
 ................................................................................................................................................
6. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax. (exempt)
 ................................................................................................................................................
7. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize him.
The film star avoided ...........................................................................................................
8. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.
What ......................................................................................................................................
9. We weren’t surprised by his success.
 It came ..................................................................................................................................
10. ‚That’s a lovely new dress, Jean‛ said her mother.
 Jean’s mother complimented ..............................................................................................
11. We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home.
 Only ......................................................................................................................................
12. We couldn’t find Geoge anywhere.
George was .............................................................................................................................
13. Customs officials are stopping more travellers than usual this week.
An increased .........................................................................................................................
14. She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know.
 She is a .................................................................................................................................
15. The minister’s popularity suffered as a result of the scandal. (effect)
 ................................................................................................................................................
16. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods. (agreement)
 ................................................................................................................................................
17. Jenny didn’t feel like going to the party. (mood)
 ................................................................................................................................................
18. The councilor answered every question frankly. (frank)
 ................................................................................................................................................
19. It is said that he has been to prison several times (reputed).
 ................................................................................................................................................

20. Most stores will accept a credit card instead of cash. (alternative).
 ................................................................................................................................................
21. Our opinions on the subject are identical. (difference)
 ................................................................................................................................................
22. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (disapproval)
 ................................................................................................................................................
23. No one has challenged his authority before.
This is the first time ..............................................................................................................
24. ‚If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,‛ said the manager.
 The manager threatened .....................................................................................................
25. The hurricane blew the roof off the house.
 The house .............................................................................................................................
26. You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job.
 You are .................................................................................................................................
27. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
 Rather ..................................................................................................................................
28. There aren’t many other books which explain this problem so well.
 In few other books ...............................................................................................................
29. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
 I object ..................................................................................................................................
30. Robert is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.
 Robert now wishes ...............................................................................................................
31. If interst rates are cut, the economic situation may improve. (reduction)
 ................................................................................................................................................
32. The architect’s new design was heavily criticized. (criticism)
 ................................................................................................................................................
33. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. (response)
 ................................................................................................................................................
34. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (monopoly)
 ................................................................................................................................................
35. The coach’s tactics were directly responsible for the team’s defeat. (consequence)
 ................................................................................................................................................
36. We have no idea where he is. (whereabouts)
 ................................................................................................................................................
37. The policeman acted quickly and averted an accident. (prompt)
 ................................................................................................................................................
38. This new record is certain to sell a lot of copies. (doubt)
 ................................................................................................................................................
39. I am having a lot of trouble now because I host my passport last week.
 If I .........................................................................................................................................
40. When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall.
The police caught ..................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 05
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.

Sad .........................................................................................................................................
2. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is ............................................................................................................................
3. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
 Having ..................................................................................................................................
4. ‚Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,‛ she said.
She flatly ...............................................................................................................................
5. It wasn’t necessary for them to call for help after all.
They .......................................................................................................................................
6. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
 Nowhere ...............................................................................................................................
7. I want to be left alone (disturbed)
 ................................................................................................................................................
8. He took the company to court on the grounds of unfair dismissal. (unfairly)
 ................................................................................................................................................
9. We’re likely to be a little late, I’m afraid. (every)
 ................................................................................................................................................
10. The Committee said they liked the first proposal best. (preference)
 ................................................................................................................................................
11. I really must answer all these letters. (get down)
 ................................................................................................................................................
12. It’s not your fault. (blame)
 ................................................................................................................................................
13. People seem to be criticizing the police quite a lot nowadays. (criticism)
 ................................................................................................................................................
14. In a nutshell, the man’s an idiot. (bluntly).
 ................................................................................................................................................
15. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.
 Hardly ..................................................................................................................................
16. It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
Getting ..................................................................................................................................
17. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
 Much to ................................................................................................................................
18. He knows really everything there is to know about whales.
 There’s ..................................................................................................................................
19. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for an concerned.
The sooner ..............................................................................................................................

20. The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
 So ..........................................................................................................................................
21. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
They can’t ..............................................................................................................................
22. ‚I didn’t steal the car,‛ he said, ‚I just borrowed it‛.
 He denied ………………………….……………, but admitted …………….……………..……
23. I’m dying to meet them (wait)
 ................................................................................................................................................
24. They lay on the beach the whole week sunbathing. (spent)
 ................................................................................................................................................
25. I seriously doubt whether this will work. (doubts)
 ................................................................................................................................................
26. He’s always found it very difficult to learn English. (difficulties)
 ................................................................................................................................................
27. I have no intention of giving up now. (intend)
 ................................................................................................................................................
28. They’ve always been allowed to do what they want. (freedom)
 ................................................................................................................................................
29. This is quite a common occurrence. (frequently)
 ................................................................................................................................................
30. Something told me to say exactly what I thought, but I didn’t. (sorely)
 ................................................................................................................................................
31. I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn’t thinking.
If I ...........................................................................................................................................
32. We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning.
 We were .................................................................................................................................
33. Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building.
No sooner ...............................................................................................................................
34. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
The more ................................................................................................................................
35. ‚I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,‛ he said.
 He dismissed ........................................................................................................................
36. The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land.
 Anyone found .......................................................................................................................
37. I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home.
I’d rather ...............................................................................................................................
38. It would have been a super weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather.
 But ........................................................................................................................................
39. I was told the film would be very good. (led)
 ................................................................................................................................................
40. She apologized for having to go so early, and left. (apologies)
 ................................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 06
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 35 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.(VAIN)

→ ...............................................................................................................................................
2. The crops were badly affected by the storm. (EFFECT)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
3. The project received unanimous approval of the committee.(FAVOUR)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
4. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell any one that he had been in
the prison. (WORD)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
5. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (BEYOND)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
6. I had lost his phone number, so I could not contact him before. (TOUCH)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
7. I enjoy being the boss of a small company. (FISH)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
8. The success of our local theater has made our city famous. (MAP)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
9. She is not upset; she is only pretending. (ACT)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
10. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (GETAWAY)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
11. As people use a lot of wood-pulp, many trees are cut down.
→The more ...............................................................................................................................
12. Because of the absence of the atmosphere on the moon, the sky there is black, just as in
→Because ..................................................................................................................................
13. These young men became doctors after six years training.
→ After these young men .........................................................................................................
14. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.
→Paper .....................................................................................................................................
15. A man I don’t know told me about that.
→I was ......................................................................................................................................
16. That was a silly thing to say!
→What ......................................................................................................................................
17. We’ve run out of petrol.
→There .....................................................................................................................................
18. It takes six hours to drive from here to London.
→It is ........................................................................................................................................
19. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
→He regretted ...........................................................................................................................
20. They failed to find out a solution to the problem.
→They didn’t succeed ...............................................................................................................
21. Most stores will accept a credit card instead of cash. (ALTERNATIVE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
22. You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly. (PREVENT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
23. Some of Peter’s expressions make me think of my brother. (REMIND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
24. When do you think this bridge was built? (OLD)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
25. That old typewriter is not worth repairing. (POINTLESS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
26. They share a lot of hobbies and interests. (COMMON)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
27. This train should have left 30 minutes ago. (MEANT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
28. The president arranged for me to use his chauffeur-driven car whenever I liked.
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
29. The painting is worth $25,000. (VALUED)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
30. This passport can be used in most countries.
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
31. My bank manager and I get on together very well. (TERMS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
32. That hotel is a bit too expensive for us, I am afraid. (REACH)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
33. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
→Without ..................................................................................................................................
34. Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded.
→Hardly ...................................................................................................................................
35. Rita doesn’t realize how serious her husband’s operation is going to be.
→Little ......................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 07
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 35 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

36. A waiter spilled soup over Lydia’s new dress last night.
→Lydia .....................................................................................................................................
37. It was the goalkeeper that saved the match for us.
→Had ........................................................................................................................................
38. Tim insisted on being told the complete story.
→Nothing .................................................................................................................................
39. Jane’s husband will be returning from South America quite soon.
→It won’t ..................................................................................................................................
40. The permit expires at the end of this month.
→The permit is not ...................................................................................................................
41. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements.
→Much ......................................................................................................................................
42. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their
second child.
→Only .......................................................................................................................................
43. Martin may not be very well but she still manages to enjoy life.
→Martin’s poor .........................................................................................................................
44. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
→The average ...........................................................................................................................
45. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
→The .........................................................................................................................................
46. We couldn’t find George anywhere.
→George ....................................................................................................................................
47. Provided your handwriting is legible, the examiners will accept your paper.
→So ...........................................................................................................................................
48. There are a lot of people depend on him.
→He ..........................................................................................................................................
49. I daren’t turn on the television because the baby might wake up. (FEAR)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
50. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods. (AGREEMENT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
51. If interest rates are cut, the economic situation may improve. (REDUCTION)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
52. I don’t personally care if they come or not. (MATTER)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
53. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (DISAPPROVAL)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
54. Why isn’t this TV working?
→What ......................................................................................................................................
55. May I borrow your pen?
→Would ....................................................................................................................................
56. We must do something about the problem even if it costs a lot.
→Costly .....................................................................................................................................
57. We should ban the use of pesticides, but we should also restrict the use of other
→In addition to ........................................................................................................................
58. You might fall if you are not careful.
→Be ...........................................................................................................................................
59. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
→No sooner ...............................................................................................................................
60. Although Nam was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
→Despite ..................................................................................................................................
61. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
→Had ........................................................................................................................................
62. Galileo is considered to be the father of modern astronomy.
→Galileo is regarded ...............................................................................................................
63. The only way you can become a good athlete is to train hard every day.
→Only by ..................................................................................................................................
64. He speaks more persuasively than his brother.
→He is .......................................................................................................................................
65. He can hardly read at all. (VIRTUALLY)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
66. He can speak French well enough to go to the conference. (FLUENT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
67. His arrival was completely unexpected. (TOOK)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
68. The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness. (ONSET)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
69. He began by giving us a summary of his progress so far. (OUTSET)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
70. As an antidote to their disappointment, he bought them ice-cream. (OFFSET)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 08
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 35 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

71. It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobaccos into England.
→The English ...........................................................................................................................
72. That rumour about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.
→There is ..................................................................................................................................
73. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.
→He received ............................................................................................................................
74. You can eat as much as you like for $5 at the new lunch-bar.
→There is ..................................................................................................................................
75. The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this altitude.
→There .....................................................................................................................................
76. You think that fat people are allays jolly, but you are wrong.
→Contrary ................................................................................................................................
77. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke to the local dialect.
→But for ...................................................................................................................................
78. The council rarely allows appeals against its decisions.
→Hardly ...................................................................................................................................
79. She is a student good at mathematics. (FIGURES)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
80. I think we ought to permit him to do whatever he chooses. (HAND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
81. Margaret was offered a place on the course but couldn’t accept because she was ill.
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
82. You’ll just have to take a chance. (POT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
83. Assembling the furniture is extremely easy. (PLAY)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
84. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
85. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
86. Many species of wildlife are threatened with extinction. (VERGE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
87. The storm blew the roof off the house.
→The house ..............................................................................................................................
88. This is the quickest way to get into the town centre.
→There is ..................................................................................................................................
89. Only one person knew what had caused the fire.
→The cause ...............................................................................................................................
90. I’m not going to retire unless I myself want to. (FEEL)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
91. After two hours the bride had still not arrived. (SIGN)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
92. Rosa found the heat quite intolerable. (BEAR)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
93. You were rude to that woman’s husband, and she’s upset now.
→The woman ............................................................................................................................
94. Are they likely to pass Proficiency?
→Is there ..................................................................................................................................
95. 6,000 pounds is a better offer than you have ever had before.
→You have ...............................................................................................................................
96. Harry paid 50 pounds a week for bed and breakfast.
→Bed ........................................................................................................................................
97. You can not make use of this offer after 15 December.
→This offer is ...........................................................................................................................
98. Be careful not to waste water. (ECONOMICAL)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
99. We haven’t sold many cars this month. (DEMAND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
100. The accident victim was having increasing difficulty in breathing. (DIFFICULT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
101. Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
→Betty is devoted .....................................................................................................................
102. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor.
→We have .................................................................................................................................
103. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
→If I ..........................................................................................................................................
104. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
→Only by ..................................................................................................................................
105. Everybody made fun of him because he’d his hair cut so short. (MICKEY)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 09
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 35 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

106. I felt stupid when I realized what I’d done. (FOOL)

→ ...............................................................................................................................................
107. She was very relieved when she realized that her bag hadn’t been stolen. (BREATHED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
108. Would you like to contribute something to our campaign? (MAKE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
109. Products which seem to lack credibility are not popular. (CALL)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
110. Technical skills are needed to operate this new machinery. (DEMANDS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
111. We have run out of small sizes. (STOCK)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
112. In all probability we will finish the project on Thursday. (CHANCES)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
113. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
114. In her previous job, Mara was a picture restorer. (WORK)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
115. I’m sure you were driving too fast.
→You must ...............................................................................................................................
116. It was overeating that caused his heart attack.
→If he .......................................................................................................................................
117. The storm completely wiped out all my crops. (wipe out)
→I have .....................................................................................................................................
118. The fire led to the setting up of a public enquiry.
→As a ........................................................................................................................................
119. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.
→There .....................................................................................................................................
120. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.
→It crossed ...............................................................................................................................
121. His wife keeps telling him that he should get a better job.
→His wife is pushing ...............................................................................................................
122. His second attempt on the world record was successful.
→ He broke ...............................................................................................................................
123. I applied for the job but was turned down.
→My ..........................................................................................................................................
124. There are more people out of work in this country than ever before.
→Never .....................................................................................................................................
125. My boyfriend is very short-tempered.
→My boyfriend loses ................................................................................................................
126. Let’s clean the dishes in the morning. (WASHING)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
127. Despite his age, he’s still working. (RETIRED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
128. Whose name should I write on the cheque? (MAKE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
129. ‚Please don’t drive so fast!‛ Ann begged her friend.
→Ann pleaded ..........................................................................................................................
130. My protests were ignored.
→Nobody ..................................................................................................................................
131. I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake.
→I am sure he didn’t ................................................................................................................
132. We only despatch goods after receiving the money.
→Only after ..............................................................................................................................
133. You pay 20 pounds a month for a period of one year.
→You pay in .............................................................................................................................
134. He’ll settle down. Then his performance will improve.
→Once .......................................................................................................................................
135. The result of the match was never in doubt.
→At no time .............................................................................................................................
136. This will be the orchestra’s first performance outside London.
→This will be the first .............................................................................................................
137. He will not be put off by their comments. (DETER)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
138. She complains far too often for my liking. (FREQUENT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
139. Some people accept that a storm is inevitable. (RESIGNED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
140. The fridge is completely empty. (LEFT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 10
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 35 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. Money is of little value on a desert island. (COUNTS)

→ ...............................................................................................................................................
2. Can you tell me where the Midland Hotel is? (DIRECT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
3. The Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement. (FIT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
4. I’d rather we started at seven. (PREFERENCE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
5. The accident wasn’t his fault. (BLAME)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
6. Although he seems friendly, he’s not to be trusted.
→Friendly .................................................................................................................................
7. Not until the body was found did the police believe her.
→It was only when ...................................................................................................................
8. ‚Whatever you do, don’t give up hope‛ they said.
→They urged ............................................................................................................................
9. Far more people live to retirement age in Britain than in the Philippines.
→Not as ....................................................................................................................................
10. We have no seats left for the concert on December 12th.
→All the seats ...........................................................................................................................
11. The foreigner declared his innocence. (DENIED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
12. Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer. (SUCCEEDED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
13. An open fire can’t be compared to/with central heating. (COMPARISON)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
14. There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. (BOUND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
15. I was scared to tell him what I really thought. (COURAGE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
16. The Greens consider Henry a good friend. (LOOK)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
17. Teachers think that hard work is good for you. (HARM)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
18. Because of the delay we missed our connecting flight. (MEANT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................

19. Don’t wait to be asked if you want a sandwich! (HELP)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
20. Most people regard Dr. Peters as being the best surgeon in his field. (WIDELY)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
21. The Prime Minister was determined to remain in office.
→The Prime Minister had .......................................................................................................
22. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics.
→I am .......................................................................................................................................
23. The students’ riotous behaviour should have been severely punished.
→The students deserved ..........................................................................................................
24. The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.
→In all ......................................................................................................................................
25. Despite his ungainly air he is remarkably agile.
→Although ................................................................................................................................
26. The numbers of cars on the roads must be reduced. (DOWN)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
27. Interrupting when someone is speaking is rude. (CUT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
28. We have an emergency electricity supply in case we are cut off. (BACK)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
29. We’ve decided to leave early tomorrow morning. (SET)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
30. I know you are hiding something from me. (BACK)
→ ................................................................................................................................................
31. Come on Thursday or Friday. It’s all the same to me. (DIFFERENCE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
32. Amanda has improved a lot this term. (PROGRESS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
33. Gunman kills 3 people in Bank Drama.
→A man ....................................................................................................................................
34. The riddle of the missing heiress has been solved.
→The police ..............................................................................................................................
35. His appearance was completely unexpected.
→His appearance was ..............................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 11
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 36 questions

36. I take it for granted that he is influential person.

→I assume that he is
37. He won’t let anyone touch his records. (OBJECTS)

38. He didn’t think much of the musical show yesterday. (OPINION)

39. The concert was not as good as he had hoped. (EXPECTATIONS)

40. The music teacher was the only member of staff not to attend the concert.

41. The impression most people have of him is that he is a good singer. (REPUTATION)

42. He is said to be a very good violinist. (COMES)

43. We missed the beginning of the concert because we had overslept. (CONSEQUENCE)

44. It is your duty to tell him what to do.
→You are
45. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
→The less ……………….
46. It is expected that the company can get more profit this year.
→The company
47. I was astonished by her confidence.
48. Someone told me my flight was cancelled when I got to the airport.
49. I knew I had met him before, but I can’t remember his name. (TONGUE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
50. His choice always followed what his wife decided. (STEP)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
51. Remember to write to us! (DROP)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
52. Phone and write to him if you can’t talk directly to him. (GET)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
53. Don’t worry. There will be another chance. (KEEP)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
54. On the day she agreed to marry him, he was happier than he had ever been in his life.
→The day ..................................................................................................................................
55. Is it really necessary for me to arrive so early?
→Do I ........................................................................................................................................
56. Someone has stolen the boss’s car.
→The boss has had ..................................................................................................................
57. Whoever did that must have been a very brave person.
→Only a very ............................................................................................................................
58. The last time we were here was in 1980.
→We haven’t ............................................................................................................................
60. I would do anything to prevent him from going there.
→There is ..................................................................................................................................
61. He said he had won as a result of good luck.
→He attributed .........................................................................................................................
62. Our new Director wants to call her ‚Madam‛. (ADDRESSED)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
63. We’ll have to make up our minds by the end of the week, won’t we? (BE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
64. Surely nobody likes it when people make fun of them in public. (BEING)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
65. You should have called the doctor at once.
→It was .....................................................................................................................................
66. We have no option but to collect this license free.
→The collection ........................................................................................................................
67. He can shout even louder but I still won’t take any notice.
→No ..........................................................................................................................................
68. That’s none of your business.
→That’s nothing .......................................................................................................................
69. No sooner had he been appointed to the post than the new editor fell ill.
→Immediately after .................................................................................................................
70. You should excuse his bad manners; he’s only a child. (ALLOWANCES)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
71. Life in the countryside was completely different from that in the city. (DIFFERENCE)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 12
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 38 questions

1. For thousands of years, people have highly believed in supernatural powers.

→Thousands of years ago, people had ....................................................................................
2. Telephone has brought convenience to people all over the world.
→Tele has been ........................................................................................................................
3. A man with high ambition will never find leisured time in his life. (AMBITIOUS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
4. She was finally persuaded to travel by train. (PERSUASION)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
5. She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will.
→Her uncle didn’t ....................................................................................................................
6. They had been lost in mountains for three days but they looked strong and healthy.
→Even .......................................................................................................................................
7. I’ll find that man no matter how long it takes.
→However .................................................................................................................................
8. This is the most amusing thing I have ever read. (SUCH)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
9. What are you thinking at the moment?
→What are in ...........................................................................................................................
10. Mary rang hours and hours ago. (THAT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
11. It was easy for us to find the house.
→We had ...................................................................................................................................
12. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
→The exhibition .......................................................................................................................
13. It shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new, cheaper ice-
→I might ...................................................................................................................................
14. Don’t go to lunch until you have typed all these letters.
→Make sure ..............................................................................................................................
15. He didn’t realise until that moment how much he loved her.
→Only then ..............................................................................................................................
16. You can leave only when I tell you.
→Until ......................................................................................................................................
17. I think you should go by train. (WERE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
18. It wasn’t my fault the business failed.
→Through no ............................................................................................................................
19. David played the main role when the proposal was drafted. (INSTRUMENTAL)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
20. If you hadn’t changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine.
→ (STUCK TO) ........................................................................................................................
21. I think you should have some consideration for those who don’t have lives at privilege as
yours. (SPARE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
22. When I heard her speak, it affected me profoundly. (IMPACT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
23. The rain in Ha Noi last October was the biggest one since 1984.
→No rain ..................................................................................................................................
24. Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
→Nick admitted .......................................................................................................................
25. We cannot see animals in a vast area after the forest fire. (ADSENCE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
26. Our environment is polluted seriously. (POLLUTION)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
27. We cannot make any comparison with her sacrifice. (COMPARE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
28. A huge investment has been put into the field of hydro-electricity. (INVEST)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
29. They speak English in a high proficiency. (PROFICIENTLY)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
30. He tried his best but he couldn’t succeed. (SUCCESS)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
31. Regular practice will make us skillful. (PRACTISE)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
32. He maintained his position against his adversary. (GROUND)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
33. Don’t conclude that learning English is easy. (COME)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
34. The local council has considered mass tourism the cause of the environmental problems.
→ (PUT) ....................................................................................................................................
35. The book interestingly describes the life of Marx as a young man. (ACCOUNT)
→ ...............................................................................................................................................
36. John asked if it was the blue one or the green she wanted.
→ ‚Which one ...........................................................................................................................
37. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
→ This is the ............................................................................................................................
38. Only if you work hard now have you any chance of success.
→ Your chance of success ........................................................................................................

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 13
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. Mr Wang thought that Japanese was going to be an easy language for him to learn. IMPRESSION
Mr Wang was ________________________________________ be easy for him to learn Japanese.
2. A lack of work in his home area forced Frank to move to the capital. CHOICE
Frank _______________________ move to the capital because of the lack of work in his home area.
3. 'The race is going to start in a minute', said Rod. ABOUT
Rod said that ______________________________ start.
4. Should you see Jack this evening, give him my regards. HAPPEN
If you ____________ into Jack this evening, give him my regards.
5. Although the manager refused to buy us a new photocopier, she was still popular. HER
The manager was still popular ______________________ to buy us a new photocopier.
6. Pete finds it very satisfying to play the violin. LOT
Pete gets _________________________ the violin.
7. Richie was coming to dinner this evening but it seems he has decided not to. CHANGED
Richie seems ____________________________________ coming to dinner this evening.
8. Although Grace travels a lot, she's always forgetting her passport. FIRST
Although Grace travels a lot, this __________________ that she's forgotten her passport.
9. The guide says that it will take us exactly two weeks to cross the desert. CROSSED
The guide says that we _________________________________ exactly two weeks.
10. Everyone in my football club is sure that Portugal will win the final against England. BEATEN
Everyone in my football club is sure that England _____________________________ the final.
11. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to visit the gym regularly. ABLE
If I had more time, ___________________ more regular visits to the gym.
12. If nobody objects, today's class will be held on the terrace outside. UNLESS
Today's class will be held outside on the terrace ____________________ objections.
13. Some trees have been cut down, and as a result our garden is no longer private. LOSS
Cutting down trees has ______________ in our garden.
14. The first thing Suzie does on waking is open the curtains to see what the weather is like. SOON
Suzie opens the curtains ________________________________ to see what the weather is like.
15. The wind was so strong that we couldn't walk along the seafront. STRENGTH
The __________________ meant it was impossible to walk along the seafront.
16. There must be a simple way to explain what happened. BOUND
There is _____________________________ for what happened.
17. Charlotte definitely didn't intend to return to the house until all the building work had been
Charlotte had absolutely ____________________________ to the house until all the building work
had been done.
18. It's difficult to say why some cars are easier to drive than others. MAKES

It's difficult to say _______________________ easier to drive than others.
19. Museum exhibits are usually electronically protected so that no one can steal them. PREVENT
Museum exhibits are usually electronically protected to _________________________ stolen.
20. For a long time José found it strange to drive on the left in Britain. USED
It took Jose a long time _______________________ on the left in Britain.
21. Lots more people have been shopping online this year. SHARP
There ________________ the number of people shopping inline this year.
22. I was looking out of the window when I saw a boy take something from a man's pocket. SIGHT
I was looking out of the window when I ___________________ something from a man's pocket.
23. By the end of the meeting the committee had agreed on the next step. REACHED
By the end of the committee meeting, an ___________________ what to do next.
24. At this time of the year, the area is often affected by violent storms. FEELS
At this time of the year, the area often __________________ violent storms.
25. Emily's hair badly needs cutting. TIME
It is high _____________________ cut.
26. The burglar wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind. AVOID
The burglar wore gloves in ___________________ any fingerprints behind.
27. Ursula's parents did not approve of her plan to visit a friend in the USA. MET
Ursula's plan to visit a friend in the USA __________________ of her parents.
28. Could Ella have forgotten her bag today? WONDER
I _______________________ her bag behind today?
29. It was the film's music that impressed me most. IMPRESSION
The film's music was ______________________________ me.
30. The new computer game was every bit as good as Caroline had expected. UP
The new computer game _______________________________ expectations.
31. It's quite common for students to go on to win Olympic medals. MEANS
It's __________________ for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals.
32. They would never make a decision so quickly again. MINDS
Never again ______________________________ so quickly.
33. If you hadn't helped me, I could never have moved the wardrobe. HELP
But ______________________, I could never have moved the wardrobe.
34. When I eventually got through security, the departure gate was about to close. TIME
The departure gate was on the point _____________________ I got through security.
35. I had no success in contacting Collin before the party. MANAGE
I ___________________________ hold of Colin before the party.
36. 'Would you lend me your camera, Patrick?' asked John. BORROW
John asked ______________________________________ camera.
37. Jack said he didn't know what sort of person Tessie was. IDEA
Jack said he ____________________________________ like.
38. Thanks to the success of the concert, the singer was offered a recording contract. LED
The success of the concert ________________________ offered a recording contract.
39. Even if she runs really fast, Tina won't get to school on time. HOW
No ________________________, Tina won't get to school on time.
40. I wish I hadn't said that to her. TAKE
If only ____________________ I said to her.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 14
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. Ronan fully intends to write a blog about his round-the-world trip. EVERY
Ronan ________________________ a blog about his round-the-world trip.
2. Sarah's father thinks she should come home earlier in the evening. APPROVE
Sarah's father ________________________ staying out so late in the evening.
3. Because he thought it might break down, Dan always kept a mobile phone in his car.
Dan kept a mobile phone in his car ________________________________________ down.
4. The ice-skater performed faultlessly and received full marks. GAVE
The ice-skater ________________________ and received full marks.
5. The big increase in hits on his website came as a surprise to Philip. GOT
Much ________________________ a big increase in hits on his website.
6. It was only at the start of the following week that Kate saw Mark again. UNTIL
Kate __________________________________ the start of the following week.
7. This door is an emergency exit and must never be locked for any reason. ACCOUNT
On ________________________________ be locked because it is an emergency exit.
8. As soon as Alex finished his homework, he went out on his bike. HAD
No ______________________________ than he went out on his bike.
9. Hardly any boys among my students know who Virginia Wolf is. HEARD
Among my students, very __________________________ Virginia Wolf.
10. My brother and I are alike in many ways. LOT
My brother and ________________ common.
11. I was very shocked when my brother told me what had happened the previous day.
I was very shocked by my _________________________ what had happened the previous
12. We never imagined that Julian might be planning to resign from his job. OCCURRED
It never ________________________ Julian might be planning to resign from his job.
13. As long as he could see, Kevin really didn't mind where he sat in the stadium.
As long as he could see, _________________________________ where he sat in the stadium.
14. I want to say that I'm not at all satisfied with the service at this hotel. MY
I want to express ______________________ with the service at this hotel.
15. Because of the problems with the buses that morning, all of the students came late to the
lesson. TURNED

Because of the problems with the buses that morning, not ______________________ to the
lesson on time.
16. Collin couldn't possibly afford any of the paintings in that gallery. FAR
The paintings in that gallery are ____________________________ buy.
17. Someone has suggested changing the company logo. FORWARD
A suggestion has ________________________ the company logo.
18. Patrick maintains that he kept his word that he would not tell anyone Jane's secret.
Patrick denies ___________________________________________ Jane's secret.
19. In the office, Tom is responsible for all aspects of the updating of the company's website.
In the office, Tom has __________________________ the company's website up to date.
20. Nick's cooking soon impressed his friends. REPUTATION
Among his friends, Nick soon gained _______________________________ a good cook.
21. Joe was very surprised to see Melanie walk into the room. TAKEN
Joe __________________________ Melanie walked into the room.
22. The fire at the oil depot has led to the imposition of stricter safety regulations. IMPOSED
Stricter safety regulations _________________________ result of the fire at the oil depot.
23. It was several decades ago that a man first walked on the moon. SINCE
It ______________________________ a man first walked on the moon.
24. James would only speak to the head of department store. ON
James _________________ to the head of department alone.
25. Melvin's friend recommended that website where he bought the camping equipment. ON
Melvin bought equipment from that website _____________________________ a friend.
26. Jim would do anything at all to help his brother. NOT
There is absolutely ____________ to help his brother.
27. I don't think we'll see Simon before he goes to New York. LIKELIHOOD
There's ________________________ Simon before he goes to New York.
28. Lucy succeeded in passing her driving test, even though she had flu. MANAGED
Despite ______________________________________________ her driving test.
29. Paul wishes that he hadn't started arguing with his best friend. HAD
Paul regrets _____________________________ with his best friend.
30. Sandra regrets not being able to visit her grandmother more often. WISHES
Sandra ____________________________ visit her grandmother more often.
31. Clarice's mother told her not to spend the money under any circumstances. MUST
'Whatever ___________________________ that money, Clarice', said her mother.
32. Only time will tell whether Ella was right to change her training programme. REMAINS
It _______________________ whether Ella was right to change her training programme.
33. It doesn't seem to me as if Louise is worried about her course. TELL
As ______________________ Louise isn't worried about her course.
34. We were late arriving at the cinema and so missed the start of the film. BY
The film had _____________________________ we arrived at the cinema.

35. It was wrong to make Jean responsible for showing visitors round the building yesterday
on her first day at work. CHARGE
Jean should ______________________________________ of showing visitors round the
building yesterday on her first day at work.
36. I'll support you whatever you decide to do. MATTER
I'll support you _______________________ you take.
37. Harry was going to take his mother for a drive in his new sports car but it looks as if he's
forgotten. MUST
Harry _________________________________ taking his mother for a drive in his new sports
38. Laura was faced with a lot of problems during her childhood. CONTEND
Laura had _________________________________ during her childhood.
39. I didn't want to give up while some hope of success remained. DEFEAT.
I was loath________________________________ some hope of success.
40. I don't think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about this service.
I don't think you _________________________________________ fuss about the service.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 15
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. I think you should have some consideration for those who don't have the lives as
privileged as yours. SPARE
I think you should ______________________________________ lives aren't as privileged as
2. After a long hard journey, I cheered up when I saw my home. SIGHT
After a long hard journey my spirits ____________________ of my home again.
3. So that he would be able to leave the room quickly, Matthew stood by the door.
Matthew _____________________________________ as to be able to leave the room quickly.
4. If you hadn't changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine. STUCK
Had _____________________________________ agreed, everything would have been fine.
5. David played the main role when the proposal was drafted. INSTRUMENTAL
David _____________________________________________ of the proposal.
6. In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. SHORT
The fact that they survived the accident was _________________, in my opinion.
7. Your attitude to life would be greatly improved by regular exercise. WONDERS
Regular exercise would_________________________________________ at life.
8. The audience suddenly started to applaud loudly. SUDDEN
All_______________________________ from the audience.
9. I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. POWER
I __________________________________________ this problem from arising.
10. I planned to visit her on Friday but I heard she'd gone on holiday. WOULD
I ________________________ on Friday but I heard she'd gone on holiday.
11. It's difficult for a poorly performing company to make a profit. TURN
If a company is performing poorly, it's difficult ______________ one.
12. Some people have been saying that a good move emigrating would be. ARGUED
It ____________________________________ emigrating would be a good move.
13. Ruby's ambition is to become an actor. TAKE
What Ruby would like _________________________________ acting as a career.
14. Providing you look after it carefully, you can borrow my laptop. LONG
You can borrow my laptop _______________________ good care of it.
15. The idea of going to the new health centre was Pat's suggestion. FORWARD
It was Pat _______________________ idea of going to the new health centre.

16. More than anything else Grace wanted to start her own aromatherapy clinic. AMBITION
Grace's _________________________ to start her own aromatherapy clinic.
17. We arrived at the restaurant too late to order a full meal. ABLE
Had we arrived at the restaurant earlier, __________________________ order a full meal.
18. He'll never refuse free tickets, I'm sure. IMAGINE
I could _________________________ free tickets.
19. Why did you turn down the offer of a job? PERSUADED
What was ______________________ accept the job offer?
20. It's very unlikely that space tourism will take off in my lifetime. HARDLY
Space tourism is ___________________________________ in my lifetime.
21. It's our parents' 25th wedding anniversary next year. MARRIED
Next year our parents ________________________ for 25 years.
22. 'Why did Tom act in such an irresponsible way?' asked Chloe. SO
Chloe wanted to _____________________________ irresponsibly.
23. I will only try acupuncture if my doctor approves of the idea. UNLESS
I won't try acupuncture ____________________ my doctor's approval for the idea.
24. Clarissa told me how very good this anti-aging cream is. HIGHLY
This anti-aging cream was _________________________ Clarissa.
25. Everything was fine before Emily arrived and then things started to go wrong. ONLY
It ________________________________ that everything started to go wrong.
26. The audience didn't like the speaker's jokes. DOWN
The speaker's jokes went ________________________________ the audience.
27. Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. IMPOSSIBLE
The terrible weather ______________________________ Paul to leave the house all day.
28. I object to hanging around in airports. WHAT
__________________________________________ hanging around in airports.
29. Everyone assumed that Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited from his uncle.
People _____________________________ Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited
from his uncle.
30. We stopped in an absolutely beautiful place for lunch. WHERE
_______________________________ lunch was absolutely beautiful.
31. When she was at school, Sandra was fascinated by the idea of hypnotism. USED
Sandra ___________________ of hypnotism fascinating when she was at school.
32. I need a weekend away, so I booked something on the Internet. DID
I need a weekend away _______________________________ something on the Internet.
33. Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. PUT
'I'm not willing ____________________ from my colleagues any longer,' said Delia.
34. A strike by check-staff led to all flights being delayed. BECAUSE
There were _____________________ of a strike by check-in staff.
35. It's possible that the burglars got into the building by forcing open a fire exit. GAINED
The burglars may __________________________________ by forcing open a fire exit.
36. She left her husband because he cheated on her. REASON
___________________________________ her husband was because he cheated on her.
37. My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night.
My grandfather didn't ____________________________________ phoning me last night.
38. You have to pierce the plastic film first and then you can put the tray in the microwave
oven. BEFORE
The plastic film _________________________________ the tray is placed in the microwave
39. Everyone expects Maura to resign at the end of the month. HAND
Maura is widely _____________________ at the end of the month.
40. If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. NAME
If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have ____________________________ himself as
an art historian.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 16
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. I've never been at all interested in learning a foreign language. SLIGHTEST
I've never ______________________________ learning a foreign language.
2. Anna's fed up with the company and she's intending to leave work as soon as she can.
Anna's fed up with the company and she's got _________________________ longer than she
has to.
3. Susan picked the baby up gently, because she didn't want to wake him. SO
Susan picked the baby up gently ______________________________ him.
4. They were able to creep away unobserved because it was very dark. OWING
They were able to creep away unobserved _______________ it was very dark.
5. The car was redesigned and, as a result, sales rose rapidly. RESULTED
The successful redesigning of the car_____________________ in sales.
6. Despite improving his performance, Smith is still not in the top three for 10000 metres.
The improvement in Smith's performance ______________ in the top three for 10000
7. After several years, heavy traffic caused the bridge to collapse. DUE
The collapse _____________________ several years of heavy traffic.
8. If you feel stressed, breething deeply should calm you down. MAKE
Breething deeply _________________________ if you feel stressed.
9. The moment I saw the horrible food, I no longer felt hungry. SOON
I lost _______________________________ I saw the horrible food.
10. Chris and I have the same liking for English. JUST
Chris _________________________ much as I do.
11. He looks suitable for the job, but people are not always the way they look.
He looks suitable for the job, but _______________________________________ deceptive.
12. LSI is a much friendlier school than all the others in London. THE
LSI is by ____________________________________ in London.
13. Since she became a teacher, she has never been so stressed. EVER
She has been suffering ____________________ became a teacher.
14. I had expected the exam to be much worse than it actually was. BAD
The exam was actually nowhere _________________ I had expected.
15. You don't realise quite how much sugar there is in coke. DEAL

There's ____________________ sugar in coke than you realise.
16. In my youth I used to sunbathe every day. WOULD
In my youth ____________________ sun every day.
17. It's likely they were delayed in a traffic jam. PROBABLY
They____________________________ up in a traffic jam.
18. The company does not intend to create any redundancies. NO
The company ___________________________ redundancies.
19. Your essay needs to be written more carefully. CARE
You should ____________________ with your essay.
20. I am writing to you because my client asked me to. BEHALF
I am writing to you _________________________ my client.
21. I should have concentrated more during the lesson. ATTENTION
I now wish _____________________________ during the lesson.
22. Ed's golf round last week was nowhere near as good as today's. CONSIDERABLY
Ed performed _____________________________________ than he did last week.
23. We always expected Nadal to win. SURPRISE
Nadal's victory ____________________ to us.
24. We were quite surprised when Germany beat Spain. ABACK
We were rather ____________________ Germany beat Spain.
25. Sue got the builders to repair and decorate her house this summer. UP
Sue __________________________________________ this summer.
26. We need at least six people for the team. REQUIRED
No ______________________________ for the team.
27. We've postponed the lunch until next week. OFF
The lunch __________________ until next week.
28. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him GRANTED.
He dislikes ________________________ by his friends.
29. The police now think he invented the story. HAVE
He is now ______________________ up the story.
30. He refused to speak anything but English in meetings. INSISTED
He __________________________________ English in meetings.
31. Electricity is getting very expensive these days. COST
The _________________ higher and higher these days.
32. Unemployment has risen considerably over the last eighteen months and the government
is under pressure to find a solution. INCREASE
The government is under pressure due to ____________________________ over the last
eighteen months.
33. The minister's resignation from the government was caused by the discovery of his role
in the financial scandal. LED
The discovery of the minister's role in the financial scandal _________________________
the government.
34. Oh, there you are! I didn't even know you had gone out! UNAWARE
I _________________________________ fact that you had gone out.
35. Don't get involved in this John, it has nothing to do with you. KEEP
This has nothing to do with you so __________________________.
36. I really can't understand why he can't finish the project on time. BAFFLED
I am really _____________________________ to finish the project on time.
37. Mr. Edwards was sacked partly because of his arriving late to work. CONTRIBUTED
Mr. Edwards' constant lateness _____________________________ from the company.
38. You can't just suddenly decide to go on a safari. You need to plan things very carefully.
Going on safari isn't a decision you can make __________________ moment. You need to
plan things very carefully.
39. She wants nothing less than to get that job. It would be a dream come true. SET
She has _____________________________________________ getting that job.
40. If they ever discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison. LIGHT
If your role in the incident ________________________, you'll go to prison.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 17
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. Harry plays tennis much better than I do. NEARLY
I am not _______________ tennis player as Harry is.
2. Both candidates for the job are strong. They are both equally good. HARDLY
There is _____________________________________ the two job candidates.
3. That child is twice as tall as he was two years ago. DOUBLED
That child's _________________________ in the last two years.
4. As soon as I arrived at the pub, a fight started. SOONER
No _____________________ a fight broke out in the pub.
5. There were very few people who understood what the professor said in the meeting.
There ______________________________ who understood what the professor said in the
6. The bank robbers had disappeared completely by the time the police arrived. SIGN
There ___________________________________ robbers when the police arrived.
7. Give me a call only if you have to buy gas for the car. RUN
Unless ____________________________ gas, don't call me.
8. You shouldn't be surprised at Kevin winning that tournament. COME
It ____________________________ that Kevin won that tournament.
9. There is no doubt at all that the government will win the election. CONCLUSION
It is _____________________________ that the government will win the election.
10. This is certainly not the last time you will be needed here on a Sunday. MEANS
It is _____________________________ you won't be needed again on a Sunday.
11. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without proper identity.
____________________________ should you let anyone into the building without proper
12. If it wasn't for your arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time ago.
____________________ arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time ago.
13. I presume you are coming to the party Miriam. READ
Can I _________ you are coming to the party Miriam?
14. You are not a bad lawyer Martin, but I don't think it is a very suitable job for you. CUT
I just don't think you _____________________________________________ a lawyer.
15. I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not. WHATSOEVER

I have ________________________________________ he will be coming or not.
16. He failed the exam as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class. PACE
His failure was blamed on his inability _______________ rest of the class.
17. Everyone is criticising the government for its poor unemployment record. COME
The government ___________________________ over its unemployment record.
18. He was always going to leave that house after the divorce was finalised. BOUND
He _________________________________________ the house after the divorce.
19. I don't find it at all surprising that nobody came to the party. WONDER
It's __________________________________ nobody came to the party.
20. Don't tell anyone else what I told you about Elizabeth. KEEP
_______________ yourself what I told you about Elizabeth.
21. Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that pay rise. INTENT
Our boss _____________ the pay rise.
22. I could only afford that house because of the loan you gave me. LENT
Had _____________ money, I wouldn't have been able to afford the house.
23. You don't have to come and see the new house if you don't wish. OBLIGATION
You are _____________ and see the new house if you don't wish.
24. You should have seen the boss as soon as you arrived. You knew he wanted to see you.
You _____________ boss when you arrived.
25. She is already married and you knew! I wish you had told me. MIGHT
You _____________ she was married!
26. I went in to work for an hour even though I knew it was a holiday. NOT
I need _____________ into work but I did anyway.
27. The headmaster will give a prize to the top student of the year. AWARDED
The _____________ a prize by the headmaster.
28. Police arrested Johnson because they think he was involved in the robbery. SUSPICION
Johnson was detained _____________ in the robbery.
29. You don't need to concern yourself with the new tax laws till October. EFFECT
The new tax laws _____________.
30. She still hasn't really recovered from losing her job in August. BEING
She still really hasn't got _____________________ in August.
31. I'm afraid I believed his fake story completely! TAKEN
I regret to say that I _____________________ his fake story.
32. This washing machine will give you years of service if you care for it properly. AFTER
Properly _____________________ will give you years of service.
33. Could you help me tackle a problem with my son? DEALING
I'd be grateful for _____________________ a problem with my son.
34. The news that the President had quit came as a great surprise to everyone. ABACK
Everyone _____________________ President quitting.
35. Do you mind if I observe you while you draw that sketch? OBJECTION
Do you _____________________ observe you while you draw that sketch?
36. Janet has never passed any exams, as far as I'm aware. KNOWLEDGE
To _____________________ no formal qualifications.
37. None of us was expecting to have a test this morning. BLUE
This morning's test _____________________ for every one of us.
38. The judges gave Joseph the impression that he would win the competition. BELIEVE
Joseph _____________________ he would win the competition.
39. Sharon really has no idea of the difficulty of finding a parking spot. HOW
Little does Sharon _____________________ to find a parking spot.
40. Ken said absolutely nothing because he was afraid of offending the women. FEAR
Ken remained absolutely silent _____________________ offense to the women.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 18
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. Barbara's total dedication to her job has always been exemplary. HERSELF
Barbara _________________________________ in the most exemplary way.
2. He doesn't mind at all if Kim records his speech. OBJECTION
He has _____________________________________ his speech.
3. Nobody really expected Glen to do so well in his Biology exams. TAKEN
Everyone _________________________ did so well in his Biology exams.
4. Nina has run away from home on other occasions. TIME
This is _______________________ run away from home.
5. I offered Fred the position but he refused it. TURNED
Fred was _____________________________ it down.
6. They thought that the music was too loud. FAR
As __________________ the music was too loud.
7. In spite of all my efforts, I didn't manage to persuade them to come to the concert. HARD
No matter ___________________, I didn't manage to persuade them to come to the concert.
8. The police were forced to release the suspect because new evidence was produced. LIGHT
The police were forced to release the suspect _____________________ evidence produced.
9. But for the sea being unusually warm, they never would have survived. WOULD
If it hadn't been for the ______________________________________ been killed.
10. People know more about my novels than the plays I write. BETTER
I'm ___________________________________ than as a playwright.
11. I've been informed that you've been late to the office every day this week. BROUGHT
It has _____________________ that you've been late to the office every day this week.
12. I apologise but I totally forgot about our dinner appointment. CONFESS
I must _____________________________________________ my mind.
13. They made him wait for two hours, then eventually let him in. KEPT
He was eventually allowed in after having _____________________ for two hours.
14. Dylan never pays much attention to what his father says. NOTICE
Dylan doesn't ever __________________ what his father tells him.
15. I wish Julie would learn to drive. HIGH
It's _________________________ drive.
16. If only I had traveled more when I had the chance. TAKEN
I wish _________________________________ travel more.
17. Karen had just started her new teaching job when she got flu. CAME
Karen ___________________ just after starting her new teaching job.

18. It would have been a total catastrophe for her to be made responsible. PUT
If she _______________, there would have been very serious consequences.
19. Kim doesn't intend to visit her uncle again. HAS
Kim _______________________ her uncle again.
20. The third candidate impressed the panel immediately. MADE
The third candidate _______________________ the panelists.
21. This part of the factory can only be entered by authorized staff. RESTRICTED
Access _____________________ to authorized staff in this part of the factory.
22. Kids and seniors are much more prone to infection than others. PICK
Kids and seniors ___________________________ easily than others.
23. It's highly unlikely that we'll promote Debbie this summer. CHANCE
There's very little _____________________ being promoted this summer.
24. I'd prefer to be given the opportunity to work with other colleagues. ALLOWED
I think it would be better _____________________________________ as a team.
25. Please read the user manual with care before you use this machine. MAKING
Before _____________________ this machine, please read the user manual with care.
26. I'd never thought of asking the hotel manager for advice about tourist sites. OCCURRED
It had never _____________________ the hotel manager for advice about tourist sites.
27. The cost of software has gone up a great deal recently. SHARP
There has been _____________________ of software recently.
28. It's very difficult for many people to express their feelings. WORDS
Putting _____________________ is very difficult for many people.
29. Helga refuses to pay the dry cleaning bill. INTENTION
Helga has _____________________ the dry cleaning bill.
30. Your brother must try to accept that he'll never be an author! TERMS
Your brother must _____________________ the fact that he'll never be an author.
31. No students must enter the examination room after 10 o'clock, whatever the reason.
Under ___________________________________________ enter the examination room after
10 o'clock.
32. The accountant called a meeting to discuss the company's perilous finances. PURPOSE
The accountant's _______________________ to discuss the company's perilous finances.
33. It may seem strange, but a tomato is technically a fruit. AS
Strange _____________________, a tomato is technically a fruit.
34. You'd be in a better position to tackle the exam if you had studied harder. PREPARED
If you'd studied harder, _________________________________________ for the exam.
35. I felt so relaxed at Tricia's apartment because her friends greeted me so warmly. EASE
Tricia's friends _______________________________ with the warmth of their greeting.
36. Grant completely ignored his elder brother's recommendation. NOTICE
Grant ________________________ his elder brother's recommendation.
37. The author said that he'd invented the whole plot himself. THOUGHT
The scriptwriter said that he'd __________________________ any help.
38. If I were him, I would not be late for the interview. BETTER
He ____________________________________ the interview.
39. You won't be punished provided you admit it was your mistake. LONG
You won't be ____________________________________ to your mistake.
40. Since he is an only child, his parents have spoiled him. NOT
If ________________________ his parents wouldn't have spoiled him.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 19
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. He’s likely to lose his job if he keeps disagreeing with his boss. DANGER
If he keeps disagreeing with this boss, he’s ____________________________ from his job.
2. Although the children weren’t listening, the teacher didn’t get angry. ATTENTION
Although the children weren’t ____________________________ saying, the teacher didn’t get
3. Given that he has no experience, will Glyn be able to do this job? AFFECT
Will Glyn’s _________________________________ ability to do this job?
4. ‘Remember to write or phone,’ Marta said as she waved goodbye to her friend. TOUCH
‘Don’t __________________________,’ Marta said as she waved goodbye to her friend.
5. No changes will be made to this project. AHEAD
The project will _____________________ to plan.
6. He no longer thinks he can find a job before the end of the year. HOPE
He has given _____________________ a job before the end of the year.
7. It’s difficult to know what my reaction would have been in that situation. HOW
I’m not _______________________________________ in that situation.
8. I don’t expect the company to make a profit this year, given the economic climate.
Given the economic climate, _________________________ the company make a profit this
9. There is no way Lisa will give up her independence to get married. OF
Lisa has _____________________ up her independence to get married.
10. Simon really ought to make a decision about his future. MIND
It’s high time Simon ____________________ about his future.
11. Pay claims must be submitted before the end of the month. PUT
You have _________________ your pay claims before the end of the month.
12. There are various ways of avoiding insect bites. PREVENTED
Insect bites can ___________________________ various ways.
13. I think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time. POINT
I can’t ________________________ how to use a typewriter.
14. Your mobile phone should be switched off at all times during the performance. SHOULD
Under no ____________________ your mobile phone switched on during the performance.
15. If you don’t pay on time, your booking will be cancelled. RESULT
Failure to ________________________ your booking be cancelled.

16. Darius soon recovered after the operation on his knee and was able to rejoin the team.
After the operation on his knee, Darius ___________________ and was able to rejoin the
17. Most of the children ignored what the teacher had told them. NOTICE
Few of the children _____________________ what the teacher had told them.
18. I didn't realise how short the singer was until I saw him onstage. MADE
It was only _____________________ me realise how short the singer was.
19. It's so difficult to create new ideas for the festival every year. COME
How difficult _______________ with new ideas for the festival every year!
20. The company has a good reputation in the local area. HIGHLY
The company ________________________ of in the local area.
21. I'm sure Jemma is going to become a famous model one day. MATTER
I think it's only ___________________ Jemma becomes a famous model.
22. Everyone will enjoy this exhibition because there are no fewer than twenty dinosaurs on
display. MANY
This exhibition will appeal ___________________________ as twenty dinosaurs are on
23. At the beginning of the programme the panel of experts discussed the media and its
importance in education. DISCUSSION
The panel of experts started the programme ___________________________ the media and
its importance in education.
24. Barbara's parents were certain that she would be a great tornis player. DOUBT
Barbara's parents were _____________________ that she would be a great tennis player.
25. My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night.
My grandfather didn't ____________________________________ phoning me last night.
26. If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. NAME
If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have _________________________ himself as an
art historian.
27. The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car parking space to all employees.
The company's employees shouldn't _________________________allocated a car-parking
28. Della said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. PUT
‘I'm not willing ____________________from my colleagues any longer,’ said Delia.
29. This holiday is within our price range, provided we don't go to the expensive restaurants
in the tourist centre. AFFORD
We ___________________________________ as we avoid the expensive restaurants in the
tourist centre.
30. It's very unlikely that Martin will win the 100 metres, as he's out of training. CHANCE
Martin has almost ____________________________ the 100 metres, as he's out of training.
31. Nadia's friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. POINT
Nadia was just _________________________the restaurant when her friend arrived.
32. Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. IMPOSSIBLE
The terrible weather ____________________________________ Paul to leave the house all
33. If there are fewer doctors on duty, patients may have to wait longer than usual.
Patients may have to wait longer than usual, _________________________ of doctors on
34. There's a danger those mountaineers won't be able to make it back to the hut before it
gets dark. RISK
Those mountaineers run ______________________ able to make it back to the hut before it
gets dark.
35. Whatever time he leaves home, John always seems to get to work late. MATTER
No ___________________ off from home, John always seems to get to work late.
36. It is Sam's responsibility to ensure everyone has left the museum before closing time.
Sam _____________________ sure everyone has left the museum before closing time.
37. Martin was going to host an event for the new students, but it appears he has decided
against it. MIND
Martin appears __________________________________ hosting an event for the new
38. Up to now, I've never thought of working in any field other than finance. OCCURRED
The thought of not working in the field of finance __________________________ now.
39. The tutors said we can’t use the computers in the library for anything except
assignments. MEANT
The tutors said we __________________ use the computers in the library for anything
except assignments.
40. No other students apart from Martha were selected for the trip overseas. BE
Martha was ________________________ selected for the trip overseas.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 20
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given.
1. She loved the book, but she wondered whether the events were historically accurate.
She loved the book, but she wasn't _______________________________ the events.
2. Most people these days would be completely lost without their mobile phones. IDEA
Most people these days would _________________________ manage without their mobile
3. Pat realised that trying to sleep before the neighbours' party ended was a waste of time.
Pat realised that ______________________ trying to sleep before the neighbours’ party
4. If you hadn't taken me to the station, I wouldn't have caught my train. GIVING
But _______________________ to the station, I wouldn't have caught my train.
5. I'm convinced that David is holding something back about his plans for moving. HONEST
I'm convinced that David is ____________________________ about his plans for moving.
6. John always trained hard, but he never succeeded in winning a gold medal. HOW
No ____________________ trained, he never succeeded in winning a gold medal.
7. The manager assured me that she would order a replacement watch. WORD
The manager _________________ that she would order a replacement watch.
8. There was no money to allow the construction of the road to continue. LACK
Construction of the road could not ____________________________ money.
9. The manager never doubted that the latest model of the phone would be a great success.
There was never any ______________________ that the latest model of the phone would be
a great success.
10. Gina found it impressive that her tutor was able to remember all his students' names.
Gina was ______________________________ to remeinber all his students' names.
11. ‘I've never given this presentation before,’ Mary admitted. FIRST
Mary admitted that it was ____________________________ given that presentation.
12. Jane knew she should arrive at the airport two hours early. MEANT
Jane knew she __________________ up at the airport two hours early.
13. Lisa was a good candidate so not surprisingly she was offered the job. CAME
Lisa was a good candidate so it __________________ that she was offered the job.
14. Sally completely ignored the advice I gave her and bought that awful car. NOTICE
Sally ________________________ the advice I gave her and bought that awful car.

15. The price of computers has come down over the last few years. DROP
There __________________________ the price of computers over the last few years.
16. It'll be sunny later, so it's a good idea to apply some sunscreen. BETTER
It'll be sunny later, so you ______________________ on some sunscreen.
17. The deaths of almost sixty people were caused by the tornado. RESULTED
The tornado ______________________________ almost sixty people.
18. "I wish I'd had the chance to visit Dublin", Peter said. NOT
Peter regretted ______________ the chance to visit Dublin.
19. Tony said he met his significant other completely accidentally. CHANCE
It was purely ____________________________ met his significant other.
20. The cassette tape is so old that we can’t play it.
It’s too _______________________________.
21. He thinks that capital punishment is a good idea.
He is in ________________________________.
22. I’d like to stay at home this evening instead of going out.
Rather _______________________________________.
23. He quarreled with Jeff in the pub last night.
He got ____________________________.
24. Interest rates are being forecast to rise again according to the Stock Exchange.
The Stock Exchange is forecasting __________________________________.
25. If you have children, you have to change your whole lifestyle. MEANS
26. I’m expecting to be promoted soon. BANKING
27. I’m afraid your coming has been a complete surprise - I wasn’t expecting you till next
week. HOP
I’m afraid you _______________________________ - I wasn’t expecting you till next week.
28. He won’t let anyone touch his records. OBJECTS
He ____________________________ his records.
29. He didn’t think much of the musical show yesterday. OPINION
He __________________________ the musical show yesterday.
30. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. AGAINST
____________________________________ she lost.
31. Peter always trusts me with his secrets. IN
Peter __________________________ me.
32. I thought it was marvellous that Jane could jump so high. AT
I _____________________________ ability to jump so high.
33. Danny was asked to leave the school for bad behavior. FROM
Danny was __________________________ behavior.
34. They didn’t punish Karen, only gave her a warning. GOT
Karen _____________________________ warning.
35. Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late. ON
Gary prides ______________________ early.
36. The fire in the kitchen was discovered by a boy. WHO
It ___________________________ the fire in the kitchen.
37. These girls are too young to get married. OLD
These girls ___________________ married.
38. ‚Do these toys interest you?‛ the dealer asked Oanh. WAS
The dealer asked Oanh ____________________ those toys.
39. My sister really wishes she could dance well. ABLE
My sister regret not _________________________.
40. Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you.
It is at _______________________________.

PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 21
Practice makes perfect Section: Sentence transformation
Time: 30 minutes, including 40 questions
Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and ten words, including the word given.
1. She knew nothing about the party that they were planning. DARK
She was ____________________ the party that they were planning.
2. Our team has won the football championship for the second year running. SUCCESSION
For the second year ______________________________ by a local team.
3. You must never leave the workplace without letting the team leader know. ACCOUNT
On ___________________________ without letting the team leader know.
4. If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't dismantle the laptop. APART
Don't ______________________________ you know what you're doing.
5. I was shocked by the cheeky response that the girl gave to her mother. ABACK
I was _________________ the cheeky response that the girl gave to her mother.
6. Simon is rumoured to be about to become a Sky News presenter. VERGE
Rumour has _______________________ becoming a Sky News presenter.
7. When he won the championship, Stephen began to realise just how happy he was. DAWN
When he won the championship, it began ____________________ just how happy he was.
8. She may run into additional problems if she doesn't have any proper insurance. PRONE
She ____________________________________________ she has any proper insurance.
9. Mr Brown was offended by some of the comments that were made about his wife.
Mr Brown _________________________________ some of the comments that were made
about his wife.
10. It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. DRAW
It is important to know ________________________ between a joke and a lie.
11. Agatha never really expected the venture to be a roaring success. OF
Agatha had little ____________________________ a roaring success.
12. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the conversation. INTENTION
I'm sorry, I ________________________________ the conversation.
13. She never thought that he would end up in prison. CROSSED
It ________________________ that he would end up in prison.
14. Felix was operating the machine when the accident happened. TIME
The machine was ____________________________ of the accident.
15. As far as I know, the car was stolen in the evening. KNOWLEDGE
To ________________________, the car was stolen in the evening.
16. I have no idea how to adjust the television set. LOSS
I am ____________________________ how to adjust the television set.

17. If Sue hadn't refused to work overtime, she would have got promotion. IT
Had _______________________________, she would have got promotion.
18. The chairman resigned because of his sudden illness. RESULTED
The ____________________________________ his sudden illness.
19. The whole truth didn't come out until after Martin's resignation. THAT
It ______________________________ the whole truth came out.
20. We weren't at all surprised when we heard that Jason had been dismissed. HEAR
It came _______________________________________ Jason's dismissal.
21. The castle had been extensively restored and looked as good as new. UNDERGONE
The castle ______________________________ and looked as good as new.
22. Many people believe that all plants are green, but they're wrong. POPULAR
Contrary _________________________________ plants are green.
23. Things went wrong at once after his resignation. HAD
Hardly ________________________ things went wrong.
24. In spite of all my efforts, I couldn't persuade Shaun to come to the pub. HOW
No matter ________________________________ Shaun into coming to the pub.
25. My two cousins don't trust each other at all. COMPLETE
There's ___________________________ my two cousins.
26. Her exclusion from party conventions stems from her scandalous behaviour. SINCE
She ____________________________________ her scandalous behaviour.
27. I don't understand the reason for Mark's sudden resignation last week. WHY
I don't understand _________________________________ last week.
28. We have taken umbrellas as we're afraid the weather may get worse. SHOULD
We have taken umbrellas _________________________________ get worse.
29. We don't expect that the missing passengers have survived. HOPE
We don't hold ________________________ the missing passengers.
30. We shouldn't exaggerate the importance of finishing on time. EMPHASIS
We shouldn't __________________________________ finishing on time.
31. This manual is too difficult for me. CONCERNED
As _______________, this manual is too difficult for me.
32. Susan couldn't get to the date because of the heavy rain. PREVENTED
The heavy rain ______________________________ getting to the date.
33. Sally gets on well with her father-in-law. TERMS
Sally is ____________________ her father-in-law.
34. I didn't realise what she would suffer in the first place. DID
Little ____________________ would suffer in the first place.
35. The pupils are living temporarily in a hotel. BEING
For _______________, the pupils are living in a hotel.
36. It looks as if he's forgotten about the meeting again. TO
He seems __________________ about the meeting again.
37. The service at the hotel wasn't as good as I expected. COME
The service at the hotel ________________________ my expectations.
38. She has taken it upon herself to take care of her mother. COMMITTED
She has _______________________ care of her mother.
39. Were Ann not so beautiful a girl, John wouldn't be marrying her. BEAUTY
But ________________________________, John wouldn't be marrying her.
40. I was surprised to find out that Martin hadn't married Jane. SURPRISE
It __________________________ me that Martin hadn't married Jane.

Wish you would win a prize in the coming competition!

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