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Stephanie Porio


Sir Jett Ongwico

Positive Comments

 I thoroughly enjoyed Sir Jett Ongwico teaching style.

 He is an exceptional educator, demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject matter
and a passion for teaching.
 He presented complex concepts in a way that was easy to understand, fostering a
dynamic and engaging learning environment.
 The passion he demonstrated for the subject matter truly inspired me to excel in the
 Additionally, Sir Jett was always approachable and willing to provide extra help, creating
a positive and supportive atmosphere for students.

Negative Comments
 While Sir Jett,certainly possesses knowledge in the field, his teaching methods left much
to be desired.
 Furthermore, there was minimal interaction with students, and the lack of clarity in
explanations made it challenging to grasp key concepts.
 It would be beneficial for Sir Jett to focus on improving communication and instructional
strategies to enhance the overall learning experience for students.
Ma’am Reizel Cadavillo

Positive Comments

 Ma,am Reizel is an effective and engaging educator who brings enthusiasm to the subject
 Her teaching is marked by exceptional clarity in explaining complex topics, creating an
environment conducive to learning.
 She actively encourage class participation and discussion, fostering a collaborative
learning atmosphere.
 Additionally, Ma’am Reizel provides constructive feedback on assignments, which has
been instrumental in my academic growth.
 Her genuine passion for the subject matter is palpable and serves as a source of
inspiration for students.

Negative Comments
 However, there are areas for improvement. Ma,am Reizel availability during class hours
has been inconsistent, making it challenging for students to seek clarification on certain
 Some lectures felt rushed, hindering the absorption of essential information.
 Moreover, incorporating more real-world examples into lessons would contribute to a
more comprehensive understanding of the material.

My experience in our professor class has been overall positive, with notable strengths in their
teaching style. The clarity in explaining complex topics has been particularly beneficial, creating a
learning environment that feels conducive to understanding. The encouragement of class participation
and discussion has fostered collaboration among students, making the subject matter more engaging.Our
professor's constructive feedback on assignments has played a pivotal role in my academic growth,
providing valuable insights for improvement. Their evident passion for the subject has been inspiring,
making the material more relatable and interesting. This experience with my professor has highlighted
the significance of creating a dynamic and engaging teaching style. It has shown me that when educators
bring enthusiasm and clarity to their lessons, students are not only more likely to understand the material
but also feel inspired to succeed. The importance of approachability and a supportive attitude cannot be
overstated, as they contribute significantly to the overall learning environment. As a future educator, I
aim to incorporate these positive elements into my own teaching approach, emphasizing clarity,
enthusiasm, and a supportive atmosphere to enhance the learning experience for my students.

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