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Script Visual Guidance

Time is money, my friends! As the clock ticks second by second money flies
(Flutter of wings) out of the clock (money with wings) (zoom in to
focus on winged money)
And life is much easier when (Zoom out) A person chasing money, the person is
things takes less... running on a line with lot of high and lows making
difficult to run
... time to process. And suddenly the thread straightened up making
easier for the person to run and catch the flying
So, what do we do, to make things Zoom in to focus on human standing on the side
less time-consuming? looking at the spiraling road and wondering
Well, we make it less-complex. A person away from the human wondering grabs
the road from the other end and pulls it to make it
a straight road.
A less-complex sentence (Pause) Show a phone with a long massage typed in (“Hey!
makes communication (Pause) Saw your inputs and I think that you have done an
easier. (Typing sound plus text average job. My client called and he was hoping if
massage ring with every text send we can finish it sooner. I feel your might have a lot
and recieved)
of things on your plate but I also feel the project
could be done a little faster. I will really
appreciate...”), but then backspacing and
shortening it to... “Can you edit and send the
project by tonight before 10?”
Then the reply received is a thumbs up emoji with
A less-complex mind makes plans A person (With mind having cloudy thoughts)
easier. sitting in a meeting room the growth chart going
down. After having a sip of tea, his minds gets
clearer and growth charts begins to show profit
A less-complex project makes People working inside a maze crashing on either
coordination easier. wall or on each other. But then the route shuffles
to clearer path and everyone is working efficiently
on their path communicating and further
A less-complex explanation makes A person presenting a boring presentation on the
understanding easier. stage and everyone is dozing off but then the
frame changes and the person is presenting a
moving video and people claps and gives him a
thumbs up
A less-complex “catchphrase” makes A beverage bottle tag saying “If you drink it you
recalling (remembering) easier. will feel fresh” then changing the tag to “Drink
this, feel Fresh” multiple bottle popping on the
screen with same catchphrase, Customer running
and buying the bottle thinking “I’ll feel fresh”
Just take a back-seat A person falling on a comfy sofa and background
changes to the car interior and they are having a
bumpy ride but
while we make thing less-complex As soon as a mysterious person takes the steering
wheel the ride becomes smooth
for you and your customer. The person in the backseat smiles and zoom out to
a person sitting next to him/her they both shakes
hand. (Showing a happy client and customer

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