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Project report

Dataset used- Financial analysis dataset


.Data loading, processing

.Key metrics calculation
.visualization 1 report
.Visualization 2 report

Submitted by- Ayush Kumar Singh

Project Report:

1. Data Loading and Preprocessing

The code begins by importing the necessary libraries: pandas for data manipulation, matplotlib.pyplot and
seaborn for data visualization. The financial data is loaded into a pandas DataFrame from a CSV file
named ’Financial Analytics data.csv’. Rows with missing values in the ’Mar Cap - Crore’ and ’Sales Qtr -
Crore’ columns are removed using the dropna method.

2. Key Metrics Calculation

The code then calculates some key metrics from the data:
- Total Market Capitalization: The sum of all companies’ market capitalization values.
- Total Sales: The sum of all companies’ quarterly sales values.
- Average Market Capitalization: The mean of all companies’ market capitalization values.
- Average Sales: The mean of all companies’ quarterly sales values.

These metrics are printed to the console.

3. Visualization 1: Market Capitalization vs Sales

The first visualization is a scatter plot showing the relationship between market capitalization and sales for
each company. The scatter plot is created using seaborn’s scatterplot function, with the ’Mar Cap - Crore’
column on the x-axis and the ’Sales Qtr - Crore’ column on the y-axis. The plot is titled ’Market
Capitalization vs Sales’, and the axes are labeled appropriately.

The scatter plot (Image 1) shows a positive correlation between market capitalization and sales, with
companies having higher market capitalization generally exhibiting higher sales figures. However, there
are some outliers with very high market capitalization but relatively lower sales, and vice versa.

4. Visualization 2: Distribution of Market Capitalization and Sales

The second visualization displays the distributions of market capitalization and sales using two
histograms plotted side by side. The histograms are created using seaborn’s histplot function, with a
kernel density estimate (kde=True) overlaid on each histogram.

The left histogram (Image 2, left) shows the distribution of market capitalization values across companies.
It appears to be right-skewed, with a long tail towards higher values, indicating the presence of a few
companies with significantly higher market capitalization compared to the rest.

The right histogram (Image 2, right) shows the distribution of quarterly sales values across companies.
This distribution also appears to be right-skewed, with a long tail towards higher values, indicating the
presence of a few companies with significantly higher sales compared to the rest.

Overall, the project provides insights into the financial performance of companies by analyzing their
market capitalization and sales figures. The visualizations highlight the general positive relationship
between these two variables, as well as the distributions and potential outliers in the data.

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