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Project report

Data set used -Amazon sale dataset


.Data loading
.Monthly sales trend
.Yearly sales trend
.key metrics
.sales by season
.sales by item type
.Outputs SS

Submitted by- Ayush Kumar Singh

Project Report:

1. Introduction:
The provided code is written in Python, and it performs various data analysis and visualization tasks on
an Amazon sales dataset. The project aims to explore and gain insights into the sales trends, key metrics,
and the relationship between sales and different factors such as region and item type.

2. Data Loading and Preprocessing:

The code begins by importing the necessary libraries: pandas for data manipulation, matplotlib for
plotting, and seaborn for additional visualization capabilities. It then loads the sales data from a CSV file
named "Amazon Sales data.csv" into a pandas DataFrame. The "Order Date" column is converted to a
datetime format to enable time-based analysis.

3. Monthly Sales Trend:

The monthly sales trend is calculated by grouping the data by month using the "Order Date" column and
summing the "Total Revenue" for each month. The resulting data is plotted as a line chart, with the x-axis
representing the order date and the y-axis representing the total revenue for each month.

4. Yearly Sales Trend:

Similar to the monthly sales trend, the yearly sales trend is obtained by grouping the data by year using
the "Order Date" column and summing the "Total Revenue" for each year. The results are visualized
using a bar chart, with the x-axis representing the year and the y-axis representing the total revenue for
each year.

5. Key Metrics:
The code calculates and prints the following key metrics for the sales data:
- Total Sales: The sum of all "Total Revenue" values.
- Average Sales: The mean of all "Total Revenue" values.
- Maximum Sales: The maximum value in the "Total Revenue" column.
- Minimum Sales: The minimum value in the "Total Revenue" column.

6. Sales by Region:
To analyze the relationship between region and sales, the data is grouped by the "Region" column, and
the "Total Revenue" is summed for each region. The resulting data is sorted in descending order based
on the total revenue. A bar plot is created, with the x-axis representing the region and the y-axis
representing the total revenue for each region.

7. Sales by Item Type:

Similar to the analysis by region, the data is grouped by the "Item Type" column, and the "Total Revenue"
is summed for each item type. The resulting data is sorted in descending order based on the total
revenue. A bar plot is created, with the x-axis representing the item type and the y-axis representing the
total revenue for each item type.

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