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Nº 00233110DOA



I want to communicate the school's position regarding the participation of our children in
the Debate next November, in Kenya – WE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE. For the following
1. We are not prepared, logistically and financially. Logistically I cannot ensure that
our children have a comfortable and safe experience in Kenya. Financially, even
after reaffirming that the school is unable to finance this event, the parents and our
organization team hope that the school will create conditions for fundraising events
for this trip.
2. Our primary objectives in participating in debate are: to expose our students to an
English-speaking environment so that they speak more fluently, and to learn how
these debate events are organized so that we can organize debates that can
prepare our children according to the vision of our school. I understand that we
need more preparation time to organize and participate in future events.
3. Our focus and priority now is to improve our organizational structure so that we
can offer excellent education next year. We need our teachers and students to be
focused on finishing the year with quality teaching and learning, and the
administration must be focused on creating material conditions (classrooms and
properly equipped laboratories, for example) and intellectual conditions
(curriculum and methodology) for what we want to offer. The preparation for this
debate in Kenya has proven to be a distraction for us all.
I ask that you understand that my responsibility, as the school principal, is to protect and
care for our children and our school. Regarding the money raised, I must say that we will
be accountable for everything we did, the school did not receive any money from the
parents and what we raised will be channelled into a debate club fund. I ask that parents
help me pass this message on to our children who are excited about this idea, and finally,
thank you for the engagement of all parents, students and staff at Beira Unida in trying to
make this event happen – it was an experience of lots of learning. We will not participate
in the debate in Kenya.

Manuel Ebraimo António, MSc

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