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MATRIC NUMBER C30109190056





THEME : Establish a Relationship and Hold a Donation Program

PROJECT NAME : Hold a Charity Event for The Orphanage


Date : Monday 27 June, 2022

Time : 11.00 am – 15.00 pm

Place : Jl. Tebet Barat 4 No. 4, South Jakarta, Indonesia


1. Ummi Kulsum as Front Office at Panti Yatim Indonesia, Tebet and then as a
2. Ummi Tati as a Teacher
3. Ustadz Subana as Head Office at Panti Yatim Indonesia, Tebet and then as a


This project aims to build friendships and make donations to be donated to Indonesian
orphanages, our target as students is to grow love and compassion for fellow human beings, and
also make donations to Indonesian orphanages located in Tebet, South Jakarta.


1. Giving welcome and enthusiasm to the children of the orphanage aims to strengthen the
hearts and intentions of the children in the orphanage.
2. Held a quiz for the orphanage children which aims to make the children think quickly and
responsively, and also to foster self-confidence to make decisions.
3. Providing donations or sustenance to orphanages with the aim of strengthening or
strengthening ties of friendship as well as Ukhuwah Islamiyah.
4. Gathering orphanage children to eat together in the hall which aims to strengthen the ties
of brotherhood among Muslims.
5. Purify the environment around the hall which aims to remind us to always maintain
6. Collecting orphanage children to take photos together in the hall which aims to strengthen
the ties of brotherhood among Muslims.

Planning of The Project:

1. Asking permission from the Ustadz Subana or the administrator of the Tebet orphanage
to visit the orphanage.
2. Requesting and collecting a donation or sustenance to relatives and friends to be given to
the orphanage.
3. Buying basic needs such as necessary items for the orphanage and groceries for the
purpose of eating together.
4. Collect clothes that are suitable for use to be given to the orphanage.
5. Make a series of events that will be held at the orphanage.


Activity Implementation

Time Activities

We arrived at Panti Yatim Indonesia, then unloaded the goods that would
be given to the orphanage. After that, we introduced ourselves and
conveyed the intention of arrival. There was welcomed by Panti Yatim

11.15 am
We became acquainted with the orphaned brothers there, chatting and
joking, while waiting for the zuhr prayer call.
We worked on zuhr prayers together at Fatimah Muhammad Mosque.

12.01 pm

We started the event at 12.30 pm. For the series of events, there is a
Speech from Fawwaz. There is a recitation of the Quran from Azka, after
that, we hold a quiz so, that the atmosphere is more familiar, and those
who can answer the questions will get a gift from us, there is a speech
from Ummi Tati, and close with a prayer delivered by Yudhityo, so that
the event will be more blessed. And Panji as a photographer.

12.30 pm
We had lunch together with the kids and Ummi Tati.

13.45 pm
After eating, we cleaned the hall of the Tebet Indonesia Orphanage

14.15 am

We gave the collected funds to Ummi Tati, as the person in charge there,
then gave 25 kg of rice, 4 liters of oil, suitable clothes for the orphans, 1
box of Indomie, and we also gave envelopes containing money to the
orphans there.

14.30 pm
This is the total receipt of the entire donation that we collected.
- Was the project a success?
Yes, our project has been successfully implemented, and thank God, there are many impressions
of messages that can be taken in that place, making us all more grateful for what has been given
by the Almighty God, not to forget we also received a warm welcome by the administrators and
the teachers in the orphanage. Indonesian orphans, many of the children are also happy with our
presence, and hopefully what we have donated to the orphanage will be a blessing for all of us
both in this world and in the hereafter.

- What were some of the issues or problems you encountered throughout the planning to
the execution of the projects? How did you solve the issues?
The first problem was that the funds we needed at that time did not reach the target we had set so
that made us a little confused at the time. The solution to this problem is that we divide the task
into each person to find sources of funds from closest friends, relatives, and parents, and thank
God, finally more funds are collected.

The second problem, we do not have a vehicle or permission from our parents to go by car to that
location. The solution to this problem is that we get help from our friends' relatives so that we
can be delivered by car to the location on time.

- How did you ensure that the objectives of the project were attained? What was your
The way to ensure that our goals are achieved is to use the arrangement/series of activities to be
held and the details of the execution time, so that we can be on time in executing the event. And
we also got a good response and welcome from the orphanage manager so our event was a

When this project takes place, there are many very valuable benefits and abundant
wisdom, this project aims to strengthen or strengthen the ties of friendship and brotherhood, and
also in this project to make us all aware that every action we do becomes a value that is useful as
well as a blessing that many. The benefits that we have here are many, such as growing social
values, creating harmony and beauty from our presence to strengthen and strengthen the ties of
friendship or brotherhood as well as Ukhuwah Islamiyah and increasing our faith in Allah SWT.
And also, here we get an act that is so noble, which is like cleaning an environment that
aims to avoid us from an unwanted disease, and also makes the place comfortable. Back to
normal. A Roman poet and philosophy that reads "Mens Sana In Corpore Sano" which means, in
a healthy body there is a strong soul. He emphasized that the benefits of a clean culture of a
nation reflect the progress of the nation's thinking.

As informed, in this project, we were able to carry out such an extraordinary event
smoothly and successfully. For that, we are very grateful to Allah who has accepted our request to
make this event a success, and we also thank the Ustadz Subana and the people who are in charge
there, who have given us time to visit the orphanage to carry out this religious tour as well as
Ukhuwah Islamiyah.

We also don't forget to say a million thanks to our brothers and sisters who have helped us
as well as those who have donated donations/sustenance to us to give to the orphanage. Thank you
will not be enough for what you have given us, may Allah increase your sustenance and also make
your activities easier.

Finally, from us, if there are errors and shortcomings in this project report, which must
have come from our own mistakes, and if there is a lesson and benefit from this report, then it is
from Allah SWT and we thank you for reading and viewing our report to be used as a reference.
Thank you for learning.
Fund Application Letter for Orphans

Bogor, 15 Juni 2022

No :1
Lamp : 1
Hal : Permohonan bantuan Dana

Kepada Yth.: Bapak/Ibu/Saudara

Yang menerima surat
Permohonan Dana bantuan ini.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah Yang Maha Esa, yang mana atas
limpahan rizki dan nikmat-Nya kami miliki kesempatan untuk mendapat tugas Social
Responsibility Project. dalam rangka pemberian santunan untuk panti asuhan anak yatim
Sehubungan dengan santunan tesebut, kami Mahasiswa Asia e University
memohon kepada Bapak/ibu/Saudara untuk menjadi donator dana sehingga kami dapat
memberikan santunan kepada anak yatim piatu. yang akan dilaksanakan pada:
Tanggal : 25 dan 27 juni 2022
Tempat : Bogor dan Jakarta Selatan
Pelaksana : Mahasiswa Asia e University
Demikianlah surat permohonan dan ini kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan
terkabulnya permohonan ini kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Ketua Tim Dosen Pembimbing

(Fawwaz Aufan Amin) (Ms Nur Fadhillah Binti Az

Lampiran 2

1. Tujuan

Adapun tujuan santunan tersebut adalah :

1. Menumbuhkan nilai-nilai sosial kemasyarakatan.

2. Membiasakan memberi contoh yang baik dengan selalu berbuat baik terhadap
3. Menjalin persaudaraan sesama muslim untuk mewujudkan Islam yang penuh
dengan kasih sayang.

2. Informasi Team

2.1 Team

Pembimbing : Ms Nur Fadhillah Binti Aziz

Anggota Team : Muhammad Azka Aulia C30109190073

Yudhityo Adhi Septiantoro C30109190102

Panji Nilo Suwarno C30109190082

Fawwaz Aufan Amin C30109190056

2.2 Institut

Asia e University
Wisma Subang Jaya, No.106, Jalan SS 15/4, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Telephone Number : +603 5022 3456 Fax Number : 1 300 300 238
E-mail address :
Lampiran 3

1. Rincian Dana

Keterangan Jumlah Harga Total

Anak Yatim Piatu (Bogor) 15 Rp30.000 Rp450.000
Anak Yatim Piatu (Tebet) 11 Rp20.000 Rp220.000
Sembako (Tebet) 1 Rp370.000 Rp370.000
Nasi Kotak (Tebet) 20 Rp15.000 Rp300.000
Sumbangan Panti Asuhan (Tebet) 1 Rp2.000.000 Rp2.000.000
Total Keseluruhan Rp3.340.000

Keterangan Sembako Jumlah Harga Satuan Total

Beras Cap Mawar 25 kg 1 Rp220.000 Rp220.000
Indomie 1 box 1 Rp60.000 Rp60.000
Minyak 2 liter 2 Rp45.000 Rp90.000
Total Keseluruhan Rp370.000

2. Penutup
Demikian proposal ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya. Dengan sangat mengharapkan
dukungan dan bantuan dari semua pihak demi kesuksesan dalam program santunan.
Terima kasih atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya.
Formulir Permohonan Bantuan Dana Sosial

Nama Lengkap : _____________________

TTL : _____________________

Alamat rumah : _____________________

Pekerjaan : _____________________

Nomor Telp/HP : _____________________

Dengan ini Nama dan data yang telah diisi siap mendonasikan dana yang tertuju
untuk bantuan sosial kepada panti asuhan yang bernilai:

Nilai dana yang disumbangkan : Rp. _____________________

Uang Terbilang : _____________________

Demikian surat ini dengan harapan mendapat bantuan dari Bapak / Ibu /Saudara.
Atas bantuan dananya kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Dan semoga mendapat
berkah sebagai amal jariyah. Amin.

Bogor, _____________________

Pemberi Dana,

Formulir Permohonan Bantuan Dana Sosial

Nama Lengkap : Yusri Adabiyah

TTL : Jakarta, 26 Oktober 1976

Alamat rumah : Graha Asri Residence block C 8/11 Telajung, Bekasi

Pekerjaan : Guru

Nomor Telp/HP :-

Dengan ini Nama dan data yang telah diisi siap mendonasikan dana yang tertuju
untuk bantuan sosial kepada panti asuhan yang bernilai:

Nilai dana yang disumbangkan : Rp. 550.000.00, -

Uang Terbilang : Lima Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah.

Demikian surat ini dengan harapan mendapat bantuan dari Bapak / Ibu /Saudara.
Atas bantuan dananya kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Dan semoga mendapat
berkah sebagai amal jariyah. Amin.

Bekasi, 24 Juni 2022

Pemberi Dana,

Yusri Adabiyah
Formulir Permohonan Bantuan Dana Sosial

Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Syukron Amin

TTL : Astana Japura, 29 April 1973

Alamat rumah : Graha Asri Residence block C 8/11 Telajung, Bekasi

Pekerjaan : PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil)

Nomor Telp/HP :-

Dengan ini Nama dan data yang telah diisi siap mendonasikan dana yang tertuju
untuk bantuan sosial kepada panti asuhan yang bernilai:

Nilai dana yang disumbangkan : Rp. 250.000.00, -

Uang Terbilang : Dua Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah.

Demikian surat ini dengan harapan mendapat bantuan dari Bapak / Ibu /Saudara.
Atas bantuan dananya kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Dan semoga mendapat
berkah sebagai amal jariyah. Amin.

Bekasi, 24 Juni 2022

Pemberi Dana,

Muhammad Syukron Amin

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