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End of Term Assessment

Grade 1 Spanish November2018


A. Write the number name answer in Spanish. Let the box help you.
1. My hand has__________ fingers .
2. A triangle has ___________sides.
3. There are ______________days in the week.
4. My class has lights_______________.
5. There are _____________wheels on a car.

Diez cinco ocho cuatro tres siete nueve

B. Fill in the blanks to answer the questions.

1. ¿ Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo _________________________.
2. ¿Cuántos años tienes tú?
Tengo _______________ años.
3. ¿ Cómo estás?
Muy ___________ .
End of Term Examination
Grade 2 Spanish November 2018
A. Sort out the following words . Some are family members and
others are animals.

hermano conejo pato abuela

mamá abuelo tortuga caballo

__________________ __________________
__________________ ___________________
__________________ __________________
End of Term Examination
Grade 3. Spanish November 2018

A. Complete the following sentences about yourself.

1. Yo tengo ______________ ________________.

2. Mi cumpleaños es el ____________ de _________________.

3. Me gusta ______ __________________.

4. Mi mamá se llama ___________________.

B. Circle the odd word in each group of words.

1. Cinco verde rosa morado

2. Bien hermana mal regular

3. Lápiz goma ventana libro

4. Martes lee silencio habla

5. Rosa azul cinco amarillo

End of Term Examination
Grade 4 Spanish November 2018
A. Choose three Spanish-speaking countries. Write the names of their capitals.

Country Capital

1.__________________ ______________________

2.___________________ ______________________

3.____________________ _____________________

B. Write a short paragraph in Spanish to introduce yourself . Include at least

four facts.





End of Term Examination
Grade 5 Spanish November 2018
A. Write the names of these relations in Spanish

1. El padre de mi padre es mi --------------------------

2. La hermana de mi hermana e mi --------------------------

3. El hijo de mi tίo es mi ---------------------------

4. El hermano de mi hermana es mi-------------------------------

5. La hermana de mi madre es mi---------------------------------

B. Introduce yourself with four sentences in Spanish.





End of Term Examination
Grade 6 Spanish November 2018
A. Complete this identification form.

Nombre: ________________________________________

Dirección: ________________________________________

Cumpleaños: ________________________________________

Deporte Favorito: ________________________________________

Escuela: ________________________________________

B. Two more members for each group are:

1. desayuno merienda _____________ _________________

2. leche queso ______________ ________________

3. grande bonito _____________ _______________

4. comedor dormitorio _______________ _______________

5. falda saco _______________ _________________

C. . Write sentences in Spanish about any two of the following pictures.

Picture Sentence
---------- __________________________________
______ ___________________________________

D. Write the following sentences in English.

1. Mi hermana tiene catorce años.
2. En la cena como pescado y arroz y bebo un cóctel de frutas.
3. No me gustan los helados de fresa.
4. La mesa en la cocina es verde y morado.
5. La cocina está muy desordenada.
End of Term Examination
Grade 5 November 2018
Name: _______________ French

A. Write an e-mail to your new pen friend in Dieppe. Include at least

four facts about yourself.

B. French Speaking Countries Towns in France

1._____________________ _____________
2._____________________ _____________
3._____________________ _____________
C. One more member for the group is:

1. Soeur demi-frère mère _________________

2. Souris chien lapin ___________________
3. Quinze dix vingt ___________________
4. Arabe chinois anglais ____________________
5. Écoute relis parle ____________________

D. Give the meaning of the following sentences in English.

1. Prenez vos cahiers.________________________________________

2. C’est page vingt-trois.______________________________________

3. Paul parle anglais et chinois.________________________________

4. Le frère de Marine s’appelle Arnaud._______________________________

5. J’ai oublié mon cahier.__________________________________

Grade 6 End of Term Examination November 2018
Name: _____________ French
A. Read the passage below then say whether the sentences are true or false .
J’ai quinze ans. J’habite à Montpellier. Mon anniversaire est en automne. J’ai un frère
mais Je n’ai pas de soeurs, et j’ai un chat. Au collège, J’aime le français et
l’informatique. Je déteste les maths. Le week-end, Je vais à la piscine ou au club des
jeunes. Je n’aime pas regarder la television mais J’adore écouter de la musique et Je
joue au piano. Je m’appelle Monique.

1. Monique is an only child.____________

2. There is one pet in the house._________________
3. She does not spend a lot of time watching television.________________
4. She was born in February.______________________
5. She likes music._____________________________

B. Write these sentences in English.

1. Nous aimons le sport. C’est super._________________________________

2. La mère de Sabrina est mince._______________________________________

3. J’ai cinq tortues et un cheval.____________________________________________

4. A neuf heures, le jeudi on a dessin.________________________________

5. Dans ma trousse J’ai trois stylos et un crayon._______________________________

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the possessive
adjective: mon ma mes

1. ____ soeur est très mince.

2. J’habite à Toulouse avec ___________ parents.
3. J’ai un chien et une tortue._____ chien s’appelle Doggie.
4. Ma mère est grande mais ______grand-mère est petite.
5.____cousines sont assez grosses.

D. Give the answers to the clues in French.

1. The first working day of the week._____________________

2. Same name as a planet close to Earth.__________________
3. A really hot month.________________________________
4. The day after the middle of the week.________________________
5. This animal is known as man’s best friend._____________________
6. December and January are in this season._________________________

E. What time is it? Draw in the time.

il est dix heures vingt. il est six heures moins cinq. Il est huit heures et quart

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