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Assignment Title Analyzing Traits Of Technical Writing In A Job Application Email ............. 4
Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 4
Definition and Characteristics of Technical Writing ....................................................................... 4
Definition of Technical Writing: .................................................................................................. 4
Characteristics of Effective Technical Writing: ........................................................................... 4
1. Clarity: ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Conciseness: ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Specificity: ............................................................................................................................... 5
4. Audience Awareness: .............................................................................................................. 5
5. Professionalism: ...................................................................................................................... 5
Overview of the Sample Job Application Email .............................................................................. 5
Analysis of Technical Writing Traits in the Email ............................................................................ 6
1. Subject Line: ............................................................................................................................ 6
2. Salutation: ............................................................................................................................... 6
3. Introduction: ........................................................................................................................... 6
4. Work Experience: .................................................................................................................... 6
5. Career Aspirations:.................................................................................................................. 7
6. Closing and Contact Information: ........................................................................................... 7
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Recap of Key Traits of Technical Writing Observed: ................................................................... 7
Summary of How These Traits Contribute to Effectiveness: ...................................................... 8
REFRENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Assignment Title
Analyzing Traits Of Technical Writing In A Job Application Email

Technical writing serves the fundamental purpose of communicating complex information in a
clear, concise, and understandable manner. Unlike creative or literary writing, which may
prioritize artistic expression, technical writing focuses on delivering information efficiently to its
intended audience. It encompasses a wide range of documents, including manuals, reports,
proposals, and job applications, among others.
The job application email provided serves as an excellent example of technical writing in a real-
world context. As a crucial component of professional communication, this email demonstrates
the application of technical writing principles to effectively convey the applicant's qualifications,
experiences, and intentions regarding the senior copywriter role at Pipcorn. Throughout the
analysis, we will delve into the specific traits of technical writing evident in this email and
examine how they contribute to its effectiveness as a job application document.

Definition and Characteristics of Technical Writing

Definition of Technical Writing:
Technical writing refers to the process of communicating complex information in a clear and
concise manner to a specific audience. It involves creating documents that provide instructions,
explanations, or descriptions related to technical or specialized topics. The primary goal of
technical writing is to facilitate understanding and enable readers to complete tasks or make
informed decisions. The primary goal of technical writing is to facilitate understanding and
enable readers to accomplish tasks or make informed decisions.
Characteristics of Effective Technical Writing:
1. Clarity:
Effective technical writing is characterized by clarity, ensuring that the content is easy to
understand and interpret. Clear language, logical organization, and straightforward explanations
help readers grasp complex concepts without confusion or ambiguity.
2. Conciseness:
Conciseness is a key attribute of effective technical writing, involving the ability to convey
information succinctly without unnecessary elaboration or redundancy. By eliminating
extraneous details and focusing on essential points, concise writing maximizes efficiency and
minimizes the reader's time and effort.
3. Specificity:
Specificity in technical writing entails providing precise and detailed information to address the
needs and interests of the target audience. Concrete examples, data, and references enhance
clarity and credibility, enabling readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject
4. Audience Awareness:
Effective technical writers demonstrate awareness of their audience's knowledge, expertise, and
expectations. By tailoring the content to meet the needs and interests of the intended readers,
writers can ensure relevance and engagement. Audience awareness involves considering factors
such as background knowledge, language proficiency, and professional context.
5. Professionalism:
]Professionalism in technical writing encompasses adherence to established standards,
conventions, and ethical principles. This includes maintaining a formal tone, using correct
grammar and punctuation, and presenting information in a professional format. Professional
technical writing reflects credibility, competence, and respect for the audience.

Understanding and applying these characteristics are essential for producing high-quality
technical documents that effectively communicate information and achieve their intended
objectives. In the context of the job application email analysis, we will examine how these traits
are demonstrated and contribute to the effectiveness of the communication.

Overview of the Sample Job Application Email

Presentation of the Sample Job Application Email for Analysis:
The provided job application email is addressed to Mr. Morley and serves as an application for
the senior copywriter role at Pipcorn. The email is structured in a formal and professional
manner, containing essential information regarding the applicant's qualifications, experiences,
and motivations. It includes clear and concise paragraphs that highlight the applicant's relevant
background, achievements, and aspirations for the role. Additionally, the email concludes with a
courteous closing statement and the attachment of supplementary documents, such as the
applicant's resume, cover letter, and writing samples.
Explanation of Its Significance as an Example of Technical Writing in a Real-
Context: This job application email exemplifies technical writing in a real-world context by
demonstrating several key characteristics of effective communication. Firstly, the email exhibits
clarity by clearly stating the purpose of the communication – applying for the senior copywriter
role at Pipcorn – and providing relevant details about the applicant's professional background
and experiences. Secondly, the email exemplifies conciseness by presenting information in a
succinct manner, avoiding unnecessary elaboration or redundancy. Each paragraph contains
essential information pertinent to the application, maximizing efficiency and readability for the
Furthermore, the email showcases specificity by including specific examples of the applicant's
achievements and contributions in previous roles, such as the increase in sales and engagement
metrics for a client's end-of-the-year campaign. These concrete examples enhance the credibility
of the applicant's claims and demonstrate their qualifications for the senior copywriter position.
Additionally, the email reflects audience awareness by addressing the recipient, Mr. Morley,
directly and tailoring the content to align with the values and priorities of the prospective
employer, Pipcorn.
Overall, this sample job application email serves as a prime example of technical writing in
action, illustrating how effective communication principles can be applied in a professional
context to convey information effectively and achieve desired outcomes. Its clarity, conciseness,
specificity, audience awareness, and professionalism contribute to its effectiveness as a job
application document, making it a valuable case study for analyzing technical writing traits.

Analysis of Technical Writing Traits in the Email

1. Subject Line:
• Trait: Concise and Informative
• Content: "Senior copywriter application: Samantha Dent"
The subject line succinctly conveys the purpose of the email, indicating that it is a job
application for the position of senior copywriter.
2. Salutation:
• Trait: Professional and Polite
• Content: "Dear Mr. Morley,"
The salutation is courteous and appropriately addresses the recipient by name.
3. Introduction:
• Trait: Clear and Direct
• Content: "I’m writing to apply for the senior copywriter role at Pipcorn. My name is
Samantha Dent and I have over six years of experience strategizing, creating, and
revising compelling copy for an array of e-commerce brands, such as Olipop, Welly, and
In the introduction, the applicant introduces herself, states the purpose of the email (applying for
the senior copywriter role), and highlights her relevant experience.
4. Work Experience:
• Trait: Specific and Relevant
• Content:
o "Most recently, I’ve been working as a copywriter at Velasca, a company dedicated to
servicing small businesses in the e-commerce space."
o "I handle copy needs for six different clients, ranging from plant delivery services to
o "I regularly develop distinctive value-driven language for each digital campaign that
drives action, and my clients see results thanks to those efforts."
o "For instance, Olipop experienced a 3% increase in sales and a 12% increase in
engagement across their social media platforms after our most recent end-of-the-year
The work experience section provides specific details about the applicant's current role,
responsibilities, and achievements. It showcases her ability to create effective copy and
demonstrates tangible results.
5. Career Aspirations:
• Trait: Positive and Forward-Looking
• Content:
o "I’ve appreciated my time at Velasca, but I’m eager to continue growing in my career."
o "I’m now interested in finding a senior copywriter role at a company that prioritizes
empathetic, values-first copy."
o "I believe that opportunity is at Pipcorn, where I can more impactfully manage
campaigns and contribute to the team’s strategy and leadership."
The career aspirations section expresses the applicant's enthusiasm for professional growth and
aligns her goals with the values of the prospective employer, Pipcorn.
6. Closing and Contact Information:
• Trait: Professional and Action-Oriented
• Content:
o "I’ve attached my resume, a more in-depth cover letter, and writing samples."
o "I look forward to discussing this role in more detail."
o "Sincerely, Samantha Dent"
o "501-511-5958"
o ""

In conclusion, the sample job application email exemplifies several key traits of technical
writing, which collectively contribute to its effectiveness as a communication tool in a
professional context.
Recap of Key Traits of Technical Writing Observed:
• Clarity: The email features a clear introduction of the purpose, along with precise
enumeration of relevant experience and skills.
• Conciseness: It presents a succinct description of work experience and achievements
while avoiding unnecessary details.
• Specificity: The email provides specific examples and quantifiable data to support
claims, enhancing credibility.
• Audience Awareness: Addressed to a specific recipient and tailored content reflect
awareness of the employer's needs and values.
• Professionalism: The email maintains a formal tone, presents qualifications and
achievements professionally, and includes properly formatted attachments.
Summary of How These Traits Contribute to Effectiveness:
• Clarity ensures that the recipient understands the purpose and qualifications of the
applicant clearly, reducing the chance of misinterpretation.
• Conciseness maximizes efficiency and readability, allowing the recipient to grasp
essential information quickly without unnecessary verbosity.
• Specificity and quantifiable data provide evidence of the applicant's capabilities,
reinforcing the persuasiveness of the email.
• Audience awareness and tailored content demonstrate consideration for the recipient's
perspective and increase the relevance and impact of the communication.
• Professionalism enhances the credibility and professionalism of the applicant, leaving a
positive impression on the recipient.
Final Thoughts on the Significance of Technical Writing Skills in Professional
Technical writing skills play a crucial role in professional contexts, particularly in job application
scenarios. Effective communication is essential for conveying qualifications, persuading
employers, and ultimately securing desired positions. By mastering technical writing principles
such as clarity, conciseness, specificity, audience awareness, and professionalism, individuals
can create compelling job application documents that stand out in competitive environments.
Thus, investing in honing technical writing skills can significantly enhance one's prospects for
career advancement and success in various professional endeavors.
In conclusion, the analysis of the sample job application email underscores the importance of
technical writing skills as a valuable asset in navigating the complexities of the professional
world and achieving one's career goals.

1. Job application email — 6 examples and template - Flowrite
2. 4.1 Writing Effective Emails – Technical Writing at LBCC
3. Essential Technical Writing Skills [2024] | Technical Writer HQ
4. Sending Your Job Application by Email: Tips and Examples
5. How to write a great job application email (with examples)

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