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Elements of Sikkim

Incorporating Sikkim's rich cultural heritage, the event featured unique centrepieces that
combined various symbolic elements. These included:

 Rolling meditation wheels: Used by monks during their meditative practices, these
wheels represent the cyclical nature of life and the pursuit of enlightenment.
 Traditional Sikkim masks: Worn by performers in the "Cham Dance," these vibrant
masks depict deities, protectors, and mythical creatures, adding a touch of cultural
vibrancy to the atmosphere.
 Bows and arrows: Highlighting a popular sport in Sikkim, the inclusion of bows and
arrows subtly referenced the region's cultural identity and love for traditional
To further enhance the immersive experience, we offered orange squash as the welcome
drink. Our research indicated that orange squash is a widely enjoyed beverage in Sikkim,
allowing us to subtly integrate a local favourite into the event.

Maintaining a commitment to sustainability, all decorative elements were handcrafted from

recycled materials. Old newspapers and cardboard were creatively repurposed, aligning
perfectly with the event's organic and eco-friendly theme.
Further accentuating the organic and sustainable theme, the sides of the stall were adorned
with strategically placed plants. This vibrant display not only added a touch of natural beauty
but also served as a powerful symbol of Sikkim's commitment to environmental well-being.

Taking this concept a step further, we offered a thoughtful parting gift to faculty members
who visited our stall. Each received a live plant, allowing them to bring a piece of Sikkim's
natural beauty into their own spaces. Additionally, we provided a packet of seedlings,
essentially offering a DIY kit for cultivating their own plants at home. This not only served
as a lasting reminder of our stall but also encouraged visitors to embrace a sustainable
lifestyle by nurturing their own greenery.
The entire stall design served as a captivating journey through Sikkim's essence.

 Dominating the foreground was a breathtaking representation of Nathula Pass.

Towering beside it stood a majestic peak, the world's third-highest mountain, which
lies within the Sikkim Himalayas. This powerful combination instantly transported
visitors to the heart of Sikkim's awe-inspiring mountainous landscape.
A Serene Backdrop: Faith and Heritage

 A majestic Bodhi tree, a symbol of enlightenment associated with the Buddha, graced
the back of the stall. This serene element offered a sense of peace and tranquillity,
reflecting Sikkim's rich spiritual heritage.
A Look to the Future: A Glimpse of Sikkim
Beside the Bodhi tree, a strategically placed advertisement specifically designed for this
event showcased the diverse offerings of Sikkim, perhaps featuring captivating visuals and
compelling information that piqued visitor interest in exploring the state.
CV of Sikkim
We were honoured to receive a visit from Director Ma'am during the event. She was
thoroughly impressed by the stall's presentation and took the time to appreciate the hard work
that went into its creation. Director Ma'am particularly complimented the use of handcrafted
elements, recognizing the dedication to the eco-friendly theme. Her visit was a highlight of
the event and a testament to the effectiveness of our efforts.

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