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“Everything looks good from up here.” – is what they utter, as they are bathing in the blood of
innocent people. They spew lies upon lies as they consciously and intelligently manipulate the
organized habits and opinions of the masses in this „democratic society” of the 24 th century.
The invisible government is ruling stronger than ever as it's molding minds, forming tastes,
engraving ideas into small minds. They are manipulating beliefs, while fighting against
knowledge – because knowledge is the only threat to them, the only thorn in their way.
Millions and billions have only been taught what to think instead of how to think, which has
made everything a well-oiled apparatus, ready to be exploited to its fullest capacity. Times
have changed, inventions came, life has been impacted on many different levels, to the point
where it is almost unrecognizable, but the manipulation remained true to its core, following
the same principles for millennia with more effectiveness than ever before. The corruption
and manipulation has been spreading faster than the plague. They entered the minds, walked
through them with their dirty feet, planted foul ideas and reaped all the benefits. The ones in
charge can even manipulate history, or at least what is left of it in the scripts, just as Big
Brother did with his sick pièce de resistance known as Oceania. He deliberately deleted any
form of information which could be a threat in order to brainwash his people. He is the
puppet-master pulling the strings in order to remain powerful. Nothing can be used or said
against Big Brother, for doing so will silence you forever. There will be no future to look
forward to or past to reminisce, your existence will be erased. Winston thought he could think
freely and get away with it. They even let him believe that there is hope and that he is
progressing, but, in the end, he became another slave to the government. His will was broken
and his mind shaped into obedience. Reality can be whatever Big Brother wants it to be. He
uses his powers wisely, for the fear of losing those powers, has corrupted him. A corrupted
state with thousands of laws etched in stone, just to keep the small minds busy with trivial
things, while the ones ruling the hierarchy enjoy toying with them. The innocent are partly to
blame for this, since it is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end of everything. By
thinking less and less about the oppression, they allowed their tolerance for it to grow
steadily, until it became “just an everyday”. It has been normalized to the point where the
people of Oceania are not even aware that they are brainwashed and mindless. It all became a
normal state of affairs for them, oppression has been accepted. The only way out of this
misery starts with one simple step – becoming aware that you are nothing more than a modern
slave. There was fear and hesitation, because it seemed inevitable. But, had they resisted the
“inevitable”, they would have truly seen how “inevitable” it actually was. “Humanism is the
only - I would go so far as saying the final- resistance we have against the inhuman practices
and injustices that disfigure human history.” One has to ask themselves the question: “Am I
ready for a change now, for the revolution, to step out of these mental shackles?”. For too
long has the power been taken away from the people. Actually, the people gave it away
willingly but without realizing it. They have to get them out of their minds and not allow their
vision to leave them blind. They cannot control you once you’ve broken away. They are done
patrolling your mind. Once they start searching for you, they’ll find a force they aren’t ready
for. They are not ready for you to be strong, to prove them wrong. They are not ready for you
to be turned into someone who cannot and will not be preyed upon.
Waiting for Godot
Waiting – “the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or
event.” What a simple and innocent way to explain and define the meaning of a word, such a
simple and harmless verb. It is just one word that can make or break a human’s life. One word
that could decide and influence a man’s fate until the end of his days. There is a fine line
between waiting and missing every opportunity given, and not many know how to walk it.
The thing with us humans is that we are always looking for the zone of comfort, because our
brains greatly understand what it means to take a risk. “Waiting” is our zone of comfort most
of the time. Sometimes because we do not have the courage nor strength to change, at other
times because we have entrusted ourselves to a loved one to take care of us and move us away
from the one safe spot. There is no noun dearer to mankind than “hope”. It is what drives us,
what keeps us alive and sane, it is the oxygen and life force of our soul. Waiting represents
and embodies “hope” more than anything else, because hope is connected with fears and
pleasures. But this is more often than not the danger zone, because we get too comfortable
and therefore, we overstay our welcome. What are the repercussions for this? Well, nothing
too much, except for a life that could be ruined and wasted. You see, so many opportunities
go by, because we chose to remain idle, because our comfort was sufficient for us at the time.
But nothing lasts forever. Therefore, one should only truly wait until he finds himself,
anything above and beyond that is a guaranteed loss. After finding oneself, one simply has to
move forwards, one day at a time in order not to miss out on life. Because the majority of the
things won’t come to us simply because we are waiting. Similar to Vladimir and Estragon,
who waited long enough to predict everything that will happen next. Pozzo and Lucky will
appear and disappear again, the boy will also show up to tell them that Mr. Godot will not be
coming that evening, but tomorrow, yet the two of them remain in the same spot. Estragon
repeatedly wants to leave, but Vladimir insists that they stay, in case Godot actually shows up.
They converse amongst themselves in order to reduce boredom, but their conversations are
pointless and meaningless. All of that even impacted their psyche since they started joking
about hanging themselves if Godot does not arrive the day after. They are seemingly stuck in
an endless loop with no goal or destination in sight. It is quite difficult to step out of the
comfort and familiarity of waiting since we are aware that our surrounding are always the
same. That provides a feeling of tranquility and reassurance, but it will not help us advance.
Quite often, we have to force ourselves to make the first step and reach for it, that will give it
a nudge strong enough to move where it was destined to be. Yet, Vladimir and Estragon seem
to be hopelessly tied to that wicked stage with no signs of Godot. All of this waiting for
nothing, talking about nothing, and doing nothing contributes to a pervasive atmosphere of
nihilism. The majority of individuals have that kind of problem – they keep on waiting for
something that will never arrive. One has to infuse life with action in order to make grace
happen and to carve the future. Rome has not been built by waiting for the perfect weather or
the perfect conditions, neither will your life. If you decide to choose waiting, then make it at
least an active wait by doing anything and everything to move closer towards your goal, so
that your goal can start moving closer to you. Whether you are waiting for love, safety,
tranquility, a completely different life or God, start moving. If you draw near it an arm’s
length, it will draw near you a cubit. If you come to it walking, it will come to you running.
Lord of the Flies
What are humans, compared to everything that nature has to offer? We are beings with a dual
nature, a very dangerous yet remarkable trait of ours. We are our own biggest threat if we do
not keep everything under control. Our dual nature is a tricky and wicked thing, one that can
easily turn a man into a sophisticated individual or a savage beast. Without rules, without
regulations and willpower, a man can lose himself and return to animal instincts in the blink
of an eye. An animal that finds neither home, nor joy, nor nourishment in this world, a world
that became strange and incomprehensible to it. The inner battle that we are fighting, has been
raging for eons. Similar to Jack who completely succumbed to his thirst for blood and was
unable to think rationally. Jack and his followers did not hunt animals merely to have food,
but for the thrill of it. Jack became quite sadistic and his orders had to be obeyed. He created a
kind of kingdom with himself on the throne through the use of fear, force and violence. Piggy
and Simon were the voices of reason who could have led the group away from the island, but
primitive instincts had clouded the vision of Jack and his followers. Jack mocked and taunted
Piggy, yet Piggy was civilized and intelligent – he had faith and Jack could not take that away
from him. In such extreme conditions, having faith and not allowing oneself to be consumed
by darkness is admirable. Resisting temptation and refusing to be broken, Piggy has traits of a
true warrior. However, it wasn’t enough to get the attention of Jack and his followers whose
primary focus was to get rid of Ralph, so that Jack could take over completely. Our lust for
power is evident even from a very young age. The horrific details of the slaughtered animals
contribute to the fact that no matter how old or young a person might be, one is always
capable of evil. It lies deep within our souls, just waiting to be unleashed. The human mind is
indeed fragile, yet it is still indescribably tragic how easily the human mind can be corrupted
and twisted. If humans would refrain from greed, envy and pride, the world would know
peace. A person cannot change, it is in their nature, they are simply themselves, correct? No.
Humans should work to the best of their abilities on bettering themselves. Our two natures are
in a constant contention for dominance therefore we can rarely have inner peace. Fighting our
inner demons is the toughest battle, but to win against them will make the suffering
worthwhile. Although the winner can often be predicted quite soon, since one side is more
prominent due to genetics which dictate whether one carries evil inside of him or not, it is not
always how it seems. Some of the mightiest warriors had to first slay the beast within
themselves in order to move forward – a truly heroic task, despite the odds being against their
favor. In order to defeat the savage beast from within, one has to become savage in a certain
way themselves. However, bear in mind that being savage in any way gradually kills off the
human side of people, despite it being for the greater good. A man’s true nature can easily get
lost, despite the purest of intentions. Once darkness clouds the heart, being evil and vile is
nothing but child’s play, since it takes the purest of strengths to be human and just. Nietzsche
described it best: “Man is the cruelest animal”. As soon as we open our soul to a lesser evil,
the greater ones will invariably slink in after it. When animals need to fight, they do so; when
they need to kill, they do so as well. They do not sit down and use their wits to devise ways of
ruining other creatures’ lives and knowingly hurt them as humans do. Decency, compassion,
understanding, love and kindness are traits which outshine any form of darkness. True
strength lies in being a kind human being.

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