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But in every parent-child relationship, there are inevitable clashes where our
choices depart from what our parents would have chosen for us. A part of
becoming a healthy, independent adult is letting go of your need for approval
and forming your own convictions and decision-making capabilities. The
relationship between parents and children is a lifelong study of what is most
important in human connections. Through this relationship we learn so much
about how we relate to friends, colleagues, and life partners. Carucci,. (2020)

Figuring out how to let our child know we are proud of them can be a delicate balance. Too few
expressions of praise leave child feeling bad. Too many expressions of praise can leave them
insufferably arrogant. Striking the balance to find appropriate praise and appropriate expressions
of pride in the accomplishments of our child can be pretty tricky. When children accomplish
something in their lives, they've often had to overcome obstacles or difficulties in the process.
Maybe they needed to sacrifice some things like time with friends to practice or hone their skills.
Perhaps they had some early losses in a competition that taught them areas for improvement.
Parker,. (2020)

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