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Body Paragraph 1 - Advantages:

Investing more resources in the younger population offers several notable advantages. Firstly, young
people are the future workforce and leaders of a nation. By providing them with quality education, skills
training, and opportunities for personal growth, a country can ensure a well-prepared and competitive
workforce for the future. This can lead to greater economic productivity and prosperity.

Secondly, focusing on young people can help address societal issues. For example, investing in their
education and healthcare can reduce the occurrence of preventable diseases and alleviate poverty,
ultimately lessening the burden on social welfare programs. Moreover, empowered and educated youth
are more likely to engage in civic activities, promoting social cohesion and political stability.

Finally, nurturing young talent fosters innovation and progress. With the right resources and support,
young minds can generate groundbreaking ideas and solutions to global challenges, whether in
technology, science, or social issues. This innovation can give a country a competitive edge in the global

Body Paragraph 2 - Disadvantages:

However, it's important to consider the potential disadvantages of channeling a disproportionate

amount of resources towards young people. One key concern is the neglect of older generations, who
have contributed significantly to the country's development. Focusing too much on the youth might
result in insufficient support for the elderly, leading to issues like inadequate healthcare and retirement

Another drawback is the uncertainty of investing in young people. While they hold immense potential,
there is no guarantee that every investment in their education and development will yield positive
results. Some young individuals might not utilize the opportunities effectively, which could be seen as a
waste of resources.

Additionally, overemphasis on youth can lead to a lack of diversity in resource allocation. A balanced
approach that considers the needs of all age groups is crucial for a well-rounded and equitable society.


In conclusion, the question of whether a country should invest more resources in its young people to
prepare for the future is complex. While there are clear advantages, such as a prepared workforce,
societal stability, and innovation, there are also disadvantages, such as neglecting older generations and
the uncertainty of outcomes. Therefore, the best approach may lie in finding a balance that allocates
resources across all age groups, ensuring that every member of society has an opportunity to thrive and
contribute to the nation's future.

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