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5. Point of View.

This is the angle of

narration or the perspective from which the
story is told. It can be classified as first
person and third person.
a. First Person. The narrator is a character
in the story who can reveal only personal
thoughts and feelings. It uses the personal
pronoun I.
Example: “I was standing in the dark. I was
scared and cold. Then, I felt something on
my shoulder, and it was a hand. - In the Dark
b. Third Person. This is when the narrator is
removed from the story and tells it from an
outside perspective. To do this, the narrator
uses personal pronouns like "he," "she," and
"they" to refer to the characters in the story.
“Ravana devised a plan to abduct Sita. He
sent a magical golden deer which Sita
desired Rama to hunt. A long time had
passed, but Rama didn’t return. Thus,
Lakshmana went off to find his brother.” –
6. Theme.
It refers to the central idea or message of a
In Ramayana, the theme is about showing
love and doing one’s duties and
responsibilities, or known as dharma. Rama
showed his love to Sita by saving her from
the enemy. He also performed his duties and
responsibilities as a king, husband, son, and
brother, respectively.
Enrichment Activity:
Identify the types of conflicts, point of view
and theme. in the story" Ramayana",

The Story of Ramayana

Types of Point of View Theme
1. 1. 1.

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