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Kirtipuur, Kathmandu

7th January 2018

The selection committee

Applied Econometrics for Practitioners,


With this letter I hereby would like to state my motivation to attend training course
“Applied Econometrics for Practitioners” organized by “The world bank” in Kathmandu,
from 16th January to 7th march. The program enhances one's ability in handling the
cross sectional and panel data to which, I, also, an interested. I am known to the theme
program designed.

The training course is of a special significance to my professional goals and career

objectives, and therefore I would high appreciate to be given an opportunity to attend
this program. I already have some knowledge on the main theme of the training as I
have completed Masters in economics from Tribhuvan University and also completed
my thesis (The nexus between remittance and inflation in Nepal) employing
econometric tools.

As a added value of this event I find the opportunity to learn with experts and other
students and professional, which is an exceptional opportunity for horizontal exchange
of experience. I perceive this also as an occasion to familiarize with good practices as a
channel for my personal development.

I am confident you will find my application as a worthwhile investment. My attendance at

this training is a wise investment and I would highly appreciate to be one of the selected


Babu Ram Ghimire.

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