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Dr. Chief Complaint Provisional Dx & PE Discussion

Differential Dx

Dr Masri A 5 years old boy AGE Parameters to assess -what degree of dehydration the
Vomiting & diarrhea hydrational status (ada 10) patient is
Ass. with abdominal pain -what’s the most common
organism & other organism that
can cause AGE
-management (plan A/B/C) then
-antibiotics if the patient has
bloody diarrhea
-advice you wanna give to the
-complication E coli to the
kidney = HUS

-Dr banyak tolong 😭
in good mood haritu
Doalah dr

-Jangan contact dr for eop, biar

dr masri contact duluuu
-Always try your best to answer
his questions
-Clerk in Malay, dr doesnt allow
to jot down, present in English
-Dr just ask to present case
summary & hopi
-Always be ready for eop bcs dr
can make sudden changes
-Dr suka orang relax

Dr Masri this is the scenario: Nephrotic Syndrome haritu eop online, and dr (1st of all, dr is WAYY too nice
didn’t give pictures or masa EOP. terkejut jugak
before start Fatin, a 6 y/o girl came in with anything. dr just tanya u sebenarnya cause waktu
clerking, dr would sudden onset facial swelling for 1 nak buat PE apa? and dia viva/cbd he was a bit scary.
give the scenario week associated with frothy urine mintak list down all masa eop he was really friendly,
first. expected findings. and tak sarcastic, helpful etc. most
explain how the dz leads importantly he didn’t make u
i think this is to the clinical findings. ok feel stupid)
super helpful jee no worries. dia tolong2 during discussion, he asked
cause u can terus if you panic or blur prov dx, differentials.
fikir the complications, pathophysiology,
differentials for management for newly
the chief diagnosed nephrotic syndrome
complaint :D as well as for those yang
steroid dependent & resistant.
(never thought i’d say this.. but
honestly i would say you’re
lucky if you got him for eop!

Dr Masri 5 yo girl presented with complaint of provisional diagnosis : Dr just tanya examination - dr bagi gambar xray
fever, cough and runny nose for the pneumonia apa nak buat. Findings of then minta interpret
past 3 days. pneumonia on auscultation - dr tanya investigations
● Ddx : asthma, i.e. reduced breath sound, i.e. fbc, esr/crp, renal
viral croup, bronchial breath sound, profile
pertussis, tb, coarse crackles - dr tanya most common
covid 19 organisms that cause
pneumonia in 5 y/o child
i.e. streptococcus,
klebsiella and
- dr tanya antibiotic for
specific organisms i.e.
penicillin for strep,
macrolides for atypical
- dr tanya yg last ni apa
nama pneumococcal
vaccine ;) korang google
la sendiri

Dr baik gila, didn’t expect him to

be that kind dah bye

Dr. Lim A 9 y/o girl presented with swelling PDx : Nephrotic Do respi and abdominal Ix - diagnostic test is morning
in the face and abdomen for 4 days, syndrome examination specimen of urine protein
progressively worsening creatinine index (UPCI) more
DDx : 1. Nephritic Relate it to nephrotic than 200 mg / mmol.
- Reduced urine output syndrome syndrome patient
- Reduced oral intake Full blood count - to detect
- Abdominal pain 2. Chronic kidney leukocytosis due to peritonitis
disease as the patient is having
abdominal pain
3. Chronic liver disease
Lipid profile for hyperlipidemia
4. Lupus nephritis
Liver function for
5. Congestive Heart hypoalbuminemia, less than
Failure 25g

Renal profile to assess

dehydration, such as raised
urea and creatinine. And to
detect electrolyte imbalances
due to reduced oral intake such
as hyponatremia and

Mx - 1. Human albumin infusion

because patient's albumin is
2. IV furosemide to treat edema
3. Penicillin as prophylaxis for
spontaneous bacterial
4. Give steroid (prednisolone)
until remission. For how long
and how much, go back and
read. Sorry I don't remember
the exact number.

Criteria of nephrotic syndrome

Complication of nephrotic
syndrome (and how does it
occur for each one)

Pathophysiology of nephrotic

Dr Lew 8 months old boy Tak present case terus PE : Respiratory Investigation
Cough and runny nose for 2 weeks bagitahu diagnosis and 1. Respiratory 1. To check for hydration
-clerk in malay (not too severe) (early present) point support then distress sign do what? - BUSE
boleh, english discuss 2. Auscultation finding
boleh Become more worse today (late in bronchiolitis, If suspect viral, what to do? =
presentation) PDx : acute pneumonia, nasopharyngeal swab
-dr banyak bronchiolitis asthma
membantu dan Cough Management
sangat baik - Chesty cough DDx PE : CVS 1. Main therapy what? -
- Has post tussive vomit 1. Covid-19 1. Sign of heart failure Supportive therapy (O2),
about 2-3 spoon 2. Pneumonia 2. Auscultation finding given by what
- Not bluish when coughing 3. Pertussis in HF
- No noisy coughing (barking) 4. Viral croup -preventive: give before ill;
5. Asthma Overall monoclonal antibody
Associated sx 6. HF 2nd CHD 1. Dehydration status palivizumab, causative agent is
- Fever RSV; usually give in premature
- Noisy breathing Extra ques Extra ques baby with Chronic Lung
- Rapid breathing - What common -tachycardia value Disease
- Poor feeding organism for -tachypnea value
bronchiolitis? = -when fontanelle close Each Ddx need to ask what
Ada risk factor; preterm baby, stay RSV -what age apex beat at 5th (ayat dr ajar cara tanya) and
NICU - Risk factor to ICS point to support/against/ extra
get RSV? = ques
Dr says ; masa kat NICU, patut chronic lung 1. Covid-19 = close contact
tanya lebih, ada tak masukkan tube disease
kat peparu? - 8 months baby 2. Pneumonia = any noisy
dah dapat breathing/ first episode
vaccine apa? or not/ sick contact/
- Extra : not necessarily
bacteria, can also be
viral. So high grade
fever not a good reason

3. Pertussis = prolong
cough; ada tak anak
batuk lama2 sampai jadi
muka merah.
- Extra ques; what
condition coughing until
eyes become red? =
hemorrhage, also can
lead to seizure when
coughing too severe

4. Viral croup = ada suara

jadi kasar, harsh cough,
noisy breathing

5. Asthma = must ask

interval symptom (masa
sihat, malam2 ada batuk
tak, ahli keluarga ada
asthma tak)

6. HF = FTT, poor feeding,

prolonged feeding,
interrupted feeding,
sweating semua tu la
- Extra ques : what
mother prob during
preggy can lead to chd?

Dr Yusma 8 y/o presenting with rapid Severe AEBA in 2 VIDEOS ▹ Categories of AEBA, what
breathing and wheezing since last undiagnosed asthma criterias do we look at and
▹ dr has no night and cough since last evening. secondary to cold 1. Paradoxical which category is this patient in.
language drinks. breathing, doctor
preference - Chest recessions suruh describe ▹ Interval symptoms, categorise
- Could only speak in words Dr nak summary. what we see. Ada this patient Intermittent VS
▹ dr inform waktu “Dia jawab sepatah sepatah chest recessions Persistent.
i ada 2 minutes je” DDX: as well, but video
left je so time - Orthopnea I flopped sikit this part wasn’t very clear ▹ How do we diagnose asthma.
sendiri2 - Pallor because pt was afebrile so maybe ada
- Exposure to cold air / and a bit hard to find intercostal and ▹ Management for AEBA.
▹ before start drinking cold water DDX because from the sternal recessions - Know what drugs to use,
sempat borak2 - HX of yearly nebuliser start it was very clear but not 100% sure. why and different routes
gelak2 lagi then treatment at clinic (mild this was asthma. of administration also
start je EOP AEBA) 2. Audio, but I tak what justifies which
boom serious lol - Eczema - Pneumonia dengar apa-apa. route to choose.
- Family HX of asthma - Afebrile Maybe wheezing?
pneumonia??? ▹ Before discharged, what steps
would we take in this pt.
(Patient education, medication
to prescribe, how to use)

dr is very responsive during

discussion so if you nampak dia
angguk tu you know you’re on
the right track.

insyaAllah okay je ganbatte


Dr Yusma 6y/o boy 1st dx: Dengue fever *Dr will ask you to tell what Dr Yusma is very nice but she
CC: fever for 5 days with warning sign you need in PE then she did mention her expectation to
Ass symptom: this morning he is will give the finding. give student pass the eop is
lethagy, having mild vomiting,mild After PE: Severe high.
gum bleeding during brushing teeth dengue with ● Ask all PE in
and generalized abdominal pain decompensated shock dengue If she is your examiner, expect
Further ques: no recent hx URTI, ● After dpt finding common disease but dont
appetite has been reduced since this patient is in expect common question. Her
past 5 day and yesterday only decompensated question is more on clinical
urinate once. There is headache, shock. Dia ada practice
and myalgia no respi distress,
diarrhea,constipation,dysuria,sob, hypotension, and Mx and ix must relate to
low, and no rash sign shock yg lain pathophysiology dont just give
1.Phase dengue kene tahu what on textbook.
2. Apa sign shock Dr banyak tanya ix and mx.
3.apa blood finding. Why
hct high If takleh jwb try dulu if lama sgt
4.anemia in dengue then ckp je sorry taktau nnti dr
5.apa fx rehydration akan korek tp jgn risau nice je.
therapy in dengue
6. Apa finding pleural At the end Dr akan tanya how
effusion do you think your performance?
Then she will tell you pass baru
Dr akan berborak and gelak
Dr Diyana ❖ 3 years old boy, unvaccinated Provisional dx: Dr tunjuk gambar, kita Investigation
❖ Fever for 5 days Measles with describe apa yang kita - Dr suruh interpret the data,
❖ Cough for 4 days bronchopneumonia nampak and Dr bagi normal range
- Chesty 1. Thermometer with except for vital signs (RR,
- Post-tussive vomiting DDx 39.5 HR, BP).
- Sputum (X blood, yellowish 1. Bronchiolitis 2. Koplik spots - Desc in medical terms eg:
colour) 2. Asthma 3. Maculopapular Low plaletet =
❖ SOB for 1 day 3. Kawasaki rash dekat face, thrombocytopenia
- X noisy breathing 4. Dengue neck and chest - CXR: Hyperinflated lungs,
❖ Runny nose opacity [Findings for
❖ Poor oral intake Kena bagi 1 provisonal Kena plot and interpret bronchopneumonia]
❖ Reduced activity and 2 ddx. Kena bagi growth chart.. Better ada
points to support points sendiri but if takde dr bagi Management
to against. growth chart through Ms Penicillin (first line)
❖ Rashes for 3 days Teams
❖ Conjunctivitis Questions:
1. Pt dah dapat measles,
should he get vaccinated?
Yes, ambik MMR sebab
can prevent Mumps and
2. Common organism causing
pneumonia in a 3 years old
child? Streptococcus

- Dr baik sebab dr guide
sampai kita boleh jawab
soalan dr.
- Dr ajar how to interpret
Chest X ray findings
- I tanya in Eng tapi dr
jawab in Malay. So
tanya dulu nak clerk in
Eng or Malay
- Patient can come with 2
diagnosis!! Prepare
jelah kalau dapat dr
diyana :-))))

Dr Diyana 1 year 4 months old boy with cough Provi: Viral Croup Dr tunjuk 4 videos related Before start eop i tanya dr nak
and rapid breathing for 2 days to viral croup pastu dia clerk in malay ke eng. Dia kata
associated with fever and noisy Ddx: suruh interpret. clerk in malay but masa clerking
breathing 1. Bronchiolitis tu dia guna both eng and malay
2. Pneumonia Honestly i sumpah blur gila pastu i pun clerk in mix
Dr ada demonstrate mcm mana masa ni sampai dr kena language jugak. Dr tak kisah
bunyi cough tu tapi for noisy After case presentation repeat video tu 4 kali XD sangat :P
breathing dia tak ckp la on and summary, dr akan
inspiratory or expiratory so it can be proceed utk discuss She was a slightly Dr is really particular about
either wheezing or stridor provi and ddx. Make frustrated w me tp mood patient’s specific age. So make
sure to list down all the dia terus improve lepas i sure tanya date of birth.
Biggest clue that lead me to the points supporting and jawab betul
provi was that the cough was points against for both Masa case presentation mesti
aggravated at night, batuk mcm org provi and ddx. Dr guna medical jargon!! Dr cakap
tua (bak kata dr), hoarseness of mintak 2 ddx je i shouldnt just repeat what the
voice and low grade fever mother said masa presentation
(ie chest infection= pneumonia,
breathing support=ventilator)

Dr suruh plot growth chart so

jgn lupa sediakan nanti. I takde
growth chart pstu dia bagi i thru
microsoft teams (shes so nice
TT tapi sambil dia hantar tu dia
bebel la kata as students
sepatutnya kita dah prepare all
this and tak boleh expect dr utk
sediakan everything XD)

For investigation just mostly

interpret the findings and result.
I takde discuss management.
Maybe sbb tak cukup masa kot

Dr baik tapi intimidating sikit.
She guided me a lot masa i tak
tahu jawapan so dont worry too
much! All the best ^^

Dr Mazidah A 6 y/o comes with seizure Meningitis Need to know how to Ix

interpret finding from cns Mx
Differences meningitis n
Sources of infection from encephalitis
respi Pathophysiology

Dr baik, tpi strict dgn masa

Dr suruh cepat2
Masa hx dr korek betul2

Prof Shafina 6 years 11 months old boy Nephrotic syndrome Prof tunjuk gambar budak - The most common Nephrotic
presented with facial swelling since kecik (siap diapers kayh syndrome → Minimal Change
-tak kisah clerk in 3 days ago and followed by bilateral DDX tak padan umur 6 tahun Dz
malay or english leg swelling and abdominal - Nephritic syndrome lol) - The pathophysiology
:D swelling. - Anaphylactic - What can you see? - What can cause nephritic
- jgn tiba2 Ni hao ma - Leg & abdomen start at day reaction - Facial puffiness, syndrome? → Post-StrepGN
sudah jkjk 2 - Congestive heart distended - The investigations to
- First noticed - facial swelling failure abdomen with a flat differentiate between
in the morning umbilical(?) Nephrotic & nephritic
- Constant and did not resolve (ikutlah yg dlm fikiran, - The managementtt - I forgot
at the end of the day. asalkan make sense to mention the mainstay
- No bleeding, no itchiness, and ada point to supprt treatment which is STEROID!
no pain, only discomfort & against) - Prof baik sangat sebab dia
- Frothy urine bagi clue utk aku jawab huhu.
- Loss appetite - What is the dose for steroids?
- How about treatment for
Prof gave 1 mins before presenting nephritic syndrome? - aku
the case. jawab penicillin huhu still prof terima

Acute Bronchiolitis

Dr.Hafizah A 9 y/o girl with a chief complaint of Dengue fever with a Expected findings in -ix
abdominal pain and vomiting warning sign abdominal examination -mx
Dr will show gambar rash -definition and type of shock
and suruh kite interpret the
findings and also negative Side note :
findings Before hx taking dr will show a
slide about the chief complaint
of case. Then dr bagi 2 mins
prepare before hx taking :)

Dr baik je jangan risau.. 😉

Dr. Hafizah 8 months old baby girl presented Thalassemia with heart - video of child in - dr asked the
with fever for 1 week and pallor for failure respiratory distress investigation to be done
2 weeks. - dr asked to to confirm thalassemia
- mother had history of blood describe all and what to expect in
transfusion and took iron findings shown in the results
supplement due to low video - pathogenesis of
hemoglobin antenatally. - then dr asked what thalassemia
expected findings - complication of
in your examination thalassemia
- examination mostly - how thalassemia causes
signs of anaemia heart failure
- the child also have - management of heart
vital signs and x failure
ray finding - comment: dr relax and
suggestive of heart baik je and dr bagi
failure feedback after that, what
to improve and brush up
Dr Hafizah 4 y/o boy presented with eye & Relapse of Nephrotic Gambar budak with Pathophysiology
facial puffiness with known case Syndrome periorbital edema & facial
nephrotic syndrome puffiness & abdominal Define relapse & steroid
DDX distension dependent
CLD Remission semua
CHF Then explain je about PE
Kidney i.e. general exam & abdo Relevant investigations
full. & i did mention about
steroid toxicity & stigmata The criteria of nephrotic
of CLD syndrome

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