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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marauders - Fandom
Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter
Pettigrew, Lily Evans
Additional Tags: Jegulus, Starchaser, trans Regulus, Gay, mlm, Marauders, Marauders era,
Coming Out, oneshots
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-04-06 Updated: 2022-11-21 Words: 21,152 Chapters:
by orphan_account


There isn't enough jegulus stories so here ya go.

I've not written fanfic to publish before so I'm sorry if it's shitty but I've tried my best
These are also published on wattpad under the name ‘fourdeadgaywizards’
I don’t have an update schedule but I hope it’s not too long wait.
Currently on hiatus cuz I’m writing a marauders book :)


I don't think James is gay but for the sake of this he will be gay. I headcanon him as pan or
omni also im sorry if the writings weird or its rushed, this is my first time writing fanfic
Do you love her?

Regulus POV:
There he sat. Next to her. I hate her. She's all over him and he's doing nothing about it.
Probably because it's awkward and he doesn't want to be outed. But he's mine and I'm
jealous. He should be looking at me, sitting with me, talking with me.

It's only rumoured they are dating but sometimes it feels like it. They aren't... I hope. Because
he's mine. He loves me, I love him. James potter is the love of my life.

All day she follows him round like a little puppy. While he's messing about with his mates.
While he's in class. While he's in the library studying. Right up until he goes to bed. He
doesn't show any interest back but she doesn't care.

We meet every night. I'm waiting for him now. I need to confront him. I can't live my life
being jealous because he's scared to come out, he doesn't even have to come out, just tell her
to piss off.
"Hey reg, how are you doing?"
"James what's going on between you and lily?"
"Nothing, she's just all over me. She thinks I'm still interested"
"Well sometimes it looks like you don't care and it doesn't bother you"
"Of course it bothers me, do you not think I would rather that be you?"
"So why can't that be me?"
We were shouting now. Luckily we are at the astronomy tower so no one can hear us.
"Reg... you know it can't be like that. My best friend is your brother. He would freak out"
"Maybe he won't, and anways can you not just tell lily to piss off"
"I've tried, she doesn't listen. It only makes her more attracted"
"But I watch your eyes as she walks by, friendly and inviting. That's going to make her more
attracted and make her think you like her"
"I'm just trying to be a friendly person"
"I get you're friendly with everyone. But with her it's a different story. You need to just flat
out tell her your not interested and say it's not because I like you. Just tell her"
"Like I said I've tried"
"How have you tried? What did you say?"
"I tell her I'm not really interested and I'm not interested in dating at the moment"
"James. Oh my god how you could you be that dumb. By saying your not interested in dating
at the moment you are telling her. Not right now, in a bit tho."
"I didn't intend it like that"
"Well... I don't know what to do James. I'm jealous. I love you and I want everyone to know. I
don't care about sirius or my mother. I just want you and I was hoping you felt the same but I
guess you don't love me as much as I love you"
it felt good to tell him how I feel, but I feel bad about getting angry. And I don't actually
believe he doesn't love him as much as he loves me. I just said it. I wasn't thinking and now I
feel worse.
"Reg, I do love you just as much if not more"
"I'll see you tomorrow James, I need to calm down"
"Oh ok I get it, I'll see you tomorrow"
As I'm walking out I hear him say
"I really do love you"
This breaks my heart and I don't know why.

It's the next day and I feel awful for going off at James like that. I've sent him an owl saying
I'm sorry . But he's opened it and just sat there looking the same. He looks lonely and

Oh god here comes lily. She looks different, like she's done herself up a bit. She's trying to
pull him away. But he isn't going. He sat there. She's talking to him. Whatever she said it
caused James to freak out in what looks like disgust. She looks angry now. Everyone has
noticed and the room has gone silent.
"But James why won't you go out with me?"
"Because I don't like you"
"So who do you like then?"
"I don't have to tell you that"
"I think I deserve to know why you won't go out with me after you've led me on all year. You
act like your not interested but I know you secretly like me. That's why you've been shoving
me off, so you don't get too attached. So tell me now what is the real reason?"
"Fine then lily, if you want to know so bad. I'm gay, and im in love with regulus black"
Oh my god is he really doing this. What about my brother he looks shocked and confused.
"Oh that's a laugh James. You were all over me two years ago, your not gay. You love me we
all know it."
"No lily I don't love you. Two years ago I was faking being in love with you because
someone thought I was gay. I had to hide it so I used you as an excuse. And I do love regulus.
He is the bloody love of my life. I love him he loves me and I don't care who knows it. So
piss off"
He stormed off and now everyone is looking at me. Lily is embarrassed and sirius looks

I didn't know what else to do other than find james. As I'm walking out people are
bombarding me with questions asking me if it's true. I reply to none.
Where could he be? What would James do? It's just a guess but I'm heading to the astronomy
tower. I hope he's there.

Oh thank god he is. As soon as he sees me he says "reg I'm so sorry. I didn't realise what I
was doing it just came out and I-"
I cut him off with a kiss.
"Thank you james. I'm sorry for last night and I'm sorry you had to come out that way"
He's smiling
"I love you reg, I really do. More than anything in the world. I would do anything for you and
if that means outing myself to make you feel happier then I'll gladly do it. And it feels kinda
nice not having to keep it a secret. Not having to keep you a secret"
I have no clue what to say. He's perfect.
"We should head back and talk to your brother, he must be fuming"
"He looked it, where would he be?"
"Probably sulking to moony in our dorm about how I've betrayed him"
I chuckled at this.

We start heading towards the dorm and it baffles me as to how I've got this man to be mine.
We've arrived at the common room and all eyes are on us. There is a crowd around a crying
lily sympathising her. Pathetic if you ask me.

We enter james' dorm and it looks so... homely. It's nothing like the slytherin dorms. They are
more lifeless. Sirius starts shouting "what the actual fuck is it true james?"
James looks like he doesn't know what to do.
"Yes we are dating brother"
"Why? Why didn't you tell me? How long? Do you actually love each other? What do you
intend to do with my baby brother?"
He's mad. He talks fast when he's mad.
"Sirius be quiet, I can't handle this today. I've just outed myself to the whole school so you
can either calm down and calmly ask questions or shut the fuck up and piss off"
"James I'm sorry"
I feel so awkward. He outed himself for me. He outed me too but most people probably
thought I was gay anyway.
"It's fine pads and yes we really do love each other. I most definitely love him."
"and I love james. Sirius please don't go mad at James. He treats me well. Doesn't push my
limits. He makes me happy."
James is just smiling at me and sirius seems to have calmed down.
"Ok, I need time to adjust. But seriously james. Out of everyone you could've been with, my
We are all chuckling. At least he's calmed down.
Telling sirius
Chapter Summary

Well. Reg and James decide to tell sirius. Not edited yet so I’m sorry for any mistakes

James POV:

Ok, ok this is one of the best things ever. 6 month anniversary with the most gorgeous, fancy,
prettiest person ever created (apart from me of course). No not Lily. Though I do have to
keep pretending to be in love with her so no one will suspect I'm with someone else. Its got
Sirius fooled, he genuinely thinks I'm in love with her and he thinks she's 'breaking' my heart
when she says no. What a laugh. Mind you 2 years ago in was in love with her. He badly
wants me in a relationship so me and his mystery date (which he wont tell me about) can go
on a double date to hogsmeade . Things would probably change if he knew that I am dating
someone. Its his brother. Regulus Black.

Okay focus James, what to wear, what to we- oh I know. Remus took us (meaning the
marauders) shopping in muggle London over the summer. Regulus told me to wear
something casual so I'm going to go mid way between fancy and casual. he probably only
said to go for a casual look soo he can outshine me as always. Him and his fancy suits. Why
does the man I love have to be one of THOSE rich people. Ok anyways, I'm going to wear a
light blue sweatshirt, dark blue jeans and some black high-top converse. I'm going to get
changed in the bathrooms just in case someone comes upstairs. after all I did just leave
without saying anything. At least they wont be able to find me, as I did bring the map with

oh shit, some ones come in the dorm. I really hope they don't knock, or know I'm in here. Oh
god the footsteps are getting closer. Please don't try come in.

"James why have you been in here for 30 minutes" Fuck, of course its Remus. Shit, think of
an excuse. "I'm...uh shitting?" he'll definitely be onto me now. Of course I had to make it
sound like more of a question than statement.

"Doesn't sound like it James. I can hear your heart racing and your no where near the toilet"
fuck you Remus and your perfect hearing, why do you have to be a werewolf. "um, uh just
washing my hands now"

"ok then hurry up I need to piss"

shit. shit. shit. he'll know somethings up when I walk out of here looking like this. I have to
just walk out. But hell know I'm doing something, oh god I hope he doesn't question it. Ok
lets go. I've opened the door and he's just staring at me. "prongs why are you dressed like

"uh... no reason?" I probably look like a tomato right now. "have you got a date? who is it?
well I think I know but I just wanna make sure I'm right, tell me I wont judge." I cant tell
him, Reggie will kill me if he ever finds out that someone knows. "um... Evans"

"bullshit, Evans would rather go out with peter."

" little hurtful."

"prongs I wont tell Sirius, if your gay I don't care and if your with regulus I also don't care"

My mouth dropped open, how did he figure it out? say something, "Ummm, Uhhhh, Ummm
" he looks so smug right now, I think I should tell him but Reg would kill me if he found out
someone knows. But he already knows so I technically didn't tell him and Reg cant get mad.

"I knew it, prongs its alright, I promise I wont tell anyone." thank the gods. "if Reg found out
someone knew he'd quite frankly kill me, please Remus you have to promise me you wont
tell anyone, especially Sirius. He'd go mad and I don't know how he'll react to me being pan,
I cant lose him. please Remus promise me"

"slow down James, he will probably be a lot more accepting than you think. and I promise I
wont tell him."

"thank you moony, I better get going soon. cant miss any moment of today."


"its our anniversary."

"really? how long have you guys been together?"

"6 months" I mumbled this in hopes he wouldn't hear me but you know moony. perfect
hearing. "6 MONTHS, how on earth has Sirius not noticed you've been seeing someone"

"he's clueless"

"tell me about it"

" how did you figure it out anyway?"

"well every couple of days you're lips are bruised when you find your way back to us, at first
I suspected lily, but then one day whilst you were gone I was studying with lily so it couldn't
be her, and you always stare at the Slytherin table in regulus's direction. and I generally have
the marauders map with me so I can see where you are."

"dam, I thought I was more careful than that, I always tried to be gone when lily was"

"well, you did your best, anyways you need to go and I need the bathroom so piss off"
"ok then moony, see you later"

Ok that was eventful. it feels kinda nice having someone know. how do I tell Reg though? I
really hope he doesn't get mad especially on our anniversary. anyways, as I arrive at the
astronomy tower I see a figure sat watching the stars. "hey Reg"

"James, your on time for once, amazing"

"well what can I say, it is our 6 month anniversary after all" why does he have to be so pretty.
he is truly an amazing person. the best I could ask for, because well, I cant date myself. yes I
am still extremely narcissistic, getting a boyfriend doesn't change that.

"james, why are you staring at me" he laughed, oh god that laugh is so cute. why is he so
perfect. "because i think you are the prettiest and most handsome and amazingest man to

"while i appreciate that, one, you are way better than me and two, amazingest isn't a word."

"well it should be, im going to put it in the dictionary and the definition will be regulus

"ok whatever james, just get over here" he pulled me in and kissed me. i love him so much. i
broke us apart "i really love you regulus, nothing will ever change that"

"you promise?"

"of course, you are the amazingest after all" he laughed again omg its the best laugh in the
history of laughs, its so cute. "james can i tell you something?"

"sure, i also have something to tell you, but you go first"

"ok, um so, right ok so i dont want this change how you feel about me but i fully understand
if you feelings change, um so. i'm trans, i was born female and now im male." what do i say?
think, think. what would remus say? "um, thank you for trusting me with that information, i
still love you just as much, nothing will ever change that"

"thank you james, i love you too. Thanks for not making a big deal about it. anyways what
did you want to say" shit how do i say this "ok so, please dont get mad but um,

"sorry what did you say, that was too quick for me to understand"

"um ok, remus kinda figured out that we are dating"

"nice thats one less person to tell"

"wait your not mad"

"no i knew he'd figure it out eventually, was just a matter of when"
*date goes on*
"Hey James, I've had a thought"

"What is my love?"

"Well, since remus already knows and a couple of my friends know, we'll I was thinking
maybe we could go public"

"Are you sure you're ready? You do realise sirius will freak out" oh god what's sirius going to
say. Will he still be friends with me? Will he hate me?

"Yes I understand that this will be difficult. But I am ready. Are you ready? If your not it's
fine it's just I don't want to hide anymore"

"I think I am ready. And I really love you reg. I don't want to hide anymore either"
I really don't deserve him. He deserves so much more than me. He's so sweet.
"James how many more times am I gonna catch you staring at me and at what point does it
become creepy?"

"Oh sorry love, you're just so gorgeous. And sweet. And you are so lovely."

"James you have a way with words that makes me feel like I don't deserve you, if anyone you
are the lovely one"

"You're right you don't deserve me, you deserve so much more"
He's just staring at me now and he's so pretty. I can't take it anymore. I grab his tie and pull
him in. He gasps from shock but soon melts into the kiss.

"Wow ok"

"Sorry I just- well you were just sat there looking like that and well"

"I get it, sometimes it's difficult not to just make out with you.when do you want to tell

"Um well I don't mind really. Tomorrow is a Saturday so, tomorrow?"

"Yeah tomorrow. I'll meet you here after breakfast and we'll head over to your dorm where
your going to tell sirius, remus and if you want Peter to be"

"Wow you really planned this didn't you"

"Well I want you to keep your best friend. And I want my brother to be well, my brother
again. I don't want to lose him again"

"You want lose him reggie. He will come to his senses after freaking out and see that we
really do truly love each other and see that id never do anything to hurt you"

"Thank you. For everything james. I love you so much. I'm so grateful for the past 6 months
and I'm grateful for the many months ahead of us"
I have no clue what to say. He's too perfect. I'm just going to kiss him.

"It's midnight so I need to head back. Barty and evans will think we are doing something
different to this"

"Ok, goodbye reg. I will see you here tomorrow after breakfast"

*next day*

I'm so anxious for today but it's fine. Sirius will accept it... eventually. He's my best friend
and if I'm really him best friend he will come around to it. God why did i have to become
attracted to my best friends little brother.
"Hey earth to James, are you coming down to breakfast?"

"Ye ye, see you down there padfoot, wait moony can I talk to you really quick"

"Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"Me and reg are telling pads today and after breakfast I need you to bring him up to the
dorms, not common room the dorms."

"Ye ye that's ok. are you sure your ready? I'm right here. Is regulus going to be here too?"

"Ye we are ready and he is. He's bound to find out eventually"

"I'm happy for you prongs. Now let's go down to breakfast"

"Thanks moony. I appreciate it"

"No problem"
We are walking to the hall in silence. Surprisingly comfortable silence. As I get in I look right
over to the slytherin table. He's sat with his friends. I sit down and I'm still looking at him. He
looks back at me giving me a reassuring look. I smile at him and grab my breakfast. Not in
the mood to eat right now but I have to. Sirius will get curious.
Breakfast is now over and I've started heading to the astronomy tower.
As I arrive reg is pacing. I feel like doing the same but we cant. We have to do this now. Get
it over and done with.
"Hey reg. stop please. It's making me even more anxious."

"Sorry, let's go now before I chicken out"

He starts walking out and I'm supposed to follow but I can't move.
"Reg wait. I love you ok. If this goes sideways just know I love you and will probably never

"I love you too james, now let's get going come on. Do I need to drag you?"

He takes my hand and literally starts dragging me down.
"Ok ok, I'll walk"
We start walking and im trying to think of what to say to padfoot. 'He pads im dating your
brother' I can't exactly say that.
Before I know it we are outside the common room.
"Capup draconis"
As soon as we step in people start to notice and whisper about regulus. It is confusing. A
slytherin in the gryffindor common room of all places. And even more confusing he's with
We enter the dorm and sirius snaps his eyes to regulus.
" what are you doing here little brother? And why are you with James"

"Pads I have something- we have something to tell you"

"Oh don't tell me to Your dating or something"

"Well Im sorry to disappoint you brother but we are, there you go. I've said it. Finally. I love
him and he loves me. Nothing you do will stop that. If you have a problem with that you can
suce ma bite"
(*suck my dick*)

"à quoi penses-tu? sortir avec mon meilleur ami. bien sûr j'ai un problème avec ça. tu es mon
petit frère c'est mon meilleur ami. Je ne savais même pas que tu étais gay."
(* what are you thinking? going out with my best friend. of course I have a problem with
that. you are my little brother he is my best friend. I didn't even know you were gay.*)

sirius is angry. Whenever he's like this he speaks in french. He's upset of course he is, it's
understandable. I have no clue what they are saying. And I'm so glad regulus knew what to
say. I would have just stood there stuttering for ten minutes.

"Sirius je sais que tu as quelque chose contre moi mais je l'aime. Je l'aime vraiment. il me
traite bien. il s'en fiche que je sois trans. Il m'aime."
(* Sirius I know you have something against me but I love him. I really like. he treats me
well. he doesn't care that I'm trans. He loves me.*)

"Je suis content qu'il te traite bien. mais c'est bizarre. mon frère baise mon meilleur ami. tu
trouverais ça bizarre si je commençais à baiser evan"
(* I'm glad he treats you well. but it's weird. my brother fucks my best friend. you would
think it weird if i started fucking evan*)

"nous n'avons pas encore baisé Sirius. c'est entièrement romantique. il respecte que je ne
veux pas avoir de relations sexuelles. il est bon pour moi."
(*we haven't fucked Sirius yet. it is entirely romantic. he respects that I don't want to have
sex. he is good for me*)

"cela va être difficile. très difficile à comprendre mais si vous vous aimez vraiment alors je
vous donne ma bénédiction"
(* this is going to be difficult. very difficult to wrap my head around but, if you really love
each other then i give you my blessing*)
"Thank you sirius. It means a lot to me."
He's smiling and he's grabbed my hand. So what they said must have been good. I'm very
confused though.
"I have no clue what you were saying but I guess I appreciate it too"

"I'm sure regulus will tell you what was said later. I have one rule as of now. If you ever do.
No shagging in here. And I don't want to hear about it"

That's fair I guess. Now I'm just smiling at reg and sirius. Grateful. Very grateful. I don't
know what id do without either of the black brothers.
Chapter Summary

James and regulus are made to do prefect duties together. They find something
unexpected and James confesses to regulus about his feelings

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Regulus hated James. He absolutely hated the man. Why?

because he's fallen in love with him

Of all people. James Potter caught his eye.

why does this make him hate James?

Because he cant have him. he thinks James is straight and wouldn't dare betray his best friend
like that.

James hates Regulus too. doesn't absolutely hate him. more admires him than hates him.

because he's fallen in love with him

Of all people. His best friends brother.

He cant have him. he wouldn't dare betray his best friend like that.


"hey little black. are you and your friends going to curse some first years?" sirius doesnt like
to think of regulus as his brother. i mean after all he is an honorary potter. whenever he sees
his little brother in the halls he makes a snarky comment. why? no one really knows.

"hey big black, no actually we aren't. wow you must be shocked because we aren't going to
do something we've never done before. besides they'd be to weak for us. mother always did
say only pick fair fights." Regulus didnt like the sibling rivalry. more than anything he
wanted to be friends with him.

"don't you dare call me a black."

"why not sirius? i mean you are and will always be a black. there is nothing that can stop that.
dont forget your roots" its at this point regulus sees james. he didnt like being around james
because he didnt want anyone to see the blush that spread accross his cheeks when aroud
him. so before sirius could make his retalliation.

"come on guys. this isnt worth it. we need to go study"

as they were walking off regulus turned around to have one last glimpse at James. as he
turned so did James. they only looked at each other for a few seconds, but both of them
turned around blushing. and that didnt go unnoticed by either of them.

It's the first prefect meeting of the year.
Regulus is now a prefect.
James became a prefect the year before. He's hoping for head boy next year.
"Hello everyone, welcome back, I'm glad all of you could join me. I will be going through
this years plan" that's McGonagall. She is the leader of the prefects and gryffindor. She loves
all the students. But she does take a preference to the marauders, no matter how much trouble
they cause she can't get enough of them.
"This year we are introducing mixed rounds to unify the houses, I will put a list of pairs for
the year on the outside of my office. There is rounds tonight. At 9 pm Tonight. This pair will
be James potter and regulus black. I Trust you should work well together. You are all
'Oh god, how will I do this' both Regulus and James were thinking this. This will be
interesting of course.

The two of them met at 9pm as instructed outside of the hall. James of course didn't tell
sirius. Would make things awkward. Regulus didn't tell his friends. Didn't want to get bullied.
"James, I trust you to be mature about this. I understand my brother considers himself your
brother and I want no talk of him."

"Okay. Let's go this way first. Towards the library"


They walked through the halls in an uncomfortable silence. Neither wanted to say Anything
but also wanted to say everything. It got to a point where James was very bored and
uncomfortable so he spoke up.
"Regulus. I'd like to get to know you."


"Because we are partnered all year and you are my best friends little brother"

Regulus wasn't happy being called sirius' little brother. But he did want to get to know James
back so he mentally agreed it. He knew there was no way around it but still agreed to make
himself happy.
"So what do you want to know?"

"Everything. I want to know you."

"I got that. But what specifically do you want to know now."

"Hmmm. Let's start of simple. What's your favourite colour?"


"Interesting. My favourite colour is either red or green."

Green is only there because it's the colour of regulus' eyes.

"Well next question. What are your hobbies?"

"Reading, sketching and quidditch"

"Wow, you sketch? That's cool. My hobbies are quidditch, hanging out with my mates and
well I don't really do much else."

"I can tell. Your always hanging around with you friends."

Regulus hated the term hanging in the sense of being with friends. But he said it anyway.
James laughed at those words coming out regulus' mouth. He never thought he would say
such things.

"Okay so next question. What's your favourite animal? Oh and also do you prefer cats or
dogs? That's a deal breaker"

"My favourite animal is probably deer and I'd have to say dogs over cats though cats aren't
far behind. And what would it be a deal breaker of?"

James panicked at that. He didn't realise he actually said that. He meant it as a deal breaker if
he actually wants to attempt to be with regulus. Which he deffo would not do. He likes his
best friend to much.

"My favourite animal is probably a raven. I like that they are mysterious. And that's good. I
prefer dogs too. It the right answer."

"Ok but what would it be a deal breaker of?"

"Well. Um. It would be a deal breaker of weather or not I carry on doing rounds with you"

"I don't think we have much choice honestly."

"I'd break her down eventually, anyways next questio-“

“James shut up. Listen someone is in here. In the broom closet”

There was a crash in the closet because they realised they’d been caught. They knew who it
was and they really didn’t want to be caught by James and regulus. They opened the door and
in there, no one. They were both confused and switched the light on. Still no one. James had
a solution but didn’t know if he should use it. He kept the marauders map in his pocket. He
decided to use it after lots of debating in his head.
He pulled it out and looked at it.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”
Regulus looked very confused but went along with it.
When James looked at the map he was very shocked and confused.
“Oh my godric. Remus and sirius what are you doing in here”

“What how can you tell?”

James walked up to where it said there names and reached his hand out. He pulled of the
invisibility cloak. There they were. Two of his best mates, red lips and blushing like mad.
Remus looked quite ashamed.

“Well in mate. Good for you pads”

“You, you don’t have an issue with this” sirius did seem quite relieved.

“Of course not dont be silly padfoot. I mean I am pansexual after all. Wait. I just came out to
someone. Wait. I just came out to three people”

“Nice. see moony I told you he’d accept us”

“Wait so all of us here are gay, god we are just asking to be hate crimed”

Everyone turned to regulus. They were quite shocked.

“You’re gay?”

“Yes brother I am gay. Why are you so shocked?”

“I thought you would have agreed with walburga about the fact all gays go to hell seeing as
you didn’t step in and help when she found out I was gay.”

“I hate the woman sirius. Of course I don’t agree with her. I only didn’t step in because I
wasn’t really up for a beating”

“If you hate her so much then why do you still live there”

“Because she has all eyes on me. I’m planning my leave. I have no clue how to since you
haven’t spoken to me since you left apart from bullying me and my friends”

“Do you blame me? I mean you never backed me up. And your friend are so horrible.”

“I only didn’t back you up because of the fact that I didn’t want to get beat up. And I was
always there for you afterwards. And how are all my friends horrible. We keep to ourselves
apart from when you start harassing us. We are all scared of our families. So what. What have
we done so horrible?”

“I’m going to finish my rounds, James you can stay here or come with me tho you will get in
trouble if you don’t come with. Bye sirius”

Everyone was shocked at this. The black brothers were oddly relieved they got to get things
off there chest. James apologised to sirius and rushed off to regulus.

“Hey regulus. If you ever need to talk I’m here. I don’t know you but I’m here man ok.”

“Why would you want to help me? You barely know me”

“Because I uhhh. Because ummm”

James wanted to tell regulus the reason.

“Because what James”

“Just because.”

“James there has to be a reason. You can’t say just because. I’m not going to unload my
Trauma to someone that says ‘just because’. Not that I would anyway”

“Because I uhh…”

There is a reason he is gryffindor. He’s brave and he does stupid things. He takes risks. This
risk is something he was reluctant to but wanted to do. It might end up good. If not he can
always ask Minnie for a new partner.

“Spit it out james we don’t have all night.”

“Because I like you regulus, like like you”


“No not bullshit. Regulus I like you. I don’t know you but you are bloody fit and so far seem
like an amazing person”

“I’m a black, I have many faults”

“Everyone has faults”

James’ heart is racing. He can’t believe he has done this. But it was going to happen sooner
or later. Regulus’ heart is also racing. He can’t believe James. He can’t like him. Can he?

“James, are you trying to mess with me? If you are it’s not funny”

“I swear I’m not messing with you. Regulus I like you. Please understand that. I swear on my
mum and dads life”

“Ok then. I understand”


“So what?”

“Do you like me back? Or will I have to find a new partner and die of embarrassment”

“Um. I guess I think you are fit and like you back”

“You guess or you do? Different things”

“I do”

“Good. Can I uhhh. Can I kiss you?”

“Not in the open. Someone could watch”

“Fine by me”

James grabbed regulus’ hand and dragged him to the closest empty room.

“Now can I kiss you?”


Regulus was over the moon and James felt like he was high.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry it’s kinda shit. I’ve been really busy and didn’t know what to do. Any recs would
be appreciated
Chapter Summary

This chapter is around self harm and recovery. I am in no way trying to romanticise this
subject. I understand how bad it is.

Chapter Notes

⚠this chapter is about Self Harm. I am in no way trying to romanticise this topic. I
know how bad it is⚠

See the end of the chapter for more notes

⚠this chapter is about Self Harm. I am in no way trying to romanticise this topic. I know
how bad it is⚠

Regulus noticed something yesterday. Something he hoped to not have found. Scars. Not on
himself obviously. He'd definitely noticed the scars he did have on himself. He noticed them
on his boyfriend. He never thought James would do something like this. And he didn't even
know how to approach him about it. The only person he could think of to go to was
unfortunately remus. In almost every other situations he would definitely confide in remus,
but remus is James friend and doesn't want him to worry. But he needs to talk to someone
about it.

So regulus sent an owl to remus saying

Meet me in the library on free period. Don't tell James please.
-Regulus A. Black

Luckily they both had the same free period lesson.

"Who's that from moony? What does it say?"

"Why are you so curious Sirius?"

"Because you are my boyfriend moony. I need to make sure you aren't seeing another man"

"Well I'm not don't worry."

"How do I know that?"

"Because this letter wasn't from a secret boyfriend, it's from my friend in ravenclaw, we have
a project that needs the final touches. We are meeting in the library so I'll have to pass on
whatever antics you are going to pull"

"Good, have fun being boring"

Regulus left the dining hall looking in remus' way to let him know to follow.

"I'm sorry guys I have to go and get my work, I shall see you in the dorms"

Remus set off towards the library. Remus had no clue what regulus could want.

"Hey regulus what's up"

He was quite clearly not fine. Something was up.

"Remus I need your help, but you can't say anything about it ok."

"Ye sure. What is it?"

"I... saw something. James probably didn't want me or- or anyone to see really. A-and I don't
know how to approach him about it, or help him."

"Regulus what's up with James?"

"Have you noticed that he hasn't taken his jumper off all year and wears long sleeves in
quidditch training? God how could I have not noticed sooner remus."

"Please don't tell me this is hinting at what i think it's hinting at"

"I saw scars on his arm. I was reading and out of the corner of my eye I saw him scratching
his arm. It pulled up his sleeves a bit and they, they looked fresh. There was also older ones
and lots of white scars."

"Oh my god. I feel so stupid."

"It's fine none of us would've noticed. Does that make us bad people?"

"No regulus it doesn't."

"How do I approach him about this? I can't just leave it and pretend I saw nothing"

"Regulus. I really think this is something that has to come from you. You need to tell him
how much you love him. Let him talk to you. He can't have his boyfriend speaking the words
of one of his best friends at such a serious topic like this."

"Ok, when you get back tell him to meet me at the astronomy tower. Tell him you saw me on
the corridors or something"

"Ok regulus. I wish you luck"

They both walked away heart shattered. Remus felt guilty. He didn't know why, he just did.
And regulus was confused and angry and upset. But he had to compose himself.

"Hey James, I passed regulus in the hallways he said he wants you to meet you in the
astronomy tower. Said it's important."

"Ok. I'll see you guys in a bit"

"Bye prongs. No shagging my little brother"

"I can't promise you anything pads."

As James left remus told everything to sirius. He was upset. He was confused. He felt guilty.
Remus also felt guilty that he told sirius. But it had to be done. Peter would here about it

"Hey reg, what do you want?"

"James you know I love you right."

"Yeah, i love you too"

"James, I mean I really love you. I'm here for you."

"Yeah I know that reg, what up? Are you ok?"

"James I uh. Yesterday when we were hanging out. I saw something. I realised something.
Your uh sleeve pulled up when you were itching it."

James looked panic. His breathing altered. He had done so well to hide it.


"What exactly did you see?"

"I think you know what I saw"

"No I really don't. There is nothing just arm and maybe one or two stick and pokes" he knew
he wasn't hiding it very well but he couldn't think of a proper way to argue against it.

"James stop. If you really want me to say it then I will"

"I think you may need to clarify cuz personally I don't know what your on about"

"Scars. I saw scars. Fresh and old, believe me I know the difference"

"It must have just been cat scratches you know, loads of people have cats"

"You need help, whether it's by me or mcgonagall or whoever"

"I don't need pity"

"It's not pity it's help, that you need. Look I have a school counsellor maybe you can too"

"I don't need help"

"Yes you do"

"No I don't. Look I don't want to argue I just don't"

James' mind was running a mile a minute he was on the verge of breaking down. How could
anyone know? Why was this happening?

"James" regulus said this so calmly and softly that it just made James break down.

Regulus grabbed james' hand and tried to calm him down. But it Wasn't really working so he
pulled him in all the way.

"Reggie, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take it all anymore. Everyone around me was having
such a hard time and I felt bad. Then me and you dating got out so I got outed. An-and I felt
like I was losing control and doing this made me feel... in control." James sobbed into his

"James it's fine okay. Your feelings are valid. Please don't try and make them invalid. I fully
understand things were difficult and I just want to help you"

"Thank you reggie"

They sat in silence for a bit. James curled up in his boyfriends arms.

"James. It's ok if not but, can I see?"

James got nervous but he knew that regulus would see eventually anyway. He rolled up his
sleeves and it was littered with scars both red and white.

"James, oh my god. When did you start?"

They were both on the verge of tears.

"Last summer at home."

"What do you use?"

"Whatever sharp objects I can find really. Sharpeners mostly"

"Okay, I'm going to help you ok. I don't want you dying on me. I love you too much and you
have such a great life ahead. James please let me help you"

"You can help me. I love you reg"

"I love you to James. I have to tell you something though. remus knows and by now he's
probably told Sirius and Peter. Please don't get mad. I needed help on how to approach you
about it."
"It's fine. They probably would've found out eventually"

"Okay we need to go back they are probably expecting us back soon. Before we do though
please come to me whenever you feel like doing it. Or sirius and remus and Peter are there
for you."

"I will do don't worry"

They headed back to the gryffindor common room. Everyone was pretty much used to seeing
regulus coming in and out of this houses area since they got outed. James was very anxious to
face his mates. He worried they would see him as less of a man.

They entered the dorms and it looked like sirius had been crying. They had already started
making a box of sharp items in the dorm to keep away from him.

"Hey guys"

"James I'm sorry. I should've noticed sooner"

"Pads it's ok. There was a point to why I wanted no one to know"

"James we are here for you. We will also be trying to help. We have created a box of the
known sharp items in the Dorm. Peter did some research on this and we found out that most
people relapse and we don't want you to do that. We don't want any more trips to Madame
pomfrey than necessary. But please talk to one of us"

"Thanks guys I appreciate it."

"It's ok prongs. But if you have any sharp objects you use please can you hand them over"

James started walking towards his side table, hesitant at first, and opened the bottom drawer.
He just took the drawer out and placed it on remus' bed. Everyone gasped at the amount of
objects were in there. Remus picked them all up and dumped them into the box.

"Thank you. For everything"

"Prongs. We are going to have to tell McGonagall about this. You need help. And we need to
get these checked for infections."

" I'm fine I've got you guys and I don't think they are infected"

"James. You know that we have to tell her."

" she will tell my parents"

"Because you are endangering yourself"

"I'm not. It doesn't even hurt that much"

"That's the most concerning part"

"Whatever she just doesn't need to know"

"I'm putting my foot down now. We are telling her you are getting help end of" sirius had
been quiet for so long but he had to. James would listen.

"We were thinking of going to see her now. But you don't have to go james. Regulus and me
can go, you can wait here"

"Ok then I'll wait here with sirius and Peter."

Regulus gave James a kiss goodbye and went with remus to her office.

They knocked on her door and she opened it with a confused look.

"Hello remus. Hello regulus. What can I do for you two?"

" we need to talk to you, it's serious"

"Ok remus. The two of you please come in"

" thanks"

They all sat down and McGonagall ordered them some tea but they declined knowing they
won't be there long.

" okay what's this about?"

"Well, how do I say this? Me and James were together the other day and while I was reading
he um scratched his arm and a bit of his sleeve rose up. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw
this and there were scars along his arms. You had to know he needs help. He won't go if we
tell him."

McGonagall looked hurt. Like she'd just found out her dog died. Of course the marauders
annoyed her but she also had a special place for them in her heart and secretly favoured them.

"We have made a box of all potential weapons from our dorm to keep away from him"

"Thank you for informing me about this. Please can you get James and I will take him to the
hospital wing."

"Yes I'll bring him here in a minute"

"Thank you regulus"

They headed to go get James to see that the three of them were laughing and joking around.

"Hey james come on, McGonagall wants to take you to the hospital wing"

James looked devastated. Secretly he knew this would happen and sort of hoped it would
They headed back to McGonagalls office. Everyone was quite confused about all the
comings and going of the marauders and regulus. When they got there madam pomfrey was
also stood there.

"Come on James let's take you to the hospital wing, regulus can come with if he wants"

"Please come with reg"

"I will do don't worry."

They headed off to the wing and No one said a word. James and regulus went hand in hand
and didn't separate the whole check up. They did there routine checks and sent James back to
his dorms and regulus back to his dorms. The day had taken an unexpected turn. But James
was relieved, and content. He knew he had a great boyfriend who loved him and he knew that
he was going to get better soon.

Chapter End Notes

I know this isn’t great writing but I didn’t really know what to do. Any recs for what to
write will be appreciated
Chapter Notes

A/N sorry this chapter is shit. I'm working on a big one and I thought I'd release this
while I'm writing the other one

James POV:

I taunts regulus. Lots.

"Hey reggie. Studying are you?"

"Go away potter, and don't call me that"

"where are all your mates?"

"Not here obviously. Where are your friends?"

"Not here. Sirius and remus probably gone to snog and Peter well. We don't question Peter"

"Just piss off potter"

"No, I don't think I will"

"Well then shut up and stop bothering me"

"Okay then"

So i have shut up. But of course I can't stop bothering the youngest black. How about I pass
him notes saying hi and little drawing that move.

"James please stop, I'm trying to study."

"Oh, you called me James did you"

"Oh my god leave me alone or piss off potter. I'm not in the mood for this"

"So when will you be in the mood for this"


"That's unfortunate for you then. It's very fun and easy to piss you off."

"Why me potter? Go bother Evans or someone. Aren't you in love with her?"
"Nah she's a lesbian. And I don't really take a preference to women."

"So your gay"

"No I'm omni. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No im gay"

"Runs in the family"

"Please just leave me alone potter"

"Anyways why wouldn't I talk to you?"

"I'm sure my brother has talked lots of shit about me, thought you'd hate me by now"

"No actually. It's mostly positive. He understands why you did what you did"

"Oh, but please let me study potter"

"Fine ill just sit here"

I'm just staring at regulus. He's pretty. Very pretty.

"Potter why are you staring at me? I thought you said you wouldn't bother me anymore"

"No I said I would just sit here"

"You are so infuriating"

"Yeah. Really?"

"Why are you even here?"

"Got nothing better to do"

"You, James potter, Have nothing better to do than bother your best friends little brother?"

"That's what I said didn't i?"

"Whatever. Just please stop staring at me"

"So what can I do?"

"You can sit there and study or read"

"Nah can't be bothered. Staring at you is better"

He's blushing. It was cute. He's cute. Wait I can't think these things. But he is. It's true.

No POV: sorry for the switch

"I'm done studying anyway. I'll just go"

"Where will you go now?"

"Probably to the lake. Why do you care?"

"Im bored. I want to know you"


"Your mysterious. That makes you interesting"

"Believe me im not that interesting"

"I beg to differ and I'd like to figure that out for myself"

"Whatever. Bye potter"

"Im following you"

"Whatever. Just don't bother me please"

"Oh but I was born to bother you."

"Why me?"

"I told you got nothing better to do"

"Find something better to do"


"What do you have like, a crush on me or something?"


"You are just so infuriating you know that"

"Why, do you like me?"


"So now you're the infuriating one"

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face James"

"Wipe it off yourself. And you called me James again"

"Fine then"
He'd finally had enough. He grabbed James by his collar and certainly wiped that smirk off
his face. He kissed that smile right off james' face. James had no clue how to respond. It took
him a second to realise what was happening. 'Oh oh' he thought. He kissed him back. They
were in the middle of the hallway. When regulus realised this he pulled away.

"So you do like me"

"Shut up potter. Just forget that ever happened"

"But what if I don't want to forget it"

"So you like me"

Silence. James didn't know what to say. He did like him. But he didn't know what to say.

"James. We can forget it happened if you want. I know you are in a difficult situation with my
brother as your best friend"

"Oh fuck him. I don't want to forget it. I don't want it to stop"

"I never took you for a hopeless romantic"

"You'll never meet a bigger one"

"Fair enough"

They just stared at each other for a minute. It was a Saturday so everyone was either in their
dorms or at hogsmeade.

James was sick of the silence so he spoke up.

"Come with me"

"Where are we going James"

"I like that you have started calling me James"

"Where are we going, potter"

"You'll see"

They were on there way to the mysterious location and James grabbed regulus' hand. Regulus
didn't argue against it. James dragged him into a classroom. They were all empty so he chose
the closest one.

"What are we doing here James"

"Continuing what we started earlier"

So they did continue it. For a while. In facts they continued it for approximately 27 minutes.
Regulus got carried away and left a few hickeys on James' neck. James is obviously going to
parade them around.

"Shit james what time is it"

"Uh 4:46 why?"

"Fuck I need to get back to my dorm. I promised Barty to share notes with him"

"Oh okay. When can we meet again?"

"Next Saturday"

"I'll see you in the library at around 3"

"See you then"

As they stepped out the classroom regulus noticed James' neck.

"Uh James. You might want to cover your neck"

"No. I'm going to parade these around"

"How did this even happen?"

"True love finds a way"

"Whatever potter see you later"

They parted ways and they headed back to their dorms.

As James walked through his common room everyone stared. Girls started talking about who
did it and made there conspiracies. But when he walked into his dorm it’s safe to say there
was a freak out.

“Prongs oh my godric what happened”

“What do you mean?”

“Wipe that smirk off your face and tell me what happened right now?”

“I’m pretty sure you know what happened. I mean remus does it to you”

“Shut up prongs”

“Sure thing moony, I’m tired”

“No no no. You don’t get to get away that quickly”

“Hey where’s Peter”

“He’s out with his mystery partner still.”

“Cool, when are we going to meet them do you reckon”

“Stop trying to change the subject. Who was it?”

“I’m pretty sure remus knows. Pester him”

“Remus how do you know?”

“I’ve had a hunch for a while. Is it who I approached you about a few weeks ago”


“James you can’t do that. You know you can’t do that”

“We can actually. We already did as you can see”

“Well I can see that but I mean James. You know you can’t do it”

“Well we are going to see how it pans out”

“He will find out eventually”

“I know. He’ll probably find out today. Might tell him. I don’t think the person will care. It’s
not serious right now. Will be soon though”

“Wait are you talking about me? Why wouldn’t I want to know? It’s not like it’s a slytherin”


“What the actual fuck James. Who is it? Are you shagging sniveluss”

“God no”

“So who then.”

“You will realise eventually”

“Wait tell me one thing. Gender?”


“Wait. WAIT. OH MY GOD James are you fucking my brother”

“Not fucking”

“He’s my little brother. My sweet innocent brother”

“Not so innocent. He is the one who did this”

“No. No. No. We aren’t having this conversation. I want to know zero details.”
“Fine by me”

As regulus walked into his common room no one noticed. But when he got into his dorm it
was a different story.

“Where the fuck have you been?”

“Barty I’ve been Studying”

“Have you been making out with someone”

Regulus just shrugged his shoulder

“Oh god. Tell me the details”

“No can do”

“Why? I’m not going to hate crime you. I am bloody gay too”

“Hey where is evans?”

“Fuck do I know”

“Just asking, anyway you wanted to share notes”

“It’s that potter kid isn’t it”

“You will be a great detective”

“I know”

It did work out in the end
Chapter Summary

Harry was currently waiting to go into his fourth year at Hogwarts. He has 3 weeks left
until he returns. Before he goes back to school he has some, lets say... difficult

Chapter Notes

Modern au but still magical

Harry was currently waiting to go into his fourth year at Hogwarts. He has 3 weeks left until
he returns. Before he goes back to school he has some, lets say... difficult questions.He was
now 14. He didn't act that way, much like his father James. He had a tendency to pull pranks
with his friends and he had disagreements with a horrible slytherin, Also much like his dad.
He was sorted into gryffindor because of how much alike he was to his father.

"Hey dad's"

"Heyyyy hazza"

James was still quite childish, even in his 30's. Regulus did try to help him mature but had no
luck. Secretly he loves the childishness of his partner.

"Hello Harry, you need to stop waking up at 2 o'clock in the after noon. You won't thank
yourself when you go back to school"

"Yeah yeah whatever. What we up to today?"

"Well we don't really have anything planned. Is there anything you want to do?"

"Can I go to uncle Siri's"

"Sure I'll call pads now"

"Ok James, and you're already on the phone"

It didn't take long for sirius to answer. Never does really. He's generally got nothing going on
unless it involves his mates. Unfortunately not Peter at the moment as he was off touring
Europe after winning tickets for it in a bingo.
"Hello padfoot"

"Yo prongs. You good man?"

"Yeah yeah. Haz wants to come over"

"Of course he wants to come over to see his favourite uncle"

"When's good?"

"Now if you want. Moons cleaned yesterday so it looks nice for once"

"Ok I'll floo him over now"

"Right see ya"

Sirius was quite happy about this. It got sirius away from having to help moony renovate the
house. He didn't think it needed it. The house was perfectly fine I'm his eyes. Remus just
wanted to clean it up a bit and make it look nicer and more homely.

"Harry, your uncle said you can go now. moony cleaned the house so there house is clean for

"nice, ill see yous in a bit. by dads"

"be home by 5"

"will do papa"

Harry has always called regulus papa. When harry was a baby and his dads were trying to
choose what name harry would call each of them to separate them, James asked what regulus
called his father. Because he and his family often spoke French he ended up calling his father
papa. Harry heard that word and from then on related it to regulus.

"hey siri, what do you want to do today?"

"first i need to tell remus youre here then see if wants to do anything"


Sirius went through the hallway to go out up to the stairs and try and find remus.


"yes padfoot"

"oh there you are"

"yes, i told you i was quickly fixing the banister"

"did you? doesnt matter, harrys here"

"what are you guys doing today?"

" i was coming to see if you wanted to come with or do anything specific."

"well i need to go to the garden centre so you can sit in the cafe and have coffee and cake"

"awesome, lets go."

"HAZZA we are going to the garden centre"

"i come here to have fun not go round a garden centre"

"we are going to the cafe, moony is going round the garden centre"

"how can you be in love with someone so boring"

"well he didnt use to be so boring. he used to be the prank master"

"Well something has definitely changed then. Before I go back to school you have to give me
some pranks to do. That Draco kid still needs to be humbled massively"

"Wait that's cissy's kid. Of course he's a plonker, he's half black half Malfoy"

"Hey I'm half black"

"I'm full black"


"But remember I'm the good one, I don't associate with it"

"Papa is good"

"Didn't use to be"

"I know"

"Let's go"

"Yes, come on uncle moony let's go"


"ill see you two at the cafe in a bit. harry what time do you need to be home?"

"i think papa said 5"

"i knew reggie was going to be the stingy parent"

"Whatever you say siri, see you later"

Much to Harry's disgust remus gave sirius a Kiss goodbye, then left.

"You alright harry?"

"Not after seeing that"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Old people kissing is weird"

"I'm not old"

"You are"

"I'm only in my 30's"

"Yeah old"

"Whatever you say harry, let's go"

They walked to the cafe in the middle of the outside area of the garden centre. Plants and
trees were growing around it making it look really pretty. They got in and surprisingly there
was no queue.

"ok harry what do you want?"

"can i have uhhhhh, an iced coffee and a donut"

"Aren't you too young for coffee"

"You are my uncle not one of my dads, I'm not too young with you"

"Fair enough, ok two iced coffees, a donut and a brownie please"

"ten pounds please"

"here ya go"

"sit where you want. we'll find you"

"ok thanks"

"which table do you want haz"

"that one"
He picked a table in the corner of the room away from everyone else. they walked over and
sat down.

"So harry, how's life?"

"Um I don't know. Good I guess"

"What's up?"

"People at school say things and i keep thinking about it"

harry had an inquisitive look on his face.

"harry whats wrong?"

Whilst Sirius is a childish person he does know when he can't joke around and needs to get

"i have two questions"


"why do people say being gay is bad?"

"honestly i dont know how to answer that question. its a confusing subject. i think most
homophobic people are actually gay, its just internalised homophobia. why do you ask? were
people at school mean about your dads"

" good theory and well sort of. they think its weird i dont have a mum at home and dont know
who my mum is. They say everyone needs a mum and a dad and having two dads is strange.
which leads me to my next question. who is my mum?"

"you dont have a mum."

"everyone has a mum"

"not everyone. you dont"


"well, i dont know if your parents will want me to tell you if they havent already"

"will i ever know"

"ask them later, when you go home?"

"ok I will do."

"two iced coffees a donut and a brownie."

"yep thats us, thank you"

"no problem"

"i probably should have ordered moony a cake. oh well"

"he wont be happy, he loves his chocolate cake"

"he can order when he gets here"

"he can"

"so, haz. hows your secret partner? will you ever tell me who they are?"

"well i would but you will probably freak out and tell me in just like dad"

"why would i freak out"

"Because James did the same thing to you and you told me that if I ever did they same thing
you would freak out"

It didn't take sirius long to figure it out.

"Wait, oh god you really are like james arent you. You're best friends little sibling. I'm not
upset. Just disappointed"

"Oh don't hit me with that line"

"I will hit you with that line"

"Oh godric. Don't get started"

"Fine then, I won't. Anyway, There's remus"

"Hey uncle moony"

"Hello harry. Are you two ready to go or not?"

"No we just got our drinks and food, sorry forgot to get you something"

"It's fine, hurry up and finish your drinks. One of Your dad called said you need to be home at
4 now because you didn't clean your room"

"How long do we have then?"

"Well it takes 15 minutes to get back so you'll get 15 minutes at home before you go. Or we
can go straight to your house. That's a 30 minute walk"

"Uhhhhh. Let's just go back to mine"

"Okay finish your drinks now, you can have your donut and brownie on the way back to your
So they did down there drinks. Truth be told they were a little scared of remus. When he said
something you did it. They were only scared of him because of his height. He was already
quite tall in hogwarts, around 6"1. But then he started testosterone, It had to be a special kind
since he was a werewolf, and then he grew more making him 6"5. Sirius was 5"9 and harry
was 5"8 so it was intimidating.

"Okay let's get going"

"Moons what did you actually buy"

"Nothing, they didn't have what I was looking for"

"So what we're you looking for?"

"I was looking for baby's breath seeds"

"That's such a pretty flower"

"I know, that's why I was looking for them"

"Fair enough"

"Please don't kiss again. You're looking at each other like your going too"

"Aww how sweet, my nephew knows my facial expressions"

They kissed anyway.


"The more you have a reaction the more we will kiss"

Sirius kissed remus on the cheek in protest to Harry's protests.

"Sirius don't make him suffer. I'm sure he sees enough kissing at home"

"Yes I do and let's talk about something else. Remus can you tell me some of the pranks you
pulled on the slytherins when you were in school"

"Why do you need to know that?"

"Because sirius said you were good at pranking people and Draco needs to be humbled

"You are aware that he is like, what your second or third cousin"

"I don't care, he talked bad about my dads specifically papa, said he betrayed the family. And
keeps calling hermione a horrible name."

"Well, Draco sounds stupid"

"He is. That's not even like a quarter of the things he's done"

"Well, I don't know report him"

"That won't do anything"

"Tell McGonagall. Tell her they were talking bad about your dads, she loved James. She will
do something"

"I'll try it, but I need back up options as well. Please tell me one of the pranks you pulled. At
least one and how you did it"

"Okay I'll tell you one. Don't mention I told this to your papa. Sirius you can step in and add
anything you want. Which prank should I tell him about?"

"How about the first prank we pulled? After finding prongs invisibility cloak and that book
on weird spells. You have that harry don't you?"

"I do. Tell me more"

"Fine then. So it was probably the best prank I ever came up with"

"Oh it absolutely was"

"So we were practising a new spell that we had heard about in a book. It was to have a rain
cloud over someone's head for a selected amount of time. So we chose our victim and did
that. He did not have a great reaction and it isolated him more than he already was. He
deserved it. He had to carry round an umbrella everywhere."

"It was so funny"

"We snook into his dorm room one morning with the invisibility cloak and did the spell. Not
a fun wake up for him. At least he had a shower for once"

"Who did you do it to?"

"Remus can I tell him"

"Yes but harry you have to promise you can't mention it to him"

"I promise"

"It was Snape"

"Oh my godric that's amazing. Is that why he doesn't like me?"


"But that is a great idea. Im going to have to tell Ron about this"

"Great. Owl me when you do it"

"I will do"

"Harry please be careful, don't want you getting excluded"

"McGonagall loved my dad she won't exclude me"

"Fair point"

They carried on walking Harry's house having conversations along the way about random
things. Sirius had gotten hyper from the brownie and harry was a child so he was almost
always hyper. They got to the door and knocked on.

"Hello regulus we are here to return your son"

"Thank you remus. You need to go clean your room mister"

"Yes papa"

"Bye harry"

"Bye moony and padfoot"

Harry ran up the stairs to start 'cleaning' his room. In reality he was probably just going to
hang out with hedwig. He could do it later.

"James, sirius and remus are here"

"I heard. Hello padfoot, hello moony. What did you guys do today?"

"Me and harry went to the garden centre cafe and remus walked around"

"How did you fall in love with someone so boring?"

"Harry asked the same question"

"Like father like son"

"Very true"

Remus and regulus had started a different conversation at this point leaving James and sirius
to catch up for a minute.

"Hey Siri we need to get going."

"Yeah yeah."

They turned to walk away when sirius remembered the conversation earlier with Harry.

"Oh uh reggie"

"Don't call me reggie"

"Whatever, Harry asked me something today and he's going to ask you soon. I'm just warning

Regulus and James shared a concerned look.

"What did he ask?"

"Well he asked who his mum is."

"What did you say?"

"I said that he didn't have one so he replied everyone has a mum. I told him not everyone
does and to ask you guys about it later. I didn't want to out you to him or anything"

"I knew this conversation would happen sooner or later. Thanks sirius"

"No problem. See you later"

"Bye pads, bye moony"

They walked away and James and regulus closed the door. Moony liked to walk close to a
full moon so they didn't asked for floo power.

"Reg it'll be okay."

"What do I tell him?"

"The truth"

"Yeah, I need to start cooking. You go do whatever. I need to think"

"Okay. It'll be okay reg don't worry"

He kissed regulus on the head. That's how James showed comfort. It started because that's
how his mother euphemia showed comfort. It just carried on to him.

James went to the living room to watch whatever was on the TV for around 45 minutes until
regulus yelled for him and harry.


Harry started running down the stairs into the kitchen. James started running from the lounge.

"Harry stop running down the stairs"

"Yes papa"

"Don't be sarcastic with me"

"Haha I don't have to stop Running"

"James you too"

They both rolled their eyes at regulus.

"No fun"

It was a simple dinner. It was spaghetti Bolognese, in regulus' word 'done the right way'. The
regular British way included stock and some other disgusting think but regulus used herbs
and proper tomato sauce.

"Harry have you actually been cleaning your room?"

"Yeah yeah, I have"

"You aren't good at lying"

"I tried, Dad pass me the cheese"

They carried on like a normal dinner, small talk and eating, Regulus telling the other two
boys not to talk with their mouthful. They loved there little family.

They started to clean up and wash the dishes.

"So what did you do with your uncles."

"Well remus walked around the garden centre looking for something and sirius and I sat in
the cafe until we had to go"

"Did you get anything from the cafe?"

"Yeah we get drinks and a treat"

"Nice, sounds like a good afternoon"

"Yeah. I uhhh. I have a question"

"Do you want dad here too or do you want to talk to me?"

"I'll just talk to you"

"Ok so what's your question?"

"Well. Um people at school say it's strange that I have two dads. They say I should have a
mum. Who is my mum?"

"Harry you don't have a mother. Two dads"

"Ok I understand and fully register that you two are my parents. I know I have two dads. I
mean like who is my mum. Who birthed me?"

"Harry. I birthed you."

"How? Your not a girl"

"Well, I used to be a girl. Have you ever heard of something called transgender?"

"Yeah I have, I saw it online."

"Well I am transgender. That's why you have never seen child photos of me."

"Oh okay"

"Are you upset? Disappointed?"

"Kinda, I thought it would be cool to have some awesome and emotional journey to finding
my mother but turns out I already know my birth-giver"

Regulus was glad they could laugh about it. He was nervous for his sons reaction but
thankfully it was a good one. He was happy. Finally happy. No more secrets or lies.


As James and regulus headed upstairs to go to bed they nicked on Harry's door to say

"Night harry"

"Night papa, night dad"

"Make sure you clean your room."

"Sure thing papa"

"You know he's not going to do it right?"

"Yeah I know. I'll whip around in there tomorrow"

"Ok then reg"

They got inside and starting changing there clothes.

"Potter I can feel your eyes on me. One day you will be deemed a perv"

"Sure thing reg."

"You are still staring"

"And you are very very very pretty"

"And you are very very very handsome"

"I know"
James has always had so much pride in himself. He knows how handsome he is, how funny
he is, how lively he is. But he made sure everyone believes in themselves too. He always
makes that regulus knew how pretty is and how stunning he and how kind he is and always
reassured him that he is man, will always be a man. For this regulus is very grateful.

"How did the conversation with Harry go?"

"It went really well. It was funny actually"


"He said he was disappointed he couldn't go on a long emotional journey to find his mother
because he already knows his birth-giver"

"I told you it would go well"


"For what"

"Being here. I don't know what I would've done with myself if harry reacted badly"

"It's ok. I'm always here for you. I love you"

"I love you too"


"How did we land on the name harry? I have no recollection of it"

"Probably because you were very high. After giving birth the doctors out you on pain meds
and they gave you a bit much. The doctors name was harry and you said something like that
man is a hero the name will be harry"

"That's so embarrassing"

"I think it was cute"

"Of course you did"

"Good night reg"

"Night James"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

They exchanged a kiss before turning the bedside lamps off and tucking into bed. Today was
a good day for all of them. Harry got his answers, regulus didn't have to lie anymore, sirius
got to spend an afternoon with his godson/nephew and he managed to avoid an awkward
question and James got an afternoon to himself. Well it didn't work out for remus, he didn't
get his seeds.
Chapter Summary

Regulus commits suicide. He has written james a letter.


"Dear diary

He chose her. He said he regrets it but I don't think he does. She's Gorgeous, smart, funny and
a girl. Unfortunately we don't live in a world we would be accepted. But we also don't live in
a world where no one has an unrequited love. I knew it was only a fling but I let myself in too
deep. I let my walls fall. I kept my heart open. It was a mistake. a mistake I will never make

Now here I am. In front of the dark Lord telling him how great he is and how much I want to
become a death eater next year. I don't really want to. I want to be free. I want to be good. I
want him. But I'll never get him. This is my option. This is my way out, to forget him and
move on. Though Pandora says I'll never truly move on. The sad thing is that I believe her.

I've become closer to remus lately. I asked him about James and lily. He said they were happy
and I zoned out the rest of that. I'm thinking of telling him about our fling but I can't talk
about it without bursting into tears.

It hurts to see him. It hurts to hear him. It hurts to remember him. It hurts to see him with her.

My favourite moment was the day he first kissed me. We became friends from prefect duties
much to sirius' dislike. We were doing our duties when he said he said he had to tell me
something. He told me he thinks I'm pretty and really kind. He liked the way I smelled and
my snarky sarcastic comments. I said I like him too and listed of things I like about him.
Then he kissed me. It felt like a million butterflies were flying in my stomach. It felt like
fireworks on my lips. It felt like love. It felt like it lasted forever but not nearly long enough.
Now it feels like death. Like glass shattering in my heart. It feels like pain and suffering. It
feels worse than the cruciatus curse.

I need to move on. I'm slowly killing myself. I haven't eaten properly in a while and my new
best friend is a sharpener. My two friends are worried about me. How adorable. I couldn't
care less.

I can't escape pain. From myself. From my family. From past lovers.

It hurts
Too much

I don't think I can do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to go back to
school and see him with her then be hated on by everyone except the people I hate. It's all too

So James. I know you will probably end up being given this from my brother or someone. So
I love you. I have done for a while.

I love you James potter and I know you don't love me back. So be with her. Treat her well. Be
nice. Do good in the world.

Well I guess this is goodbye world.

Sincerely R.A.B" tears flooded down James' face as he finished the last sentence. His heart
became broken that very moment. "But I do love you regulus. I always did love you. I always
will love you."

Turns out the unrequited love wasn't an unrequited love until regulus committed suicide and
left James without a love.

He did go on and marry lily. He did what regulus asked of him. They had a kid. Harry. James
never forgot regulus. But he carried on. All the memories still in his heart.
Better than him
Chapter Notes

Sorry if it’s a bit cringey

James and regulus were a Cliche. The ‘jock’ quidditch player that girls pined over and
regulus the opposite, a nerd that girls pined over. They were opposites. Gryffindor and
slytherin. That didn’t stop them.

Everyone found out that they were dating last year when James was in 6th year and regulus
was in 5th year. Sirius wasn’t happy at first. He actually punched James but then came
around to it. He trusted James. He was his best friend. Most Girls weren’t happy either, nor
were the small percent of boys who were gay for either one of them.

It was around November when they decided to split up for a bit. James got caught up in
pranks and regulus was jealous of his friends that spent 24/7 with him. They both regretted it
but were too awkward to reconcile.

Everyone feared playing quidditch with james. He became aggressive. Other teams keepers
were terrified during games and sirius was scared during practice. James distanced himself
from his friends for a week and then returned back to them to plan a prank on slytherin. He
didn’t want it to be too aggressive because he didn’t want to hurt regulus but he kind of
wanted to because he missed him and was angry at the break up. They didn’t do any more
pranks and James often zoned out. His grades were slipping too.

Regulus got kicked from the quidditch team because he refused to play against gryffindor.
Regulus didn’t take the break up well. He was no longer known as a nerd. He was very
different. He started to wear eyeliner and styled his clothes better to seem more attractive. It
worked and he began sleeping with everyone who asked. Girl, boys, enbies. Everyone. He
started smoking and mostly kept himself to himself. He became known as the ‘slytherin slut’.
James didn’t like this, he still felt possessive towards the younger boy.

After around a month of this Barty finally decided to make his move. Barty asked regulus out
and regulus said yes to a date in hogsmeade. James obviously became jealous from this and
asked Phoebe Dawson (the seeker of gryffindor) on a date and she said yes. She knew it was
to make regulus jealous but she didn’t care, honestly she wanted them back together. It was
better for the team.

The two pairs were now in the three broomsticks. Sat on opposite sides of the pub.
“James, are you alright?”
“I’m Fine, how are you?” James was obviously not alright. His jaw was set, nose was flared
and he was focused. Focused on one person.

“I’m ok. James I know this is to get back at regulus. I think you should get back together with

“He broke up with me”

“Go to him. Talk to him. He might say yes”

“But what if he doesn’t”

“He will. Everyone can tell. James I’m speaking as your friend, the breakup was not good for
either of you, you were better together”

“I-I- I can’t. He obviously didn’t want to be with me. He’s better off without me”

“You know that’s not true James”

“Let’s go find the others. They’ll probably be at zonko’s”


“Regulus are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine.”


They sat in silence for a minute. Regulus was staring at James talking with his date.

“Regulus. I like you yknow. I really do”


“Do you like me back?”

Regulus didn’t reply. He didn’t want to make Barty feel bad but he didn’t like him.

“Regulus did you hear me?”

“Yeah I did. Um well I’m not sure. Why don’t we start going out and I’ll decide if I like you
or not”

Barty shouldn’t be okay with this but strangely he was. He got regulus so he was happy.
Although to regulus he saw it more as friends with benefits.

“Do you reckon his date is going well?”

“Can we please not talk about your ex on a date”

“Sorry I forgot it was a date”

“It’s fine, I think it may be going well. Look they just left”

“Oh. I need the toilet, I’ll be back in a minute”

“Okay. I’ll order another drink”

Regulus walked into a stall and sunk to the floor. He started to cry. He didn’t want the date to
go well, he didn’t want to go out with Barty, he didn’t want to break up. He eventually went
back to his table and carried on his date with Barty.


“Hey guys.”

“Hey prongs, how was the date?”

“I’m going to try get back with regulus”

This took the other marauders a second to register. It took them by surprise.

“O-oh when?”

“Tonight. I can’t deal without him anymore”

“I’m happy for you prongs.”

“Don’t be yet. He hasn’t said yes”

“He will do”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know my brother. He wouldnt act out like he has unless something was up. Only
thing that changed was the breakup. He missed you. He’s upset about the breakup”

“So why did he go on a date?”

“To make you jealous. Same reason you went out with Phoebe”


“Come on James let’s go back to the castle. We have home work to finish”

“Ok then”

James didn’t do any homework. He just thought about what to say to regulus. Every night
regulus goes up to the astronomy tower to do whatever he does. James spies on him with the
marauders map, though he’ll never admit to it.
Nightfall came and James grabbed his invisibility cloak. He started heading towards the
astronomy tower. Luckily for him it wasn’t that far away from gryffindor tower. It took him
around 5 minutes to get the the top of the tower.

Regulus was sat by the edge smoking a cigarette looking at the stars. James stood there for a
couple of minutes building the courage to speak.


Regulus turned around and stood up after seeing it was James.

“Hello potter”



James was thinking of how to say way he wanted to say.

“Spit it out then”

“Well. I don’t know how to say this”

“Just say it”

“I miss you regulus. God I really fucking miss you”

James walked closer the where regulus was stood.

“Regulus. I still love you. I want you”

“Seems like you knew exactly what to say”


“Im going out with Barty now”


James clenched his fists. He was getting angry but he tried to keep calm.

“Well we went on a date”

“Is that right?”

“James step back”

“Why should I? I mean I know you want me back. Just admit it reg”

“Don’t call me that”

“So your not denying it?”

No reply. James chuckled to himself and smirked at regulus. Regulus had, had enough. He
grabbed James’ jumper and pinned him to the wall kissing the smirk off his face.

“Well I like this”

“Shut up James”

They went back to kissing. It was passionate and lust-filled. It was as if they’d been touch
starved for years.

“I really missed you James. I love you so much”

“What about Barty?”

“Forget him”

“Did you sleep with him?”

“Regrettably yes. He’s not very good”

James grabbed regulus and swapped the rolls making regulus against the wall with James
above him.

“I could be a better boyfriend than him, I can do the shit that he never did”

“God you are so hot”

“I know”

They stayed there for another hour making out. They both got a bit carried away leaving
hickeys along each other’s necks and collar bones.

The next morning James woke up and remembered last night and felt over the moon. He slept
shirtless so when he got up everyone in the dorm could see his hickeys. James was the last
one awake so everyone was dressed and ready for the day.

“Oh my god James. I take it went well”

“Oh god my brother did that put a shirt on”

“It went amazing. I have a boyfriend again”

“I’m happy for you”

“Thanks moony. And I’ve put a shirt on sirius you can come out from behind moony”

“You can still see them on your neck”

“Oh well. Just don’t look. I’m going to find regulus I said I’d meet him, see you at breakfast”


James walked down to the common room and when people noticed the hickeys they all stared
at him. He was proud of regulus for his work. Much like he was proud of himself for his
work and he hasn’t even seen it. He got to the agreed meeting spot a little bit late so regulus
was already there.

“Why are you always late?”

“Not always”


“Maybe so”

“Barty wasn’t happy”

“I didn’t think he’d be”

“He wouldn’t speak to me”

“I’m sorry reg”

“Don’t be. He’s a bit of a jerk”

James laughed at that. It was true but hearing it from regulus was strange because Barty was
his best friend.

“Come here james”

James walked over the regulus and kissed him.

“You do realise everyone is going to be talking about us again reg”

“Let them”

“I know I said it last night but that eyeliner really works for me”

“Good because it’s not going anywhere”

“Let’s get to breakfast. Sit with me”


They walked into the hall hand in hand. Everyone’s eyes were on them and people starting
whispering and talking about them.

“Hello brother”
“Hello regulus. Are you going to start sitting with us again?”


“Okay then”

“Hey remus, how are you doing?”

“I’m doing good regulus. I’m happy that you are back together”

“Thank you. Where Peter?”

“He went to the library”

“Ah okay”

Some of the girls from gryffindor walked over to where the couple were sitting.

“Are you guys back together?”


James looked at regulus.

“Yes we are”
Together, always
Chapter Notes

A/N I am trans and I just imagined what I would do if this would happen to me. It's not
edited yet.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Regulus hadn't been feeling well for the last few months. Remus grew very concerned as they
had gotten quite close over the last year. Regulus was throwing up every morning. He
complained his back hurt more than usual and he was gaining weight.

Remus decided to take it up with madam pomfrey.

"Hello remus. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. Do you have a question or something? It's still a week to the full moon"

"I have a question but it's not about me."

"Okay, go ahead"

"Well my friends hasn't been feeling well. Back aches more than usual, gaining weight and
throwing up loads. Is it like a disease or something?"

"Can you tell me who this person is?"

"It's regulus black"

"Well dear. There is a few things it could be. It could be a virus or it could be pregnancy"


"Do you know any more of his symptoms?"

"Well he seems to be more emotional. He's missed quidditch a few times because he said he's
got 'motion sickness' but I don't really think there is anything else"

"We'll dear. This sounds like pregnancy. Is there any way you could get him in here to get

"I'll have to talk to him first and then I have no clue"

"Well I'll have one ready if you can bring him in. It will be for the best"

"Thank you madam pomfrey"

"No problem remus, and remember if you feel ill up until the full moon come straight to me"

"I will do, I'll see you soon"

"No problem"

Remus was confused but the more he thought about it, the more it fit. How would he tell the
news to regulus? He was acting like he was the pregnant one and regulus was the father. He
decided to ask sirius about how to approach difficult topics with him first when he got to the
common room.

"Hey Pads can I talk to you quickly please"

"Yeah sure one sec"

Sirius got up and followed remus to the dorms.

"Are you alright moony?"

"Yeah. im just going to get into it. How would you approach regulus about a serious topic
which will make probably him upset?"

"Is regulus alright?"

"I'm not sure really but something is up and I know what it is. I just don't know how to
approach him about it"

"Moony what's up with my brother?"

"I'm not sure I can't tell you right now. He can tell you. Just tell me how to approach him."

"Well. Get into a conversation. A normal one and then sort of bring up the topic and talk to
him about it"

"Okay, thanks."

Remus went to get some parchment and a quill to write to regulus saying to meet up.

"Remus. Is my brother okay? I deserve to know"

"Im not sure I can tell you"

"Remus he's my little brother Tell me please. I won't say anything. I'm just going to worry
until I find out."

"I think he's pregnant"

"W-what no not regulus. He can't be knocked up. surely he's not that stupid. How do you

"All the symptoms are there. Sirius you can't say anything"

"I won't. I'll pretend I don't know. Do you know who the other dad is? I mean you know him
better than I do"

"I think I know"


"Sirius, I can't tell you. He's not out yet"

"Fine, I'll find out soon enough anyway"

Remus owled regulus telling him to meet up in the library. He said it was urgent.

Remus started heading towards the library thinking of what to say. Regulus started heading
there as soon as he got the owl. He made an excuse that he forgot something in the library the
day before because his friends don't like the fact he's friends with the marauders.

"Hey remus what's up?"

"Fuck it I'm just going to tell you"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh Merlin. Regulus I think uh"


"I think you're pregnant" remus whispered this even though he knew no one would be around
on a Saturday afternoon.

Regulus looked really confused. But the more he thought about it, the more the pieces fit.

"Maybe I am"

"We can go get tested okay. I think we need to regulus"

"Y-yeah. When can we do it? I don't want to wait to find out, I need to know now before I
panic too much"

"we can go now"

"Okay let's go"

They started walking towards the hospital wing and regulus was really nervous. What was he
going to do if he was pregnant? they walked in silence both unsure of what to say.
They arrived and remus went to Madame pomfrey.

"Hello remus"

"He's here"

"Oh okay. Give me one second"

Remus went back to where regulus was sat panicking.

"Regulus, calm down okay"

"Oh god remus why do I have to be trans?"

"Who knows? Same struggles here"

"At least your not potentially pregnant"

"Okay mr black to do this test I'm going to need one of your hairs. If the liquid inside turns
purple then it is positive and if it turns black it's negative. Any other colour then it's


Regulus tugged at his hair and passed one of the strands to the nurse.

"Okay I'll leave you two here"

Remus and regulus sat in silence for two minutes. Regulus had covered the test with a cloth
so he didn't see right away.

"How long till it's done?"

"I think around 2 minutes so it's probably done"

"I'm too nervous to check, you do it"

"Regulus it's okay. Whatever the result is you can change it"

Regulus said nothing. He just looked at the cloth-covered potion too anxious to move. After a
minute he reached his hand out over the cloth and gripped it.

"You can do it regulus"

He listed the cloth and underneath the potion was a lavender shade of purple. Regulus burst
out crying and sunk into remus.

"Remus I can't do this"

"You don't have to have it"

"I don't know if I want to get rid of it I can't make that decision"

"Yes you can"

"I cant"

"Tell the other father. He might want to have input. Although at the end of the day it's your
body your choice"

"I can't tell him"

"Yes you can. And I-uh I think I know who it is. The father i mean. if its who i think it is then
he wont care"

Regulus separated from remus' grip and sat up looking away from remus. He knew remus
would figure it out.

"What if he doesn't like me anymore"

"James won't love you any less because you got pregnant."

"How do i tell him?"

"I don't know but you need to do it sooner rather than later"

"I'm going to tell him tonight"

"Are you sure? you dont have to rush into telling"

"It needs to be done, he deserves to know when I know and besides ill probably chicken out
if i dont do it now"

"It'll be ok regulus. Don't worry about it"

"I'll try not too"

After a while madam pomfrey came and had a conversation with regulus about his options.
He said he didn't know which was perfectly fine. Then he and remus walked out and started
heading to the dining hall as it was dinner time.

"Remus please can you tell James to come to the astronomy tower after dinner please."

"yeah thats fine, ill see you tomorrow"

they walked over to their respective house tables and sat down.

"hey prongs, go to astronomy tower after food. regulus wants to see you, its important" remus
whispered this to james when everyone else was distracted. james just looked at remus with
alarmed eyes.

"wait how? what? how?"

"i figured it out. but anyway he wants to meet at astronomy tower after food."

"ok thanks for telling me"

after that the boys went back to their regular joking around until the end of dinner.

"right boys, i shall be back shortly"

"where you going prongs"


"fine then ill interrogate you when your back"

"sure thing padfoot"

james started walking towards the astronomy tower. he was confused as to why they were
meeting up now as opposed to at night but was excited at the eagerness. when he got there
regulus wasnt yet so he sat down looking out over the hogwarts grounds.

"hey james"

"reg are you ok?"

"yeah.... no"

"hey whats wrong?"

regulus started crying.

"regulus please tell me whats up"

"james i dont want you to like me any less"

"reg i love you, nothing could make me love you any less"

"i uh im pregnant"

"what? how? well i know how but wait what"

regulus just sat in silence. what was he supposed to say now? tears were streaming down his

"are you keeping it?"

" dont know"

"well whatever you do im here for you"

"thank you james"

"can we tell people? not everyone just close friends"

"ye sure. please tell sirius for me i dont want to"

"are you sure?"


"ok then"

"What do you want to do?"

"It's not my choice"

"But I don't know what to do"

"I don't know if I'm supposed to help you. It's your body, your choice"

"I know that James. Just tell me what you want"

"I don't know, having a kid would be cool, but we are still in school and I don't want you to
get dysphoric"

"That wasn't much help"

"I'm sorry, whatever you decide to do I'm right behind you"

"Thanks, ive got to go now, meet me tomorrow at 11 in the library."

"ok, see you then"

they both got up and started heading towards the door when james grabbed regulus' hands
and kissed him.

"together, always"

"yeah together, always."

they parted ways, regulus was relieved and james was anxious. how would he tell sirius?
james got back to the common room and ignored everyone around him and walked straight
up to the dorms where the other three marauders were laughing and eating chocolate frogs.

"heyyy prongs"

when sirius looked up he saw james faces. it looked very confused and shocked.

"james are you okay"

"sirius, i uh"

"james you dont have to tell him"

"we all know i do moony, he wanted me to tell him"

"tell me what? peter do you know what there on about"


"sirius please dont kill me after i say this"

"why would i want to kill you?"

"because i got your brother pregnant"

sirius' face changed drastically.

"james what the fuck? is he keeping it? will you be there? was it like a one night stand? My
baby brother?"

"i dont know. i will and no we are together like bofriends"

"im happy for you james"

"thanks pete"

"What did you say when he asked if you want it?"

"How did you know he was going to ask?"

"I gave him the idea because he doesn't know what to do do"

"Oh fair enough, we'll I said his body his choice, would be cool to have a kid but we are in
school and don't want him to feel dysphoric"

"That won't help him much"

"I know"

Sirius was sat on his bed zoned out. He was confused, shocked and relieved. He was happy it
was James' and not some random slytherin but it's his real brother and his fake brother.

"Hey sirius you ok?"

"Yeah Pete I am"

"Might want to zone back in soon"

"Yeah, yeah I will"

"Hey at least it's not some random slytherin"

"I was just thinking that"

"You trust James right?"

"Yeah I do"

"Be supportive"

"I will do, I just don't know how long it will take to get me head around"

"Regulus might not keep it so you might not need to get your head around it"

Remus chimed in, "What are you two talking about?"


"Padfoot im sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen"

"Well it's too late now"

"Yeah I know, but I really didn't mean for it to happen"

"I know James. I trust you"

"Thanks pads"

"Now for the big brother talk"

"Oh god, please help me"

"If you dare leave my brother, hurt my brother, force my brother to do anything and do
anything bad to my brother you are dead to me. Okay?"

"I won't don't worry. I love him"

"How much?"

"What does that mean?"

"How much do you love him"

"a bloody fucking lot"

"Fine, good"

The next morning James woke up still confused as ever but also worried. Was regulus going
to be okay? What is he going to do? What if he keeps it? What will happen?
Questions raced through his head at a mile a minute until he was interrupted.

"James are you okay?"

"Yeah Pete"

"James you can talk to me"

"I know, I just still haven't really digested it yet"

"That's fair enough. Do you want regulus to keep it?"

"I really don't know. It would be cool having a kid but at the end of the day it's not my

"When are you going to find out what he's doing?"

"Today I think. I'm meeting him in the library"

"Ok, how long have you been going out with him?"

"Around I think 6 or 7 months"

"Wow, you could've told us"

"I know, I was going to tell you at one point but sirius walked in"

"He trusts you yknow"

"I know but I just don't want him to be weirded out"

"He'll always be weirded out, it's his little brother and what he likes to think is his brother"

"Enough about me. How are you?"

"Im alright"

"That's good, so you got a partner?"


"Wait really?"


"How long? Who? How come you didn't say?"

"3 months and I didn't say because I wanted to make sure it was working out"

"Well, uh they are in ravenclaw"

"What's their name?"

"There name is Knox saad"

"Wow, now that I think about it, you work perfectly together. I don't know them much but I
see it"

Peter just smiled at this. Conversations like this didn't happen often in the dorms.

"What are they like?"

"They are really nice, and just perfect"

"Well none of the marauders are single now"

"That is true"

"What time is it?"


"Let me wake them two up then we can go down for breakfast"



The marauders had been messing around and doing whatever all morning until 10:30. Peter
went to go somewhere which James now knew that somewhere was Knox. It was sweet
really. So after that remus and sirius decided to go on walk offering for James to come with
but he declined knowing he had to meet with regulus soon. So he just wandered around for a
bit until he decided to just go to the library.

Regulus was there. He was very dissociated thinking about everything. He knew he had to
make a decision and he didn't want to take too long.

"Reg are you okay?"

This startled regulus.

"James what are you doing here?"

"You told me to meet you here"

"Oh yeah"

"Reg you alright? You don't forget things often"

"Just a lot to take in"

"I get you, though obviously not as much for me as you"


"Sirius took the news kind of well I guess, he trusts me."

"That's good, please sit"

So James sat down and took regulus' hands to comfort him.

"James I don't know what to do"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what to do about it"

"Do you want to keep it?"

"I think it would be cool, but dysphoria and school"

"Whatever happens I am 100% behind you, and remember you are male"

"I love you James"

"I love you too reg"

"But what should I do?"

"It's not my decision to make"

"But you are one of the fathers"

"But I'm not carrying it"

"James I don't care, my body I want it to be our choice"

"Like I said yesterday it would be cool to have a kid, but I don't want you to be dysphoric and
we have school"

"I'm sure there are solutions to having a kid"

"So you want it?"

"I mean, maybe?"

"Reg, do you really want to keep our child?"

"I-uh yes? No? Maybe?"

"I'm not sure, if I don't like it I can find some way to abort it or give it up for adoption"

"Y-yeah you can."

"James, promise me you'll stay"

"I promise reg"

"I want to keep it I think, it'll be cool having a little kid, I'm sure poppy wouldn't mind.
Especially if it's got my genes"

"What if it takes after me and is very chaotic?"

"Then I'm going to drown myself"

"Whatever you say love"

"I need to go tell poppy I'm keeping it"

"Do you want me to come with?"


"Okay let's go"

James stood up and grabbed regulus to force him up. They set off towards the hospital wing
in silence. It seems they quite like silence when walking through halls. It felt oddly relaxing
to them.

"Regulus hello, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you"

"Okay, you are very lucky I haven't been busy these past 2 days"

"Yeah I guess I am"

"Hello James, what are you doing here?"

James looked at regulus unsure of what to say.

"Um well, I wanna talk about yesterday and he's related to that so I think you can work it out
from there"

"Ahh okay then. Do I have to talk to you about protection James?"

"No we just got unlucky I guess"

"Seems it, so what did you want to talk about? Do you want to come into my office?"

"Yeah please."
"Okay, is James coming with too?"


"Okay follow me"

They went and sat down in the office and grabbed each other's hands while poppy closed the
door. She looked over before sitting down and smiled to herself. They were cute.

"So, what is it regulus?"

"I think I want to keep it but I want to know how we would take care of it"

"Well, one of both of you would get a new room to have with the child and during class it
could come with you or you can find someone to look after it eg a friend in free lesson or a
teacher with no lesson"

"That would work, and then next year when you aren't in school you can look after it at your

"I forgot about home, how am I gonna tell me parents? Especially since you live with us"

"We'll figure it all out"


"Anyways that's all I wanted to talk about"

"Okay, I'm going to need you to come here once a week for a checkup and you can't do some
things anymore because you have to talk it slow"

"What can I not do?"

"Strenuous activities such as quidditch"

"Thank god, now gryffindor can finally win"

"Oh be quiet James, and okay"

"Have you two thought about your peers?"

"Oh not really, I don't really care anyway. Slytherin already hates me because I abandoned
my family"

"Okay, you two are smart so I'm sure you'll figure it out"

"We will do, goodbye poppy"

The two walked out her office and through the hospital wing to the corridors.

"We should probably tell the others"

"Yeah, I'll tell my friends later. Can we both tell your friends, I want to see sirius' reaction
this time but I don't know if I'll be able to say anything"

"Sure thing reg, it'll be okay"

"What if it's not?"

"It will be, just think, a little kid running around DNA of both of us"

"That's the issue, your craziness and my problems won't make it a great child"

"You don't have problems"

"My family sure does, shit my family"

"What about them?"

"What if they find out?"

"Sirius won't tell them"

"But like there are other people in the school, and Dumbledore will probably have to tell

"Shit my parents too, I mean like when you come back at least you'll be protected"

"Yeah, actually going with sirius was the best decision ever"

" how are we going to tell my parents?"

"I don't know but we are together every step of the way"

"Together. Always"

Chapter End Notes

If you have any ideas for what you want me to do, comment it
Drunken truths
Chapter Notes

Sorry if it’s a bit of a short one

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ever since Sirius and regulus ran from home and rekindled their friendship regulus became
an 'Honorary gryffindor'. He hung out with the house all the time and at first most people had
an issue with it but after many threats from sirius and a lot of time spent in the common room
people stopped caring.

It was nearly the end of the year and a group of people had decided to play very drunk two
truths and a lie. Lily, Marlene, Mary, peter, regulus, sirius and remus.
James was out at quidditch practise so he couldn't join. The captain had organised one last
meeting after dinner on that Saturday.

They all took a turn doing there round and they learnt a lot about each other, the rules were
that if someone got it right you took a shot but if no one got it right everyone else did a shot.

"Okay okay so, I'm a virgin, I liked remus and i have a sister" it was lilys go and she wasn't
very drunk but tipsy at most.

"Bitch the lie better be that you liked remus, he's mine" sirius was very drunk however, he
wasn't a good liar so he was always easy to detect.

"I know he's yours, any other guesses or is that what everyone is going with"

"Oh god I hope you didn't like me" remus cringed at the thought and also panicked because
well, Was he really that bad at reading signals?

"You are wrong, everyone take a shot"

"Lily, are you not a virgin?"

"No regulus I am not"

"Wait who" regulus was on that line between very drunk and drunk.

"I don't remember there name, some ravenclaw, happened once in a broom cupboard"

"Dam, go girl" Mary was tipsy, she kept pretending to be drinking because she would regret
the headache in the morning.

"Wait Mary, where's Marlene"

"I think she went for a piss lils"

"Ah right, anyway regulus it is you next"

"Hmm okay then. I'm allergic to peanuts, I'm not a virgin anymore and I've been dating James
potter for nearly a year" regulus was too drunk to realise what he had revealed to the group.

"This is too easy, obviously it's the James one" how wrong lily was.

"He's not allergic to peanuts, he's allergic to chocolate, IM GOING TO KILL JAMES.
TAKING MY BROTHERS VIRGINITY" remus was frantically trying to calm sirius down.

"Your allergic to chocolate ?you poor thing" Mary inputted.

It was unfortunately at this point James walked back in the common room.

"Hey guys, are you still playing?"

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER IM GOING TO KILL YOU" sirius stood up and tried to
chase after James but stumbled at first. James was highly confused and started running away
from a very drunk sirius.

"What's happened?" Marlene walked in at this point and looked over the mess.

"IM WONDERING THAT TOO" James shouted this while frantically trying to hide behind a

"Shit I think I told them about us, sorry baby"

"Awww, that's so cute. Why do I have to be lonely?"

"Peter, you have rejected everyone that has asked you out"

"I know moony, but like still"

"Fair enough, are we ever going to stop this?"

"I don't think so, they can work it out" secretly regulus was enjoying the drama of it all.


"WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT?" Regulus just laughed to himself about this.




"I don't know"

"James, you could've told me"

"I know, I know I'm sorry"

"Oh god I'm too drunk for this, come on moony let's go to bed"

Chapter End Notes

If you have any recs lmk :)

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

"On one side is gryffindor. James potter as captain and chaser. Other chasers are Marlene
McKinnon and Geoffrey fawley. Aurthur Browne and John bell as beaters, keeper Sirius
black and finally seeker is Phoebe Dawson. On the other side is slytherin. Lucinder talkalot
as captain and beater, the other beater is Greg panch, chasers are Barty crouch junior, Emma
vanity and Steve rakiop, keeper is evan rosier and seeker is regulus black. Wow both black
brothers are playing head to head"


"Sorry miss. And the game is about to start. How does this games start?"

"Did you not read the book I gave you?"


"Oh god. Just tell them all to get in position"

"Ok, everyone in position"

Everyone moved into their places and closed their eyes while they set off the golden snitch.

"Remus tell them to go"

"Oh sorry. And go!"

Lots of cheering came from the crowd. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were cheering for
Gryffindor and Slytherin and Ravenclaw were cheering for Slytherin.

"I have no clue what's going on. Oh godric get your head in the game james"

When he heard his name James came out of the trance he was in. He was zoned out.

"Come on prongs, bloody move"


"Sorry Minnie, there we go james do your job now, whatever that is"

"Remus he is a chaser, he needs to get the quaffle through the hoops"

"Ohhhhh, come on James, Marlene and Geoffrey are doing there job"

Marlene scored and half the crowd screamed in joy


"Calm down remus"

"Sorry minnie"

"Stop calling me that"

"No can do"

The crowd was laughing at his hilarious commentary and banter with McGonagall.

"It looks like regulus has seen the golden snitch. Come on Phoebe chase him"

She set off after the younger black. James couldn't Help but stare. Regulus looked great
chasing after the snitch.

"James get your head in the game."

A beater hit a bludger at Geoffrey knocking him out leaving only Marlene and James.
Gryffindor we're currently winning but slytherin wasn't far behind.

"Oh no, Geoffrey. What a shame he's really nice. bloody hell greg panch. What even is that

"Remus you won't do it again"

"how unfortunate" McGonagall just rolled her eyes while snickering on the inside.

as the game went on james took turns between staring at regulus and doing his jobs, you see
normally he would be fine even against reg but he used some form of flirting distraction
technique which forced james mind to be on regulus rather than the match. remus also wasnt
doing too well on his job as commentator, he kept staring at sirius. sirius was wearing his
keeper uniform and had his hair tied up which remus really, really loved.

"Remus slytherin just scored. Stop staring at your boyfriend" everyone knew who they were
together, including the teachers. sirius definitely showed him off enough.

"Oh come on pads do a better job. I love you by the way. And I can't help that he looks like
that" remus didnt realise he left the speaker on for that till too late, "oops, ignore that"

"Focus on the game lupin"

Remus gasped "did you just call me lupin? I thought we were closer than that"

The crowd burst into laughing making Remus and Minerva smile.

"Just focus"

"Fine then. What's the score? 80-50 to slytherin. Fucking Christ come on gryffindor"

"Yes yes I'm sorry, can't help it. Oh no it looks like regulus is close to getting the snitch.
Come on James hurry up and score. Don't just sit there"

James was on and off with flying. When he saw regulus out the corner of his eyes he slowed
down and stared but he was trying to focus on the game.

"There we go thank you James"

The crowd erupted in cheers as James scored. As this happened regulus caught the snitch.

" oh buggering hell slytherin has won. Regulus black caught the snitch. Good job mate
though. See you in the library tomorrow"

" Remus your meant to support gryffindor"

" he's my mate. Better luck next time Phoebe"

Everyone started heading out of the stands to go back to the castle.

"Remus next time reduce the language please, and read the book i gave you. Or I'm sure
Sirius and James would explain it to you"

"Will do professor and I'd rather read the book than let them explain"

Remus headed down the stairs to meet up with his friends. He met peter whilst going down.

"Hey pete"

"Hey moony. Great commentary it was so funny"

"Thanks mate."

"Do you reckon there's something going on with James and regulus?"

"What makes you think that"

"When James wasn't doing what he's supposed to, he was staring at regulus"

"I mean I guess it makes sense but I don't think James would do that to sirius yknow"

"Speaking of Hey padfoot. Where prongs?"

"Said he forgot something. Hey moon, so uh, you like my kit?"


"You also love the hair"

"Maybe, I cannot disclose that information right now"

Peter took this as his cue to leave. The twos flirting was horrendous to watch they were so in
Peter set off to go meet Amanda. He walked past the changing rooms and saw James and
regulus in a room sat down laughing but walked off so he didn't interrupt anything. He did
suspect they were together and he was right

"You looked good out there reg"

"So did you James."

"Yeah but you looked better, and your form was amazing"

"Thanks. Can't say the same about you, you stared at me the whole time."

"You noticed?"

"I did. And if you carry on other people will notice"

"then you need to stop flirting with me before games and dont look so, you know you. and
besides, I want to show off my gorgeous boyfriend"

"ill never stop and James, what about Sirius? And Snape will be even more horrible to you"

"I don't care. Sirius will know I'm good enough for you and you're a Slytherin just tell him to
piss off"

"Absolutely not"

"Isn't a Slytherin trait meant to be confidence"

"Yes but I wasn't meant to be a Slytherin. I only am because I didn't want the same thing that
happened to Sirius to happen to me so I asked the weird had to put me in Slytherin"

"What house were you meant to be in?"


"That explains so much"

A minute passed by and James just stared at regulus.

"Are you ever going to stop looking at me? You are acting like a perv"

"I'm not a perv, and What else do you suggest I do?"

"Well there are other things you could do"

"Like what?"

"Kiss me"

So he did. Time stopped as their lips met, they'd done this many times before but it was the
same sensation every time.

"I really like you James"

"I really like you too reg"

"I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead"

"Well, Evan kind of asked me out"

"What did you say?"

"I'll think about it."

"Don't lead him on"

"It's fun"

"Reg, I'm your boyfriend"

"I know that. But no one else knows that"

"Tell them then"

"How am I supposed to do that? It's awkward. I'm ready to say an all but like how?"

"Fine then, I'll tell everyone. I will Make sure everyone knows I'm your boyfriend"

"Whatever James. Tell Sirius first though so he doesn't get mad"

"Fine. I need to go. Ill see you at dinner"

"James don't do anything embarrassing. I know you probably have something big planned"

"Me, embarrassing, nooooooo"

"Whatever, bye James"


James left in excitement, not bothering to think of any consequences and went back to the
dorms. He talked to the marauders and said he had something big planned. He didn't tell them
what it was though. James pulled Sirius aside. Once they were both in the bathroom James
kinda froze up.

"Mate you alright what is it?"

"Sirius please don't hate me. Please"

"Why would I hate you? What have you done?"

"I'm kinda. How do I say this? I guess seeing someone"

"Oh my godric James. Who is it? Did Lily finally say yes?"
Sirius was visibly happy for James.
"No it's someone else. You know them"

"Don't tell me it's Peter or something, me and moony can be the only couple in the mar-"

"It's regulus"
Sirius was left speechless
"Pads please. Say something."

"How long?"

"Well it's January now so around I guess 7-ish months or so"

James looked to the floor in guilt. He knew he shouldn't have felt guilt but he did.
"How long we're you guys talking and whatever"

"Since last year Christmas break"

"Wow okay"

"Sirius we are happy together, he makes me happy and I make him happy. So if you have any
objections say now"

"I don't have any objections. Just please focus on the game next time, I get your in love but
They both chuckled. James was relieved now.

"I will do. So your okay with it?"

"Yes I am. But I don't want to hear you two doing anything"

"I hear you and moony all the time, you can even ask Peter it's horrendous"

"Well it's different. Hey I can call you a brother-fucker now"

They started heading to the hall for dinner and James was nervous. He was also kind of angry
that Evan asked out regulus but doing this would ensure it would never happen again. They
sat down and started eating. James looked up to meet regulus' eyes.

"Prongs please stop eye fucking my brother"

"James What were you planning on doing?"

"Well moony, I'm working up the courage to do it"

"You might want to do it now before people finish their food"

"And your a gryffindor, you have courage"

"Fine then I'll do it now"

James stood on top of his table where there was a clean area. He whispered an amplifying
charm to make his voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Hello everybody. Everyone listen up"

Regulus blushes intensely putting his head in his hands.

"James What are you doing"

"Sorry professor I'm choosing not to hear you. Anyways as I was saying, i am making an
announcement. It came to my attention that recently someone asked out my boyfriend. No
one knows he's my boyfriend but you will now. He is mine. Me and regulus black are dating,
if anyone gives him shit or asks him out ever again I won't hesitate to knock your teeth out"

The room erupted into chattering and people started staring at regulus asking him questions.
He was smiling really. He thought it was romantic. But then everything started to become
clearer. James came round the room to regulus and grabbed his hand running out the hall to
the astronomy tower.
"Sorry didn't want you to have an anxiety attack or anything"
"Your amazing, yknow that, I really really think you are the best guy in the world. You just
outed yourself for me and told everyone we're together, then knew to take me out before I got
too yknow"
"Your better, I'm just doing what I can to keep you forever and be with you more"
"How do ya think Evan is?"
"He's probably crying to Barty"
"More than likely, now kiss me you fool"

And they stayed there. Just kissing and telling each other they love each other. They were
only there for so long as they didn't want to face the hustle and bustle outside of there little
When it was finally getting late they headed out back to their dorms.

James 3rd person pov:

He was walking to gryffindor tower and smiling so hard, he'd done it, finally done it.
Everyone knew. They were free. He opened the door to the common room and everyone just
turned and stared at him. That's when the questions started. 'Is it true?' 'Are you gay?' 'Do you
not feel weird dating a slytherin?' 'Isn't that your best friends brother?' James just shut them
out and went to stand on a table to answer everything.
"One question at a time. Remember we have boundaries. First question"
"Are you being serious?"
"Yes fully"
"How long?"
"Um, a while"
"Are you gay?"
"Not fully, I'm omnisexual"
"You didn't answer the question of how long?"
"Fine 7 months"
"Why regulus black? Isn't he gonna become a death eater?"
"No. Absolutely not. He is better than that, with that I'm gonna go to bed"

James walked up, feeling strange. How long is this questioning period going to last? He got
to the dorm and was faced with the three marauders and regulus?
"Reg, you okay?"
"Evan didn't want to see me so I slipped in during the, Whatever that was"
"When are you allowed to go back?"
"Don't know"
"Only enough attention for one of the black brothers ey?" Sirius was not happy. He was
happy for them but if reg was gonna be taking his attention then no way.
"Sorry Sirius, just curious. Um anyways"
"James can I sleep here tonight? if it's okay with Sirius of course"
"Fine by me, Sirius?"
"No shagging"
"Brother of course we won't shag"
"Well I don't know"
Regulus lay back on james' bed closing his eyes. Not much happened really, regulus didn't
care, he was happy. He just wasn't happy about one of his best friends liking him then just
"Reg what actually happened?"
Sirius overhead 'reg' and that was a mistake.
"YOU GET TO CALL HIM REG!?! I tried that once and got cursed. Honestly this is
"Calm down brother, go cuddle your boyfriend or something"
"Fine then"
"But seriously Reg, what happened?"
"When I got back, Evan and Barty were sat on a bed and Evan was crying. I walked in and
said sorry I didn't tell you earlier and Barty said I think it's best you find somewhere else to
sleep tonight. The house was fine with me being gay, just not that I'm with a gryffindor. I
knew I'd get shit for that though"
"That's not great, I get what you mean about dating an opposing house though, I got
questions why I went for someone in that house"
"It's all good, I'm not too bothered about it. They will be fine soon. In the mean time I've got
"Ew just ew. Stop it. Now"
"Sirius be quiet, we have all heard much worse coming from your bed"
"Thanks wormy, that I can agree now everyone go to sleep it's been a long day" James liked
to make sure everyone got enough sleep. He made sure of it. he got closer to regulus holding
him close as he drifted off, after the great but tiring day.

Chapter End Notes

A/N on my return era??? i have no clue, i have like 7 drafts that are just ideas or half
finished so ive just gotta finish them, if anyone has any ideas at all let me know :)

also i know these are all shit, but im shit at writing just wanted to write ideas down for
when i feel a specific kind of way and want something specific to read, then i thought id
share them
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