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- Where is Antarctica?

 the Antarctic Circle and surrounded by the Southern Ocean

- Which one is much colder North Pole or South Pole?
 North Pole is colder than South Pole.
- Are there any people live in Antarctica? Why?
 Antarctica is the only continent with no permanent human habitation.
- Which animals live in this continent?
 The most abundant and best known animals from the southern continent, penguins, whales
seals, albatrosses, other seabirds and a range of invertebrates you may have not heard of such
as krill.
- Are there any trees, plants and shrubs grow in Antarctica?
 There are no trees or bushes.
- Which living organisms live here?
  Adélie Penguins. ...
 Chinstrap Penguins. ...
 Leopard Seals. ...
 Elephant Seals. ...
 Snow Petrels. ...
 King Penguins. ...
 Emperor Penguins. ...
 Killer Whales (Orcas)

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