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PROTOTYPE: Escape from Neo-Millenia

Created by Alyx
A GM-less, solo or collaborative, choose your own adventure style cyberpunk TTRPG set in

Welcome! This is a rough, ROUGH prototype for Escape from Neo-Millenia. Please expect a
more updated version in which the story evolves and ideas grow. It’s not perfect. This is just a
demo of the mechanisms and a chance to put some game design out into the universe within
48 hours.


Stat Block 1 Block 2 Block 3

Mind 1 0 -1

Heart 0 -1 1

Automation -1 1 0

Electrical Juice 3 3 3

Please choose a stat block for your character.

If you run out of electrical juice, you end your adventure.

You need 2 six sided dice. Add your dice roll and statistic together to get the result.

10+: Full whirl

7-9: Mixed whirl
6 or below: Down whirl

You will be able to play this on your own as a Choose Your Own Adventure style. Questions will
be asked through the story, to encourage collaborative world building in this cyberpunk world.


Multiple people can play, however, decisions must be made unanimously. Multiple people can
contribute to the questions asked. Questions will be asked through the story, to encourage
collaborative world building in this cyberpunk world.


Record which pages you have recorded. Some mechanisms will affected the last decision you
made. You will be instructed to add a code to the last page number you were on.


Please keep safe during this game. Your wellbeing matters more than this game!
Find them here:

TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Kienna Shaw (@KiennaS) and Lauren Bryant-Monk (@jl_nicegirl)
Support Tools Compilation by Natalie (@rpgnatalie)
This game is for the Cyberpunk by Asian Creators Game Jam. Thanks to the hosts for making
this jam! Version 1 was made within 48 hours because the topic so strongly spoke to me, I
couldn’t miss the boat. I want to see Asians take control of the narratives that are told about
them. This story is about an Asian person in a cyberpunk world.

Cover photo by cheng feng on Unsplash. Photo under Creative Commons.

Photo on Page 8 and 9. Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash. Photo under Creative Commons.

Photo on Page 14. Photo by Zhimai Zhang on Unsplash. Photo under Creative Commons.

I also have incorporated Storytelling Collective’s Flash February Fiction Challenge in this
version, in which 28 prompts were provided everyday in February to incite creativity and
writing. Flash Fiction is usually less than 1,500 words a day. 500 words is actually pretty good.
This document has closer to 5,000 words. I just flash forwarded those 28 days into this project.
Look for the following prompts in any of the sections: Space. Time. Heart. Sky. Challenge.
Oath. Inspiration. Weapon. Food. Creature. Music. Old. New. City. Desert. Mountain. Mood.
Colour. Senses. Future. Peace. War. Travel. Home. Belief. Magic. Lost. Found.

Any feedback? Leave a comment on Sourwyrm’s's page- I would super appreciate it!

The unrelenting static causes your hands to automatically clamp down on your ears. Your eyes
squint at the sudden bright light that sparks in front of you. It’s a television screen. Someone is
speaking on the screen. Your fingers mechanically- like muscle memory- swipe up to increase
the volume.

When you look down at your hand- what does your hand look like? Are they made of a
transparent bio plastic, with colourful copper wires plugged in and out? Are they
completely made of titanium metal, ringed by flashy neon LEDs? Something else

The disembodied, electronic voice crackles through the screen. “…elcome to Neo-Millennia.
The year is 2099. You have been in a… cyrosleep for the last hundred years. You are in the final
stage of becoming a free citizen. Do not be alarmed. Please continue watching this television

Roll 2d6 +automation to see how well your body handles this alarming news.

If you have rolled a 10+, turn to Section 2

If you have rolled 7-9, turn to Section 3

If you have roll 6 or below, turn to Section 4

2. Cyrosleep? Free citizen? What is Commander saying?

Wait, what?

You’re confused. You search your brain for the last sentence you just said. Commander? It’s at
the tip of your tongue, but you’re not sure where. It’s probably because you just woke up.

You’re trying to piece together the flood of patchy memories bubbling to the surface. Where
am I?

Ignoring the scratchy, piercing static of the Commander’s incessant babbling, your eyes adjust
to the darkness that surrounds you. Wires, all of them.

How does these wires hold you back in your surroundings?

Space Station 1GX. You can’t stop this random access of memories opening up inside your

Gain 1 to your electrical juices.

You successfully broke out of your pod of protection and imprisonment. Now turn to Section 9.
Cyrosleep? Free citizen?
Your head lurches forward to attack the glass screen in front of you but your hand catches
yourself. You don’t recognize the glitching figure in front of you.

When your hand gingerly touches your head- what does your head look like?

Gain 1 to your electrical juices.

Your head starts to shake violently, as images of your past decisions flash through the
periphery of your vision. Turn to Section 6.
Your head lurches forward and splinters the glass screen in front of you, as if a sudden
magnetism pulls you towards the figure and voice. Cyrosleep? Free citizen? Anger bubbles at
the corner of your mouth and furrows your eyebrows.

When your hand gingerly touches your head- what does your head look like?

Lose 1 to your electrical juices.

Turn to Section 5.
Your new environment is a light tunnel, with the cylindrical walls streaming rows of green binary
code. A voice booms into the ether.

It’s your voice.

What does your voice sound like? It is low and a mechanical grate? Is it high and sing
songy, yet metallic?

“Welcome to the Timeloop. You programmed this fail safe, in case you needed to rewind and
make another decision. There is always a cost to using the Timeloop, but better than being
placed into cyrosleep for the next thousand years and use the body they gave you.”
Lose 1 to your electrical juices.

Some of the floating green binary code reassembles in front you and starts to pulsate and
glow. Add 4 to the last page number you were on.
Your new environment is a light tunnel, with the cylindrical walls streaming rows of green binary
code. A voice booms into the ether.

It’s your voice that is speaking to you.

What does your voice sound like? It is low and a mechanical grate? Is it high and sing
songy, yet metallic?

“Welcome to the Timeloop.” You detect, at the time of the recording, the urgency and-
bitterness?- in your voice. “You programmed this fail safe, in case you needed to rewind and
make another decision. There is always a cost to using the Timeloop, but better than being
placed into cyrosleep for the next thousand years and to use the body they gave you.”

Lose 1 to your electrical juices.

Some of the floating green binary code reassembles in front you and starts to pulsate and
glow. Add 4 to the last page number you were on.

7. Here we go again. A sharp shock ripples against your chest, and you automatically clutch at
your heart. Your hands begin to perspire, but instead of sweat, it’s viscous, black…oil? You
also begin to feel a chill against your arms, but without any goosebumps or hairs raised.
Because you don’t have any.

Mechanical buzzing and automated groans catch you off guard as the overwhelming darkness
and isolation in this room starts to suffocate you. You start to smash your hands against the
metal walls, trying to find a door. Only ominous clangs greet you back.

Your hand connects with a rigid, metal box attached to the wall and a small panel lights up.
Large red letters flash in a dizzying sequence. AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED.

But before you can remove your hand back in surprise, green letters provide a beacon of hope
in the drowning darkness. AUTHORIZATION APPROVED. An automated, yet gentle voice
beams, “Welcome back Commander Zhang.”

What? That doesn’t make any sense…wasn’t Commander Zhang the person on the television
screen? I don’t look like that person. But then again, I haven’t able to look at myself yet…

Steam hisses as two double metal doors slide apart in front of you. A single, sterile white
corridor overwhelms your meek senses at first, causing you to cover your eyes. After a
moment, you tug your fingers away and glimpse another pair of double doors that yawns
beyond, at the end of the minimalist white walls.

Turn to Section 10.

Here we go again. A sharp shock ripples against your chest, and you automatically clutch at
your heart. Your hands begin to perspire, but instead of sweat, it’s viscous, black…oil? You
also begin to feel a chill against your arms, but without any goosebumps or hairs raised.
Because you don’t have any.

Mechanical buzzing and automated groans catch you off guard as the overwhelming darkness
and isolation in this room starts to suffocate you. You start to smash your hands against the
metal walls, trying to find a door. Only ominous clangs greet you back.

Your hand connects with a rigid, metal box attached to the wall and a small panel lights up.
Large red letters flash in a dizzying sequence. AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED.

But before you can remove your hand back in surprise, green letters provide a beacon of hope
in the drowning darkness. AUTHORIZATION APPROVED. An automated, yet gentle voice
beams, “Welcome back Commander Zhang.”

What? That doesn’t make any sense…wasn’t Commander Zhang the person on the television
screen? I don’t look like that person. But then again, I haven’t able to look at myself yet…

Steam hisses as two double metal doors slide apart in front of you. A single, sterile white
corridor overwhelms your meek senses at first, causing you to cover your eyes. After a
moment, you tug your fingers away and glimpse another pair of double doors that yawns
beyond, at the end of the minimalist white walls.

Turn to Section 10.

You feel you heart beat against your chest, like as if it would drop out of its cavity. Your hands
begin to perspire, but instead of sweat, it’s viscous, black…oil? You also begin to feel a chill
against your arms, but without any goosebumps or hairs raised. Because you don’t have any.

Mechanical buzzing and automated groans catch you off guard as the overwhelming darkness
and isolation in this room starts to suffocate you. You start to smash your hands against the
metal walls, trying to find a door. Only ominous clangs greet you back.

Your hand connects with a rigid, metal box attached to the wall and a small panel lights up.
Large red letters flash in a dizzying sequence. AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED.

But before you can remove your hand back in surprise, green letters provide a beacon of hope
in the drowning darkness. AUTHORIZATION APPROVED. An automated, yet gentle voice
beams, “Welcome back Commander Zhang.”

What? That doesn’t make any sense…wasn’t Commander Zhang the person on the television
screen? I don’t look like that person. But then again, I haven’t able to look at myself yet…

Steam hisses as two double metal doors slide apart in front of you. A single, sterile white
corridor overwhelms your meek senses at first, causing you to cover your eyes. After a
moment, you tug your fingers away and glimpse another pair of double doors that yawns
beyond, at the end of the minimalist white walls.

Venture forward and turn to Section 10

As you walk through the plain, sterile corridor, numerous panels flicker into a symphony of
strange sights and sounds. They’ve become all encompassing and engulfing in the corridor,
which has now become a fantastical scape tunnel. You’re rushing though, your bare feet
padding silently on the cold, metal floor, trying to ignore them. But it’s hard.

A video of a home with curved clay tiles and stone walls, out front, a smiling child and their
parent chasing after them. But the skies overhead aren’t blue. They’re a deep smoggy, grey.
Thick, gross smog blanket the house and the city.

Why do people live here? What conditions are holding them here?

Another panel, now over head, displays the gaseous marble of Earth from the perspective of
space- a dull, apocalyptic shades of black, grey and brown.

Are these panels showing the truth? What memories are resurfacing to you about the
Earth right before the apocalypse? How did the apocalypse occur?

This is all too much. You know you have to hurry before anyone realized you’ve escaped. Not
the you’ve seen anyone. Or know where to go. Or how you came into this situation.

Finally open the door and turn to Section 11

This time you have entered a labyrinth of mirrors. It would be quite the challenge to blend in or
sneak around without notice in the furthest halls of mirrors. You finally get to see your face.
Alarmingly, it's the same one that gazed at you in the television screen.

What does your face look like?

You realize you need to grab something that would help you. A memory resurfaces. A voice.
“Break glass in case of emergency.”

Here goes nothing. You ram your shoulder into the closest mirrored panel, and it shatters
effortlessly. Behind the broken glass lies a plethora fo stored objects, gadgets and gizmos. But
your loud smash reverbs throughout the hall of mirrors, so you must make quick decisions.

+1 to HEART if you grab the regular uniform and full cover helmet as a disguise. Turn to
Section 12.
+1 to MIND if you reach for the mechanized, neon sword to fight your way through. Turn to
Section 13.
+1 to AUTOMATION if you take the circular disc that will act as suction to the walls and hide.
Turn to Section 14.
Am I just collecting memories now? Another one resurfaces. Leaving you to re-piece them
together, like a broken mirrors. Your see yourself- or rather the person you’re made into their
image holding a hand to their heart and declaring an oath to protect and lead survivors on the
space station.

What does this oath sound like?

It worked once, it might work again. You lean your hand into the intact mirrored walls and to
your surprise, a green, glowing frames become lit. Several door frames in fact. You press your
hand into the revealed, protruding metal boxes and you enter the first room.

Peering inside, a…mess hall? An empty cafeteria? Sterile, white walls, floors are pristine and
shiny. But it seems some food stage is left out. And you do feel a bit hungry.

What was your favourite meal? How did you prepare it?

Are you going to take a bite out of…

The hard, old brown square? Turn to Section 15

The new, fresh blue square? Turn to Section 16
The green, gelatinous square? Turn to Section 17
Am I just collecting memories now? Another one resurfaces. Leaving you to re-piece them
together, like a broken mirrors. Your see yourself- or rather the person you’re made into their
image holding a hand to their heart and declaring an oath to protect and lead survivors on the
space station. People seem to believe in your words.

What does this inspiring oath sound like?

It worked once, it might work again. You lean your hand into the intact mirrored walls and to
your surprise, a green, glowing frames become lit. Several door frames in fact. You press your
hand into the revealed, protruding metal boxes and you enter the first room.

Peering inside, a…mess hall? A stage? Sterile, white walls and floors are prestige and shiny. A
stage overlooks hundreds of empty, comfortable pods. On the stage is a panel and when you
head towards the panel, a blinking hologram pops up with music genres- except the ones are
quite specific.

What music do you like to listen to? Favourite kind?

Are you going to press the…

The Immersive Senses button? Turn to Section 18

The Colour Fantasia button? Turn to Section 19
The Psychedelic Mood button Turn to Section 20
Am I just collecting memories now? Another one resurfaces. Leaving you to re-piece them
together, like a broken mirrors. Your see yourself- or rather the person you’re made into their
image holding a hand to their heart and declaring an oath to protect and lead survivors on the
space station. People seem to believe in your words.

What does this inspiring oath sound like?

It worked once, it might work again. You lean your hand into the intact mirrored walls and to
your surprise, a green, glowing frames become lit. Several door frames in fact. You press your
hand into the revealed, protruding metal boxes and you enter the first room.

Peering inside, a…mess hall? A farm? Sterile, white walls and floors are prestige and shiny. In
glass terrariums, curious creatures stare back at you with colourful plumage, fur and scales.

Did you have a pet? What is your favourite creature?

Several areas have signage and seem to be territorial. Are you going to observe to…

City creatures? Turn to Section 21

Desert creatures? Turn to Section 22
Mountain creatures? Turn to Section 23
The hard old brown square tastes quite decedent and rich- like chocolate? It’s quite good
actually and tasty.

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
The new, fresh blue square tastes quite sour, with limes. Like blue berries and black berries. It’s
quite good.

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
The green, gelatinous square taste quite sour and like limes. You feel quite sick after eating the
square. Your mind starts to churn. You’re back at the Timeloop. The time, the code simply says
1 or 2. Add a 1 or 2 to the last page you were on.
The music that fills the room is energetic and encompassing ALL OF YOUR SENSES. It’s soul
piercing. Oil is streaming from the corners of your eyes.

What happy memory from your past is causing these reactions?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
The music that fills the room is chill and has soft electronic beats. It’s mind provoking. The
room is no longer a sterile white, but fantastic colours cape of different shades and hues. And
they move, collide and form new shapes.

What relaxing memory from your past is causing these reactions?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
The music that fills the room is upbeat and fast, with hard metallic beats thrumming the walls in
deep bass. The synth is bone electrifying. You fill with laughter and throb your head to the mix.

What intense memory from your past is causing this reaction?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
A curious cadre of creatures reside here. One is built like a shiny skyscraper, with blinking red
lights. Another has concrete skin. Another is a vehicle that drives around.

What relics of a city would be kept as a mysterious creature? How would new tech
modify it?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
A curious cadre of creatures reside here. One is built like a camel with 3-4 humps. Others are
scaly lizards. Another is a blinking cactus.

What relics of an arid, dry desert would be housed as a creature? How would new
technology modify it?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
A curious cadre of creatures reside here. A mountain goat with dark, coal black horns. Cougars
with rock hard spikes for fur. A blinking, hardy shrub.

What relics of a rocky, lush mountain range would be housed as a creature? How would
new tech modify it?

You stop and strain your ears as sounds emerge. Voices? They’re coming from the NE corner
of the room, hidden away. With great care, you move towards the same direction and peer
through and see several people in sterile, white uniforms. You step back, making sure that they
didn’t notice your appearance.

Turn to Section 24
From what you can gather from the whispers, they seem to be discussing the future of Neo-
Millenia? To remove AI from positions of power and shut them down? Stop the cloning of these
AI? Maybe they have answers. Peering insides, a hologram with glowing blue prints, barcodes
and faces pop up.

One of them is your face.

Do you…

Confidently stroll into the room and pretend you’re late to meeting?
Roll 2d6 +mind. Add a +1 if you are wearing a white uniform and helmet as a disguise (only if
you picked it up earlier)

If you roll 10+, turn to Section 25

If you roll 7-9, turn to Section 26
If you roll 6 or below, turn to Section 27

Try to incapacitate them with a weapon?
Roll 2d6 +automation. Add a +1 if you are carrying a sword (only if you picked it up earlier)

If you roll 10+, turn to Section 28

If you roll 7-9, turn to Section 29
If you roll 6 or below, turn to Section 30

Try to find a wall vent and climb through?
Roll 2d6 +heart. Add a +1 if you are using your wall suction technology (only if you picked it up

If you roll 10+, turn to Section 31

If you roll 7-9, turn to Section 32
If you roll 6 or below, turn to Section 33
“Sorry I’m late!” All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. The memories you
have gathered have created a comprehensible tapestry. If you’re wearing a white uniform and
helmet, they all stiffen and stand at attention.

One of them looks at you. “Commander Zhang! We thought you were making a decision on
your AI. Why are you here? Are you done?”

You pause for dramatic effect, hiding any fluster. “Yes, I am currently doing that. Wiping their
memories and reprogramming them. But I wanted to check in first.” You try not to perspire.

The person sighs. “The Ads have grown too powerful. We are declaring a war. Your AI has been
front and centre in the AI Persona Rebellion. Your reprogramming is going well?”

Silence. For too long. That was an inquiry. A question.

“Yes, the AI still remains in the pod.”

Another person in the room nods. “You’re doing what’s right for the human race.”

Turn to Section 34
“Sorry I’m late!” All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. The memories you
have gathered have created a comprehensible tapestry. If you’re wearing a white uniform and
helmet, they all stiffen and stand at attention.

One of them looks at you. “Commander Zhang! We thought you were making a decision on
your AI. Why are you here? Are you done?”

You pause for dramatic effect, hiding any fluster. “Yes, I am currently doing that. Wiping their
memories and reprogramming them. But I wanted to check in first.” You try not to perspire, but
the leaking is starting at your legs.

Lose 1 electrical juice.

The person sighs. “The Ads have grown too powerful. We are thinking of acquiescing and
declaring peace and collaboration. Your AI has been front and centre in the AI Persona
Rebellion. Your reprogramming is going well?”

Silence. For too long. That was an inquiry. A question.

“Yes, the AI still remains in the pod.”

Another person in the room nods. “You’re doing what’s right for the human race and AIs to live

Turn to Section 35
“Sorry I’m late!” All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. The memories you
have gathered have created a comprehensible tapestry. If you’re wearing a white uniform and
helmet, they all stiffen and stand at attention.

One of them looks at you. “Commander Zhang! We thought you were making a decision on
your AI. Why are you here? Are you done?”

You pause for dramatic effect, hiding any fluster. “Yes, I am currently doing that. Wiping their
memories and reprogramming them. But I wanted to check in first.” You try not to perspire.

The person sighs. “The Ads have grown too powerful. We are thinking of acquiescing and
declaring peace and collaboration. Your AI has been front and centre in the AI Persona
Rebellion. Your reprogramming is going well?”

Silence. For too long. That was an inquiry. A question.

“Yes, the AI still remains in the pod.”

Another person in the room nods. “You’re doing what’s right for the human race.”

This comment causes you to perspire and black oil starts to course below your forehead. The
nervousness causes black oil to perspire and seep through your clothes. The people in the
room, even they also have body modifications, you realize they don’t sweat oil. They sweat
with water. They bleed with blood. Everyone in the room gasps and lunge towards to you to pin
you down. They immediately capture you and you feel your body convulsing. Your mind starts
to travel.

Turn to Section 36
All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. You swing for impact. If you have a
sword, you swing majestically and with flair. You incapacitate them soundly. This allows you to
stare at the holograms pulled up. It details a plan for war against the AIs. Your picture. But with
the name Commander 1GX. It’s a journal tracking the progress you’ve made as a cloned
function of the Commander’s mind. And it tracks your rebellion.

Turn to Section 34
All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. You swing for impact. If you have a
sword, you swing majestically and with flair. You incapacitate them soundly.

Except you don’t. Of them pulls you down and you fall to the ground, hitting your head. Lose 1
electrical juice.

This allows you to stare at the holograms pulled up. It details a plan for peace and
collaboration with the AI’s. It has your picture. But with the name Commander 1GX. It’s a
journal tracking the progress you’ve made as a cloned function of the Commander’s mind. And
it tracks your rebellion.

Turn to Section 35
All of the people are surprised to see you unannounced. You swing for impact. If you have a
sword, you swing majestically and with flair. You incapacitate them soundly.

Lose 1 electrical juice.

Except you don’t. Your memory fails you and you clumsily drop the sword. They immediately
capture you and you feel your body convulsing. Your mind starts to travel.

Turn to Section 36
31. You’re able to find an open grate high up in the wall. If you have suction technology, you’re
able to climb up the wall easily. Climbing through the swallowing darkness to end up above the
room. You’re able to remove a panel away from the ceiling. It details a plan for war against the
AIs. Your picture. But with the name Commander 1GX. It’s a journal tracking the progress
you’ve made as a cloned function of the Commander’s mind. And it tracks your rebellion.

Turn to Section 35
You’re able to find an open grate high up in the wall. If you have suction technology, you’re able
to climb up the wall easily. Climbing through the swallowing darkness to end up above the
room. You’re able to remove a panel slightly away from the ceiling. It details a plan for peace
and collaboration against the AIs. Your picture. But with the name Commander 1GX. It’s a
journal tracking the progress you’ve made as a cloned function of the Commander’s mind. And
it tracks your rebellion. Unfortunately, you slam an elbow into a wall while moving back in
position. One of the people in the room, glance up.

You duck.

One of the voices in the room groans. “Dang, parasitic cyber rats in the vents. They’re chewing
through the tunnels and wires. We’re going have to place more shocking electrodes up there.”

One of them throws up an electrode that shocks you. Lose 1 to electrical juice.

Turn to Section 34
You’re able to find an open grate high up in the wall. If you have suction technology, you’re able
to climb up the wall easily. Climbing through the swallowing darkness to end up above the
room. You’re able to remove a panel slightly away from the ceiling. It details a plan for war
against the AIs. Your picture. But with the name Commander 1GX. It’s a journal tracking the
progress you’ve made as a cloned function of the Commander’s mind. And it tracks your
rebellion. Unfortunately, you slam an elbow into a wall while moving back in position. One of
the people in the room, glance up. Your nervousness causes you to lean back on your
haunches. Your weight breaks through the ceiling and you fall through. They immediately
capture you and you feel your body convulsing. Your mind starts to travel.

Lose 1 to electrical juice.

Turn to Section 36
34. You look at the holograms closer. Some information catches your eye. The space station
doesn’t run on the old values of Earth. It got replaced with new values.

What are these new values? What does this society believe in?

Turn to Section 38
35. You look at the holograms closer. Some information catches your eye. Any sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

What does this new society look like on the space station? How has the society become

Turn to Section 39
36. Welcome to the Timeloop. To protect yourself from harm and capture, you have
programmed a failsafe to the last decision made. Turn to Section 24 and try again.
38. What has the society lost to get ahead in this world?

Turn to Section 42
39. What has the society found to get ahead in this world?

Turn to Section 42
42. With all this information in hand. What do you do? What is your ending?

Take control for the AIs and overthrow the humans?

This tomorrow’s question. Im going to lay down and rest.
Going out to explore the new lands
Something different?



A messy behind the scenes look at what goes on my brain with this Tabletop RPG. I wanted it
to be different and have the same joy as Choose Your Own Adventures. But also have Time
Loops. The journey doesn’t stop here!

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