How Isers Manage Finance Effectively

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How iSers manage finance effectively? 1.

The target to manage the

 Title: Financial management.
 Show the GG form of the
 General purpose: to inform iSers’s target about using
 Specific purpose: After listening to money per month
our speech, Is’s students will know (shopping, eating out, coffee,
how to spend money reasonably to ….)
have better and easier period in the  Show the statistic of students
university. about controlling finance.
 Thesis statement: (most of them do not know
how to control their
INTRODUCTION: 2. Give 4 ways about effective
I. Attention-Getter: Video “How financial management.
much money does student use +Develop a financial
per month?” management plan
II. Thesis statement: +Refer to the financial
III. Preview of main points: management of previous
+Video about “how to manage students
finance”  introduce to the +Use financial management
topic. applications.
 The importance of IV. CONCLUSION:
financial management 1. Review of main points
2. Final remarks: Refer back
to our opening example,
BODY: restate thesis “…”
I. Why the iSers should control their
A. Current situation:
B. results
 Show statistics from a
study  negative results:
most of iSers do not
know the reasons why
they must save money.
 Give the reasons:
 …
II. Why this issue become popular day
by day?
 Example: statistics.
 Give the reasons
III. How to manage finance

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