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Psychology 09/15

- Mental processes that enable you to encode retain and retrieve information
Sensory memory
- Really brief, just seconds
- Store sensory impressions so they overlap slightly with one another
- Helps perceive as continuous rather than disconnected visual images or disjointed
- Auditory sensory (echoic memory)
o Lasts 3-4 seconds
- Visual (iconic memory)
o Lasts quarter to half a second
Short term memory
- 20 seconds
- Can last longer by repeating the same thing over and over
- Can also remember more through chunking
o Remembering of groups through association (ex; put them in group, if I
remember group then I remember every individual)
- Capacity is limited (magical number seven plus or minus 2)
o Research suggest it can be plus one minus four
- Ex: 7 digits in phone number
- Alan Baddeleys mode
o Involves temporary storage but if active conscious of manipulating information
(problem solving, learning, etc) we can make it longer
Long-term memory
- Is infinite
- 20+ seconds of a lifetime
- Encoding
o Elaborate rehearsal: focused the meaning of information
o Self-reference effect applying information to self
o Visual imagery: using vivid images to enhance encoding
- Procedural memory
o How to perform skills, operations and actions
- Episodic memory
o Memory of specific events/episodes
- Autobiographical memory
o Memory of life events
- Semantic memory
o General knowledge
Cultures effect on memory
- Can be part of how to greet
- How you feel perceive other people
- Relate items that are clustered together
- Harder to remember if things are at random
Sematic Network Model
- Mental links form between concepts
- Shorter paths between two concepts = stronger association in memory
- Can spread in any number of directins
- Ex: word red might activate blue, apple fire truck, etc
- Accessing long term memory

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