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1. Why should all nurses be prepared for disasters?

- Given their critical role in providing first aid to individuals injured during and after disasters, all nurses should be prepared for
disasters. In order to help communities properly recover, nurses connect with and develop trust with the community, educate
and protect individuals, assist individuals in planning and responding, and promote resilience. However, a courageous and
extensive effort is required to properly support nurses in being prepared for disaster and public health emergency response, as
the country's nurses are now unprepared for these scenarios.

2. Based on the ICN Framework of DN, list three basic disaster competencies that all nurses should be prepared to perform in
disaster preparedness and response.
- Risk Reduction and Disease Prevention - Nurses should be able to identify and assess potential hazards and vulnerabilities, and
increase their ability to predict, warn of, and respond to disasters.

- Education and Preparedness - Nurses should be able to respond efficiently and effectively in a timely manner, and participate in
preparedness education and training.

- Individual and Community Recovery: Nurses should be able to participate in the recovery process with other disaster
management teams, and help communities fully recover

3. Using a Venn Diagram, how might disaster preparedness/response competencies and expectations be similar and differ for
newly licensed nurses compared with more experienced nurses?

Differences (Newly RN);

- Experience feelings of inadequacy and stress due to knowledge deficits and limited exposure
- Transition from supervised nursing students to independent registered nurses, facing challenges in handling patients and
performing procedures

- The professional accountability and responsibilities of experienced nurses and recently registered nurses are identical.
- Basic knowledge of human biology, anatomy, and nursing is required for both groups.
- During orientation sessions, they need assistance as they overcome the challenges of moving from being students to
independent professionals.

Differences ( More experienced Nurses)

- They can now provide care more independently because they have years of experience and intuitive understanding.
- Consider themselves to be professionals with the focus on the holistic

Nurses in disaster preparedness and public health emergency response - The future of nursing 2020-2030 - NCBI bookshelf. (2021,
May 11). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Disaster preparedness. (2017, October 20). ANA.


International Council of Nurses (ICN) | ICN - International Council of Nurses.
Experiences of newly registered nurses transitioning from nursing student to registered nurse: A qualitative systematic review.
(2023, October 1). Evidence-Based Nursing.

Newly qualified registered nurses’ and midwives’ experiences from rural health district placement in Namibia. (2023, April 7).
BioMed Central.

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