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Grammarly has been mentioned as one of the most popular online grammar checker (Savage et

al, 2010). Several studies have been done in the past few years related to the use of Grammarly in the

learning process based on the students’ perception. A research study entitled “Exploring English

Department Students’ Perceptions on Using Grammarly to Check the Grammar in their Writing” was

conducted by Fitriana and Nurazni in 2022. Fitriana and Nurazni (2022) mentioned that Grammarly

becomes a new invention in the educational field which can be applied in the writing process. According

to them, Grammarly helps the students to check the grammar in their writing since it is easy to use and

has complete feature (Fitriana & Nurazni, 2022). Compared to other online grammar checkers,

Grammarly is a platform that does not take up a lot of quota. Grammarly is very good at detecting small

errors such as the use of articles ‘a’ or ‘an’, which sometimes flip back and forth unconsciously when

writing assignments or articles. It makes students more aware of the article use and diction instead of

decreasing students’ errors.

Grammarly gives benefits not only to students in composing their writing but also to teachers in

witnessing their students' writing improvement. A research entitled "Grammarly as a Tool to Improve

Students' Writing Quality: Free Online-Proofreader across the Boundaries" done by Karyuatry, Rizqan

and Darayani (2018) showed results on teachers' perception of the use of Grammarly. According to

them, "…the use of Grammarly was very helpful to minimize giving correction on students' essay and the

students actively participated in the teaching-learning process" (Karyuatry, Rizqan & Darayani, 2018, p.

41). They highlighted that the teachers value this platform because it appears to bring a change both in

students' and teacher’s life. As mentioned by Ghufron and Rosyida (2018) on their research, the students

who used Grammarly would significantly improve in the area of writing as it triggers the students to

evaluate their own mistakes through its system.

In the study by Santos and Reyes (2019), cited by Lipalam et al., (2023) it was concluded that the

integration of grammar checkers in language learning has shown promising results in improving

academic writing proficiency among English major students. The use of these tools supports students at

different stages of the writing process, fosters intrinsic motivation, enhances self-efficacy beliefs, and

positively influences students’ attitudes and intentions towards grammar checker adoption and usage.

Additionally, grammar checkers provide immediate feedback on grammatical mistakes, which can

increase students' interest and involvement in the writing process. A study by Nguyen and Brown (2019)

examined the effects of grammar checker on motivation among English major students. The results

indicated that the availability of immediate feedback and the opportunity for self-correction through

grammar checkers enhanced students' motivation to improve their writing skills and strive for higher

levels of proficiency.

Dewi (2019) in her research entitled "The Effectiveness of Grammarly Checker on Student's Writing
Quality of English Department Students at IAIN Tulungagung", the result shows that there was a
significant effect of using Grammarly checker on students' writing quality in the fourth semester of the
English department at IAIN Tulungangung. This study has similarities in using the Grammarly application
on students writing quality. The difference is that this study uses a quasi-experimental design with a
quantitative approach. At the same time, the researcher applied a pre-experimental method to find out
whether there is an effective to improve the students writing quality of analytical exposition text in the
eleventh grade at SMAN 2 Luwu Timur.

In the research of Karyuatry (2018) entitled "Grammarly as a Tool to Improve Students' Writing Quality:
Free Online-Proofreader across the Boundaries", the finding shows that when Grammarly is used in
descriptive teaching, 32 (82%) out of 40 students pass the passing grade. The researchers concluded that
Grammarly could be used as an appropriate tool to minimize errors and improve students' writing

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