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Ana nurjanah
Suryakancana University Cianjur


The objectives of this study are to find the problems students in writing
recount text and the possible causes of the problems of students writing error at
SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur. This research used descriptive qualitative research.
To collect the data, the researcher uses an essay test in the form of recount text
composition made by the six grade students, researcher got the data with observe
using application google classroom or online class and Instagram for upload the
task students. The technique for collecting data used in this study are observation,
interview and questionnaire. The data of this research is information elicited from
the students and teacher concerning classroom procedures and the techniques used
by English teacher of SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur. The sample of the research 32
students of class X OTKP 3 of SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur. The results of this
research is beneficial to the process of learning English. The result of this research
give information about the ability of the students in making writing recount text
and give information about the problems or error in writing recount text by the
students. The error which appear in this research could help the teacher to know
what problems that students get in writing text so that teacher can give solution
and the students will not make the same errors.

Keywords: Problems in writing, Error analysis, Recount Text.

Ana nurjanah
Suryakancana University Cianjur


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui permasalahan siswa dalam
menulis teks recount dan kemungkinan penyebab masalah kesalahan menulis
siswa di SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian
kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan test essay
berupa komposisi teks recount yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas sepuluh, peneliti
mendapatkan data dengan observasi menggunakan aplikasi google classroom atau
online class dan instagram untuk upload tugas siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan angket.
Data penelitian ini adalah informasi yang diperoleh dari siswa dan guru tentang
prosedur kelas dan teknik yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di SMK
Bunga Persada Cianjur. Sampel penelitian 32 siswa kelas X OTKP 3 SMK Bunga
Persada Cianjur. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk proses pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi tentang kemampuan
siswa dalam membuat teks recount dan memberikan informasi tentang masalah
atau kesalahan dalam menulis teks recount oleh siswa. Kesalahan yang muncul
dalam penelitian ini dapat membantu guru untuk mengetahui masalah apa saja
yang didapat siswa dalam menulis teks sehingga guru dapat memberikan solusi
dan siswa tidak melakukan kesalahan yang sama,

Keywords: Problems in writing, Error analysis, Recount Text.


Nowadays, technology has been widely used in instruction. Technology as

medium is understood as a source of meaning making, although we tend to think
about technology as devices (gadget) like a phone, car or computer, representing
material entities, cautions that technology is more than that and identifies certain
dimensions of technology (Cloete, 2017). Technologies have the capacity to
assist education across the curriculum and supply chances for useful
communication between learners and educators in ways that have not been
possible before (Laabidi, 2016).

The era of industrial revolution 4.0 is characterized by the use of technology

in every field of life. It is powered by artificial intelligence, and it will transform
the workplace from tasks based characteristics to the human-centered
characteristics. Instead of mastering technology, an ability to speak English in
this era is critical as a medium of communication between nations and people
from various backgrounds (Halimah, Helmie, & Susilawati, 2018).

As we know technology already use in learning, one of them use in English

Learning. Or we always hear with E-learning. E-learning has grown in
significance as an educational tool just like technology has developed and
progressed over the years, there have been more efforts at advancing technology
than attempting to understand the needs and learning styles of individual
learners and instructional design (Samir, 2014). And E-learning is about
connecting people, technologies and services, for the purpose of fulfilling
educational objectives, the people concerned are the stakeholders; students,
teachers, content providers and institutions, professional associations and
education board (Arafat, 2019).
Educational technology is being used in the classroom more frequently than
ever, it has not been utilized properly or effectively. Factors leading to such
improper use and poor adoption by teacher and faculty members include
organization policy and support, time availability, and teacher and faculty
preparation. Teacher can create a personalized course by designing a new
adaptive course format. E-learning involves the use of digital tools for teaching
and learning (Ahmed, 2019). Teachers/ educators do not only teach the language
skills and language components separately, but also teach the student about
skills of life and characters. In this technology era, teachers have to be more
creative and innovative in using instructional media for the teaching and
learning process (Mahsunah, 2017).
One of the application that can use is Instagram application in learning writing
recount text. Instagram is a location based social network mobile application for
sharing photos, videos, combination of instant camera and telegram that services
allows users to application digital filters and share their photos and videos on
other social networks and social media platform (Boslaugh, 2016). Students can
post their story in the caption and add picture that describe the caption.

Writing is one of the fourth skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in
language learning. It is system of written symbols, representing, the sounds,
syllables or words of language, generally writing is very important that
communication is transmitted more through writing than any other type of
media. So students need effective writing skills to meet their academic needs
and workplace requirements (Durga & Rao, 2018). Another expert says writing
skill has a role in developing their English, the importance given to writing
differs from teaching situation to teaching situation. It some cases it shares equal
billing with the other skills where students write their learning of the grammar
and vocabulary of the language (Sukma, 2015). According to Dewi & Misdi
(2017) learners make errors in writing when they try to do something with the
language which they are not yet able to do.
An English teacher of SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur said that she uses
conventional method in teaching learning process. Therefore, the writer intends
to introduce the new medium that is using Instagram. By using this application,
it is expected that students are more effective to share their written in writing


Research Design
This study analyzed the student engagement in teaching and learning
writing recount text using Instagram. In this study the researcher’s position is as
an observer. In collecting the data, the researcher conducted one meeting based on
the schedule of the class participant. The data collected by using two instruments,
such as questionnaire and interview. The results of those instruments were
interpreted in qualitative method.


This research was conducted at SMK Bunga Persada of Cianjur. It is

colacted at JL.Pramuka, Kel.Sukamulya 43281. SMK Bunga Persada has three
grades of classes, namely first grade, second grade, and third grade. First grade is
class X, second grade is class XI and third grade is class XII. This school has four
major, that are office, hotel management, nursing assistant, and culinary art. The
selection of the school was based on the following consideration. The school
considered that the students listening skill should be improved so the school gave
a chance to the researcher to conduct research.

Analysis Data

After the data were collected, the researcher analyzed the data with the
descriptive manner. The researcher describes the data to give any information
about the problems that find in writing recount text of students using Instagram.
The first data is about what are the problems that student’s find in writing recount.
The second is about what are the possible causes of the problems of students
writing error.


The first research question is about the problems that student’s find in writing
recount. This research question used data obtained from classroom observation
online and close-ended questionnaire. The data got from observation, that showed
if students problems in writing in tenses, grammar, and vocabulary.

a. Finding from Classroom Observation

The result of the online observation of the prospection finding the

problems of students in teaching wiring as presented in table 4.1 and 4.2. Table
4.1 the result of first meeting online classroom observation and 4.2 the result of
second meetings online classroom observation.

Table 4.1 The result of first meeting online classroom observation

Meeting 1
Date 14th April 2020
Time 13.00-15.00
Material Recount Text

Stages - Teacher began the teaching activities with

- Teacher asked to students what did they
know about recount text while checked
attendance with their answered
- Teacher learn about recount text (definition
and formula)
- Show example of recount text type
personal recount text in google classroom
- Teacher ask to students about what do they
understand about Recount Text
- The teacher and students conclude the
- The teacher closed the learning

The first meeting was conducted on Tuesday 14 th April 2020 started from
01.00-03.00 pm. The teacher began the teaching activities with greeted the
students and cheeked the attendance in Google Classroom (Figure 4.1). Students
mentioned their name, not only mentioned their name but answered definition,
generic structure of Recount Text, to remember the material that teacher taught in
the past meeting.

Figure 4.1. student’s attendance on Tuesday, 14th April 20

After that, the teacher gave a picture about the material Recount Text, such
as definition, generic structure, general language features to strengthen students’
knowledge about Recount Text. The material of Recount Text can be seen in
Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Material of Recount Text

And students read it, teacher asked students about that material, they understood or no,
if they didn’t understand, they could ask to the teacher. Based on the observation, the
researcher as the observer found that most of students enjoyed with the learning process by
online using google classroom. The students sometimes they were long to reply when the
teacher asked maybe because bad network. When students would to asked, they must write
their name. The teacher gave example of personal recount text can be seen in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Example Personal Recount Text

After teacher gave example of personal recount, teacher asked to students what did
they understand and any question, some of them respond with said yes but some of students
didn’t understand or not respond. Then teacher gave suggestion to make personal text based
their experience in the past. After that teacher conclude the material and closing the learning
process to make personal recount text to students. If the students got the problems in writing
recount text, they could ask to the teacher, but no students asked. Because time is over they
can continue next meeting or did their task in their home. The teacher and students conclude
the material for make them remember, after that the teacher closed the learning.

Table 4.2 The result of second meeting classroom observation

Meeting 2
Date 21st April 2020

Time 13.00-15.00

Material Recount Text

Stages - Teacher introduce of application “Instagram”

- Definition of Instagram
- Features of Instagram
- How to use Instagram
- Teacher instruction to students to continue their
task to students
- Send or post task to Instagram
- After that teacher suggested to post student’s task
- After students posted, teacher checked and give
feedback to them
- Students know their problem in writing recount
- Researcher gave questionnaires
- Students filled the questionnaires
- The teacher and students conclude the material
- The teacher closed the learning
Second meeting was conducted on 21st April 2020 started from 01.00-03.00 P.M., the
teacher began the teaching activities with greeted the students and checked the students’
attendance and just some students who presents because some of them don’t have network.
Teacher introduced application that students will used for post their task. Teacher told what is
Instagram or definition of Instagram, features of Instagram, how to use Instagram maybe
some students already know with Instagram but Some students still confused to used

After students understood with Instagram, they can continue their task if not yet finish
if their task finish, they could post their task to Instagram. They posted with caption with their
task about their personal experience in the past can be seen in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 student’s task on Instagram

After all students posted their task, around sixteen students who posted their task to
Instagram. Teacher and researcher checked their task and find what problems that students got
in writing recount text. After the teacher and researcher checked students task, teacher gave
feedback to students, what mistake or problem that students did. Than researcher gave
questionnaire to students, students answered the questionnaire with click the link that
researcher share can be seen in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Link questionnaire

After the students fill the questionnaire, the teacher asked what problem they find in
writing especially recount text. Then teacher conclude the learning, and closing the learning.
b. The graphic of close-ended questionnaire
The researcher got the data from close-ended questionniare, ten questions that gave to
the students. The questions number 1-5 aim to explore problems in aspects of writing recount.
The questions number 6-10 aim to find ways to solve the problems that occur when writing
recount text. The data would explain with the graphic from number 1-10.

Graphic 1

Graphic 1

Based on the graphic 1, the first question researcher asked about write recount text is
difficult. 60% said no. They didn’t think if write recount text isn’t difficult but they think
write recount text is easy. 6,7% said yes, maybe not yet understand or find some problem.
33,3% said maybe

Graphic 2

Graphic 2 shows the second question asked one of the problem in writing recount
text is how to determine vocabulary. 73,3% said yes because some of them still confused to
determine vocabulary because in English some word have some meaning. 26,7% said maybe,
they think sometimes vocabulary is difficult

Graphic 3

Graphic 3

The third question based on graphic 3, asked about one of the problem in writing
recount text is to differentiate verbs or tenses. 73,3% said yes if one of the problem in
writing recount text is verbs or tenses, they have problem to differentiate verbs or tenses.
20% said no, they don’t have problem to differentiate verbs or tenses. And 7% said
maybe, sometimes difficulty and no.

Graphic 4

The fourth question based on graphic 4, asked about students have difficulty in
determining the content or story ide. 26,7% said yes, 60% said no they don’t think if they
are difficulty in determining the content or story idea. 13,3% said maybe.

Graphic 5

Graphic 5

Based on graphic 5, asked students have difficulty in the determining the mechanism
and punctuation. 26,7% said yes, they get problem in determining mechanism and
punctuation. 60% said no, they didn’t get problem in determining mechanism and
punctuation. 20% said maybe, sometimes they got and no in determining mechanism and
punctuation in writing.

Graphic 6
Based on graphic 6, asked about when students feel difficulty, they always use
dictionary for make it easy. 60% students said yes, they always use dictionary if they feel
difficulty, and 26,7% students sometimes use and no. 13,3% students said no maybe they
use translation or they know vocab.

Graphic 7

Based on graphic 7, asked about student inspiration in writing recount text with
remember their experience in the last. 93,3% said yes, they got inspiration in writing
recount text based on their experience. And 6,7% student did not got inspiration from their

Graphic 8

Based on graphic 8, asked about student’s problem to distinguish tenses or formula,
they always ask to friends who already understand. Some of them said yes, one student
said no and three students said maybe.

Graphic 9

Based on graphic 9, asked about students’ problem to distinguish tenses or formula

students always ask to teacher. 53,3% said yes, 6,75% said no, and 60% said maybe, so
some of them ask to their friend than their teacher when they get problems in writing.

Graphic 10

The last question in graphic 10, asked about students always get idea after saw writing
of their friends, and 86,7% of them always get idea from writing their friends. 6,7%
student said no and 6,7% student said maybe, based on graphic 10.


 The finding of the Problems that Student’s in Writing Recount

The section discusses about the Problems that Student’s Find in Writing Recount. In
this research, the writer choice the first grade students as the participants in learning
writing. Senior High School as object of the study especially X student consist of eight
class, but the writer took one class in X Office 3. The number of participants are thirty
five but that response around twenty students because some of them have problem in
The first research question is to find out What are the problems that student’s find in
writing recount, to answer it the researcher using data obtained from classroom
observation by online, when they learning writing recount text, some of them didn’t have
problem with recount text, they understood with recount text such as generic structure,
rule in recount text. But when teacher gave task to wrote their experience in the past, they
have problems in writing.
From the result of classroom observation shown that, some of students like learning
English because, English can make atmosphere in the classroom become more fun, but
some students still felt difficult when they learn English in the classroom by online, they
still confused to understand the material. And they didn’t know the change from verb1 to
verb2, the teacher just gave the material about recount text and the students practice to
write their experience.
In classroom observation sheet and close-ended questionnaire there are there are fifteen
students from thirty fives students who have answer the questionnaire, that they have
problems about idea, grammar and tenses. There are some students already correct in
writing recount text. The reason is that they were still fell difficult because they still don’t
understand with grammar or tenses based on according to Azhar (2015), grammatical is
connected with the rules of grammar or correctly following the rules of grammar. In this
study the students‟ grammatical errors refer to the application of a rule of English in an
inappropriate situation. Common grammatical error means that errors that happen nearly
all rules of grammar in a determined category or guidance. Gave the guidance for
correcting writing errors grammatically. The list of types error as follows: 1. Singular-
plural; 2. Word form; 3. Word choice; 4. Verb tense; 5. Add a word; 6. Omit a word.
The second, result from the data close-ended questionnaire is about the aspect and
how to resolve the issues that occur when writing recount text. The result indicated that
fifteen students answer that if they problems in writing recount text are grammar, tenses,
and vocab. Eleven students think if they have problem with how to determine vocabulary,
the first reason because they don’t know some vocabulary in English, they just know word
from Indonesia but don’t know in English. So most of students have problem how to
determine vocabulary.
For the next result learning process in writing class that students get problems in
writing recount text. Beside the vocabulary, students also get problems in tenses, they are
confused to distinguish tenses that will they use. They just know if recount text use past
tense, but some of sentence don’t use past tense some of sentence must use present
because of the rule. But teacher didn’t tell it, teacher just told definition, generic structure,
and formula. So students get problems in writing recount text, they still confused to use
From the data classroom and close-ended questionnaire that there are thirteen students
can solve their problems with ask to their friends compared to asking to their teacher.
They think if they ask to their teacher, they are afraid or shy. But if they ask to their
friend, they think can understand. But some of them still got problems in writing recount
text. They still got error writing in to use vocabulary, grammar or tenses.
 The possible causes of the problems of students writing error
This chapter discuss about the possible causes that students found when they learn
writing especially recount text. Based on the research of interview teacher, that found
three possible causes of the problem of students writing error, that are:
a. First possible causes
The first possible causes that found students not yet understand with verb,
according to Novariana, Sumardi, & Samiati Tarjana (2018), The first is
Grammatical Problems, students have grammatical problems with subject verb
agreements, pronoun references, and connectors.
Student get problem with verb, one of their problem to change verb1 to verb2,
because the teacher just gave theory not verb. In recount text use simple past, in
simple past change verb1 to verb2. So the students are confused to change from
verb1 to verb2, they still use verb1 in past sentence.
Another problem pronoun reference, they still confused to change noun which
can consist of abstract people, objects, animals, places or concepts. One example
when they change she to possessive adjective be him, it isn’t true because she in
possessive adjective be her. So before teacher give theory, they must give some
knowledge about changing verb, pronoun reference, etc.
b. Second possible causes
The second possible causes is students are confuse to choice words, based
according to Novariana, Sumardi, & Samiati Tarjana (2018) one of the problems
writing students is word choice, writing in a second language using the appropriate
words in the appropriate place is a problem for students. The effort to impress the
reader leads to a problem of diction.
Word choice also that find in the problems of student, students still confused
to choice word that match with their writing. Because in English student think
many words but have one meaning, so they are confused to choose the correct
c. Third possible causes
The last possible causes student didn’t understand with tenses. Some students
couldn’t distinguish past and present sentence, they still use verb1 in sentence past
and use verb2 in sentence present. Student just know if recount text use past so
they use past sentence in their writing, but some sentence not use past because
some sentence also must use present for example, real or fact sentence “the birds
have two eyes”, student use had not use used have.

This research investigated about The Analysis of Student’s Writing Recount Text Using
E-Learning. The research was conducted at Senior High School, the research choice first
grade of senior high school. The research took one class as the participants. Based on
classroom observation, close-ended questionnaire and interview there are the conclusion of
the research.
The data showed that are found the student’s problems of writing recount text in learning
writing, the first problem is verb or tenses students still confused to change from verb1 to
verb2 and they still wrong to choice past and present sentence. the second problem is
vocabulary students still don’t understand translate words from Indonesia to English or
English to Indonesia. The last problem is grammar students got problems in to arrange
sentence to be correct sentence.
Besides that, from the data there are students got problems because some possible causes.
The first possible causes, student not yet understand with verb, to change verb1 to verb2,
because the teacher just gave theory not verb. In recount text use simple past, in simple past
change verb1 to verb2. The second possible causes, choice words, students still confused to
choice word that match with their writing. Because in English student think many words but
have one meaning, so they are confused to choose the correct words. The last possible causes
are tenses, they still use verb1 in sentence past and use verb2 in sentence present. Student just
know if recount text use past so they use past sentence in their writing.


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