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Writen by:
Ika Nurjanah


In chapter I, the researcher presents several a parts: Background of the

study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem statement, objectives

of the study and benefits of the study.

A. Background of the Study

English is an important language used in international affairs and is

also used a medium of information flow about technology, science and

culture. With the deictic changes in information, communication, and

technology, the role of teachers is changing and becoming more important in

a way that educators have to think about teaching students who are eager

about technology use (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammak, 2004). In both school

and home settings, children have been exposed to electronic learning from a

young age and the knowledge received is not only based on textbooks but

also electronic sources and internet content.

Good and correct English proficiency is very important in this

digitalization era. English as a global lingua franca will further provide broad

insights and facilitate activities with the international world. In developing

countries such as Indonesia, there needs to be an effort to communicate using

English to build strong relationships with other countries so that we can

understand the mastery of science, technology and culture in the world. Even

English is used by many people in everyday life, and is a language that must

be taught in all schools, from Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, Junior

High Schools, High Schools, to universities. It is important for students to

learn English especially about the four skills in an integrated manner,


speaking, reading and writing. In learning English these four skills are related

to one another and cannot be separated. In this study, researchers focused on

reading and writing skills.

Writing is the most important part of communication, especially in

learning English, because through writing students can transfer thoughts,

information or knowledge to other people. Harmer (2001:79) says that writing

is a form of comunication to deliver throught or to express feeling through

written form. To make good writing requires some coordination such as

vocabulary, grammar, critical thinking skills, background knowledge. To

produce good writing requires cooperation between reading habits. It is by

Kessler (2006) cited in Farahzad and Emam (2010) stated thatgood writers

are good readers and good reading is the key tobecoming a good writer.

Promoting reading habits is important, especially among the students, to

obtain information from school books or other resources which can help

students to understand or to solve the problems that they find in the learning

materials. According Harry Madox (1963:p76) said that reading is the most

important single skill in study.

Moreover, writing and reading are often said to have a relationship.

After reading, the reader can free to develop their ideas about what they have

read. They can rewrite the ideas that they get by reading before using their

language. Without reading, the writing process would not run well. As we

knew that writing was a process of producing a final product of student

proficiency in learning the language. Producing a writing product required

long process because writing had some sequential steps that should be

passed. Flower and


Hayes stated that writing was a complex process of constructing thought or

idea to deliver meaning or message of the text (cited in Tuan, 2012: 489).

Reading habit has a big effect toward academic writing skill. The

quality of writing product showed how many times writer read. In academic

writing, reading references encouraged the writer to be a critical thinker so

that, the quality of writing product would be more acceptable. Moreover,

According to Gardiner, reading habit could promote students productivity and

creativity (Gardiner, 2005: 128).Academic writing skill was influenced by

students reading habit. The students who had a good reading habit they also

had good skill in academic writing. Reading habit could build up inspiration/

ideas, promoted critical analysis, enhanced knowledge, increased diction, got

detail information, strengthened theory, and improved writing quality, and so

on. It revealed reading habit was important for master degree program

because they were required to write journals.

Teaching writing in digital age is one of challenges in teaching

learning process. The students tend to access their social media plat form

regularly. They often chat with their friends, update their social networks, and

upload their pictures so they will be called as up to date person. Regarding to

the phenomenon of using social media, it is needed to make use of social

media platform in teaching and learning process of writing class. In teaching

writing, several approaches are able to be applied in classroom. One of the

approaches in which it has recently been implemented is a discourse and

genre approach. According to Richard (2015), contends that a discourse and

genre approach connects to the way on how to teach writing for

particular purposes and


contexts. It shows that students need to write their text that fit to the purpose

and context of writing topics. Because of that an effective teaching is much

needed especially for learners who use English as a foreign language

especially on the media. An effective medium is needed in order to make

students more interest in learning English.

Nowadays, modern teenagers are more interesting in computer,

internet, and the ‘world’ within it. The teacher has to be able to follow the

new trend of teenagers and find an innovative idea in order to choose a media

which suits students’ interest. It is supported by Rockler (1988) who states

innovating teaching strategies are needed to increase the problem solving

capacity of the students. One of the phenomenal things in Internet ‘world’ is

social network. There are many social network sites we can visit, like Twitter,

Facebook, YouTube, and the most famous one is Instagram. The function of

those social network sites now has been transformed. They are not only used

to connect us with others, but further they can be used as a media of

entertainment, trade and even education.

Based on the observation in SMK Wijaya Kusuma, the difficult skill

to learn is writing. The researcher has observed, when students were working

on their writing, they seemed not understand the structure and the language

feature of the text. In addition, students also lack of knowledge in using

correct grammar and the way of arranging a good text. They lack of

vocabularies and they do not know how to make a good sentence. Some

students also have less interest in writing. Then, English teacher of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma said that some students less motivates in writing skill and

they always use their


smartphone in learning process. Some statements from students feel bored

with English language learning in the classroom because some English

teachers only use media textbooks and LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa).

Therefore, they got difficulty in learning genre text. Instagram is one of the

most popular social media channels for teens and tweens today. Kessler

(2013: 615) states that Instagram is works as a unique way for teachers and

students to connect and share information. In fact, Instagram is developing a

regular presence in classrooms around the world and teachers are finding

creative ways to put it to good use.

In this case, the researcher would focus on the correlation of

Instagram as one of the media to the students in writing ability especially in

writing caption. Caption is brief description, heading, or title that identifier or

introduces a document, graphic, photograph, or table. In the world of

entertainment caption is defined as a series of words superimposed on the

bottom of television or film like a frame. The researcher uses captions on

Instagram to improve the students’ ability on writing Recount text. Writing

recount text is an activity to write notes on past events. The events are

reported chronologically according to time and place setting using a number

of conjunction and sequence markers. Cavanagh (1998:11) defines “recounts

are retelling of past events.” They are usually written as a series of events in

the order in which they happen. In teaching recount text, Instagram is

considered as an appropriate media, because by using Instagram it is

supposed that students would more enthusiast and more motivate in writing

about Recount text.


Moreover, the teacher has to be creative in developing and using the

Instagram itself. The teacher can minimize student’s difficulty by leading

them to write the caption using Instagram. Therefore, students would feel that

it is something new in learning English. Moreover, using Instagram seems

like student’s favorite daily activity in this era.

However, at that time the researcher observed the problems in the

tenth- grade at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in Academic 2021/2022, the

researcher found that a student did not have a shortcut to examine the context

in which a word was used and even observed students having difficulty in

creating the context. Based on the observation of problem students have only

think of a complicated idea so that they do not pay attention to the use of

grammar, punctuation, even missing the grammar to the structure of writing

so they produce ineffective and ambiguous sentences.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will conduct a study

entitled "The Correlation between Students reading habit and their

ability of Writing caption on Instagram at Class X Students of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in Academic Year 2021/2022".

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study, there are some problems may occur

such as:

1. In writing, the lack of vocabulary is one of the main problems that

causes the difficulties of students to express their idea. The only to

improve their vocabulary is communication, reading and writing.


2. To examine whether or not there is a correlation between reading

habit and writing ability of Caption. The writer chooses recount text in

writing Caption on Instagram, because the lack of vocabulary mastery

and general knowledge which can be acquired by reading, it will lead

the students to difficulties.

3. To encourage students to improve their reading habit in order to

broaden their knowledge and vocabulary mastery which will

improve their writing ability.

C. Problem Limitation

As stated above, there are various problems find by the researcher,

but in this research, the researcher has a limitation of the problem only on

the third problem.

This study is limited to the correlation study between reading habit

and writing skill especially in the use of caption on Instagram.

Therefore, this study focuses on developments in English such as

the habit of reading English and writing recount text through Instagram

captions of tenth-grade students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta at

2021/2022 Academic Year.

D. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, there are some problems

that can be formulated as follows:

1. How is Reading Habit of the tenth-grade students of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2021/2022 academic year?


2. How is the Writing Caption on Instagram at tenth-grade of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2021/2022 academic year?

3. Is there any positive correlation between Reading Habit and

Writing Caption at Tenth-grade students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

in 2021/2022 academic year?

E. The Purpose of the Study

1. To find out reading habit of the tenth-grade students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta in 2021/2022 academic year.

2. To find out the writing caption on Instagram of the tenth-grade

students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta 2021/2022 academic


3. To find out the positive correlation between Reading Habit and

Writing Caption at Tenth-grade students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

2021/2022 academic year.

F. Benefits of the Study

The correlation between reading habits with their ability of

writing caption, the researcher hopes about the result of the research to

give some contributions and will be useful, like :

1. For the teachers

Teachers will find effective techniques to teach writing recount

texts involving the use of media such as Instagram. The results of this

study are expected to contribute to the teaching and learning process,

especially in learning to write recount texts in high school.


2. For the students

The result of the research will motivate them to read more than

they did before and encourage them to learn English by reading a lot

of books to improve their vocabulary. Furthermore, by improving their

vocabulary mastery, they will be able to increase their writing ability.

3. For the other researchers

The results of the study can be a reference for other researchers

who want to know information about English reading habits in the

digital era, in addition to providing references for other researchers

who want to develop recount text writing materials based on

Instagram captions for Class X students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta in the academic year 2020/ 2021.



This Chapter is divided into several sections. The first is that researchers

review theoretical studies containing quotations and definitions of reading habits.

Second, that researchers review theoretical studies containing quotation and

definition of writing skills. Third is the framework or learning media used in

research which is interrelated.

A. Theoretical Review

1. Reading Theory

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is very important and has main role in our life.

Reading can enrich our experience and knowledge by reading. Hence,

reading moreover something significant and irreplaceable. By reading,

we are able to increase our information approXmately science,

technology, and simple way to induce many data that’s valuable for

us. Reading is main skill to reach a successful study. Students who

only confine in what their teacher gives in the class without having an

effort to read much reference will not pass in the time and success.

More reading means more information.

Additionally, reading as a target language to create vocabulary

for English lesson. It is far realized that analyzing reading skill or

reading activity will open knowledge broadly and give more greater

vocabularies and data. The definition of reading is proposed by several


numerous experts. According to Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9) reading is

development, interactive, and global process involving learned skills.

The process specifically incorporates and can be positively and

negatively influenced by nonlinguistic internal and external variables

or factors.

Furthermore, according to Tarigan (2008:7) states that raeding

is a process carried out and used by a reader to acquire message which

is conveyed by a writer through words could be seen and known by

reader. Besides that, according to Tarigan (2008:7) states that reading

is a process carried out and used by a reader to acquire massage which

is conveyed by a writer through words could be seen and known by

reader. Basically, reading is the activity of getting nutrition from

words or some symbols and how these competences are utilized to

understand, recognize and translate words.

From all the definitions above, it can be conclude that reading

activities are very important for students to achive high studies or

academics, besides this reading activity provides a very large role such

as readers getting a lot of information or vocabulary that they don’t

know much about and can improve their abilities in understanding or

translating a meaning in each sentence.


b. The purpose of reading

The main motive in reading is collecting and obtaining data or

notes concerning the content of the reading and the meaning of the

reading text. Tarigan (2008:9) said that there are some important

things about the aim, as follow:

1) The readers try to find or know the experience of someone what

he has done or something that happens to him or the way how to

solve his or her problems.

2) Reading from main idea

The readers try to know what the topic interest and the problem of

the story.

3) Reading for sequence or organization

The readers try to know what happens in each part of stories, action.

4) Reading to inference

The readers try to find out the conclusion from the action or the

idea in the text.

5) Reading to classify

The readers try to classify some information or actions of the writer

in the text or paragraph.

6) Reading to evaluate

The readers try to evaluate what the writer has done or what he tries

to explain in his paragraph.


7) Reading to compare or contrast

The readers compare the plot of story or content, whether have

similarity with him or even contrast.

From the review above that reading has a very important role for

readers. Reading as a goal for learning and also as the organization of

reading. Beside that we will understand that reading is a flow or

learning content.

2. Reading Habit Theory

At this point, the researcher will explain the definition of

reading habit, their benefits and purposes.

a. Definition of Reading Habit

Each individual certainly has certain pleasant behaviors

such as activities that are carried out repeatedly in everyday life.

Activities that are often done can be interpreted as a habit. Habits

that are done unconsciously and spontaneously. Nilsen (2012)

defines habit as-habit is behavior that has been repeated until it has

become more loss automatic, enacted without purposeful thinking,

largely without any sense of awareness. Habits can be done

anywhere and anytime, such as within the scope of school, students

have unconsciously carried out an activity such as gathering

knowledge to achieve an academic achievement through activities

such as reading habits. According to Gardiner, reading habit could

promote students’ productivity and creativity (Gardiner, 2005:


Habit in this research refers to the habit that students always

do in their spare time or intentionally spend their time for reading

at school or at home. According to (Grabe & Stoller, 1997:98)

The habit is necessary for a healthy intellectual growth and

plays a crucial role in enabling a person to achive language

proficiency. There are several aspects to reading habits such as

vocabulary mastery, language knowledge and reading techniques.

Besides that, reading habits are an effective way to make readers

more proficient in grammatical competence, good spelling, and

vocabulary mastery. After seeing several definitions of reading

habits, it can be concluded that it can form a feeling of pleasure

that makes people feel happy so that it can from good reading

habits of students, not only that they can also improve their

mastery of good grammar and

in writing.

b. Type of Reading Habit

Every student must have their own way to get superior

academics in the class, as well as reading habits there are several

kinds that are done by students. Ogbodo (2011) Distinguished

reading habit as hobby, recreational and concentration. A hobby is

an activity creates a sense of joy and pleasure while doing it. The

purpose of reading habit as a hobby is to make readers informed or

have very broad knowledge in various field such as education.

Unlike other hobbies, reading habit is one of the activities that is

recommended to shape the competence of readers. In addition,


reading can improve the vocabulary of the readers and can support

the readers career in the future.

Good reading habits in spare time make a reader

accumulate more knowledge in school. Other than that, it aims to

calm the readers mind and ward off mental fatigue, such as for

example reading habits for relaxation such as reading newspapers

or magazine.

Concentration is a way of reading to know how their

process is to understand or recognize the meaning of the reading.

Reading to concentrate is usually recommended to be used for

school purposes. The goal of this reading habit is an extraordinary

outcome of student success in class achievement.

c. The Purpose of Reading Habit

According to Ogbodo (2010), reading habit has four

purposes. Three of them reflect a positive attitude. One of them

reflects negative attitude. The first three purposes are listed as


1) Hobby

A hobby is an interest done as it devires joy and

complacency. This aim of reading makes domeone to be

beneficial in expertise in lots of areas. Then, the person can

discuss knowledgeably with others. This kind of reading as a

nice one to gaining knowledge of now not only in growing


intellectual reasoning however additionally in supporting the

man or woman to meet his interest and aspirations.

2) Recreational

Reading for recreation or relaxation is very general

among educational environment. This kind of studying

produces positive outcomes because it keeps the students’

hobby, helps them obtain extra understanding and makes for

disciplined lifestyles within the school. Average case in

general, it is effect in inducing sleep and rest after tedious

reading inside the classroom or the library adds to nice health


3) Concentration

The concentration of reading is the foremost important

one that gives the required result. The resulting achievement

comes from the reading orientation and foundation. As

expressed over, those three is the positive purposes in reading

habit. This final one is the negative aimed in reading habit. The

negative motive is known as as deviational. The reader

deviates from the actual reading and pretending to read. It

cause in loss of hobby in the acquisition of expertise. It is

miles a defense mechanism to satify parents and teachers. It is

due to by learing malpractice, failure in exam, studying

frustrations, loss self- idea, school drop-out, and and so forth.


d. The Advantage of Reading Habit

The researcher collected several findings that illustrate the

advantages of reading habits cited by several researchers. First,

According Owusu-acheaw’s (2014) reading habit has influence on

academic performance. As explained above, that habits have a huge

impact on one’s academics. Second, the result of Muawanah (2014)

found that reading habit has positive impact on reading

comprehension. Besides academic, students will get a very broad

understanding of reading habits, because students can more easily

grasp the meaning of each sentence. Actually not only

understanding the meaning of sentence, but students will be more

creative in writing either narrative text, descriptive text or even

being able to write a poem in English. Third, based on result of

Maula (2015) there is a positive realitionship between reading habit

and writing narrative text.

With reading habits, someone will have the ability to

understand language so that communicating will be more effective,

where they are able to say messages well and have a very good tone

speech. According to Yang (2007) found that reading habit

promotes language proficiency and to be able to communicate

properly and in a more sophisticated structure. By applying reading

habits to students, it will provide benefits such as language

development so students are more skilled in listening, speaking

and writing. Based


the result of Rodrigo (2014) found that reading habit promotes

language development.

The conclusions of some of the researchers’ findings can be

concluded that reading habits mean seeing and understanding the

content of what is written either by speaking or just in the heart,

even the mind continues to work in understanding what it is

reading so that reading habits will create superior academic values

but also producing quality students in various fields such as being

writers, motivators, resource persons etc.

e. The Indicators of Reading Habit

According to Gaona et. al in Parmawati (2018), there are

some indicators of reading habit:

a. Attitude toward reading

It is the reason that the person reports on the attitude and

behavioral cognitive-affective attitude towards reading.

b. Reading frequency

Reading frequency is the frequency at which the person reports

to read books in their spare time. Furthermore, reading

frequency is one of activity when someone does to read for

some minutes or hours as frequently.

c. Books read

Books read is the number of books that the person reports

having read in the last three months. It is considered from the

amount of books.

d. Time spent

1) Academic reading

The reported time for someone to dedicate their time to

reading a textbook. It is considered from time reported as

dedicated to "books for class". In this case people will spend

more time receiving information than non-academic.

2) Non-academic reading

The reported time for someone to dedicate their time to

reading a textbook. It was considered from the time it was

reported as dedicated to "books that are not for class". In this

case the public will spend more time receiving information

than academics.

e. Motivation

1) In the family environment is often reported by the person

on the purchase of books, recommending books and

reading interest in the family.

2) Motivation in the academic environment is the frequency

the student reports on the teacher using activities to

promote contact with psychology literature.

2. Writing Theory

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is an art, for those former language students. Writing is

arranging each word for word to make sentence and sentence by

sentence into a writing. Writing is a medium for communication that

cannot be

said directly. Besides writing, it can also be said to be a form of a

feeling because every word written is how the writer describes a self-

expression. So, that makes me agree with the statement According to

Tarigan (1985:5) writing is productive skills, for writing an indirect

communication and the nature of the character is very different from

that expressed by speaking directly, therefore writing is included an

ability. Not only that the writer also agrees with the statement

According to Harmer (2001:79) says that writing is a form of

communication to deliver throught or to express feeling through written


In addition to expressing yourself and communicating, writing is

also a means of conveying ideas, opinions, ideas or suggestions in the

form of a series of words and sentence. Besides writing is a production

process to produce a work that comes from the mind so that the

preparation of each sentence requires stages to become quality writing.

Suparno, Jonah (2006:14) Argues that writing is a series of activities

going on and involve several phases, the preparatory phase, the content

development and review as well as revisions or improvements posts,

not only that According Jonah (2006:29) writing can be used as an

indirect means of communication to others to convey information.

Writing is an activity that is very useful and in Indonesia has

implemented learning to write since childhood, if writing is said to be a

skill, therefore writing also plays an important role in one’s academis,

especially a student because from writing students can get an

achievement. As said (Shell, Duana F; Murphy, Carolyn C; Bruning,


Roger H. 1998) Writing achievement is measured by a holistically

scored writing sample.

According to Bernianger at al (2002) writing is considered as an

active creation of text involves on the one hand lower-order

transcription skills such as handwriting, punctuation and spelling. And

other hand, higher-order self-regulated thinking processes such as

planning, sequencing and expressing the content. Writing is essentially

an orderly thought process, so that what is written is easy for the reader

to understand. A writing is said to be good if it has the characteristics of

being meaningful, clear, round and intact, economical and fulfills

grammatical rules. A person is said to be skilled at writing when he

understands and applies the process of expressing ideas and feelings in

written language by considering factors such as spelling and grammar,

organization or composition of writing, integrity, cohesiveness, goals

and objectivies of writing. According Widdowson (1978:62) that

writing is the act of making up correct sentence and transmitting them

through the visual medium as mark on paper.

In writing, students also try to use English in spoken form.

According to Zulfani (2001), writing can help students to make stronger

by adding more grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary, as the

important thing in learning a language. Writing can be fun if we master

vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and idioms. The writer must use the

correct writing language, so that the reader can understand the author’s

ideas. In writing mastery, students need guidance and conseling with


teacher. As long as the writing of students is in accordance with the

process described above, the reader will more easily understand the

author’s ideas.

According to Jacobs et al. in Yusuf et al. (2019), there are some

components in writing such as content, organization, language use,

vocabulary and mechanic.

1) Content

Content revers to substance of writing, the experience of the main

idea (unity), i.e., groups of related statements that a writer presents

as unit in developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of

conveying ideas rather than fulling special function of transition,

restatement, and emphasis.

2) Organization

It refers to the logical organization of the content (coherence). It is

scarcely more than an attempt to piece together all collection of facts

and jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may still be searching for

order, trying to make out patterns in its material and working to

bring the particulars of his subject in line with what is still only a

half- formed notion of purpose.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the important aspect in teaching a language.

Vocabulary refers to the selection of words which are suitable with

the content. It begins with the assumption that writer wants to


the ideas as clearly and directly as he/she can. As a general rule,

clarity should be his/her prime objective.

4) Grammar

The grammar of language is a description of way that the language

behaves. Without having knowledge of grammar, the writer cannot

make his/her language communicative to a great variety of reader

from different situation.

5) Mechanic

Mechanic refers to the use of conventional graphic of the language,

i.e., the step of arranging letters, words, paragraphs, by using

knowledge of structure and some others related to one another. We

have to pay attention to the use of the punctuation and applying of

the word of sentences

b. The Process of Writing

Writers have their own writing process as per their preference

and they follow those steps naturally. Whenever they get stuck with

some tough topics, they follow the steps which are familiar to all to

stimulate their ideas in a right manner. It starts with prewriting and ends

with publishing. However, 5 basic stages of the writing process are

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Each stage is

precisely discussed here to represent a clear perception about the entire

process of writing.

1) Prewriting: prewriting is important as it is the first stage, where a

writer choose the topic and narrow down the points as well as he

determines the purpose of his writing. Additionally, the writer

should consider his audience whom he needs to address. Find your

idea and them try to develop your idea and accumulate pertinent

information that support your idea. The next step is to plan and

structure your idea.

2) Drafting: drafting is nothing but putting your points and ideas on

paper and arrange these points in a readable manner. Writers

usually research about their topics at the prewriting stage and then

they accumulate the entire information at this stage. First, the

writers do a rough draft and then they try to arrange their points in

a best possible way and gradually prepares a final draft.

3) Revising: revising is another imperative stage, where a draft is

scrutinized thoroughly and points incorporated in the draft are

rearranged. At this stage, new points are added and some points are

replaced and removed as per the requirements. However, revision is

indispensable to make the outlook of the writing catchy and cogent.

4) Editing: fine the tone of the writing and check each line thoroughly.

Check spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure,

document format and each other things. Check the entire content as

mistakes should not leave behind. However, editing is the stage

where writers can modify their lines as well as theme, it is always

better to give your writing to someone for editing.

5) Publishing: publishing is the last stage where writers submit their

work to the publisher. Make sure your written document should be


completed before giving to the publisher. However, each writer’s

goal is to publish his work and reach to the readers.

Every stage includes a specific type of task that a writer must

fulfill in order to build good work. Moreover, three other stages are

externally imposed on students by the teacher, namely responding,

evaluating, and post writing. So, the authors conclude that the writing

process is a writing writing process which consists of five stages: pre-

writing, planning, composing, revision and editing and three other

stages initiated by the teacher including responding, evaluating and post


c. Materials of Writing

Writing skills are one of the skills that students find very

difficult to teach in learning English, mainly for students who do not

speak English, basically writing cannot be mastered naturally rather

than going through several steps of learning to write to become a writer

based on Richards and Renandya (2002:303) who state that writing is

the most difficult skill to be mastered by foreign students. Then,

Grenville (2001:iv) add that writing becomes hard when the students

should think about grabbing the first interesting sentence, blank about

what to write and realize that writing is to find interesting stuff to write.

The effect, there are several obstacles in learning to write for students

who are less able to develop ideas and do not know how to attract

readers by making interesting sentence in English.

So a teacher needs a several material. Learning materials can be

taken from anywhere from books, magazine, foreign news, newspaper


and even from applications because Indonesia has become a

technologically advanced country. According to The University of

South Africa. Institute for Adult Basic education (2015:7) states that the

following are different types of print media: maps, fashion magazines,

catalogs, financial statements, newspapers, deposit slips, information

pamphlets from hospital, banks and university, recipe books,

application forms and so on.

According to the University of South Africa. Institute fot Adult

Basic Education (2015:7) Print media can be used for teaching,

informing and entertaining purposes, depending on the objectives of the

lesson that are set by the adult education specialist or facilitator. In the

journal above, the material submitted from the author to the students is

very simple. The author asks the students to read the newspaper and

answer questions from the author. Not only that, the author also uses

photos, they are asked to identify what happened in the photo and are

asked to write it in a sentence.

So the conclusion above, in general the criteria for good

learning material are in accordance with the needs of students. Teaching

materials can be a source of learning and guidelines in class activities

that help students master their English, and can also assist teachers in

providing some learning activities. So, designing good learning

materials is needed, because it plays a very important role in foreign

language classes.

3. Definition of Recount Text


Recount is a kind of genre that has social function to retell event for

the purpose of informing or entertaining. Recount text is a text which lists

and describes past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they

happened in the chronological order (Knapp & Watskin, 2005). The tense

that used in recount text is past tense. Social purpose of recount is to

reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequence. We

can look at the sample of recount in personal letters, police report, insurance

claims, and incident reports. The events are reported chronologically

according to the setting of time and place with the use of a number of

conjunction and sequence marker.

Generally, a recount text starts with orientation that gives

background information about the characters, what happen with the

character, and also informs where and when the story took place. Then, it is

followed by the series of events that tells the events orderly. Sometimes, in

the end of a recount text, there will be a re- orientation. It is an optional that

states personal comment of the writer to the story.

4. Instagram

a. Definition Of Instagram

Instagram is certainly considered one among social community

systems where in the millenial era commonly use it to percentage their

non-public information, consisting of importing their photos or movies

and writing Instagram captions. Alhabash and Ma (2017) state that

Instagram is a photo-sharing mobile application that allows users to

take pictures, apply filters to them, and share them on the platform


Mobile applications have been positioned at the forefront of almost all

parts of human life, most importantly in the field of education. The total

number of smartphone users reached more than half of the population in

Indonesia or 56.2% were using smartphones in 2018. A year later, as

many as 63.3% of the people used smart phones. Until 2025, at least

89.2% of the population in Indonesia has use smartphones, including

actively using social media including Instagram (DataBooks,2020).

Therefore, it makes sense that English teaching scholars use Instagram

as a learning medium in the classroom (Aloraini,2018; Anggraeni,2017;

Handayani et al, 2018; Listiani, 2016; Kelly,2015).

Instagram provides a fun and engaging alternative for students to

learn vocabulary. Instagram is an application for editing and sharing

photos on various social networking sites. Learning vocabulary is a very

important factor in learning English. Technological developments in

2020 are very sophisticated and dynamic, coupled with the character of

students who really like sophisticated things.

Until now, Instagram provides many functions such as creating

account, posting content (1-5 pictures or 15 second of video), applying

filters, adding text, tagging users, adding location, adding hastags,

liking content, adding comments, browsing and following other

account, check a feed generated by followed accounts, and explore

(search for) hastags/users (Ali;2014). So the function of this Instagram

feature has a lot of benefits, and until now Instagram is most often used

by many millennial children and even our parents also use it.

Users create connection with each other, such as by ‘following’

each other’s profiles which allows them to view content posted on these

profiles and respond in the form of comments or ‘likes’. Like is liking a

photo or video that is posted, a form os appreciation of the photo or

video that other people like the content. Once a user has followed

another user, all posts from this user will be collected and served in the

user’s ‘News Feed’. Instagram users can also message each other

privately using ‘Direct Message’. This facility allows users to engage in

communication, both publicly and privately. Instagram users can be set

to Instagram profiles with the default settings publicly viewable by

anyone who visits the site and there are also privacy settings that can

restrict access to a person’s profile to only approved followers.

According to Handayani (2016) Insatagram has specific features

which are commonly used by user. Instagram is very impressive with

its amazing features to support people’s goals related to everyday needs

and education. In addition, Instagram can also be used as a learning

medium because Instagram has supporting features such as:

1) Share photos and videos

Instagram allows users to take pictures within the app or use photos

that are already in the user's camera roll. Users can give their photos

a title, which is both useful and fun. The title itself can lead them to

become curious or interested in what is really going on in it.

2) Social

Instagram, like other social networks Facebook or twitter, basically

has friends or followers. On Instagram, users 'follow' people. At the

top of the profile (or anyone's profile) the user will see their

username, profile photo, how many photos they have uploaded, how

many followers the account has, and how many they follow. When a

user follows someone, and enters their profile, the user will see a

collection of photo posts and even videos of long duration and short

duration. the activities carried out here are 'liking' the photos and

commenting on them. This activity is highly valued because users

can automatically provide education, or information. People ask

questions in the comments, like "where is this taken" or "what app

did you use it for?" Instagram users are currently very friendly.

3) Community

The experience of people on Instagram is great. Instagram connects

people all over the world, such as community leaders, artists,

teachers, elementary school aged children to students, even big

figures in every country. This is a very global community and has

many advantages for each other, therefore this community is very

good for student learning media, with the presence of an diagram

students can express their feelings by writing something. This means

that when students are involved in a community, they will try to

move rapidly and provide advancement in knowledge, in this case,

the product is in writing recount text based on photos or videos that

are shared.

4) Education about Humanity


These Instagram features are a great opportunity to develop or

improve students' writing skills. Students are involved in a good

atmosphere in writing descriptive texts because when working on a

project they will get good insights from the uploaded images because

they start from their observations. Pictures make them think more

broadly and will support them in compiling the text in the space

provided because what they write is based on their personal life


Figure 1. Logo of Instagram

So, the conclusion is that the Instagram feature is very beneficial

both for knowledge and for learning. Through Instagram we can learn

knowledge from various countries, and we are more updated about

information or events that occur in other cities or in other countries

because this application is worldwide.

b. The Definition of Caption

Caption is a word familiar to our hearing. This word has become

increasingly popular in recent times, because the word caption is widely

used by people in the use of social media that is so prevalent among most

people. Caption is brief explanation or description accompanying the

illustrations or photographs. In the world of entertainment caption is

defined as a series of words superimposed on the bottom of television or

film like a frame. Caption is also defined as a short piece of text

underneath the picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes

and explains what people say in it. The maXmum character count for an

Instagram caption (2.200 characters) is basically a formality. But the

important thing to note is that captions cut off in users’ feeds after three

to four lines of text. Users can see 100% having to click “more.”

The definition of caption and its application and examples of its use in

our daily lives:

1) In the world of journalists

In accordance with the translation in Indonesian write a caption

id defined as a description/short article that will describe an object or

image displayed.

2) In data processing based on Ms. Word

The caption is a form of command used to add information to

an image, table, or other objects.

3) In Instagram

In Instagram, caption not unfamiliar to the Instagram users,

the use of this word commonly even almost always used on every

post image or video uploaded to Instagram account.

c. The Use of Instagram Caption to Teach Students


Teacher can use Instagram as media when to teach recount text.

Instagram gives students access to thousands of photographs every day

and allows them to add their own photographs to the mix. By taking and

responding to photographs and make the recount text as the caption,

students learn to communicate in a different way and have the

opportunity to boost their critical thinking and creative skills. Teachers

can also get in on the Instagram action, using the photographs to share all

of the great things they are doing in the classroom and share their

experiment to other friends through Instagram.

For teachers who want to boost students’ creative and critical

thinking skills, Instagram can also be a helpful tool. Instead of writing

recount text or narrative essays, students can share the results of their

stories through photos. Kelly (2015: 89) states that photo essays can be

created in nearly every subject area, with students posting photos to show

their understanding of a subject and adding captions to include key facts

or other pieces of information. The photos found on Instagram can also

be used to inspire creativity, having students choose a photo and then

write a short story, description their story or on what they see. Using

Instagram’s search feature, students can also search for photos by hash

tags and find photos to help them learn more about a particular topic or to

use as part of a report or research project.

B. Rational

In learning English, there are several difficulties faced by students.

Students at SMK Wijaya Kusuma experience problems in learning English,


especially reading and writing skills. One of them is saturation in the teaching

and learning process, as evidenced by the results of learning researchers when

conducting observations at SMK Wijaya Kusuma. Students have low writing

scores and have a lot of difficulty understanding English.

Instagram is used as a medium because Instagram has several

advantages, namely an effective medium for the writing skills of Wijaya

Kusuma Vocational School students. First, the application offers a large

amount of contextual visual data that can provide assistance in language

classes. Second, using Instagram in the classroom can help create socially

connected student communities, as the tools themselves provide spaces for

students to communicate and socialize with each other outside the classroom

boundaries. Third, Instagram is a commonly used social media outlet where

young students are now almost completely accustomed to incorporating it

into their learning process which can be seen as a form of applying the topics

learned in class in a real-life environment. Lastly, the ease of access to

Instagram and availability on most of the devices it handles make it even

more inviting to consider this platform for use in language classes.

In addition, the use of Instagram in the classroom can be effective in

classes that lack vocabulary and sentence structure. With recount text,

researchers try to involve students' skills and explain clearly about sentence


As the topic of the research, is attempted to reveal whether or not there

is a significance correlation about reading habit and writing caption on


Instagram. Therefore, research with correlational statistics was conducted to

determine the possible relationship between two variables.

C. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is:

H1: There is a correlation between students reading habits and their ability of

writing caption on Instagram at class X students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta in academic year 2021/2022.

H0: There is no correlation between students reading habits and their ability

of writing caption on Instagram at class X students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta in academic year 2021/2022.



A. Places and Time of the Study

The research takes place in SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta that is

located on Jl. Kutai Raya, Sumber, Banjarsari, Jawa Tengah 57138. The

school has 9 classes and each class consists of 15 to 25 students. The research

will conduct on the second semester of the academic year of 2021/2022. The

research will carry out in the tenth-grade students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma


B. Research Method

The researcher will conduct a correlation study between reading habits

and writing caption. The purpose of correlation is to investigate there is any

relationship between two variables (Sugiyono, 2016). The researcher will use

the quantitative research in conducting this research. It means the researcher

will collect and analyze the data statistically from the students’ scores of

variables to find out the correlation between students reading habits and their

ability of Writing caption on Instagram at Class X Students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta.

There are two variables that involve in this study, which are:

1. Independent variable (X): reading habit

2. Dependent variable (Y): ability of writing caption



Figure 1: The Relationship

between Reading Habits (X) and Ability of Writing Caption (Y)

The operational definition of this research is described in the table


Table 1. Operational Definition of Correlation Between Students

Reading Habit and Their Ability of Writing Caption on
Instagram of Tenth-Grade at SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Variables Operational Indicators Instrument Scale

Students A repeat action 1. Attitude toward Questionnaire Ordinal
Reading of reading that reading
Habit (X) conducted by 2. Reading
the students frequency
without 3. Books read
concerning 4. Time spent
why this self- 5. Motivation
concept must
happen. In
repeated and
Ability of The ability to 1. Content Test Ordinal
Writing write a short 2. Organization
Caption piece of text 3. Vocabulary
(Y) underneath the 4. Grammar
picture in 5. Mechanic

C. Population, Sample and Sampling

1. Population

Arikunto (2013) states that a population is a set (or collection) of

all elements processing one or more attributes of interest. Population is

all subjects of the research. Based on two theories, it can be concluded

that population is all subjects that will be analyzed in the research.

The population in this study is the tenth grades students of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in academic year of 2021/2022 that consists of

65 students. The researcher chooses SMK Wijaya Kusuma because it

provides complete facilities to support teaching and learning process.

Everyone in this school has already been familiar with the using of the

internet. This school even has its own website and this school allowed the

students to bring mobile phone.

2. Sample

Sample is a part taken from the whole object under study and is

considered to represent the entire population. According to Arikunto

(2013) sample is part or representative of the population being studied.

There are two sample requirements that must be met when determining

the sample, namely representative (the sample can represent the eXsting

population) and the sample must be quite large (Sugiyono, 2014).

The sample of this research is the tenth grades students of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in academic year of 2021/2022 that consists of

65 students.

3. Sampling

The sampling technique in this study is total sampling, which is a

sampling technique where the number of samples is the same as the

population (Sugiyono, 2016). The reason for taking the total sampling

technique, because the total population is less than 100, so the entire

population is used as the research sample.

D. Data Collection Technique

The instruments which are used in this study are aimed to measure

the students’ reading habit and ability of writing caption. Students’ reading

habit is measured through questionnaire and writing test is used to

measure ability of writing caption. The author uses a written form in

giving a reading habit questionnaire and a writing test on Instagram.

1. Questionnaire

Oppenheim (1992) states that in a different way the word,

Questionnaire is sometimes used to distinguish a set of questions,

including perhaps some open-ended ones: from more rigidly

constructed scales or test. The questionnaire is designed to measure

the students’ reading habit. It is designed based on six indicators of

reading habit from the theory of Gaona et. al in Parmawati (2018).

The questionnaire consists of 30 questions. In order to measure the

reading habit, the researcher uses four Likert scales that consist of

very often, often, seldom and never.


Table 2. The Likert Scale Score of Reading Habit Questionnaire

No. Optional Response Score

1. Very often 4
2. Often 3
3. Rarely 2
4. Never 1

The researcher will carry out several categorizations of the

classifications of students' reading habits by ranking their responses

to a given questionnaire. The classification can be seen as follows:

Table 3. The Classification of Students’ Reading Habit

No. Category Score

1. Excellent reader 81-100
2. Good reader 61-80
3. Moderate reader 41-60
4. Poor reader 0-40

The numbers of items are presented in blue print table below.

Table 4. The Blue Print of Students’ Reading Habit

Variable Indicators Items Total Items

Students’ Attitude toward reading 1, 2, 3, 4 4
reading habit Reading frequency 5, 6, 7, 8 4
(X) Books read 9, 10, 11, 4
Time spent:
a. Academic reading 13, 14, 8
15, 16
b. Non-academic 17, 18,
reading 19, 20
a. In the family 21, 22, 8
environment 23, 24
b. In the 25, 26,
academic 27, 28

2. Writing Test

The test is needed to determine student performance in

achieving the targets they have learned (Sumadinata, 2012). In this

study, the second instrument is the writing test. The test will be

conducted by asking the students to write a caption on Instagram with

the length of words at least 80 words and at most 120 words. It is

intended to find out students' writing ability.

Table 5. The Blueprint of Ability of Writing Caption

Variable Indicators Media

Ability of Content Instagram
writing caption Organization

The researcher uses a scoring rubric for writing test with an

EFL composition profile assessment guide from Jacobs et al. in Yusuf

et al. (2019) which consists of content, organization, vocabulary,

grammar and mechanic.

Table 6. Scoring Rubric for Writing Test

Component Score Criteria

a. Content
Excellent 30-27 Information is very clear, the idea of the
problem development very clear, the
development of the idea is perfect, very
relevant to the problem, and thoroughly.
Good 26-22 The information is clear but there is
some confusion, good substance, the
development of a complete idea,
to the problem, and thorough.
Fair 21-17 Information is almost enough, enough
substance, thesis development is very
limit, less relevant to the problem but

Poor 0-16 Information is very limit, no substance,

no idea development, no problems
b. Organization
Excellent 30-27 Expression is very smooth, ideas are
express very clearly, well order, logical,
and coherence.
Good 26-22 Expression smooth, expression less
clear, arrange with almost good, logical
Fair 21-17 The expression is substandard, less
organize, the main idea is invisible, the
sequence is almost logical, and
Poor 0-16 Not communicative, chaotic ideas,
sequences and problems are illogical.
c. Vocabulary
Excellent 30-27 Utilization of word potential is very
precise, word choice and expression
precise, mastering word formation
Good 26-22 Utilization of word potential rather
precisely, word choice and expression
almost right, almost mastering the
formation of words.
Fair 21-17 Utilization of the word good, choice of
words and phrases are less precise.
Poor 0-16 Utilization of word potential is very
limit, vocabulary is low.
d. Grammar
Excellent 30-27 The employment of grammatical form
and syntactic patterns
Good 26-22 Construction is simple and effective,
grammar error occurs but not disturbing
Fair 21-17 There is a grammar error but not
Poor 0-16 Slightly control syntactic rules,
confusing meanings
e. Mechanic
Excellent 30-27 Mastering the entire writing.
Good 26-22 Mastering the entire writing, there are
only a few spelling errors.
Fair 21-17 Sometimes spelling errors occur but they
do not obscure meaning.
Poor 0-16 Not mastering the rules of writing, there
are many spelling errors, unreadable
unworthy of value

The average score of the students is classified into 5 levels as follows:


Table 7. Writing Test Score Classification

No. Classification Score

1. Very good 91-100
2. Good 76-90
3. Moderate 61-75
4. Poor <60

E. Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

According to Sugiyono (2016) validity test is used to measure

whether a questionnaire is valid or not to be used as a basis for research.

An instrument that is valid has high validity, while an instrument that is

less valid means it has low validity. In order to measure the validity of the

questionnaire, the researcher uses the correlation product moment formula.

𝑛(∑ 𝑋𝑌) − (∑ 𝑋). (∑ 𝑌)

𝑟𝑥𝑦 =
√{𝑛. ∑ 𝑋2 − (∑ 𝑋)2}. √{𝑛(∑ 𝑋)2 (∑ 𝑌)2}

In which:

rxy = Correlation

coefficient X = Score items

Y = Total score

N = Number of samples

If test criteria r count > r table with a price of "r" at a

significant level of 0.05 then the measuring instrument is declared

valid, in the other hand, if r count < r table then the measuring instrument

is not valid. After testing as many as predetermined items, if there are

invalid items, they will be deleted immediately and only items that

have been declared valid for data collection are used for data


The validity test will be conducted on 20 students of twelfth-grade

students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in academic year of


2. Reliability

According to Sugiyono (2016) reliability test is conducted to

determine whether the results of the eXsting questionnaires can be trusted

to be processed into research results. Reliability is a measure that shows

that an instrument is reliable enough to be used as data collection tool

because the instrument is already good.

The reliability test of the research instrument uses the Cronbach's

Alpha formula. Cronbach's Alpha is a mathematical formula used to test

the level of reliability of the measure, where an instrument can be said to

be reliable if it has a reliability coefficient or alpha of 0.6 or more.

In order to simplify the calculation of the validity test and

reliability test, the authors use Microsoft Excel and SPSS Statistics

(Statistical Program of Social Science) 21.0 version for windows.

Following is the Alpha Cronbach formula:

𝑘 ∑ 𝑆𝑖
𝑟11 = [ ] . [1 − 𝑆𝑡
In which:

r11 = Reliability value

Si = The amount of variance in each item’s

score St = Total variance

k = Number of items

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

1. Univariate Analysis

Univariate data are presented in the form of frequency distribution

in each research variable that consists of Reading Habit Variable (X)

and Ability of Writing Caption (Y). The formula that is used:

𝑋= 𝑥𝐾

X = Percentage

f Variabel = Studied variable frequency

n = The amount of research sample

K = Constant (100%)

2. Bivariate Analysis

This research will use a basic correlation technique based on the

Product Moment Formula. The basic correlation formula is as follows:

𝑛(∑ 𝑋𝑌) − (∑ 𝑋). (∑ 𝑌)

𝑟𝑥𝑦 =
√{𝑛. ∑ 𝑋2 − (∑ 𝑋)2}. √{𝑛(∑ 𝑋)2 (∑ 𝑌)2}

In which:

rxy = Coefficient variable X and

Y X = Reading habit

Y = Ability of writing

caption N = Number of


The correlation range in this formula is 1.00 to 0.00, where 1.00

implies a strong correlation between the two variables and 0.00 indicates

no correlation at all. A table of correlation coefficients can be shown

below to provide a clearer explanation:

Table 6. Correlation Coefficient Table

Correlation Coefficient (r) Interpretation

0.00-0.20 Very low correlation
0.21-0.40 Low correlation
0.41-0.70 Moderate correlation
0.71-0.90 High correlation
0.91-1.00 Very high correlation


A. Research Result

In this chapter, the study investigates whether there is a relationship

between students' reading habits and their writing caption on instagram. To

obtain data from this research, the researcher used two kinds of instruments in

data collection, namely a reading habit questionnaire and a writing test. As

mentioned in the previous chapter, this study was conducted to find out

whether there is a relationship between students' reading habits and their

writing skills in caption on instagrams. The researcher gave a reading habit

questionnaire consisting of 35 items and then asked them to fill out a

questionnaire based on their real life. After that, the researcher asked the

students to write a caption on instagram. The discussion is divided into

descriptive data of students' reading habits, ability to write caption on

instagram and correlation analysis. The researcher analyzed the students'

reading habits based on the results of the questionnaire and the students'

writing skills based on the results of the writing test. The data were analyzed

using SPSS version 26 software. The results of students' reading habits and

writing skills will be explained as follows.

1. Questionnaire Data Analysis

Based on the data from the questionnaire results then two stages of

analysis were carried out on the data, namely the validity test and the

reliability test.

a. Validity Test

The validity test was carried out with the help of SPSS version 26.

Validity testing is carried out to determine whether a questionnaire is

valid or not from each of these variables. This validity test uses the

Pearson Product Moment correlation, which is the correlation

between questions with a total score. The test uses a significance level

(𝖺) = 0.05 which is commonly used and the number of samples (n) =

13, 13, 9 respondents so that the rtable is 0.55 and 0.66 The results of

the validity test are shown in Table 4.1

Table 4.1 Questionnaire Validity Test Results

Questionnaire rcount rtable Conclusion

1 0.88 0.55 Valid

2 0.69 0.55 Valid

3 0.88 0.55 Valid

4 0.72 0.55 Valid

5 0.64 0.55 Valid

6 0.88 0.55 Valid

7 0.88 0.55 Valid

8 0.74 0.55 Valid

9 0.88 0.55 Valid

10 0.91 0.55 Valid

11 0.81 0.55 Valid

12 0.88 0.55 Valid

13 0.67 0.55 Valid

14 0.78 0.55 Valid

15 0.78 0.55 Valid

16 0.78 0.55 Valid

17 0.78 0.55 Valid

18 0.78 0.55 Valid

19 0.76 0.55 Valid

20 0.81 0.55 Valid

21 0.81 0.55 Valid

22 0.81 0.55 Valid

23 0.73 0.55 Valid

24 0.71 0.55 Valid

25 0.62 0.55 Valid

26 0.56 0.55 Valid

27 0.80 0.66 Valid

28 0.67 0.66 Valid

29 0.87 0.66 Valid

30 0.74 0.66 Valid

31 0.87 0.66 Valid

32 0.75 0.66 Valid

33 0.73 0.66 Valid

34 0.76 0.66 Valid

35 0.74 0.66 Valid

Based on Table 4.1, it can be seen that all questionnaire questions

have valid status because the r-count value of each item has a greater

value than the r-table value.

b. Reliability Test

Reliability tests were carried out on instruments that had

previously been declared valid. A variable is said to be valid if the

answers to the questions are always consistent. To measure

reliability by using statistical test is Cronbach Alpha (𝖺). A variable

is said to be reliable if it has a Cronbach Alpha value of more than

0.6. To test the reliability of the instrument, the analysis was carried

out with the help of SPSS version 26. The results of reliability

testing for the questionnaire results can be seen in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Cronbach Alpha Reliability Test Results

Based on the results of the reliability test in Table 4.2, the value

of is 0.758. The results are declared reliable because > 0.6. So it can

be concluded that, these results prove that all statements in the

questionnaire are declared reliable.

2. Writing Test Analysis

For this stage, the researcher asked students to give the task of writing

a caption on Instagram with the length of words at least 80 words and at

most 120 words. In this study, students will be asked to write a caption

on instagram to find out student’s writing ability.

Table 4.2 Writing Test Results
Student Result Conclusion

1 13 Moderate

2 12 Moderate

3 13 Moderate

4 15 Good

5 18 Good

6 25 Very Good

7 16 Good

8 15 Good
3. Correlation
Analysis 9 19 Good

Prior 10 22 Very Good to the

correlation 11 24 Very Good analysis, the

12 26 Very Good
correlation prerequisite
13 12 Moderate
test was conducted,
14 9 Moderate
namely the normality test,
15 7 Poor
linearity test.
16 18 Good
a. Normality Test
17 16 Good
The normality
18 11 Moderate
test in 19 11 Moderate this study used

the 20 16 Good Shapiro-Wilk

21 18 Good normality test

22 11 Very Good because the

sample 23 28 Very Good used was 35

24 26 Very Good
respondents. A
25 19 Good
data distribution is
26 17 Good
said to be normally
27 19 Good
distributed if it
28 10 Moderate
has a significance
29 26 Very Good
value 30 12 Moderate
of more

than 31 28 Very Good 0.05. For

32 13 Moderate
normality, the analysis was carried out with the help of SPSS version

26. The results of testing the normality of data distribution can be

seen in Table 4.7.

Table 4.3 Normality Test Results

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 48.448 1 48.448 .130 .725b
Residual 4086.475 11 371.498
Total 4134.923 12
a. Dependent Variable: TotalX
b. Predictors: (Constant), TotalY

Based on Table 4.3, the significance level for the reading variable

is 0.725 or greater than 0.05. So that the distribution of data on the

reading habit variable is declared to be normally distributed. If the

significance value > 0.05 then the data distribution was normally

distributed, then the test will use the paired sample t-test. However, if

the significance value < 0,05 then the data distribution is not normally


b. Linearity Test

The linearity test aims to determine the relationship between

the reading habit variable and the writing test variable in the form of a

straight line that is linear or non-linear. The researcher used SPSS

version 26. The results of the linearity of the data are shown in Table


Table 4.4 Linearity Test Results

Based on Table 4.4, the significance level of deviation from

linearity is 0.249 or more than 0.05. So it can be concluded that there

is a significant linear relationship between the variables of reading

habit and writing test.

The basis for decision making in the linearity test is if the

probability value is > 0.05 then the relationship between the variables

(X) and (Y) is linear.

c. Spearman Correlation Test Analysis

The correlation test analysis method used is the Spearman

correlation test. This analysis is included in the non-parametric

analysis. Spearman's non-parametric analysis was chosen because to

perform this test it is not necessary to assume that the data distribution

must be normally distributed, whereas in the previous test there was a

distribution of data on the writing test variable that was not normally

distributed when the Shapiro-Wilk normality test was performed. The

analysis was carried out with the aid of SPSS version 26. The results

were then compared with the interval table shown in Table 4.9.
Table 4.5 Correlation Coefficient Table

Correlation Coefficent (r) Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Very low correlation

0.21 – 0.40 Low correlation

0.41 – 0.70 Moderate correlation

0.71 – 0.90 High correlation

0.91 – 1.00 Very high correlation

The correlation coefficient results from the Spearman

correlation test will be compared with Table 4.9 to determine the

relationship criteria. The correlation range in this formula is 1.00 to

0.00, where 1.00 implies a strong correlation between the two

variables and 0.00 indicates no correlation at all The results of the

Spearman correlation test are shown in Table 4.10.

Table 4.6 Spearman's Non-Parametric Correlation Test Results

Based on Table 4.6 the resulting correlation coefficient is

0.108. These results indicate that the correlation coefficient falls into

the interval 0.00-0.20 with a very low correlation interpretation. In

other words, the relationship between reading habits and the ability to write

caption on instagrams students grade 10A, 10B, and 10C has a very low

correlation. Very low correlation means that students' reading habits and

writing skills are still below average. There are some students who have good

reading habits but not with writing skills. From the other hand, some children

have low reading habits but excellent writing abilities.

B. Discussion

There were three findings of this research. First, the reading habit of the 10 is

quite good, some students have good reading habits, but some students still have

inadequate reading habits. Second, the students' ability in writing caption on

instagrams of the 10 grade is quite good, but some students have inadequate writing

skills. And the last, there was very low correlation between students’ reading habit

and writing. It can be concluded that the significance between students' reading habits

and their ability to write in caption on instagrams is still very low.

In this study, there are two instruments used, namely a questionnaire used to

measure the level of reading habits and a writing test to measure the level of ability to

write caption on instagrams. The two instruments were used and distributed to 35

respondents. In the questionnaire instrument, there are 35 questions from 5

indicators and use a 4-point Likert scale. To test the quality of the questionnaire

instrument, validity and reliability were tested and resulted in a valid and reliable

questionnaire for use. The google form platform is also used in the writing test

instrument where the respondents are required to write fairy tale text on the form. The

analysis is carried out by evaluating the work of the respondents. The assessment is

carried out by one of the lecturers, taking into account several aspects of the

assessment including content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

The results of the data collection were then used as material to test the correlation
between reading habits and writing skills of caption on instagrams.

Based on the results of the normality test, it shows a significance value for the

reading habit variable scale 0.725> 0.05, then for the writing test variable scale 0.130

> 0.05. Because the significant value on the writing test scale is smaller than 0.05, it

can be concluded that the data is not normally distributed and does not meet the

normality test assumption.

While the linearity test of the data between the reading habit and writing test

variables above obtained a significance value of 0.525 ≥ 0.05, then the variable data

between reading habit and writing test has a linear relationship. Based on the results

of the data assumption test conducted through the linearity test of the distribution of

the decision-making and problem-solving variables, it is stated to be linear.

The results of the research on the prerequisite test between the normality test and

the linearity test show that there is data that is not normally distributed

but linear, the research hypothesis test using Pearson Product Moment parametric

analysis cannot be used, so to test the hypothesis based on the results of the normality

and linearity test assessment, it is necessary to do an analysis non-parametric, which

is the non-parametric test from Pearson is the Spearman test. The translation is based

on the results of the correlation test using Spearman's analysis, the correlation

coefficient value is 0.136. So the conclusion of the hypothesis test with the SPSS

version 26 application program is that the correlation between reading habits and the

ability to write caption on instagrams in students of the 2B English Education Study

Program is very low correlation.

The findings of this research confirmed some theories from experts. According to

Cunningham, a good reading habit is necessary for a healthy intellectual growth and

plays a very crucial role in enabling a person to achieve practical efficiency.

Furthermore, an individual's interests are determined to a considerable extent by the

amount he will read and the intensity with which he will pursue his reading activity.
By reading books, one gets confirmation or rejection of one's own ideas, which makes

one think more critically about right and wrong in the society. Reading proviđes

people with a sense of values, which enable them gradually to develop the greatest of

all virtues, that is the ability to understand rather than condemn. Books can also be

very comforting. especially at times when one doubts one's self and one's beliefs.

Pleasure reading furthers the development of reading as life-long habit which

strengthens both language skills and fluency noted that children improve their

reading skill when they read for pleasure. Reading volume both inside and outside the

school has a significant impact on the development of reading speed and fluency,

vocabulary, general knowledge overall verbal ability and academic achievements

(Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, 1998)

Reading habit refers to the behavior , which expresses the likeness of reading and

tastes of reading. Reading is one of the most effective ways to become good readers

and good spellers, an adequate vocabulary, advanced grammatical competence and

develop a good writing style as well. Writing style does not come from actual writing

experience, but from reading.

Moreover, this research finding is also in line with some previous studies result.

First, a study by Wahyuni Anggeriyanti (2017) entitled “The Relationship between

Students’ Reading habit and Writing Skills”, the results of this study the researcher

found that there was a relationship between students' reading habits and their writing

skills, namely that the reading relationship had a positive impact on writing skills.

The second researcher who examined correlation between reading habit and writing is

Pudan Doli Situmorang (2013) about “ The Relationship Between Reading Habits

and Ability Writing Narrative Students of Ninth Grade SMP Tunas Harapan, the

result of this study the researcher found that there was a relationship between reading

habits and the ability to write narrative essays in students of ninth grade SMP Tunas

Harapan is important. It can be concluded that the more students read, the better their
narrative writing skill.

Reading can be defined as the process of extracting or building meaning from a

simple sentence or a group of words (Seyler, 2004). Reading is defined as a process

in which readers derive meaning from the words they read. Furthermore, readers can

get the idea from certain words in the text. As a result, when reading, readers should

take an active role in extracting meaning from the text. Therefore, if someone has a

good reading habit, they will be rich in knowledge which can help them in writing


Next, Owusu-Acheaw and Larson conducted a study on Reading Habits among

Students and Their Effects on Academic Performance: A Study of Students at

Koforidua Polytechnic. Its goal was to look into the students' reading habits and how

they influenced their academic achievement. A questionnaire was used to collect

information. The findings revealed that most of the respondents admitted that reading

was important (81.9%) and some respondents (62.0%) revealed that they did reading

only for the purpose of passing examination. Also, another finding pointed out that

reading habit influenced the academic performance and it was found that there was a

relationship between reading habit and academic performance.

In addition, Akarsu and Danyemez also conducted a research entitled The

Reading Habits of University Studying English Language and Literature in the

Digital Age. The aim is to learn about the reading habits and attitudes of Ataturk

University students studying English Language and Literature. This study also

investigates the effect of using the internet and other alternative multimedia resources

on reading habits. The instrument used was a questionnaire distributed to 76 students.

They were randomly selected as the subjects of this study. It came to the conclusion

that media and technology influenced the reading habits of the respondents. Most of

the respondents revealed that they often do reading activities through the internet

such as reading online news, and checking email.

From the explanation above, the researcher found that the significance between

students' reading habits and their ability to write in caption on instagrams was still

very low. So it can be concluded that students' writing process can also be influenced

by the texts they read, because there are types of genres in each text. Students will

know a lot of new vocabulary and structures acquired through reading and will be

very helpful for writing a text. In addition, students must realize the importance of

why they must cultivate an interest in reading to achieve good reading habits.

Reading aims to increase knowledge, learn vocabulary, write and practice


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Appendix 1.

Variables Operational Indicators Items Instrument Scale

Students A repeat action of 1. Attitude 5 Questionnaire Ordinal
Reading reading that toward
Habit (X) conducted by the reading
students without 2. Reading 5
concerning why this frequency
self-concept must 3. Books read 5
happen. In routinely, 4. Time spent 10
regularly repeated 5. Motivation 10
and occur

Ability of The ability to write a 1. Content Test Ordinal

Writing short piece of text 2. Organization
Caption underneath the picture 3. Vocabulary
(Y) in Instagram 4. Grammar
5. Mechanic


A. Student’s Identity:
1. Name :
2. Class :
3. Age :
4. Sex :

B. Instructions
1. Fill in your identity completely and correctly
2. Read each statement carefully
3. Answer the statements honestly, based on the conducted learning
and teaching activity
4. Give checklist () on the appropriate answer
a. Very Often (VO)
b. Often (O)
c. Seldom (S)
d. Never (N)
a. Attitude Toward Reading
1. I keep reading English book even though
English is difficult.
2. I visit library or bookstore to find English
3. I read English book because it is my hobby.
4. I feel happy if the teacher gives assignment
to read English book.
5. I’m not good reader I just read English text
on the mood.
b. Reading Frequency
6. I read a book including print, audiobooks,
and e-books almost everyday
7. I read English book to spend my spare time.
8. I read English articles even if only one
article a day.
9. I spend at least 15-30 minutes to read
English book every day.
10. I never read English text every month and I
prefer playing the game to reading English

c. Books read
11. I enjoy to read English book.
12. I have read at least two English books so
13. I think that reading English book is more
fun than playing.
14. When I get bored, reading English text is
one of the activities that reduce boredom
15. I read 2 English book in month and some
page in day.
d. Time Spent
1) Time spent on academic reading
16. Twice a day I read English material about
pronouns and verb in the classroom.
17. I read dialogs about introduction for under
30 minutes in the classroom
18. I spent time to read grammar review in
English book for 2 – 3 hours
19. I read recount text for 30 minutes in the
20. when start the lesson I read English
textbook for 2 hour.
2) Time spent on non-academic reading
21. Every day I read magazine at the library
22. Once every 3 days I read novel from the
23. I spent time to read online article for 30
minutes to one hour.
24. More than one hour I read breaking news
from the internet
25. Sometimes I read caption English on
instagram when I break time
e. Motivation
1) Motivation in the family environment
26. I am one of the children who like to read in
my family.
27. My family encourage me to read in
spending my leisure time.
28. My parents often buy a book for me.
29. My parents provide a comfortable studying
room at home.
30. I never discussed with my family about
what books I buy and what books I read.
2) Motivation in the academic environment
31. I read because I want to be succesfull in my
academic achievement.
32. The school supports the students’ reading

interest by providing a good and

comfortable library.
33. I can get English book from school library.
34. I like to read because I want to improve my
35. My teacher always motivates me to read
English books every day and
recommends books to study.

Appendix 2.
Name :

Class :

Student Number :

Write a caption on your Instagram account about your experience with the length

of words at least 80 words and at most 120 words!


Who was involved ? …………………………………………

What happened ? …………………………………………

Where did this event take place ? …………………………………………

When and How did it happen ? …………………………………………


Important events in the ORDER …………………………………………

they happened …………………………………………

Use pas tense …………………………………………


Briefly summarise what happened …………………………………………


Appendix 3.

Writing Test Assessment Sheet

Writing Component Score Total Average

No. Name Class Classification
Content Organization Vocabulary Grammar Mechanic Score Score

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