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The Influence of Students’ Writing Skill Using Asynchronous Electronic

Discourse and It’s Influence on Their Writing Acheivement

(A Case Study at MAS Ar-Rosyidiyah Bandung)

A. Background of Research

Language is a tool to convey our ideas, messages, opinions, and way how to

get some information, explanation, and description. Now language is more than

just the tool for communication. Especially for English as the international

language, nowadays, it is one of the factors that are used to increase some aspects

of life such as economy, social, science and technology. English has an important

role in education. There are three categories of English a native language or first

language, a second language (ESL), and a foreign language (EFL). Furthermore,

as a member of ASEAN, at 2003 (AFTA) Indonesia will be a free area for

business and economics especially in trade. This happened due to cultures

globalization that will not probably be avoided. Without English competency, we

will found the obstacles in competing with them. Moreover, in Indonesia, it has

been taught as a foreign language. It is taught as a subject at elementary school,

junior and senior high school, and university.

Language skills is aspect skills were targeted the language learners.

Therefore, in education, teachers continually are trying to improve its success in

language learning through the attainment of language competence. It is the

curriculum for high school (SMA/MA) stated that the standards of competency

are as follows:

1. Listening: understanding oral discourse in delivery of news events, reports,

suggestions, story telling, speeches, interviews, discussions, seminars, and

readings of literary form of poetry, folklore, drama, short stories and novels.

2. Speaking: using oral discourse to express thoughts, feelings, and get acquainted

activities, discussion, story telling, presentation, and comment on poetry

readings and drama performances.

3. Reading: using many types of reading texts to understand texts written

discourse nonsastra form of graphs, tables, articles, editorial, text to speech, as

well as literary texts in the form poetry, tales, novels, biographies,

contemporary poetry, literature and the various forces of classical literature.

4. Writing: using many types of writen discourse to express mind, feeling, and

information in text form narration, description, exposition, argumentation, text

of speeches, proposals, mail service, trade letters, summaries, summaries,

minutes, reports, reviews, scientific papers, and various works of literature in

the form poetry, short stories, drama, criticism, and essays.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is once kind of media

which could prepare easy respons on students’ achievment. Moreover, ICT has

some ability such as saving and manipulating information which need apropriate.

Developing of ICT is growing easly, now technologies can easily holding and

presenting kind of media. In this problem Heinich, Molenda, & Russel,

(1996:228), said that:

It has ability to control and integrate a wide variety of media-still pictures,

graphics and moving images, as well as printed information. The computer
can also record, analyze, and react to student responses that are typed on a
keyboard or selected with a mouse.

This moment, ICT not only use as computation and word processor but also

as tool of social networks which might the students have an indirect socialization.

Learning and teaching activities contain some components, such as: goal,

teaching, material, teacher, students, method, media, lesson source, and

evaluation. Method is the practical of the objective of teaching in the classroom in

a variety of audiences and contexts. The objects are related to material,

sequencing, teacher-student roles and behaviors, linguistic and subject matter


Asynchronous learning is students centered teaching method that uses

online learning resource to facilitate information sharing in the outside the

constraints of time and place among a network of people (www.wikipediacom).

Asynchonous learning based on contructive teory, students centered that

emphesize the importance of reep to peer interaction. According to O’Banon and

Blanche W (207: 101) said that asynchronous communication occurs at random

time; all participants do not have to be at a computer at the same time. This

approach combined self study with asynchronous interaction to promote learning,

and can be used to facilitate learning in traditional education, distance education,

and continuoing education. The combine network of learners and electronicc

network which they comunnicate is asynchronous learning network.

The learning resource used to support asynchronous learning include email,

mailing list electronic, threaded conferencing system, online discussion board,

wiki and blog. The course management system such as CampusCruiser LMS,

blackboard, WebCT, Moodle and Sakai, have been develoving to support


interaction, to organize discussion, posting and reply messages, upload and acsess

multimedia. These asynchronous methods are sometimes communication

supplemented with synchronous component, included texts and voice, telephone

conversation, video confrence, and meeting in virtual space like Second Life,

where the discussin can be facilitated students group.

Considering that, the research will study and analyze the process of teaching and

the implementation of it that used by teacher and students in order to make the quality of

their capability in English higher, so that the title of the research is: “The Influence of

Students’ Writing Skill Using Asynchronous Electronic Discourse and It’s

Influence on Their Writing Achievement”.

B. Problem of Research
Based on the research background, the questions formulated in this research

are as follows:
1. What are the advanteges and disadvanteges in learning writing using

asynchronous electronic discourse?

2. How is the students’ writing achievement using asynchronous electronic

3. How is the significancy the students’ writing skill using asynchronous

electronic discourse?

C. Purpose of Research

In accordance with the main problem above, the purposes of the research


1. To know adntages and disadvanteges in learning writing using asynchronous

electronic discourse.

2. To know the students’ writing achievement using asynchronous electronic

3. To know the significancy the students’ writing skill using asynchronous

electronic discourse.
D. Significance of Research
This study is provided a theoretical contribution in the development of

management principles, especially using asynchronous electronic discourse

method on the students’ achievement in English learning, especially on the

Madrasah Aliyah Ar-Rosyidiyah.

Practical significance of this research is to be given as contributions are:

Adding insight and enrich knowledge, particularly for the implementation of

learning oriented theories of modern media. Moreover, to get an idea of how to

improve learning outcomes through media empowerment ICT is carried out in Ar-

Rosyidiyah MA Cibiru of Bandung on perspective an increase in student

achievement. Thus, the results of this research is expected to provide education

that were held in MA Ar-Rosyidiyah Cibiru Bandung, especially as one of the

educational institution that will give young generations that are dilligent.

Giving input to teachers in prepare the teaching and learning strategies

appropriate to use of media that can develop cognitive skills, affective and

psychomotor students.
E. Rationale

Media is a tool that has the function to convey the message delivered

teacher learning. Learning Media is a tool that serves to convey the message of

learning. Learning is a process of communication between learners, teachers and


teaching materials. Communication will not run without the help of tools or media


In detail, language learning through the attainment of language

competence, it is listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Writing skill is once of

language skill component. Writing is one way of making meaning from

experience for other and us. The students express their idea through their writing

and it might nake some mistake in writing English compositin. Mc Graw (1997:2)

said, “Writing is one of the most of powerful forms of expression.

Developing of information and communication technology such as

smartphone, notebook or tablet that is more modern, it has made developing of

social networks such as friendster, youtube, second life, facebook, twitter, etc. It

has brought change our culture. The culture that not general and popular like

writing is become advanced, however it”s only write in their status at social

networks, write an email, blog and some opinion. Computer technology and the

electronic writing they have enabled, significantly alter traditional conceptions of

writing. The effects of electronic writing on traditional text call for a re-

examination of the prevailing print metaphor for online writing. Social networks

are an invention that allows presenting some or all forms of stimulus on top of

that learning a foreign language would be more optimal.

Electronic learning is one of the most significant recent developments in

the some industry. The growth of asynchronous e-learning systems has presented

a unique challenge for both schools and industry. Methods of assessing the

effectiveness of e-learning systems are a critical issue in both practice and


According to Roblyer (2006: 223) asynchronous is from of distance

communications in which information and messages are left fot the receiver to

read later. Asynchronous learning is a not at this time. Learning method could be

done at a different time and a different place. Asynchronous learning is learning

method that focused to the students which is using studying online to facilitated

some information in the outside. The method is combine self learning system with

asynchronous interaction to leaning prometed and it can be done to facilitated

raditional learning (face to face), long distance and advance. The electronic to

communicate is called asynchronous learning.


Writing anthusisme The students’ achievement

 Attention  Grammar and style
 Motivation  Structure
 Curiousity  Case of pronouns
 Consentration  Comparison of adjectives
 Duration of activity  Formation of adverbs
 Situation  Formation of irregular verbs
 Patience  Testing the ability to organize
 Frequency materials
 Writing variation  Testing the mechanics of
 Purpose of writing writing


F. Procedurs of Research

1. Kind of Research

The researcher approach by researchers in this study is descriptive method

with quantitative because this research is described between a quality and

other variable. Quantitative method is giving message and knowledge that

the data was brought based on sample. Fact and data is getting when the

researcher has processed, analyzed, and made conclusion based on the

theory. Survey have done to know students’ indicates in order that could

get accurate research.

2. Population and Sample

According to Burns (2000:83) population is an entire a group of people or

subject or event which all has at least: one characteristic in common, and

must be defined specially and unambiguously. Population is totally of all

possible values, the result of computation and measurement, the

qualitative and quantitative concerning with the definite characteristic

about the conclusion of clear and complete object (Sudjana 1982:5). On

the other hand Hassan Gaos (1983:5) defines population as totality object

in term of people, object a certain and occurrences to which the

investigator will apply his conclusion to them.


On this study, the population that will be investigated in this study is the

second grade in MA Ar-Rosyidiyah Cibiru Bandung. The total population

of this investigation is …. students.

3. Technique of Data Collection

a. Observation
This observation is know the objective condition of internet

through asynchronous electronic discourse and to study the literature in

to get the data that have correlation with the problem, analysis is done

through direct observation data on teaching and learning activities in

the form of guidelines for observation.

b. Writing test
The written test is used to determine student learning outcomes or

students' motivation in learning writing skill using asynchronous

electronic discourse.
c. Questionnaire
Questionnaire serves as a data collection tool, experience,

knowledge, understanding, attitudes and opinions about something.

Questionnaires have given to students to fill out, to know the student

responses about eksperiment inquiri approach in the learning process.

G. Analysis of Data

According to Arikunto quoted by Umar (1999:179) that the result of

instrument validity indicates the data collection is not far from the core variable.
The measurement tools to observe the correlation of both variables that used in
the research is Pearson Product Moment, with the form:

n .  XY   X . Y
n .  X   X  . n .  Y   Y 
2 2 2 2


rxy = Koefisien correlation Pearson.

X = Instrumen skor that will be used.

Y = All instrumen item in that variable

N = Respondent total

Reliability is indeks that indicates the measurement tools can be used. If the
measurement tools used twice to measure the same event and the result of
measurement is consistent, so the measurement tools are realible (Singarimbun
dan Effendi, 1995; 140). Both of the skor, the researcher looking for the
correlation with the form of Spearman brown (Arikunto, 1998 :145):

Keterangan :

rb = 2(rtt) rb : realibilities core

1+ rtt
r tt : coerelation of the first and the second


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O’Banon, Blanche W. (2007) Preparing to use Technology: a Practical Guide to

Curriculume Intergaration. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Roblyer, M. D. (2006) Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. USA:

Pearson Education, Inc.

Subana, dkk. (2000) Statistik Pendidikan. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

Sugiyono. (2008) Metode penelitian Pendidikan (pendekatan Kualitatif,

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