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Length: 180-200 words (2 paragraphs)
Extra writing topics

1. Describe favorite traditional festival in your country

2. Describe your favorite invention/ discovery.
3. Describe your favorite technology product. (What it looks like, how it works, how it is,
whether it works well, guarantee?)
4. Describe a new invention of yourself. (what it is, how it works,…)
5. Advantages and disadvantages of banning text messages while driving.
6. Describe a famous place of your country with its geographical features.


My favorite camera is the Nikon D850, a powerhouse in the world of DSLRs. Its sleek,
black body exudes professionalism and durability. The camera features a large, high-
resolution 45.7-megapixel full-frame sensor, ensuring stunning image quality with
exceptional detail and dynamic range. Its ergonomic design makes it comfortable to
hold for extended shooting sessions, with intuitive controls that allow for effortless
customization of settings. The D850 boasts impressive autofocus capabilities, with 153
focus points and advanced tracking technology, making it ideal for capturing fast-
moving subjects with precision.

Functionally, the Nikon D850 is a versatile tool suitable for various photography genres,
from landscapes to portraits to sports. Its robust build quality inspires confidence in its
performance, even in challenging shooting conditions. Nikon provides a standard one-
year warranty with the D850, offering peace of mind to users in case of any
manufacturing defects. Overall, the Nikon D850 stands as a top choice for
photographers seeking uncompromising image quality, reliability, and versatility in a
professional-grade camera.

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