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Jeff, Daryl, Manu

Eleanor Rigby (Lennon and McCartney)

Genre: the rock and pop sub-genre.

Audience: The intended audience is the general public, especially those who
enjoy rock and pop music or fans of the band that performed this song. But also
lonely people.
Purpose: The song is meant to entertain listeners with its catchy tune. It also
makes people think about loneliness and isolation. By asking "Where do they all
come from? Where do they all belong?", it makes us think about why people
feel lonely and where they fit in society. The song could be seen as asking us to
be more understanding and empathetic towards these people.
Authorship: The authors of these lyrics are the members of The Beatles, a
famous British rock band.
Contexts: The lyrics center on two characters, Eleanor Rigby and Father
McKenzie, who led lives lonely.
Layout and Structure:

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