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Survey Analysis:

The survey data gathered on "Entertainment Activities That Create Lasting Impressions Among
Groups of Friends in Malta" provides a rich and detailed understanding of the preferences of mainly
younger Maltese residents when it comes to their group activities.
Predominantly, respondents fall into the 18-24 age range, showcasing a youthful demographic with a
zest for a variety of group activities. Popular choices include sports, dining out, arts and crafts,
adventure pursuits, and video gaming, indicating a preference for activities that blend physical
exertion with social interaction.
The frequency of these activities typically ranges from weekly to bi-weekly, involving group sizes of
anywhere between 2 to 10 people. This regular participation underscores the social nature of these
engagements, serving as a pivotal means of connection and communal bonding.
When it comes to financial commitment, there is a general consensus to spend between €10 and €20
per person, for activities lasting about 1 to 2 hours. This preference highlights the desire for activities
that are affordable and don't require a significant time commitment, fitting seamlessly into the daily
routines of young adults.
A standout feature of the survey was its focus on quantitative data, which can be easily statistically
analysed. However, one particular question deviated from this format by being qualitative,
specifically asking respondents to emphasize the key element that makes an activity unforgettable.
This qualitative insight captures the emotional and social factors that elevate ordinary activities into
memorable experiences, highlighting the importance of emotional engagement and social
A notable point of contention among the survey participants is the need for more innovative and
diverse activities in Malta. Many express dissatisfaction with the current offerings, pointing to a
significant gap in the market for unique and varied experiences that could spice up the social scene.
The elements that make an activity truly memorable for these groups revolve significantly around the
emotional and social benefits—laughter, teamwork, and shared memories top the list. This insight is
crucial for businesses and event organizers, as it emphasizes the importance of creating activities that
not only entertain but also foster emotional connections and enhance social bonds.
Finally, while there are mixed feelings about the sufficiency of current entertainment options, the call
for more creativity and variety is loud and clear. This presents a golden opportunity for local
enterprises and community planners to innovate and cater to these unmet needs, potentially
revitalizing the community's social landscape and enriching the lives of its youthful populace.
Relation to business idea:
Understanding the preferences from the survey, it's clear that setting the price for the activity sessions
between €10 and €30 will align with customer expectations for affordability. This range is especially
attractive for young adults seeking unique entertainment options without a hefty price tag. Aligning
the activity duration to 1-2 hours matches perfectly with the survey feedback, fitting seamlessly into
the busy schedules of our target demographic.
The standout demand for more innovative entertainment solutions in Malta positions this activity as a
fresh and exciting choice. This novelty is not just about offering a new type of entertainment but about
creating an experience that fosters emotional engagement through laughter, teamwork, and shared
memories—elements that are deeply valued by our audience. These are the moments that transform a
simple outing into a memorable event, and they will be at the core of our marketing message.
To ensure the experience remains compelling, I plan to keep the format adaptable, possibly
introducing themes or special event nights that cater to different group interests and occasions. This
flexibility will not only help in maintaining high interest and repeat visits but also allow us to
continuously tap into new audience segments.
The focus will be on its ability to strengthen social bonds and create fun stories, appealing directly to
groups looking for meaningful and engaging social interactions. This tailored marketing approach,
combined with our strategic session pricing and duration, is designed to make this activity beloved
and sought-after in Malta’s entertainment landscape.
In conclusion, the research met our every expectation and the results achieved align immensely with
our goals therefore no modifications to our business idea are needed, however closer focus will be put
on keeping the price low whilst also keeping the duration long.

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