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Lift assessment – Tuesday 24/10 14:00

General instructions (used for every lift)

Introduction - Introduce your self
- Exercise and muscle groups + the purpose of the exercise.
- The overall plan
- Client health status + prior experience + Injuries
- Equipment, safety

Exercise - 6-8 reps with the correct technique

demonstration - Only give short cues.
- Breathing

Exercise - See information below for each lift

explanation - Use how and why !!
- Explain safety issues for the lift.

Client - Watch from multiple angles

execution of - Give cues

Conclusion -

Client execution of exercise


 Start with minimal load (reduce risk of intensity) move on to moderate intensity 3-4
around 10-12

Goals are related to:
 Strength
o Reps: 3-5
o Intensity: above75%1RM
o Sets: 4
o Rest: 2-3 minutes
 Power:
o Reps: 3-5
o Intensity: above 75% 1RM
o Sets: 4
o Rest: 2-3 minutes
 Hypertrophy
o Reps: 8-12
o Intensity: 70-80 %1RM
o Set: 3
o Rest: 90 sec
 Endurance:
o Reps: 15-20
o Intensity: 50-70
o Sets: 3 sets
o Rest: 30 seconds.

Lift manual

Safety & spotting

Lower body lifts

Barbell back squat
Muscle groups Glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps
- Core stability
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Body position is extremely important  avoid injuries.
- Neutral spine
- Bar height – mid chest
- Hold chest up – contract scapulae
- Rest the bar on the middle of trapezius (upper back muscle)
- Small steps backwards  feet shoulder with apart Toes pointing
- Look forward
- Heels in the ground – weight over the middle of the foot

- Lower until thighs are parallel to the ground
- Knees stay over the angles  “not falling towards each other ”
- Nice and controlled – no bounce
Progression and Bodyweight squat (no weight)
regression Goblet squat (dumbbell)
Barbell box squat (reduced range of motion)
Barbell backsquat

Barbell lunge
Muscle groups Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps
- Core for stability
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Body position is extremely important  avoid injuries.
- Neutral spine  vertical back
- Bar height – mid chest
- Hold chest up – contract scapulae
- Rest the bar on the middle of trapezius (upper back muscle)
- Small steps backwards  feet shoulder with apart Toes pointing
- Look forward

- Long step forward  toes pointing forward.

- Knee over ankle  front heel in the ground
- Continue until thigh is parallel to the floor
Progression and Stationary lunge (split squat
regression Bodyweight lunge
Dumbbell lunge
Barbell lunge

Barbell bent leg deadlift.

Muscle groups Posterior chain, erector spinae, Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps.
- Core for stability
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Feet shoulder with apart – toes pointed out slightly
- Grip slightly wider than shoulder with
- Shoulders vertically above the bar
- Head looking forward
- Back in the natural curvature  contract scapulae

Movement: Bar moving vertical!!!

- UP: Extend hip first  then knees
- Exhale at top
- DOWN: Bend knees  then hip
Progression and Dowel hip hinge
regression Kettlebell deadlift from a weight plate
Barbell deadlift from a elevated starting point
Barbell deadlift

Upper body lifts
Barbell bench press
Muscle groups Chest, shoulders
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Eyes under bar
- Grip slightly wider than shoulder with
- 4 contact points
- Contract scapulae

- DOWN: forearms perpendicular and parallel (45degrees)
- lightly touch the chest
Progression and Machine chest press
regression Body weight push-ups
Barbell floor press
Barbell bench-press

Barbell bent over row

Muscle groups Back, shoulder, upper arms
- Core stability
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Feet shoulder width apart  toes pointed out
- Lift bar to standning – contract scapula bent over
- 90 degrees in the hip
- Neutral spinal position
- “pull with elbows” avoid biceps targeted to much
- Pause at top
Progression and Machine seated row
regression Single arm dumbbell incline 3 point row
Single arm bent over row
Barbell bent over row

Standing barbell shoulder press

Muscle groups Shoulder, upper arms upper, back
- Core stability
Overall explanation Cues
of the exercise - Grip, slightly wider than shoulders
- Feet, shoulder with apart
- Contract abs for stabilization
- DO NOTLean back  prevent injury

- Extend elbows  pull neck back, bar clears the face.
- Pause at top
Progression and Machine shoulder press
regression Seated barbell shoulder press
Standing dumbbell shoulder press
Standing barbell shoulder press

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