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Nama : Alim Khoirun Ni’am

NIM : 042112194
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201.48/Bahasa Inggris Niaga 48


A. If the idea like Marshall Plan is implemented in less developed countries, this world
would be a better place.

I agree with that statement. This can be seen from the definition of the Marshall Plan,
which is the realization of the economist John Maynard Keynes' thought to boost
aggregate demand. This thinking is contrary to the classical belief "supply creates its
own demand". It turned out that Keynes was right, the program during 1948-1952
boosted the fastest economic growth in Western European history. Industry soared 35
percent, agricultural production surpassing the pre-war era. Hunger disappeared, and
poverty also fell drastically.

The Marshall Plan also aims to increase European agricultural and industrial
productivity and revive the chemical, machinery and steel industries. But mainly, the
Marshall Plan aims to strengthen the influence of the US to the Western Bloc
On the political side, the US aid through the Marshall Plan made Western Europe not
need to save money on people's welfare costs and this in turn brought political
stability. As a result, the influence of communists in Western Europe declined
drastically and the popularity of communist parties in several European countries also

So, if ideas like the Marshall Plan are implemented in less developed countries,
perhaps economic growth can be evenly distributed, and people's welfare and
prosperity can also be achieved.

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