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Nama Mahasiswa : Alya Sety Asih

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 045337495

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah :ADBI4201/Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 23/Bogor

Masa Ujian : 2023/2024 Ganjil (2023.2)


1. A. If the idea like Marshall Plan is implemented in many poor African countries, this
world would be a better place.
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?
Answer : A.four-year program proposed by U.S. Secretary of state George C. Marshall on
June 5, 1947, and instituted at the Paris Economic Conference in July 1947 to provide
foreign assistance to seventeen western and southern European nations during World
War II reconstruction. Implemented by the Economic Cooperation Administration, it was
created to restore economic stability in Europe and to facilitate foreign trade, and it
dispensed over $13 billion between 1948 and 1951. It was also designed to contain
Soviet and communist expansionism. It was a predecessor of NATO and the Atlantic
alliance, Probably the most successful programme of international aid and nation
building in history. It was named after General George Marshall, an American secretary
of state, who at the end of the Second World War
proposed giving aid to Western Europe to rebuild its war-torn economies. North
America gave around 1% of its GDP in total between 1948 and 1952; most of it came
from the United States and the rest from Canada. The Americans left it to the Europeans
to work out the details on allocating aid, which may be why, according to most
economic analyses, it achieved more success than latter day aid programmes in which
most of the decisions on how the money is spent are made by the donors. The main
institution through which aid was administered was the Organization for European
Economic Co-operation (OEEC), which in 1961 became the OECD. Nowadays, whenever
there is a proposal for the international community to rebuild an economy damaged by
war, such as Iraq's in 2003, you are sure to hear the phrase "new Marshall Plan”. I do
agree with the statement. One of the purposes of Marshall Plan was to rebuild the
economic in Western Europe countries by sent them food, fuel, machinery and money.
If similar idea is implemented in many poor African countries will be helping them to
speed up the economic growth in those countries. Food can create food security to the
people of those country, so they can focus on creating the opportunity for them self or
others, no more hunger. Fuel and machinery obviously can increase productivity and
then can increase the income of people, and this can make economic cycle increasing
Money can be used to build infrastructure such as road and build better education and
health facility. Infrastructure can make people and products movement easier. Healthy
and educated people are the keys to increase creativity and productivity. By all these
reasons, if similar plan implemented in African countries or any other underdeveloped
countries could make this world a better place.

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